Category:Iron Kingdoms
From Anu Anu RPG
Revision as of 21:21, 29 June 2012 by (talk)
- Steam Union - Werkzeuge und Mechanika
- Iron Engines - 'Jacks
- Willet and Sons Wagoneering - Preise für Kutschen, Fahrzeuge und Passagen, Fahrzeugregeln
- Dockworks - Preise für Schiffe, Segel- & Navigationsregeln
- Crucible Guild - Apothekarium und Alchemie
- Pit's Pistols - Büchsenmacherei und Munitionsverarbeitung
- Quat Market - Allgemeine Preislisten, IK-spezifische Handelswaren
- Mme Victoria's Tailoring - Kleidung und Accessoirs, von der Stange oder nach Maß
- Rancher's Market - Preise für Reit & Nutztiere, Templates für Pferde
- Gambling Hall - Würfel-, Karten- und andere Spiele in West Immoren
- Smoke Emporium - Reguläre und Arkane Zigarren
- Kathedral Archives - Theologie und Heilige
- Librarium - Blaupausen, Bücher und Broadsheets
- Professor Julius "Jules" Vurne, Scholar Inventor (lvl 10)
- Ambernir, Rhulic Junker (lvl 6)
Covenant of Cyriss
- Optifex Valizia Danar, Emissary of the Maiden (lvl 10)
- Optifex Agatha d'Laureen, Cygun (lvl 10)
- Ancient Adept Elyssa of Hawthorne (lvl 10)
- The Matryoshka, High Gearwarden (lvl 10)
- Covennat Servitor Squads
Duellist Scene
- Roseric Julian Harper, Rouge Duellist (lvl 6)
- Andrej Kurnikov, Big-Game Hunter (lvl 6)
- Cry in the Night, Freelancing Gunmage (lvl )
- Marshal a.D. Rutherford Sunbright, Duelling Gentleman (lvl 7)
- Grodmar Silverforge, Rhulic Pistoleer (lvl )
- Symnelra, Gifted Halfelf-Hothead (lvl 8)
- Zachary d'Ravene, Roving Powder Grinder (lvl 10)
Bad Guys
- Gabriel Chendric, Thamarite Monk (lvl )
- Lucious Frostbourne, Infernalist Gunmage (lvl 8)
- Mesmero d'Freal, Hypnotiseur Noir (lvl 10)
- Sam Tex, Mad Bombermage (lvl )
- Cygnaran Army -
- Khadoran Army - Khossite Woodsman, Winter Guard, Widowmaker, Iron Fang, Man'o War, Assault Kommando, Manhunter, Kayazy Assassin
- Trollkin Kriels -
- Thornfall Alliance - Farrow Boss, Farrow Warlock, Farrow Bone Grinder, Razorback Crew, Slaughterhouser, Bone Gatherer, Brigand, Battle Boar, Cannon Boar, War Hog
- Idrian Tribes - Chieftain, Grand Shaman, Medicine Man, Oathkeeper, Ghost Warrior, Wild Rider, Dune Hunter, Brave, Tribal Warrior, Spirits
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
Pages in category "Iron Kingdoms"
The following 47 pages are in this category, out of 47 total.