Kathedral Archives
Reigious Icons & Gear:[edit]
Item Cost Weight Ascendant figurine 4+ gp 1-2 lb. Ascendant talisman 5 sp 1/2 lb. Healer’s kit 50 gp 1 lb. Holy symbol, wooden 1 gp — Holy symbol, silver 25 gp 1 lb. Morrow statue 10+ gp 3 lb. Scion figurine 15 gp 1-2 lb. Thamar statue 25+ gp 1-3 lb.
Scholastic Equipment:[edit]
Item Cost Weight Calligraphy set 10 gp 1/2 lb. Case, map or scroll 1 gp 1/2 lb. Chalk, 1 piece 1 cp — Coalpen 1 sp — Drafting tools 3 gp 5 lb. Fountain pen 3 sp — Ink (1 oz. vial) 8 gp — Magnifying glass 100 gp — Paper, rag (sheet) 1 cp — Paper, good (sheet) 5 cp — Paper, schem. (sheet) 1 sp — Parchment (sheet) 2 sp — Scribing Box 500 gp 75 lb. Sealing wax 1 gp 1 lb. Signet ring 5 gp — Spellbook, (blank) 15 gp 3 lb. Spell component pouch 5 gp 2 lb. Vial, ink or potion 1 gp 1/10 lb.
Ascendants and Scions[edit]
Ascendant Ellena[edit]
Patron of travelers and adventurers. Adversary of the Scion Aidan.
- Domain: Adveture, Travel
- Granted Ability: Evasion
- Bonus Feats: Improved Evasion
- Paragon Aura:
Ascendant Sambert[edit]
Patron of smiths, stonemasons and carpenters. Adversary of the Scion Stacia.
- Domain: Artifice, Strength
- Granted Ability: +4 divine bonus on Craft
- Bonus Feats: Craft Magic Arms+Armor, Forge Ring, Craft Mechanikal Construct, Craft Mechanikal Prothesis,
- Paragon Aura:
Ascendant Gordenn[edit]
Patron of farmers and family. Opposite to the Scion Delesle.
- Domain: Farmstead, Plants
- Granted Ability: Lifespan increase 10%
- Bonus Feats:
- Paragon Aura:
Ascendant Kathreena[edit]
Patron of valor, knighthood and paladins. Adversary of the Scion Khorva.
- Domain: Good, Righteousness
- Granted Ability: Smite Evil 1/day
- Bonus Feats:
- Paragon Aura:
Ascendant Solovin[edit]
Patron of battle chaplains and midwives. Adversary of the Scion Lukas.
- Domain: Healing
- Granted Ability: Cure Light Wounds 1/day
- Bonus Feats:
- Paragon Aura:
Ascendant Angellia[edit]
Patron of history, lore and knowledge. Opposite to the Scion Ekris.
- Domain: Knowledge
- Granted Ability: +4 divine bonus on Knowledge
- Bonus Feats:
- Paragon Aura:
Ascendant Shevann[edit]
Patron of merchants and bankers. Opposite to the Scion Bolis.
- Domain: Luck, Mercantilism
- Granted Ability: Appr. + Bluff are Class Skills
- Bonus Feats:
- Paragon Aura:
Ascendant Corben[edit]
Patron of alchemy, astronomy and wizardry. Opposite to the Scion Nivara.
- Domain: Magic
- Granted Ability: Brew Potion, or Scribe Scroll
- Bonus Feats:
- Paragon Aura:
Ascendant Rowan[edit]
Patron of the downtrodden and champion of the poor. Adversary of the Scion Drayce.
- Domain: Mendicant, Protection
- Granted Ability: Faithcast Magic Armor 1/day
- Bonus Feats:
- Paragon Aura:
Ascendant Doleth[edit]
Patron of sailors and fishermen. Tamer of the Ocean.
- Domain: Seafaring, Water
- Granted Ability: Swim is Class Skill, Waterbreating (Concentration DC 10)
- Bonus Feats:
- Paragon Aura:
Ascendant Markus[edit]
Patron of soldiers and town guards. Adversary of the Scion Roth
- Domain: War, Warriors
- Granted Ability: Martial Weapon Proficiency
- Bonus Feats: Any Weapon or Armor Proficiency
- Paragon Aura: