Steam Union
From Anu Anu RPG
Tools Prices[edit]
Item Cost Weight Alchemist's Beard 125 gp 1 lb. Alchemist's Cloak 90 gp 3 lb. Arcantric Torch (*) 125 gp 4 lb. Buzz Cutter (2d4) 185 gp 8 lb. Artisan’s tools 5 gp 5 lb. Artisan’s tools, mast. 55 gp 5 lb. Camera 300 gp 3 lb. Clockork toolkit 300-700 gp 15 lb. Coal Shovel (1d4) 1 gp 3 lb. Collapsing Shovel (1d3) 4 gp 2 lb. Crowbar 2 gp 5 lb. Foundry, portable 300 gp 50 lb. Gearstave (1d8/1d6) * 16 lb. Gunner's kit 100 gp 15 lb. Gunsmith' kit 150 gp 25 lb. Hand Pump 5 gp 2 lb. Hammer, simple (1d3) 2 gp 3 lb. Hammer, massive (1d6) 8 gp 6 lb. Hammer, Hydraul. (1d8) 120 gp 8 lb. Hourglass 25 gp 1 lb 'Jack Wrench (1d6) 15 gp 5 lb. Mechaniks Wrench (1d6) 20 gp 5 lb. Mechaniks Drill (1d8) 130 gp 6 lb. Mist-Piercer Goggles 2500 gp 1/2 lb. Multi-toolkit 300 gp 20 lb. Pick, miner’s (1d4) 3 gp 10 lb. Pocketwatch 150+ gp 1/2 lb. Prongs 4 gp 1 lb. Protective Goggles 2 gp 1/2 lb. Rivet Prongs 8 gp 2 lb. Rivet Gun (1d6) 80 gp 5 lb Saw, clockwork (1d8) 125 gp 10 lb. Saw, collapsing 8 gp 3 lb Scale, merchant’s 2 gp 1 lb. Sledge 1 gp 10 lb. Spade or shovel 2 gp 8 lb. Steam Ram (1d10) 145 gp 10 lb. Steam Shears (1d10) 165 gp 15 lb. Steamo toolkit 150 gp 15 lb. Trapmakers kit 500 gp 12 lb Tool, simple 2-8 gp * Tool, complex 10-25 gp * Tool, masterwork 50+ gp * Tool Harness 5 sp 1 lb. Toolblade (1d6) 50 gp 10 lb.
Industrial Equipment Prices[edit]
Item Cost Weight Alchemist’s lab eqipm. 500 gp 40 lb. Anvil 20 gp 30 lb Assembly Line 2000+ gp 300 lb. Calculat. Array, small 5000+ gp 20 lb. Calculat. Array, large 1000+ gp 1 t Clockwork Feeding Belt 750 gp 50 lb. Foundry tools 500-1000 gp 200 lb. Pneumatic Crane 8000 gp 1 t Pneumatic Pillars 2000 gp 600 lb. Pneumatic Pump 1000 gp 350 lb. Pneumatic Press 11000 gp 1 t Steam pipes (1 foot) 2 gp 6 lb. Steam Plant, portable 235 gp 20 lb. Steamengine, small 150 gp 20 lb. Steamengine, medium 300 gp 30 lb. Steamengine, large 500 gp 50 lb. Water clock 1000 gp 200 lb.
Raw Meterials Prices[edit]
All Raw Materials are Trade Goods
Item Cost Weight Coal, poor quality 2-4 cp 10 lb. Coal, common quality 5-8 cp 10 lb. Coal, factory grade 1 sp 1 lb. Coal, steel grade 2 sp 1 lb. Coal, compressed 5 sp 1 lb. Coal, alchem. enhanced 1 gp 1 lb. Dye, exotic (1 pint) 2 gp 1 lb. Dye, standard (1 pint) 2 sp 1 lb. Oil, barrel 10 gp 100 lb. Oil, can 1 sp 2 lb. Rivet, standard 2 sp 0,1 lb. Rivet, self-peening 2 gp 0,1 lb. Rivet, thorn 1 gp 0,1 lb.
Mechanikal Constructs[edit]
Cost Weight Small Manikin 200 gp 60 lb. STR 12, DEX 10, CON -, INT 2, WIS 10, CHA 1 CR 1, HD 1d10+10, AC 13, Spd 20, BAB +2 Medium Manikin 400 gp 120 lb. STR 14, DEX 10, CON -, INT 2, WIS 10, CHA 1 CR 2, HD 1d10+20, AC 12, Spd 30, BAB +2 Tiny Mite 100 gp 30 lb STR 10, DEX 16, CON -, INT 2, WIS 10, CHA 1 CR 1/2, HD 1d10/2, AC 15, Spd 20, BAB +2 Small Mite 200 gp 60 lb. STR 10, DEX 14, CON -, INT 2, WIS 10, CHA 1 CR 1, HD 1d10+10, AC 14, Spd 20, BAB +1 Medium Donkey 400 gp 150 lb. STR 16, DEX 10, CON -, INT 2, WIS 10, CHA 1 CR 3, HD 1d10+30, AC 12, Spd 40, BAB +2 Large Donkey 800 gp 210 lb. STR 18, DEX 10, CON -, INT 2, WIS 10, CHA 1 CR 4, HD 1d10+40, AC 11, Spd 40, BAB +2 Cyriss Orb * lb. STR , DEX , CON -, INT 2, WIS 10, CHA 1 CR , HD 1d10, AC , Spd , BAB +
Cost Devenrew Crank Engine 85 gp Rhulic Clockwork Mechanism 125 gp Sandleton Steam-Clockwork 175 gp Novotski Accumulo-Inducer 285 gp
Cost Weight Donkey Saddle 50 gp 30 lv. Donkey Saddlebags 5 gp 8 lb. Donkey Carriages 50 gp 20 lb. Equipment Mount 25 % * Porter Carriage 5 % 10 lb. Fortification 10 % 5 lb./AC+. Physical Augmentation 50 % 20 lb. Speed Augmentation 25 % 5 lb./5 f El. Resistance, lesser 2000 gp +10 % El. Resistance, greater 6000 gp +25 % Seeriesteel Plating 3000 gp +25 % Burdelwelle Alch. Trace 400 gp - Burdelwelle Sight Link 750 gp - Calculating Array 1000 gp 10 lb. Internal Chronometer 200 gp 2 lb. Jansenov's Eye 425 gp 5 lb. Jansenov's Recognizer 325 gp 5 lb. Miniature Cupernum Cortex 15000 gp 20 lb. Noise Bafflers 750 gp 2 lb Sound Gatherer 250 gp 5 lb. Taskplate, Custom 50 gp/SR - Taskplate, Blank 50 gp - Taskplate, Jame & Willet 250 gp -
Donkey Servitors[edit]
The Donkey is a new type of Servitor chassis developed originally by a cooperation of Rhulic and Llaelese Engineers shortly before the Khadoran occupation. After testing of the first prototypes and delivery of exactly nine completed models the workshop was pillaged by a brigade of Khadoran soldiers in search of spare parts for their own steam-powered constructs and armors. Only two of the engineers survied. The Dwarven Enginemaster * and a joung rynnish stapleboy named Jerad, originally hired as test-jockey were on a supply tour with two the prototypes.
- Mule
Cost: 1550 gp, Weight: 208 lb. STR 18, DEX 10, CON -, INT 2, WIS 10, CHA 1 CR 3, HD 1d10+30, AC 12, Spd 40, BAB +2 Devenrew Crank Engine Physical Augmentation Donkey Saddle, pack Donkey Saddlebags Jansenov's Recog. Sound Gatherer Task Plate (Listen +4)
- Pony
Cost: 2000 gp, Weight: 203 lb. STR 16, DEX 10, CON -, INT 2, WIS 10, CHA 1 CR 3, HD 1d10+30, AC 12, Spd 40, BAB +2 Rhulic Clockwork Engine Donkey Saddle, riding Donkey Saddlebags Jansenov's Eye Jansenov's Recognizr Sound Gatherer Task Plate (Listen +3, Spot +3)
- Steamsteed
Cost: 3750 gp, Weight: 268 lb. STR 18, DEX 10, CON -, INT 2, WIS 10, CHA 1 CR 4, HD 1d10+40, AC 11, Spd 50, BAB +2 Sandleton Steam-Clockwork Donkey Saddle, riding Speed Augmentation (10 ft.) Equipment Mount (Magn. Bullseye Lantern) Jansenov's Eye Jansenov's Recognizer Sound Gatherer Task Plate (Listen +4, Spot +4)
- 'Jackhorse
Cost: 4500 gp, Weight: 330 lb. STR 20, DEX 11, CON -, INT 2, WIS 10, CHA 1 CR 4, HD 1d10+40, AC 15, Spd 50, BAB +2 Sandleton Steam-Clockwork, Performance Boiler (STR +1, Speed +5), Saddle, military, Fortification +4, Physical Augmentation, Speed Augm. (+10 ft.), Weapon Mount (fitting rifles), Jansenov's Eye, Jansenov's Recognizer, Task Plate (Spot +5)