Pit's Pistols
From Anu Anu RPG
Weapon Cost Dmg Crit Rng Weight Type Reload Constr. DC Free Market Carabine, military 600 gp 2d8 19-20 x3 150 10 lb. P 2S/DC10 18 N (Military only) Carabine, magelock 6000 gp 2d8+1 19-20 x3 150 10 lb. P 2S/DC10 22 N (Military only) Clockwerk Pepperbox 325 gp 4x2d4-2 19-20 x3 20 8 lb. P 5S/DC14 22 Y Pistol Bracer 350 gp 2d4 19-20 x3 40 6 lb. P 1FR/DC12 20 Y Pistol Bracer, magelock 1750 gp 2d4+1 19-20 x3 40 6 lb. P 1FR/DC12 24 N Pistol, duel 350 gp 1d6+1 20 x3 30 3 lb. P 1S/DC6 18 Y Pistol, pinlock 150 gp 2d3 20 x2 30 5 lb. P 1S/DC8 16 Y Pistol, military 300 gp 2d6 19-20 x3 80 5 lb. P 1S/DC8 16 N (Military only) Pistol, military, double 450 gp 2x2d6 19-20 x3 80 7 lb. P 2S/DC10 18 N (Military only) Pistol, milit., magelock 1200 gp 2d6+1 19-20 x3 80 5 lb. P 1S/DC8 20 N (Military only) Pistol, musket 175 gp 1d8 20 x2 20 5 lb. P 1S/DC4 13 Y Pistol, small 200 gp 2d4 19-20 x3 40 4 lb. P 1S/DC6 16 Y Pistol, small, breechl. 500 gp 2d4+1 19-20 x3 40 4 lb. P 1S/DC12 20 Y Pistol, small, double 300 gp 2x2d4-1 19-20 x3 40 5 lb. P 2S/DC10 18 Y Pistol, small, triple 400 gp 3x2d4-2 19-20 x3 40 6 lb. P 3S/DC12 20 Y Pistol, small, magelock 800 gp 2d4+1 19-20 x3 40 4 lb. P 1S/DC6 20 Y Pistol, tiny 175 gp 2d4-2 20 x3 20 3 lb. P 1S/DC8 18 Y Radliffe Quad-Iron 375 gp 4x2d6-2 19-20 x3 20 6 lb. P 1S/DC16 22 Y Radliffe Firestorm 6000 gp 2d6 20 x3 70 7 lb. P 1FR/DC12 24 N Rynnish Holdout 225 gp 2x2d4-2 19-20 x3 20 2 lb. P 2S/DC12 23 Y Rynnish Hol., magelock 1000 gp 2x2d4-1 19-20 x3 20 2 lb. P 2S/DC12 27 N (Llaelese Military only) Rynnish Walking Stick 375 gp 2d4-2 19-20 x3 20 4 lb. P 1FR/DC12 25 Y
Weapon Cost Dmg Crit Rng Weight Type Reload Constr. DC Free Market Blunderbuss 150 gp 4d4 20 x3 30 16 lb. B+P 2S/DC14 18 Y Clockwerk Revol. Rifle 900 gp 2d6-2 19-20 x3 120 20 lb. P 4S/DC16 26 Y Grappling Gun 500 gp 1d8 20 x3 30 12 lb. B 3S/DC12 15 Y Harpoon Gun 500 gp 2d6+1 20 x3 60 12 lb. P 3S/DC10 15 Y High Shield Doublebarrel 1600 gp 2x2d8 19-20 x2 150 22 lb. P 2S/DC12 22 N (Hamerfall Military only) Musket 400 gp 1d12 20 x2 100 12 lb. P 1S/DC8 15 Y Radcliffe Twoshot Rifle 625 gp 2x2d6-2 19-20 x3 140 10 lb. P 2S/DC14 25 Y Revolv. Longrifle, milt. 2400 gp 2d6 19-20 x3 160 16 lb. P 6S/DC15 28 N (Cygnaran Military only) Rifle, hunting 400 gp 2d6 19-20 x2 100 8 lb. P 1S/DC8 16 Y Rifle, doublebarrel 700 gp 2x2d6-1 19-20 x2 100 12 lb. P 2S/DC10 18 Y Rifle, sawn-off 450 gp 2d6 19-20 x2 70 6 lb. B+P 1S/DC8 18 N Rifle, long 500 gp 2d6 19-20 x3 160 10 lb. P 1S/DC10 20 Y Rifle, long, magelock 5000 gp 2d6+1 19-20 x3 160 10 lb. P 1S/DC10 24 Y Rifle, pinlock 350 gp 2d4 20 x2 140 12 lb. P 1S/DC8 18 Y Rifle, military 600 gp 2d8 19-20 x3 200 15 lb. P 2S/DC12 20 N (Military only) Rifle, milit., magelock 8400 gp 2d8+1 19-20 x3 200 15 lb. P 2S/DC12 24 N (Military only) Serriesteel Longrifle 800 gp 2d6 18-20 x2 160 8 lb. P 1S/DC8 22 Y Serriesteel Milit. Rifle 900 gp 2d8 18-20 x2 200 12 lb. P 2S/DC10 22 N (Military only) Vanar Liberator 725 gp 2d8+2 19-20 x3 240 20 lb. P 2S/DC14 24 Y Vislovski Rifle 600 gp 2d6+2 19-20 x3 180 14 lb. P 1S/DC12 22 Y Vislovski Widowmaker 1300 gp 2d6+2 19-20 x3 190 11 lb. P 1S/DC11 26 N (Khadoran Military only)
Exotische Feuerwaffen[edit]
Weapon Cost Dmg Crit Rng Weight Type Reload Constr. DC Free Market Blastbuckler 235 gp 2d4-2 19-20 x3 5 6 lb. P 2FR/DC14 18 Y Devil Dog Slug Gun 1200 gp 3d8+5 20 x3 20 30 lb. P 1S/DC10 20 N Gungladius 350 gp 1d4/2d4 19-20 x2/x3 -/40 5 lb. P/P 2S/DC14 17 Y Gunrapier 400 gp 1d6/1d6+1 19-20 x2/x3 -/40 6 lb. P/P 2S/DC14 19 Y Gunsword 600 gp 1d8/2d6 19-20 x2/x3 -/60 9 lb. S/P 2S/DC14 21 Y Gunsword, magelock 6000 gp 1d8+1/2d6+1 19-20 x2/x3 -/60 9 lb. S/P 2S/DC14 25 N Gunsword, double 1200 gp 2x1d8/1d6 19-20 x2/x3 -/60 20 lb S/P 2FR/DC14 25 Y Ogrun Battlecannon 1500 gp * * * 200 lb. * 2FR/DC14 16 Y Solid Slug 30 gp 3d10+2d10 19-20 x3 140 6 lb. B * Serriesteel Slug 200 gp 3d10+2d10 19-20 x3 140 4 lb. B * Explosive Shell 90 gp 4d10 10ft 19-20 x3 70 5 lb. P, fire * Canister Shot 50 gp 4d10 20 x3 60 cone 4 lb. P * Riflespear, long 1000 gp 1d8/2d6 19-20 x2/x3 20/160 13 lb. P/P 1FR/DC14 22 Y Riflelance 1200 gp 1d8/2d8 19-20 x2/x3 -/200 13 lb. P/P 2FR/DC14 24 N Light Shieldgun 260 gp 2d4 19-20 x3 10 8 lb. P 2FR/DC14 18 Y Menoth's Sting 1 gp 1 20 x2 10 1/10 lb. B+S - * N Warcaptain's Shield 375 gp 2d6 19-20 x3 20 17 lb. P 2FR/DC12 20 N
Item Cost Weight Notes Ammunition Box 2 gp 2 lb. safe storage for 20 ammo rounds Apostle 1 gp 0,5 lb. keeps ammunition capsuled dry(1S to open) Bayonet 14 gp 2 lb. -2 to hit, dmg 1d4, crit 20 x3, piercing Barrel Chain 3 gp 1 lb. +2 on Craft [Small Arms] rolls for cleaning barrels Gunner's kit 100 gp 15 lb. +2 on Craft [Small Arms] rolls Gunsmith' kit 150 gp 25 lb. +2 on Craft [Gunsmithing ] rolls Powder Horn 2 gp 1 lb. holds 10-12 portions of powder Quickloader, military 125 gp 2-4 lb. custom made, reloads all barrels in 1 action at +4 DC Ramrod 5 sp 1 lb. needed for musket and other front loaders Scope 25 gp 1 lb. reduce Rng increment Penalty from -2 to -1 Swine Feather 2 gp 3 lb. makeshift support for rifles (+1 to hit after 1S) Targeting Tripod 25 gp 8 lb. support for rifles (+2 to hit after 1FR) Firearms Cases * * Case, single Pistol 10 gp + lock 3 lb. Case, single Pistol, ammo compartartment 20 gp + lock 5 lb. Case, Pistol set 25 gp + lock 6 lb. Case, Rifle 40 gp + lock 8 lb. Case, Rifle, ammo compartment 50 gp + lock 10 lb.
Type Cost Regular 6 - 9 gp Brass-cartridge 9 - 14 gp needed for Breechlocks, no reload roll Grapeshot 10 - 15 gp 1d4-1d8 piercing cone, Ref save DC 12 Dum-Dum Hollow Point 10 - 15 gp dmg +2, +2 to enemy AC Bullyboy Round 10 - 15 gp +3 crit range vs light or no armor Serriesteel Round 20 - 30 gp bypasses many dmg reductions Necrotite Round 20 - 30 gp +1 per dmg dice against Living creatures, extremely illegal Blessed Sliver Tip 30 - 45 gp double dmg dice against Undead creatures Platinum Tip 30 - 45 gp double dmg dice against Grymkin creatures Lodestone Tip 30 - 45 gp double dmg dice against Blighted creatures Precision Round x4 gp +1 to hit, dmg +1 High Precision Round x5 gp +2 to hit, dmg +2
Alchemistische Munition[edit]
Type Cost Smoke tracer round 4 - 6 gp next shot on same target +1 to hit Signal Flare shot 10 - 12 gp creates bright flare (+1d3 fire dmg) Rubber Rounds 6 - 8 gp Subdual dmg Incendiary ammunition 12 - 15 gp +1d6 Fire dmg Vitrite ammunition 16 - 18 gp +1d3 Acid dmg, sec dmg Fort Sav DC 16
Pulver und Service[edit]
Item Cost Blast Powder, Barrel Blast Powder, Rifler's Pound 50 gp Evoker Crystal Powder (1 dose) 10 gp changes dmg descriptor of channeled magic Emerald Acid Saphire Cold Amber Electro Ruby Fire Diamond Sonic Salvage ammunition (/h) * Convert ammunition (100/h) 5 gp
DC Mat. Cost - Lauf bohren * 12,5 gp - Lauf richten * 1/5* - Lauf ersetzen * 1/2* - sonstige Reparaturen * 1/3*
DC Cost (Mat. Cost) - Erhöhte Genauigkeit * 300 (100) (+1 bonus stacking) - Hülsenschloss * 300 (100) (Hülsenmun. nachladen ohne roll) - Gewichtsreduktion * 120 (40) (reduziert Gewicht um ein drittel) - Feingravur * 10-200 (3-67) (kosmetische-/arkane Deko) - Ausgewog. Multi-barelling * +75 % (25 %) (zus. Lauf; max 4) - Aufbauteleskop * 75 (25) (reduziert Rng Increment Pen auf -1) - Schalldämpfer * 40+15 (12+5) (10x dann Pulverwechsel) - Zerlegbares Set * +100 % (25 %) (2S/DC 8 Waffe zusannensetzen) - Spring Load * 50 (17,5) (nur kleine Pistolen) - Armschienenpistole * 150 (50) (nur kleine Pistolen) - Schildpistole * 150 (50) (nur Pistolen) - Schwertpistole * +100 % (25 %) (dmg 1d4-1d8, crit 19-20 x2, piercing, nur Pistolen) - Speergewehr * +100 % (25 %) (dmg 1d6-1d8, crit 20 x3, piercing, reach, nur Gewehre)
Masterworked Arms:[edit]
- A masterwork weapon is a finely crafted version of a normal weapon. Wielding it provides a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls.
- You can’t add the masterwork quality to a weapon after it is created; it must be crafted as a masterwork weapon (see the Craft skill). The masterwork quality adds 300 gp to the cost of a normal weapon (or 6 gp to the cost of a single unit of ammunition). Adding the masterwork quality to a double weapon costs twice the normal increase (+600 gp).
- Masterwork ammunition is damaged (effectively destroyed) when used. The enhancement bonus of masterwork ammunition does not stack with any enhancement bonus of the projectile weapon firing it.
DC Mat. Cost - Kugeln giessen (10/h) - 1 gp - Hohlkugeln drehen (5/h) 10 1,5 gp - Gummipellet giessen (20/h) 15 2 gp - Bullyboy giessen (5/h) 15 2 gp - Rüstungsbrecher gie. (5/h) 20 5 gp - Präzisionsk. giessen (5/h) 20 +6 gp
- Hülsen falten (10/h) - 1 gp - Metallhülsen drehen (10/h) 15 2 gp - Runenhülse drehen (10/h) 15 3 gp - Foe-Killer H. drehen (5/h) 15 20 gp
- Pulverladung packen (10/h) 10 2,5 gp - Halbe Ladung (10/h) 15 1 gp - Schrotladung packen (5/h) 10 +0,5 gp - Alche. Ladung packen (1/h) 20 +x gp - Evoker Ladung packen (1/h) 15 +10 gp
- Patrone zusammens. (10/h) 25 - - Runenpatrone zus. (5/h) 25 -
Reguläre Munition[edit]
DC Mat. Cost - Kugeln giessen (10/h) - 1 gp - Hülsen falten (10/h) - 1 gp - Pulverladung packen (10/h) 10 2,5 gp - Patrone zusammens. (10/h) 25 -
DC Mat. Cost - Kugeln giessen (10/h) - 1 gp - Metallhülsen drehen (10/h) 15 2 gp - Pulverladung packen (10/h) 10 2,5 gp - Patrone zusammens. (10/h) 25 -
DC Mat. Cost - Hülsen falten (10/h) - 1 gp - Schrotladung packen (5/h) 10 0,5 gp - Pulverladung packen (10/h) 10 2,5 gp - Patrone zusammens. (10/h) 25 -
+1 Präzisionsmunition[edit]
DC Mat. Cost - Präzisionsk. giessen (5/h) 20 7 gp - Hülsen falten (10/h) - 1 gp - Pulverladung packen (10/h) 10 2,5 gp - Patrone zusammens. (10/h) 25 -
+1 Kartuschenmunition[edit]
DC Mat. Cost - Masterw. Metallhül. (10/h) 20 3 gp - Schrotladung packen (5/h) 10 1 gp - Pulverladung packen (10/h) 10 2,5 gp - Patrone zusammens. (10/h) 25 -
Dum-Dum Geschoss[edit]
DC Mat. Cost - Hohlkugeln drehen (5/h) 10 1 gp - Metallhülsen drehen (10/h) 15 2 gp - Pulverladung packen (10/h) 10 2,5 gp - Patrone zusammens. (10/h) 25 -
Bullyboy Geschoss[edit]
DC Mat. Cost - Bullyboy giessen (5/h) 15 2 gp - Metallhülsen drehen (10/h) 15 2 gp - Pulverladung packen (10/h) 10 2,5 gp - Patrone zusammens. (10/h) 25 -
DC Mat. Cost - Rüstungsbrecher gie. (5/h) 20 5 gp - Metallhülsen drehen (10/h) 15 2 gp - Pulverladung packen (10/h) 10 2,5 gp - Patrone zusammens. (10/h) 25 -
DC Mat. Cost - Gummipellet giessen (20/h) 15 2 gp - Hülsen falten (10/h) - 1 gp - Halbe Ladung (10/h) 15 1 gp - Patrone zusammens. (10/h) 25 -
DC Mat. Cost - Kugeln giessen (10/h) - 1 gp - Hülsen falten (10/h) - 1 gp - Pulverladung packen (10/h) 10 2,5 gp - Alchem. Ladung packen 20 +1 gp - Patrone zusammens. (10/h) 25 -
DC Mat. Cost - Hülsen falten (10/h) - 1 gp - Halbe Ladung (10/h) 15 1 gp - Alchem. Ladung packen 20 +1 gp - Patrone zusammens. (10/h) 25 -
Magische Munition:[edit]
Craft Rune Bullet:[edit]
- Base Cost:
- - Regular Runic Bullet 10 gp (= 50 gp), or
- - Masterw. Runic Bullet 30 gp (= 150 gp) +
- Spell Cost [Single use, use-activated]: Spell lvl x Caster lvl x 50 gp
- Base DC: 25
- Duration: 1 day
- XP Cost: 1/25 base cost
- (= 2 or 6 xp + spell)
- Add. Material Cost: 1/2 base cost
- (= 25 or 75 gp + spell)