MLP Ponies
Earth Ponies[edit]
Honest and fun loving in nature, the most common type of pony in all of Equestria are the Earth Ponies. Blessed with a natural affinity to toward plants and animals, Earth Ponies make up for their lack of wings or magic horns with their extreme versatility. From world-class bakers to the most daring explorers of the Everfree Forest, Earth Ponies excel at whatever they put their hearts to, no matter what that might be.
While Earth ponies are anatomically unremarkable, they are the sturdiest and strongest of the three pony races. Unlike the ostentatiously magical unicorns, Earth Ponies prefer their own brand of practical "magic", which can be surprisingly effective. Earth ponies boast a natural affinity for the land and its inhabitants.
Earth Ponies are tough and dependable, quick to help, fun to be around, and smart as can be. Unable to fly or use magic, Earth ponies have thrived in Equestria thanks to their ability to specialize in almost any field. With a natural predilection to being kind and helpful, Earth Ponies often put the needs of others before their own. Never one to leave a friend in need, Earth Ponies are companions that can help out in a bind but know when to cut loose and throw a party.
- Physical Desription: As varied as the ponies themselves, the physical characteristics of an Earth Pony are as varied and unique as can be. From the blue- or orange coated farm-workers of Equestria, over the bearded athletes and guards of Germaney, to the spotted palominos of the Mild West, Earth Ponies display the wides variation in coat colors and facial features. Generally speaking though, the coat of an Earth Pony has most often some connection to their special talent.
- Society: Earth Pony society is the longest held tradition in all of Equestria. Many of the towns were settled by Earth Ponies and their style of democracy with a mayor in charge of the region is the most common form of government. Earth Ponies generally fill roles in the industrial and agricultural fields.
- Relations: Earth ponies are the most accepting of all the ponies in Equestria and are on good terms with the other types of ponies. As such is is not uncommon to find Pegasi or Unicorns living in Earth Pony settlements. For most Earth Ponies , Unicorns are thought of as Earth Ponies with a penchant for magic, and Pegasi are simply Earth Ponies with wings. Earth Ponies do have a very tumultuous relationship with the unknown though, regarding foreign or unusual creatures with fear and suspicion. Generally liked by all, Earth Ponies have no real enemies beyond those who directly threaten them. Creatures that careless get a very serious problem in most cases.
- Alignment and Religion: Many Earth Ponies tend to respect tradition and keep order, always trying to make sure promises are kept and laws obeyed, while many others are not afraid to pull a few pranks for the greater good. Earth Ponies often follow the Churches of Celestia and Luna, with some dark exceptions that adhere to the cult of Night Mare Moon.
- Adventurers: Earth Ponies are constantly exploring the outer reaches of Equestria. Most Earth Pony explorers do it for the love of discovery and the freedom it allows, while some do it just for fun. Earth Ponies have a strong connection to the ground beneath them, and often serve as guides or leaders on many expeditions. They are driven by an innate desire to help others, and are willing and able to take up any role as the party has need for.
- Male Names: Ace, Big Macintosh, Blues, Clover, Doctor Whoof, Hoity Toity, Red Delicious.
- Female Names: Applejack, Bon-Bon, Photo Finish, Pinkie Pie, Roseluck, Sapphire Shores.
Earth Pony Racial Traits[edit]
- +2 to one Ability Score: Earth Ponies get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
- Medium: Earth Ponies are medium creatures and gain no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- Base Speed: 6 squares
- Stability: An Earth Pony gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
- Able Learner: An Earth pony gains one extra skill and one extra feat at first level.
- Down to Earth: Earth Ponies are not as versatile when it comes to magic as other pony types. Earth ponies may only learn spells from the lists of Earth- or Mountain Magic without being of a special bloodline.
- Non-Dextrous: Even though they lack hands, Ponies are able to use a combination of their hooves and mouths in order to manipulate items and use equipment in the way that humanoids can. Ponies can only grasp one item at a time (with their mouth). They are able to use two handed weapons, but suffer a -2 penalty to attack, when doing so with a melee-, or unmodified ranged weapon. Optional: Ponies suffer -4 to all checks needing fingers, due to the low dexterity of their hooves.
- Skills: Earth Ponies always gain Profession as an automatic Class Skill.
- Talents: Earth Ponies have access to special racial Talent Trees (see Racial Talents). Whenever they gain a talent from a class or Cutie Mark, they may choose a racial talent instead.
- Languages: Earth Ponies begin play speaking Equine. Earth Ponies can choose from the following list of bonus languages: Camelu, Germane, Griffin, Cervidan, Herd Tounge, Ursic, Zebrican.
- Cutie Mark: As a pony, Earth Ponies have the option to take a cutie mark at Level 1; see MLP Cutie Marks for details.
Pegasus Ponies[edit]
Children of the sky, Pegasi are gifted with the ability of flight. Pegasi relish in their air found freedom, and a large portion of them never set hoof on solid ground. Pegasi are quite impulsive and in a constant state of flux, keeping nothing the same save for their friends. Because of this, many see Pegasi as nothing more than chasers of fancy and ponies prone to changing sides at a moment's notice.
Pegasus Ponies are distinguished at a glance from other ponies by their feathery wings, which enable them to fly. Additionally, even infant Pegasus Ponies are able to walk on clouds. Pegasi are known more for their speed than their sturdiness.
In charge of the weather services, Pegasi are the only Ponies that are able to control the weather, building complex factories and cities high in the clouds, out of reach of all the other Ponies. Despite this Pegasi are loyal companion and kind hearted creatures, traits that are good in any adventurer.
- Physical Desription: Pegasus Ponies are of the same approximate size of Earth Ponies, but of leaner build. All Pegasi have a pair of wings growing out of their backs, from which they get their name. The coats of Pegasus Ponies tend to be more unicolored than Earth Ponies coats, with brown and grey being the most common, and blue and white being the next most conventional. The manes of Pegasus Ponies can vary wildly, from simple colors to a whole rainbow of colors combined in a single Pegasus' mane.
- Society: Many Pegasi live amongst the clouds in large cities built right into the floating masses. Thanks to the Pegasi's ability to walk on fog and vapor, they are able to construct nearly everything on top of clouds. Living miles in the sky, all Pegasi learn to fly at an early age, and those that don't are often found taking residence in Earth Pony settlements. Pegasi easily find work in the weather- and season business as cloud chasers or rainmakers, while a select few have the flying talent to become stunt performers. Those that do are held in the highest esteem, as to become a flying master is the highest honor a Pegasus can attain.
- Relations: As open as the sky they fly in, Pegasi get along well with nearly every creature they come across. While initially friendly, some Pegasi are very competitive and excitable; traits which often lead to conflict with whomever they are curently with. Others are quiet and soft-spoken, chosing to avoid conflict at all costs and simply to get back to their individual pleasures. Pegasi do have a good relationship with Griffons, due to their shared ruling of the sky.
- Alignment and Religion: Pegasi are loyal to their freinds and family but are also drifters and wanderers. This leads many Pegasi to develop an attitude to do the right and kind thing despite what rules there may be. Pegasi favor all gods whom encourage their wandering spirits. Most pray to the Sky Queen and her sister, some to the Nightmare Moon, but it is rumored, that even the worship of the chaotic forces of Discord is not discouraged in some places high in the clouds.
- Adventurers: Never able to stay in one place for long, a Pegasus is often seeking out new adventures. the speed and agility of Pegasi coupled with their ability to fly makes them perfect for scouting and exploration. Many groups welcome these fiercely loyal compatriots, and are glad to have such a stalwart heart by their side. Pegasi tend to be of a rougish nature, using their wings to fly in and out of danger with frightening ease.
- Male Names: Burl, Cool Star, Dr. Whoof, Hoops, Leeroy Wingkins, Madden, Quarterback.
- Female Names: Ditzy Doo, Firefly, Fluttershy, Lucy, Rainbow Dash, Raindrops, Scootaloo.
Pegasus Pony Racial Traits[edit]
- +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution: Pegasi are quick and charming, but their light frame that's critical to flight is quite fragile.
- Medium: Pegasus Ponies are medium creatures and gain no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- Base Speed: 6 squares (land), special (flight, average maneuverability)
- Gliding: A Pegasus Pony can use her wings to glide, negating damage from a fall of any height and allowing 4 squares of forward travel for every square of descent. Pegasus Ponies glide at a speed of 6 squares (average maneuverability). Even if her maneuverability improves, she can't hover while gliding. A Pegasus Pony can't glide while carrying a medium or heavy load. If a Pegasus Pony becomes unconscious or helpless while in midair, her wings naturally unfurl and powerful ligaments stiffen the wings. The Pegasus Pony descends in a tight corkscrew and takes only 1d6 points of falling damage per height level fallen.
- Flight: Pegasi gain the ability to fly by the use of their wings at a speed of 8 squares (average maneuverability). A Pegasus Pony can't fly while carrying a medium or heavy load or while fatigued or exhausted. Pegasus Ponies can safely fly for a number of rounds equal to double their Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round). They can exert themselves to fly for up to twice as long, but then they're fatigued at the end of the flight. They are likewise fatigued after spending a total of more than 10 minutes per day flying. Because Pegasus Ponies can glide before, after, and between rounds of actual flight, they can remain aloft for extended periods (even if they can only use flight for 1 round at a time without becoming fatigued). When they reach level 10, Pegasus Ponies have enough stamina and prowess to fly for longer periods. They can fly at a speed of 12 squares (average maneuverability), and flying requires no more exertion than walking or running. A Pegasus Pony with flight can use the double move action while flying, provided she flies in a straight line. When diving down from one height level to the next lower a Pegasus pony may move at four times your speed, like a running character, and you looses her Dexterity bonus to Reflex defense accordingly. A Pegasus Pony in flight can make a dive attack. A dive attack works like a charge, but the creature must move a minimum of 6 squares and descend at least one height level. If the attack hits, it deals double damage.
- Cloudwalk: Pegasi may treat clouds or fog as as solid ground or as vapor.
- Non-Dextrous: Even though they lack hands, Ponies are able to use a combination of their hooves and mouths in order to manipulate items and use equipment in the way that humanoids can. Ponies can only grasp one item at a time (with their mouth). They are able to use two handed weapons, but suffer a -2 penalty to attack, when doing so with a melee-, or unmodified ranged weapon. Optional: Ponies suffer -4 to all checks needing fingers, due to the low dexterity of their hooves.
- Skills: Pegasi always gain Fly as an automatic Class Skill
- Talents: Pegasus Ponies have access to special racial Talent Trees (see Racial Talents). Whenever they gain a talent from a class or Cutie Mark, they may choose a racial talent instead.
- Languages: Pegasus Ponies begin play speaking Equine. Pegasus Ponies can choose from the following list of bonus languages: Camelu, Germane, Griffin, Cervidan, Ibese, Vaporian, Zebrican
- Cutie Mark: As a pony, Pegasus Ponies have the option to take a cutie mark at Level 1; see MLP Cutie Marks for details.
Unicorn Ponies[edit]
The embodiment of all things magic, Unicorns are a race of intelligent and wise creatures. Unicorns value order and beauty, often finding solace in learning or organizing a team. They are creatures of solitude, tending to prefer to read a good book, or work in their area of expertise rather than socialize. While most Unicorns use their innate magic well and are helpful to the town they live in, a select few see themselves as a superior race, using their powers in attempts to control other Ponies .
The obvious distinctive feature of a unicorn pony is their horn, which protrudes approximately six inches from the forehead. Unicorns, unlike the other two pony races, are defined by their magical abilities. While all unicorns exhibit magical aptitude, they generally fall into two camps: those who focus on and study magic, and those who simply use it intuitively. The some of the former refer to themselves as high unicorns, to the latter as common unicorns.
- Physical Description: A Unicorn's defining feature is the horn growing from the center of its head. The source of the Unicorn's magic, the horn glows a vibrant shade of the color of the Unicorn's mane when casting a spell. The coat of a Unicorn generally tends to be a cool color such as purple, blue or white, their manes also following this color scheme with some variance. Unicorn clothing often accentuates the horn of the wearer and draws its themes from the stars of the night sky.
- Society: The society of the Unicorns is one of thought and patience. Many Unicorns are researchers, scholars or artists, choosing to use their inborn magic to grace the world with beauty and knowledge. Since they can use items at a finesse, that no other Pony type can achieve, Unicorns are the best at detailed work.
- Relations: Unicorns are known for keeping to themselves, usually preferring to stay at home and study or work, rather than go out and make new friends. Unicorns have a high interest in other naturally magical races of Equestria. Unicorns find Pegasi often too brash and quick acting for their tastes, and for Griffons to be even worse offenders. Unicorns respect Earth Ponies, as they are strong even without the help of magic.
- Alignment and Religion: As most Unicorns have a penchant for order and beauty they almost always tend to lawful personalities. The following of laws, systems and tradition suits their personalities well, and they will often hold back their own powers if it means not disobeying the established order. Unicorns follow the churches of Celestia and Luna as their main religion. Hidden within the cult of Luna, some cabals dedicated to Night Mare Moon exist. Some Unicorns even pray in secret to old or strange gods represented by ancient symbols written into the sky itself.
- Adventurers: A Unicorns everlasting search for knowledge is the most common reason that such a secluded and introspective creature would ever decide to explore the world. For Unicorns who live among Earth Ponies, that desire to explore is inherited often from their surroundings and they need no other reason. Due to their inherent magical ability and weakness of body, Unicorn Adventurers are often wandering scholars, priests or wizards, but many have also used their magic to more physical ends.
- Male Names: Pokey Pierce, Prince AStron, Snails, Snips, Van Horse.
- Female Names: Colgate, Lemon Hearts, Lyra, Rarity, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle, Seafoam, Vinyl Scratch.
Unicorn Pony Racial Traits[edit]
- +2 Inteligence or Charisma, -2 Strength or Constitution: Unicorns have great strength of mind, but little strength of body.
- Medium: Unicorn Ponies are medium creatures and gain no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- Speed: 6 squares (land)
- Magical Horn: Unicorns with an Intelligence Score of 11 or higher may use Telekinesis and one other Grade 1 Star Magic spell as at-will spell-like abilities with a caster level equal to their character level.
- Gore: Unicorns have a natural gore attack, when attacking with their horn. The horn deals 1d6 piercing damage.
- Non-Dextrous: Even though they lack hands, Ponies are able to use a combination of their hooves and mouths in order to manipulate items and use equipment in the way that humanoids can. Ponies can only grasp one item at a time (with their mouth). They are able to use two handed weapons, but suffer a -2 penalty to attack, when doing so with a melee-, or unmodified ranged weapon. Optional: Ponies suffer -4 to all checks needing fingers, due to the low dexterity of their hooves (most useful if ponies are combined with humanoid characters from other settings.).
- Skills: Unicorns always gain Use Magic as an automatic Class Skill
- Talents: Unicorn Ponies have access to special racial Talent Trees (see Racial Talents). Whenever they gain a talent from a class or Cutie Mark, they may choose a racial talent instead.
- Languages: Unicorn Ponies begin play speaking Equine. Unicorn Ponies can choose from the following list of bonus languages: Camelu, Germane, Griffin, Cervidan, High Canterlot Royal, Ursic, Zebrican
- Cutie Mark: As a pony, Unicorn Ponies have the option to take a cutie mark at Level 1; see MLP Cutie Marks for details.
Sea Ponies[edit]
- Physical Desription:
- Society:
- Relations:
- Alignment and Religion:
- Adventurers:
- Male Names:
- Female Names:
Sea Pony Racial Traits[edit]
- Stat Adjustments:
- Medium: Sea Ponies are medium creatures and gain no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- Speed: 3 squares (land), 6 squares (water)
- Adaptive Breathing:
- Aquatic Adaption:
- Non-Dextrous: Even though they lack hands, Ponies are able to use a combination of their hooves and mouths in order to manipulate items and use equipment in the way that humanoids can. Ponies can only grasp one item at a time (with their mouth). They are able to use two handed weapons, but suffer a -2 penalty to attack, when doing so with a melee-, or unmodified ranged weapon. Optional: Ponies suffer -4 to all checks needing fingers, due to the low dexterity of their hooves (most useful if ponies are combined with humanoid characters from other settings.).
- Languages: Sea Ponies begin play speaking Equine. Sea Ponies can choose from the following list of bonus languages:
- Cutie Mark: As a pony, Sea Ponies have the option to take a cutie mark at Level 3; see MLP Cutie Marks for details.