MLP Cutie Marks
Cutie Marks[edit]
Cutie marks are small iconographic tattoos located on the hind haunch of a pony. In the immortalized words of Scootaloo, "Ugh! These namby-pamby stories aren't getting us any closer to our cutie marks! They're all about finding who you really are and boring stuff like that." Attaining a cutie mark is a rite of passage for all ponies, and they symbolize your pony's life calling.
- Overview:
Cutie marks cannot be be purchased, only earned. It is very difficult to predict the circumstances in which one will receive it, but some stories suggest that doing an activity which one pony truly enjoys is the best way to go about earning a cutie mark.
- Special Talent (Su) [Cutie Mark]:
- Benefit: You may treat a single Talent Tree from another class, or element the character meets the prerequisites for, chosen when this feats gained, as a Special Talent Tree.
- Special: You can take this feat only as one of your three Cutie Mark features. You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new Class Talent Tree.
Alter Text
Cutie marks come in three general categories: Commodity marks, recognition marks, and symbolic marks.
Commodity Marks[edit]
Many ponies, especially earth ponies, find that their true calling in life is tied to the production of a specific commodity. Commodity marks all provide a +2 bonus for the profession skill associated with the production of that commodity. Examples include:
- Raw food goods: Apple, grain, carrots, oranges, etc.
- Baked/Cooked food goods: pies, tarts, muffins, candy canes, etc
- Clothing: thread spool, cloth bundle, dye vials, dresses
- Accessories: boots, hats, fans, etc
- Pegasus products: snowflakes, rain clouds, lightning and thunder
- Academic: books, quills, equations, ink.
Recognition Marks[edit]
Other times, by performing an extraordinary feat, a pony will earn a recognition mark, commemorating their performance. These marks grant a +2 bonus to diplomacy, intimidate, or bluff checks with ponies who would be impressed by the feat which the mark signifies. These cutie marks are particularly rare. Some examples include:
- Rainbow colored lightning bolt: signifying the performance of a sonic rainboom
- Golden Notes: winning a musical contest
- Brain: winning a quizbowl
Symbolic Marks[edit]
If not a commodity mark, most other ponies receive symbolic marks. As it sounds, these marks simply symbolize the primary talent of the pony and grant a +2 bonus to the closest associated skill. Examples include:
- Magic star: +2 to spellcraft
- Bunch of bubbles: +2 to swim
- Cluster of gems: +2 to appraise
- Musical instrument: +2 to perform (music)
- Squinty eyes: +2 to spot