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VINDICATOR (Heather McNeil Hudson, secret)

Affiliations: Solo D8, Buddy D6, Team D10

Distinctions: Inspired Individual, Mother and Daughter, Secretary become Superhero

Power Sets:

VINDICATOR BATTLESUIT Cybernetic Senses D6, Enhanced Durability D8, Geokinesis (Volcanic/Seismic Control) D8, Hydrokinesis (Water Control) D8, Superhuman Strength D10, Supersonic Flight D10 SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for every additional target add a d6 and keep an additional effect die. SFX: Boost. Shutdown highest-rated Vindicator Battlesuit power to step up another Vindicator Battlesuit power. Activate an opportunity to recover or during a Transition Scene. SFX: Energy Absorption. On a successful reaction against an energy-based attack action, convert opponent’s effect die into a Vindicator Battlesuit stunt or step up a Vindicator Battlesuit power until used in an action. If opponent’s action succeeds, spend 1 PP to use this SFX. SFX: Immunity. Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications caused by chemicals, cold, heat, pressure, radiation, or vacuum. SFX: Multipower. Add more than one Vindicator Battlesuit power die to a pool. Step back each Vindicator Battlesuit power die in that pool once for each die beyond the first. SFX: Sensor Suite. Spend 1 PP to add Cybernetic Senses (or step up if already in your pool) and reroll all dice on a reaction. Limit: System Failure. Shutdown a Vindicator Battlesuit power to gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity to recover.

Specialties: Acrobatic Expert D8, Combat Expert D8, Business Expert D8, Psych Expert D8


FAMILY TIES 1 XP - When you spend time with a member of your family. 3 XP - When you take stress from an argument with a family member or loved one. 10 XP - When you either incorporate your family life fully into your super heroics or keep your family well away from your masked adventures.

MANTLE OF LEADERSHIP 1 XP - When you lead your team into battle. 3 XP - When you defeat a foe without any team member becoming stressed out. 10 XP - When you either create a new branch of the Flight and select a leader for the team or step away from Alpha Flight, choosing an ally to take over as leader.