Sam Tex
From Anu Anu RPG
Revision as of 17:16, 23 November 2010 by (talk) (New page: Category:Iron Kingdoms Category:NPCs ==Sam Tex, Mad Bombermage== :Level: 10 XP: :Alignement: Chaotic Evil :Race: Human :Class: Wizard Lvl 5 :Class: Rouge Lvl 3 :Prestige Class...)
Sam Tex, Mad Bombermage
- Level: 10 XP:
- Alignement: Chaotic Evil
- Race: Human
- Class: Wizard Lvl 5
- Class: Rouge Lvl 3
- Prestige Class: Demolitionist Lvl 2
STR 10 0 INT 18 +4 DEX 16 +3 WIS 12 +1 CON 14 +2 CHA 8 -1
- Skills (48+36+16)
x Appraise *(Int) 4 + 6 + = 10 x Concentrarion *(Con) 2 + 8 + = 10 x Craft [Alchemy] *(Int) 4 + 9 + 2 = 15 x Craft [Demolitions] *(Int) 4 + 9 + 2 = 15 x Craft [Mech. Traps] *(Int) 4 + 9 + 2 = 15 x Disable Device (Int) 4 + 8 + 3 = 15 x Escape Artist *(Dex) 3 + 2 + = 5 x Hide *(Dex) 3 + 2 + = 5 x Knowledge [Alchemy] (Int) 4 + 11 + = 15 x Knowledge [Arcana] (Int) 4 + 6 + = 10 x Listen *(Wis) 1 + 9 + = 10 x Search *(Int) 4 + 6 + = 10 x Sleight of Hand (Dex) 3 + 2 + = 5 x Spellcraft (Int) 4 + 4 + 2 = 10 x Spot *(Wis) 1 + 9 + = 10
Hit Points (47):
Armor Dex Size Misc
Armor Class: = 13 + 0 + 3 + 0 +
Fort Save: 7 = 2 + 5 + Ref Save: 10 = 3 + 7 + Will Save: 6 = 1 + 5 +
Base Attack: +5 Speed: 30 Initiative: +3
Melee Att: 5 = (Str) 0 + 5 + Ranged Att: 8 = (Dex) 3 + 5 + Grapple Att: 5 = (Str) 0 + 5 +
- Wepon Proficiency [Simple Weapons] - Wepon Proficiency [Short Sword] - Wepon Proficiency [Rapier] - Wepon Proficiency [Hand Crossbow] - Wepon Proficiency [Short Bow] - Armor Proficiency [Light Armor] - Scribe Scroll - Craft Blasting Powder - Extended Spell (doubles duration; SL+1) - Empower Spell (Value increase 50%; SL+2) - Widen Spell (Area +100%; SL+3) - Maximize Spell (Value maximized; SL+3) - Sneak Attack +2d6 - Trapfinding - Trap Sense +1 - Evasion - Precise Touch +1 (Disable bonus) - Explosive Knowledge +1d6
Spells per Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 4 3 2 - - -
- Spells Known
Lvl 0 Arcane Mark Detect Magic Read Magic Acid Splash Mage Hand Resistance
Lvl 1 Dawn Burst (Evo) 10 ft. radius light. Grease (Con) Make 10 ft. square, or object slipery. Raging Flame (Tra) Fire burns twice as hot, half as long. Resinous Tar (Con) Sticky substance slows move & glues. Scatterspray (Tra) Group of small obj. flies apart in burst. Slow Burn (Tra) Fire burns twice as long.
Lvl 2 Dispelling Touch (Abj) Dispel one magical effect on target. Fireburst (Evo) Creat. in 10 ft. radius take 1d8/CL fire dmg. Flaming Sphere (Evo) Rolling ball of fire 2d6 fire dmg, lasts 1r/CL. Incendiary Slime (Con) Creates flamable sticky substance. Pyrotechnics (Tra) Turn fire into bright light, or smoke.
Lvl 3 Dispel Magic (Abj) Cancel spell or effect of lower or same CL. Explosive Runes (Abj) Deal 6d6 force dmg when read. Fireball (Evo) Deals 1d6/CL fire dmg in 20 ft. radius area. Flashburst (Evo) Flash dazzles and blinds in area.