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Vampire The Masquerade


  • Assamite
oWoD Disciplines: Warrior: Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus; Vizier: Auspex, Celerity, Quietus; Sorceror: Assamite Sorcery, Obfuscate, Quietus
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes:
  • Brujah
oWoD Disciplines: Celerity, Potence, Presence
nWoD Disciplines: Celerity (or Protean), Majesty (or Animalism), Vigor (all VtR Core)
nWoD Creation Notes: Gangrel Bloodline Brujah (Vampire the Requiem p. 235)
  • Followers of Set
oWoD Disciplines: Cultist: Obfuscate, Presence, Serpentis; Warrior: Obfuscate, Protean, Serpentis; Seer: Auspex, Akhu, Serpentis
nWoD Disciplines: Cultist: Amphivena (Circle of the Crone p.186), Obfuscate, Majesty; Warrior: Amphivena, Obfuscate, Protean; Seer: Amphivena, Auspex, Sethite Rituals (Clanbook Mekhet p.106)
nWoD Creation Notes: Mekhet Bloodline (Clanbook Mekhet p.92)
  • Gangrel
oWoD Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Protean
nWoD Disciplines: Animalism, Protean, Resilience (all VtR Core)
nWoD Creation Notes: Clan Gangrel (Vampire the Requiem p. 106)
  • Giovanni
oWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude, Necromancy
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes:
  • Lasombra
oWoD Disciplines: Dominate, Obtenebration, Potence
nWoD Disciplines: Dominate, Obtenebration (Bloodlines the Hidden p.64), Vigor
nWoD Creation Notes:
  • Malkavian
oWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Dementation or Dominate, Obfuscate
nWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate (or Resilience) (all VtR Core)
nWoD Creation Notes: Ventrue Bloodline Malkovian (Vampire the Requiem p. 241)
  • Nosferatu
oWoD Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence
nWoD Disciplines: Animalism (or Nightmare), Obfuscate, Vigor (all VtR Core)
nWoD Creation Notes: Clan Nosferatu (Vampire the Requiem p. 110)
  • Ravnos
oWoD Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Chimerstry
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes:
  • Toreador
oWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Presence
nWoD Disciplines: Auspex (or Dominate), Celerity (or Vigor), Majesty (all VtR Core)
nWoD Creation Notes: Daeva Bloodline Toreador (Vampire the Requiem p.246)
  • Tremere
oWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Thaumaturgy
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes:
  • Tzimisce
oWoD Disciplines: Animalism, Auspex, Vicissitude or Dominate
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes:
  • Ventrue
oWoD Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude, Presence
nWoD Disciplines: Majesty (or Animalism), Dominate, Resilience (all VtR Core)
nWoD Creation Notes: Clan Vetrue (Vampire the Requiem p. 112)


  • Ahrimanes, an all female bloodline of shamanic vampires who belonged to the Sabbat.
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Baali, a bloodline of infernal vampires.
oWoD Disciplines: Daimoinon, Obfuscate, Presence
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Blood Brothers, the result of twisted Thaumaturgical and Koldunic rituals. Belonging almost exclusively to the Sabbat.
oWoD Disciplines: Fortitude, Potence, Sanguinus
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Capadocians Anchient Clan of Necromancers, ursurped by Clan Giovanni.
oWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude, Necromancy
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes:
  • "City" Gangrel, a splinter bloodline from the Clan Gangrel, believed to have originated during the 1800s.
oWoD Disciplines: Cel,Obfuscate,Protean
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Daughters of Cacophony, possible Fae, possibly just an offshoot of the Toreador or Malkavian Clans.
oWoD Disciplines: Fortitude, Melpominee, Presence
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Gargoyles, twisted servants (though occasional free agents) of the Tremere.
oWoD Disciplines: Fortitude, Potence, Visceratika, Flight
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Harbingers of Skulls, Eldritch Necromancers, members of the Sabbat and rumoured to be descendants of the Cappadocians.
oWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude, Necromancy
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Kiasyd more likely to be connected to the Fae than the Daughters of Cacophony, but twisted and mixed with the blood of Lasombra. Nominally members of the Sabbat.
oWoD Disciplines: Dominate, Mytherceria, Obtenebration
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Lamia, a blood line created by the Cappadocians as servators.
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Lhiannan, nearly extinct Celtic (Gangrel) bloodline.
oWoD Disciplines: ?, ?, Ogham
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Nagaraja, twisted sorcerers turned to cannibals and Necromancers. formerly part of the Tal'Mahe'Ra (aka the True Black Hand) before its destruction.
oWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Necromancy, Nihilistics
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Tlacique, Aztec offshoot of the Followers of Set that are secret enemies of the Sabbat.
oWoD Disciplines: Obfuscate, Presence, Protean
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • True Brujah, The true inheritors of Brujah's blood, before Troile diablerized the founder of Clan Brujah. At least, supposedly. Also once a part of the Tal'Mahe'Ra.
oWoD Disciplines: Potence, Presence, Temporis
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Salubri, Descendants of the enigmatic Antediluvian, Saulot hunted to near-extinction by the Tremere. A violent offshoot, the Salubri antitribu are members of the Sabbat.
oWoD Disciplines: Healers: Auspex, Fortitude, Obeah. Warriors: Auspex, Fortitude, Valeren
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Samedi, twisted and disgusting Necromancers from, predominantly, the island of Haiti. Rumoured to also be descendants of Cappadocius.
oWoD Disciplines: Necromancy, Obfuscate, Thanatosis
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Sons of Osiris, ancient egyptian enemies of the Followers of Set
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)

Mage The Ascension



Werewolf the Apocalypse

Garou Tribes

The werewolves of the Garou Nation seporate themselves into 12 distinct tribes under the auspices of the Western Concordiate.

  • Black Furies: Amazons hailing from Greece, now modern protectors of women and children.
  • Bone Gnawers: Indigent urban dwellers, with their ears on the streets.
  • Children of Gaia: Peace-makers and politicos who desire to unite all Garou.
  • Fianna: Revelers, tall singers, warrior-poets hailing from Ireland.
  • Get of Fenris: Fierce berserkers bent on defeating the Wyrm by any means necessary.
  • Glass Walkers: The other half of the urban equation. They seek to use the Weavers tools against her, and minions of the Wyrm, but are seen mostly as technophiles and executives
  • Red Talons: Feral and wild, this tribe is almost completely lupus and Hates humans.
  • Shadow Lords: Conniving and arrogant, they seek to take up the mantle of leadership of the nation.
  • Silent Striders: Wanderers, banished from their homeland Kemet (Egypt), they are cut off from their Ancestors, frequently commune with the dead.
  • Silver Fangs: Former Kings of all Garou, proud and mighty, but mad due to inbreeding.
  • Uktena: Mystical and mysterious tribe from South Western North America, Pure Ones Tribe.
  • Wendigo: Fierce and savage tribe from the cruel north, lead by a cannibal spirit, Pure Ones Tribe.

The Fallen & Lost

  • Bunyip: The Garou from Tasmania, these dreamers were destroyed by their brethren through the Wyrm trickery.
  • Croatan: The more moderate of the three Pure Ones Tribes, sacrificed themselves to sate the Eater of Souls, one of the heads of the Triadic Wyrm, and keep him from manifesting in the Gaian realm.
  • White Howlers: Now the corrupt tribe of the Wyrm, formerly the Garou who inhabited Scotland.
  • Star Gazers: Once a part of the Western Concordiate the Star Gazers withdrew from the western world en-mass in the mid-90s to protect their Cearns in the East. The Stargazers have since joined The Beast Courts.


There are several groups of Garou who do not fall neatly into a specific tribe.

  • Siberkah: A subtribe between the Wendigo and the Silver Fangs who live in the Eastern Russian Stepps.
  • Boli Zhouisze: A group of Garou who inhabit Hong Kong and parts of south east Asia, somehow associated with the Glass Walkers.
  • Los Infelizos: More of a blood line than a real tribe, they existed during the Savage West. Products of Shadow Lord Breedings with native Indian women kinfolk of Uktena stock. With strange beliefs, and gifts of prophecy, the last of these died out in 1937.

Rotten Apples

  • Abominations: These sad beings are what happens when a Vampire successfully embraces a Garou, or other shapeshifter for that matter. However strong they may become, dead puppies aren't much fun.
  • Black Spiral Dancers: The incarnation of the White Howlers, this tribe sees the world bitch (Gaia) as already dead. And they are the maggots feasting on her corpse in order to build something better from the old.
  • Skin Dancers: A dark secret of the Children Of Gaia is that they brought this plague upon the Nation. When a Child of Gaia Kinfolk unlocked a secret and terrible rite to become Garou himself, it sent those kinfolk unsatisfied with their lives as breeding stock or a place to crash, out to skin their relatives.


The Children of Gaia, Silent Striders, Red Talons, Uktena, and Wendigo generally have the most contact with the Fera, and the most cordial relations with them. The Shadow Lords have regular contact with the Fera only through their Eastern branch, the Hakken. And despite theses relationships, the Fera still do not trust the Garou as a whole. It is possible for a few to get along on a person to person level, but the War of Rage is something that is firmly set into their minds. And though they know that the modern Garou aren't the same as their forebears, it is still rather hard to let go of old hatreds, even with the arrival of the Red Star. Nevertheless, for them to survive, it would seem that this they must do.

The Fera were composed of fourteen types of shapeshifters, only eleven barely cling to life in modern times.

  • Ajaba

Hyena-Shifters: Once exiled from their homes, and slaughtered by the Simba. These "Bringers of Rain", have been through hell and back. Once teetering on the edge of corruption; they made a dramatic come back that would save Africa's shape shifting population.

  • Ananasi

Spider-Shifters: These Patient Ones were not created by Gaia. But however are in fact grandchildren to the Weaver. Their true mother and Queen is Anansi, daughter of the Weaver, who commands them into trying to keep the balance as it was.

  • Apis

Auroch-Shifters (Wild Ox) who were one of the Fera forever lost in the the War of Rage. They were known as "Gaia's Match Makers."

  • Bastet

Cat-Shifters: Some times called the "Eyes of Gaia", as they watch others to gather their secrets.

  • Camazotz

Bat-Shifters: Another victim of the War of Rage. These seemingly harmless bat Ovid were the night equivalent of the Corax, only whiles the Corax were the Northern Hemisphere, Camazotz were the Southern.

  • Corax

Raven-Shifters who gather information to spread among the Fera, particularly the Garou.

  • Grondr

Were-Boars: Warrior/Healers, these strange beasts would cleanse taint from the land by consuming sources buried in the ground. They like the Camazotz and the Apis died in the War of Rage.

  • Gurahl

Bear-Shifters: Far from dead, but clinging to life, the Gurahl serve to cleanse the taint, heal the land and people in it.

  • Kitsune

WereFoxes: Originating in Japan, they are the youngest of Gaia's children They maybe small, but they are willing to fight for the Emerald Mother and they can pack a punch.

  • Mokolé

Lizard-Shifters who serve to be Gaia's memory. For them the wisdom of the ages, and ancient history happened as if they were yesterday. Including the crimes the Garou perpetuated in the War of Rage.

  • Nagah

WereSnakes: Judges of the Fera, they come in whenever someone is grossly shirking in their duties to Gaia. They are thought to have died in the War of Rage. However that suites the Nagah's purpose just fine.

  • Nuwisha

Coyote-Shifters who played a trick on Luna one too many times. She turn her back on them, causing them to all become the equivalent of Garou Ragabash (only without the Rage). They now serve to "Prank the Wyrm" and teach others with their ... unusual brand of "humor".

  • Ratkin

Were-Rats: Originally set to watch over the humans and control their numbers, these mad, Wyld-tainted twitching creatures plot in the final days to bring down the Weaver's Webs and hack at the Wyrm. *shatters a window* Breaking glass... *twitter-whuffs-giggles* Such a pretty sound.

  • Rokea

Were-Sharks: Protectors of the Deep, the Rokea are trying to keep Gaia's Oceans clean of Wyrm-taint. Not an easy task, however a few Endron oil tankers going missing in a place as big as the ocean... No one's going to miss them..

Changeling the Dreaming

  • Boggans Heinzelmännschen
  • Clurichauns
  • Eshu Eshu
  • Ghille dhu
  • Merfolk
  • Nockers Nöcker
  • Oba
  • Piskey
  • Pooka Pooka
  • Redcaps Rot kappen
  • Satyrs Satyr
  • Selkies
  • Sluagh Sluagh
  • TrollsTrolle
