From Anu Anu RPG
Vampire The Masquerade[edit]
- Camarilla
Camarilla organisation is roughly equivalent to the Invictus Covenant
- Sabbath
The Sabbath shares a strong resemblance with Belials Brood
- Anarch
The Anarchs anti-kindred-establishment motives can be found in the Carthian Movement
- Independent
Independent Clans like the Assamites or Followers of Set often consider themelves to be some kind of mini-Covenant
- Assamite
- oWoD Disciplines: Warrior: Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus; Vizier: Auspex, Celerity, Quietus; Sorceror: Assamite Sorcery, Obfuscate, Quietus
- nWoD Disciplines: Warrior: Celerity, Bloodworking (Clanbook Mekhet p. 100) Obfuscate, ; Vizier: Auspex, Bloodworking, Celerity; Sorceror: Obfuscate, Bloodworking, Spoiling (Ordo Dracul p.205)
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Brujah
- oWoD Disciplines: Celerity, Potence, Presence
- nWoD Disciplines: Celerity (or Protean), Majesty (or Animalism), Vigor (all VtR Core)
- nWoD Creation Notes: Gangrel Bloodline Brujah (Vampire the Requiem p. 235)
- Followers of Set
- oWoD Disciplines: Cultist: Obfuscate, Presence, Serpentis; Warrior: Obfuscate, Protean, Serpentis; Seer: Auspex, Akhu, Serpentis
- nWoD Disciplines: Cultist: Amphivena (Circle of the Crone p.186), Obfuscate, Majesty; Warrior: Amphivena, Obfuscate, Protean; Seer: Amphivena, Auspex, Sethite Rituals (Clanbook Mekhet p.106)
- nWoD Creation Notes: Mekhet Bloodline Followers of Seth (Clanbook Mekhet p.92)
- Gangrel
- oWoD Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Protean
- nWoD Disciplines: Animalism, Protean, Resilience (all VtR Core)
- nWoD Creation Notes: Clan Gangrel (Vampire the Requiem p. 106)
- Giovanni
- oWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude, Necromancy
- nWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Cattiveria (Bloodlines the Chosen p.71), Resilience
- nWoD Creation Notes: Mekhet Bloodline Sangiovanni (Bloodlines the Chosen p.65)
- Lasombra
- oWoD Disciplines: Dominate, Obtenebration, Potence
- nWoD Disciplines: Dominate, Obtenebration (Bloodlines the Hidden p.64), Vigor
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Malkavian
- oWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Dementation or Dominate, Obfuscate
- nWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Dementation (Clanbook Ventrue p.116) or Dominate, Obfuscate (or Resilience)
- nWoD Creation Notes: Ventrue Bloodline Malkovian (Vampire the Requiem p. 241)
- Nosferatu
- oWoD Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence
- nWoD Disciplines: Animalism (or Nightmare), Obfuscate, Vigor (all VtR Core)
- nWoD Creation Notes: Clan Nosferatu (Vampire the Requiem p. 110)
- Ravnos
- oWoD Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Chimerstry
- nWoD Disciplines: Animalism, Licensieux (Bloodlines the Chosen p.42), Resilience
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Toreador
- oWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Presence
- nWoD Disciplines: Auspex (or Dominate), Celerity (or Vigor), Majesty (all VtR Core)
- nWoD Creation Notes: Daeva Bloodline Toreador (Vampire the Requiem p.246)
- Tremere
- oWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Thaumaturgy
- nWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Cruac (all VtR Core) or any Mage Arcanum max. 3 dots (Mage the Awakening)
- nWoD Creation Notes: Mage Legacy Tremere Lich (Mage the Awakening p.363); mortal Thaumaturgy see Second Sight
- Tzimisce
- oWoD Disciplines: Animalism, Auspex, Vicissitude or Dominate
- nWoD Disciplines: Animalism, Auspex, Vicissitude or Nightmare
- nWoD Creation Notes: Daeva Bloodline Nelapsi (Bloodlines the Hidden p.88)
- Ventrue
- oWoD Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude, Presence
- nWoD Disciplines: Majesty (or Animalism), Dominate, Resilience (all VtR Core)
- nWoD Creation Notes: Clan Vetrue (Vampire the Requiem p. 112)
- Ahrimanes, an all female bloodline of shamanic vampires who belonged to the Sabbat.
- oWoD Disciplines: Animalism, Presence, Spiritus
- nWoD Disciplines: Animalism, Majesty, Spiritus Sancti (Ancient Bloodlines p.)
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Baali, a bloodline of infernal vampires.
- oWoD Disciplines: Daimoinon, Obfuscate, Presence
- nWoD Disciplines: Majesty, Obfuscate, Infernal Pacts (Inferno)
- nWoD Creation Notes: see 'Convenant' Belial's Brood (VtR Core, Belial's Brood, or Inferno)
- Blood Brothers, the result of twisted Thaumaturgical and Koldunic rituals. Belonging almost exclusively to the Sabbat.
- oWoD Disciplines: Fortitude, Potence, Sanguinus
- nWoD Disciplines: Resilience, Vigor, The Show (Bloodlines the Legendary p.)
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Capadocians Anchient Clan of Necromancers, ursurped by Clan Giovanni.
- oWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude, Necromancy
- nWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude, Arcanum: Death (Mage the Awakening)
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Children of Osiris, ancient egyptian enemies of the Followers of Set. Not a 'true' Bloodline, but rather foresworn Kindred of other Clans
- oWoD Disciplines: Bardo, *, *, * (as original Clan)
- nWoD Disciplines: Theban Sorcery (VtR Core, Covenant Lancea Sanctum), *, *, * (as original Clan)
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- "City" Gangrel, a splinter bloodline from the Clan Gangrel, believed to have originated during the 1800s.
- oWoD Disciplines: Celerity, Obfuscate, Protean
- nWoD Disciplines: Celerity, Obfuscate, Protean (all VtR Core)
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Daughters of Cacophony, possible Fae, possibly just an offshoot of the Toreador or Malkavian Clans.
- oWoD Disciplines: Fortitude, Melpominee, Presence
- nWoD Disciplines: Majesty, Mimetismo (Bloodlines the Chosen p.32), Resilience
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Gargoyles, twisted servants (though occasional free agents) of the Tremere.
- oWoD Disciplines: Fortitude, Potence, Visceratika, Flight
- nWoD Disciplines:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Harbingers of Skulls, Eldritch Necromancers, members of the Sabbat and rumoured to be descendants of the Cappadocians.
- oWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude, Necromancy
- nWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Cattiveria (Bloodlines the Chosen p.71) or Carrefour (Ancient Bloodlines p.), Resilience
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Kiasyd more likely to be connected to the Fae than the Daughters of Cacophony, but twisted and mixed with the blood of Lasombra. Nominally members of the Sabbat.
- oWoD Disciplines: Dominate, Mytherceria, Obtenebration
- nWoD Disciplines: Dominate, Obtenebration (Bloodlines the Hidden p.64), Changeling Common and Goblin Contracts (Changeling the Lost)
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Lamia, a blood line created by the Cappadocians as servators.
- oWoD Disciplines: Deimos, Potence, Mortis
- nWoD Disciplines: Getsumei (VtR Core), Vigor, ?
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Lhiannan, nearly extinct Celtic (Gangrel) bloodline.
- oWoD Disciplines: Animalism, Ogham, Presence
- nWoD Disciplines: Animalism, Lithopedia (Ancient Bloodlines p.), Majesty
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Nagaraja, twisted sorcerers turned to cannibals and Necromancers. formerly part of the Tal'Mahe'Ra (aka the True Black Hand) before its destruction.
- oWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Necromancy, Nihilistics
- nWoD Disciplines: Auspex, Cattiveria (Bloodlines the Chosen p.71), Phagia (Bloodline the Chosen p.51)
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Tlacique, Aztec offshoot of the Followers of Set that are secret enemies of the Sabbat.
- oWoD Disciplines: Obfuscate, Presence, Protean
- nWoD Disciplines: Majesty, Obfuscate, Protean (all VtR Core)
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- True Brujah, The true inheritors of Brujah's blood, before Troile diablerized the founder of Clan Brujah. At least, supposedly. Also once a part of the Tal'Mahe'Ra.
- oWoD Disciplines: Potence, Presence, Temporis
- nWoD Disciplines: Majesty, Vigor, Arcanum: Time (Mage the Awakening)
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Salubri, Descendants of the enigmatic Antediluvian, Saulot hunted to near-extinction by the Tremere. A violent offshoot, the Salubri antitribu are members of the Sabbat.
- oWoD Disciplines: Healers: Auspex, Fortitude, Obeah; Warriors: Auspex, Fortitude, Valeren
- nWoD Disciplines: Healers: Auspex, Embrocation (Bloodlines the Hidden p.112), Resilience; Warriors: Auspex, ?, Resilience
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Samedi, twisted and disgusting Necromancers from, predominantly, the island of Haiti. Rumoured to also be descendants of Cappadocius.
- oWoD Disciplines: Necromancy, Obfuscate, Thanatosis
- nWoD Disciplines: Cattiveria (Bloodlines the Chosen p.71), Obfuscate, Memento Mori (Covenant Lancea Sanctum p.178)
- nWoD Creation Notes:
Mage The Ascension[edit]
Werewolf the Apocalypse[edit]
Garou Tribes[edit]
- Ragabash
- nWoD Gift Lists:evasion Gifts
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Theurg
- nWoD Gift Lists:Crescent Moon Gifts
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Philodox
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Galliard
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Aruhn
- nWoD Gift Lists:Full Moon Gifts
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Menchling
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Meitis
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Lupus
The werewolves of the Garou Nation seporate themselves into 12 distinct tribes under the auspices of the Western Concordiate.
- Black Furies: Amazons hailing from Greece, now modern protectors of women and children.
- oWoD Gift Lists: Black Furies
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Bone Gnawers: Indigent urban dwellers, with their ears on the streets.
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Children of Gaia: Peace-makers and politicos who desire to unite all Garou.
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Fianna: Revelers, tall singers, warrior-poets hailing from Ireland.
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Get of Fenris: Fierce berserkers bent on defeating the Wyrm by any means necessary.
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Glass Walkers: The other half of the urban equation. They seek to use the Weavers tools against her, and minions of the Wyrm, but are seen mostly as technophiles and executives
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Red Talons: Feral and wild, this tribe is almost completely lupus and Hates humans.
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Shadow Lords: Conniving and arrogant, they seek to take up the mantle of leadership of the nation.
- nWoD Gift Lists:Dominance Gifts
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Silent Striders: Wanderers, banished from their homeland Kemet (Egypt), they are cut off from their Ancestors, frequently commune with the dead.
- nWoD Gift Lists: Death Gifts
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Silver Fangs: Former Kings of all Garou, proud and mighty, but mad due to inbreeding.
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Uktena: Mystical and mysterious tribe from South Western North America, Pure Ones Tribe.
- nWoD Gift Lists:Elemental Gifts
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Wendigo: Fierce and savage tribe from the cruel north, lead by a cannibal spirit, Pure Ones Tribe.
- nWoD Gift Lists:Elemental Gifts
- nWoD Creation Notes:
The Fallen & Lost[edit]
- Bunyip: The Garou from Tasmania, these dreamers were destroyed by their brethren through the Wyrm trickery.
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Croatan: The more moderate of the three Pure Ones Tribes, sacrificed themselves to sate the Eater of Soulsto keep him from manifesting.
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- White Howlers: Now the corrupt tribe of the Wyrm, formerly the Garou who inhabited Scotland.
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Star Gazers: Once a part of the Western Concordiate the Star Gazers withdrew from the western world and have since joined The Beast Courts.
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
There are several groups of Garou who do not fall neatly into a specific tribe.
- Siberkah: A subtribe between the Wendigo and the Silver Fangs who live in the Eastern Russian Stepps.
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Boli Zhouisze: A group of Garou who inhabit Hong Kong and parts of south east Asia, somehow associated with the Glass Walkers.
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Los Infelizos: More of a blood line than a real tribe, they existed during the Savage West; died out in 1937.
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
Rotten Apples[edit]
- Abominations: These sad beings are what happens when a Vampire successfully embraces a Garou, or other shapeshifter for that matter.
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Black Spiral Dancers: The incarnation of the White Howlers, this tribe sees the world bitch (Gaia) as already dead.
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Skin Dancers: A dark secret of the Children Of Gaia is that they brought this plague upon the Nation.
- nWoD Gift Lists:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
The Fera were composed of fourteen types of shapeshifters, only eleven barely cling to life in modern times.
- Ajaba Hyena-Shifters: Once exiled from their homes, and slaughtered by the Simba.
- Ananasi Spider-Shifters: These Patient Ones were not created by Gaia. But however are in fact grandchildren to the Weaver.
- Apis Auroch-Shifters (Wild Ox) who were one of the Fera forever lost in the the War of Rage.
- Bastet Cat-Shifters: Some times called the "Eyes of Gaia", as they watch others to gather their secrets.
- Camazotz Bat-Shifters: Another victim of the War of Rage.
- Corax Raven-Shifters who gather information to spread among the Fera.
- Grondr Were-Boars: Warrior/Healers, these strange beasts, like the Camazotz and the Apis died in the War of Rage.
- Gurahl Bear-Shifters: Serve to cleanse the taint, heal the land and people in it.
- Kitsune Were-Foxes: Originating in Japan, they are the youngest of Gaia's children.
- Mokolé Lizard-Shifters who serve to be Gaia's memory.
- Nagah Were-Snakes: Judges of the Fera, they come in whenever someone is grossly shirking in their duties to Gaia.
- Nuwisha Coyote-Shifters who played a trick on Luna one too many times.
- Ratkin Were-Rats: Originally set to watch over the humans and control their numbers, now corrupted.
- Rokea Were-Sharks: Protectors of the Deep, the Rokea are trying to keep Gaia's Oceans clean of Wyrm-taint.
Changeling the Dreaming[edit]
- Boggans (Heinzelmännchen)
- oWoD Contracts:
- nWoD Contracts:
- nWoD Creation Notes:
- Clurichauns
- Eshu (Eshu)
- Ghille dhu
- Merfolk (Meeresvolk)
- Nockers (Nöcker)
- Oba
- Piskey
- Pooka (Pooka)
- Redcaps (Rotkappen)
- Satyrs (Satyre)
- Selkies
- Sluagh (Sluagh)
- Trolls (Trolle)
- Glomes (Golems), these are the "Heavy People", the giants made of rock and stone.
- Kuberas (Dryaden), these are the dryads, linked to trees, plants, or things made of wood.
- Ondines (Undinen), these nereids of the waters are among the most peaceful and non-aggressive Inanimae.
- Parosemes (Sylphen), also called the "silfar", these are the sprites of the air.
- Solimonds (Salamander), the spirits of fire are much as they might be expected to be.
- Mannikins (Mannikins), enigmas of the Inanimae, who are enigmatic to even the strange Kithain, mannikins inhabit things that resemble the form of man.