Elim Cotto

From Anu Anu RPG
Revision as of 14:53, 3 April 2018 by (talk) (Created page with "Concept: Halo Artist Cultur: Core Worlds Cultur Aspect: Old Wasy Are The Best Genotyp: Commonality Human Occupation: Special Ops Agent High Concept: Royal Holo Taylor Troubl...")
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Concept: Halo Artist Cultur: Core Worlds Cultur Aspect: Old Wasy Are The Best Genotyp: Commonality Human Occupation: Special Ops Agent High Concept: Royal Holo Taylor Trouble: Ex SCI Forces Name: Elim Koto Phase Trio: Skills: 4 Technical(Halo) 3 Intrusion, Will 2 Deceive, Melee, Notice 1 Empathy, Provoke, Ressources, Stealth Stunts: (1A)Special Ops Mindscape Implant (1S)Mindscape Engineer: +2 to create advantage action in Mindscape (1S)Artist: +2 to create advantage action Work Of Art (1S)Security Specialist: Resist with own Intrusion Skill (1S)Subdermal PMI (1A,1S)Subdermal Holoprojector Refresh: 3 Stress: Physical: 1, 2 Mental: 1, 2, 3, 3 Credit: 1, 2, 3 Ini: Physical: 2 Notice Mental: 1 Empathy Credit: 0 Bu

Etras: Venu Emerald Needel Uuorker (287) Scale: 5 Continental Reach: 8 Ga1actic Tech: 7 Aspect: Behind Enemy Lines Sunts: Halo: Gestalt Communications Sabotour Skills: 4 Assimilate 2 Deceive Tech Index: T10 Gravitiy: 1g