Major Gridman
From Anu Anu RPG
Revision as of 11:07, 7 February 2014 by (talk)
Name: Gridman Momentane Persönlichkeit: mikele argento
- SOLO: d10
- BUDDY: d6
- TEAM: d8
- Am i realy Human?
- agent of shield
- Assasin
Vollkörper Protese
- SU Durability d10
- SU Strength d10
- SU Stamina d10
- EH Reflexes d8
- SU Senses d10
- SU Marterial Arts d10
- Ivisibility d10
- SFX: Recalibrating shutdown : shut down Vollkörper protese to remove physikal stress. recover on a oportunity.
- Limit: heavy metal
- Limit: überlastung shutdown a power restart on opt or trasit
Cyber Brain
- SU Psychic resistence d10
- Experimental
- EH cyber resistence d8
- EH int d8
- EH comlink d8
- EH tech control d8
- SFX: Firewalled mind. 1pp ignore mental or emotional stress generated by mind effecting powers.
- SFX: Der Mann mit dem Plan
- Limit: conscious activation
- Limit: experimental: if a roll including a experimental power shows a 1 step up lowest doom die
- Combat Master: d10
- Covert Master: d10
- Tech Master : d10
- Meanence expert: d8
- vehicle expert : d8
Memorys of Mikele Argento
1: 3: 10: realise that mikele argento is just an other memory chip
=Der Master Plan
1: Szenen Ziel erreichen (eines der in punkt 3 aufgestellten) 3: Einen plan für die beweltigung einer szene aufstellen. 10: Einen Plan so in den sand setzen das ein squat member trauma erhällt. / Einen Plan entwerfen um einen Major Threat zu besigen der auch zu dessen fall führt.
old milestones
=Doom chiped
1 : Akting against the grp 3 : Aktivating the Doom chip by the Watcher 10: Removing the Doomchip / Switching Bodys