Major Gridman
From Anu Anu RPG
Name: Gridman Momentane Persönlichkeit: mikele argento
- SOLO: d10
- BUDDY: d6
- TEAM: d8
- Goodlooking Albino Italian Gigolo
- agent of shield
- Invisible Tech spezialist
Vollkörper Protese[edit]
- SU Durability d10
- SU Strength d10
- SU Stamina d10
- EH Reflexes d8
- SU Senses d10
- SU Marterial Arts d10
- Invisibility d10
SFX: Recalibrating shutdown : shut down Vollkörper protese to remove physikal stress. recover on a oportunity.
Limit: Heavy Metal. On a magnetic attack or while swimming, change any Weapon X Program power into a complication and gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the power.
Limit: überlastung shutdown a power restart on opt or trasit
Cyber Brain[edit]
- SU Psychic resistence d10
- Experimental
- EH cyber resistence d8
- EH int d8
- EH comlink d8
- EH tech control d8
SFX: Firewalled mind. 1pp ignore mental or emotional stress generated by mind effecting powers.
SFX: Der Mann mit dem Plan
Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown Cyber Brain. Recover Cyber Brain when you recover that stress or wake up. If you take mental trauma, shutdown Cyberbrain until you recover that trauma.
Limit: experimental: if a roll including a experimental power shows a 1 step up lowest doom die
- Combat Master: d10
- Covert Master: d10
- Tech Master : d10
- Crime expert: d8
- Vehicle expert : d8
Memorys of Mikele Argento[edit]
1: when you talk about what happend to your old team with an ally 3: when you take emotional stress by watching an ally being stressed out, or vanish 10: realise that mikele argento is just an other memory chip
Der Master Plan[edit]
1: Szenen Ziel erreichen (eines der in punkt 3 aufgestellten) 3: Einen plan für die beweltigung einer szene aufstellen. 10: Einen Plan so in den sand setzen das ein squat member trauma erhällt. / Einen Plan entwerfen um einen Major Threat zu besigen der auch zu dessen fall führt.
Old Milestones[edit]
Doom chiped[edit]
1 : Acting against the grp 3 : Activating the Doom chip by the Watcher 10: Removing the Doomchip / Switching Bodys