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Vampire The Masquerade


  • Assamite
oWoD Disciplines: Warrior: Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus, Vizier: Auspex, Celerity, Quietus, Sorceror (Dark Ages): Assamite Sorcery, Auspex, Quietus, Sorceror (Vampire: The Masquerade): Assamite Sorcery, Obfuscate, Quietus
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes:
  • Brujah
oWoD Disciplines: Celerity, Potence, Presence
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes: Gangrel Bloodline Brujah (Vampire the Requiem p. )
  • Capadocians
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes:
  • Followers of Set
oWoD Disciplines: Cultist: Obfuscate, Presence, Serpentis, Seer: Auspex, Obfuscate, Serpentis
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes: Mekhet Bloodline (Clanbook Mekhet p.)
  • Gangrel
oWoD Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Protean
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes: Clan Gangrel basic template (Vampire the Requiem p. )
  • Giovanni
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes:
  • Lasombra
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes:
  • Malkavian
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes: Ventrue Bloodline Malkovian (Vampire the Requiem p. )
  • Nosferatu
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes: Clan Nosferatu basic template (Vampire the Requiem p. )
  • Ravnos
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes:
  • Salubri
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes:
  • Samedi
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes:
  • Toreador
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes: Daeva Bloodline Toreador (Vampire the Requiem p.)
  • Tremere
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes:
  • Tzimisce
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes:
  • Ventrue
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
nWoD Creation Notes: Clan Vetrue basic template (Vampire the Requiem p. )


  • Ahrimanes, an all female bloodline of shamanic vampires who belonged to the Sabbat.
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Baali, a bloodline of infernal vampires.
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Blood Brothers, the result of twisted Thaumaturgical and Koldunic rituals. Belonging almost exclusively to the Sabbat.
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • "City" Gangrel, a splinter bloodline from the Clan Gangrel, believed to have originated during the 1800s.
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Daughters of Cacophony, possible Fae, possibly just an offshoot of the Toreador or Malkavian Clans.
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Gargoyles, twisted servants (though occasional free agents) of the Tremere.
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Harbingers of Skulls, Eldritch Necromancers, members of the Sabbat and rumoured to be descendants of the Cappadocians.
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Kiasyd more likely to be connected to the Fae than the Daughters of Cacophony, but twisted and mixed with the blood of Lasombra. Nominally members of the Sabbat.
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Lamia, a blood line created by the Cappadocians as servators.
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Lhiannan, nearly extinct Celtic bloodline.
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Nagaraja, twisted sorcerers turned to cannibals and Necromancers. formerly part of the Tal'Mahe'Ra (aka the True Black Hand) before its destruction.
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Tlacique, Aztec offshoot of the Followers of Set that are secret enemies of the Sabbat.
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • True Brujah, The true inheritors of Brujah's blood, before Troile diablerized the founder of Clan Brujah. At least, supposedly. Also once a part of the Tal'Mahe'Ra.
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Salubri, Descendants of the enigmatic Antediluvian, Saulot hunted to near-extinction by the Tremere. A violent offshoot, the Salubri antitribu are members of the Sabbat.
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Samedi, twisted and disgusting Necromancers from, predominantly, the island of Haiti. Rumoured to also be descendants of Cappadocius.
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)
  • Sons of Osiris, ancient egyptian enemies of the Followers of Set
oWoD Disciplines:
nWoD Disciplines: (p.)

Mage The Ascension



Werewolf the Apocalypse

Garou Tribes


Changeling the Dreaming
