Mig Espel

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Race: Spriggan

Allignment : CE (Mayer Briggs ESTP) 

Rollen spiel hinweise: Traue niemandem , Die welt ist böse gemein
und wenn sie dich erwischt kaut sie dich durch und spuckt die reste in die ecke.
nimm was du kriegen kannst kümmere dich nicht zu sehr um morgen du kannst heute noch sterben.
hallte dir immer einen notfall plan offen. 
Pai hat in Mig die erinnerungen an die geschichten aus den feenlanden geweckt 
einige zeit lang mit den lebens bejahenden gnomen zu reisen kann neue möglichkeiten eröffnen
und bietet eine abwechslung gegen über dem koch berufs eintopf  
Class: Rouge

Lv: 1
HP: 42 = 4d8+1d6+1(fav class)+15 (+15 = 57(large))

Str: 12 (24)
Dex: 20 (18)
Con: 16 (22)
Int: 14
Wis:  8
Cha: 13


2+Int Ranks per HD = 16
8+Int Ranks per lvl = 10

Acrobatics         :12=c 5(Dex)+ 4 Ranks 
Appraise           :  =c 2(Int)+ 0 Ranks 
Bluff              :  =c 1(Cha)+ 0 Ranks
Climb              : 4=c 1(Str)+ 1 Ranks +2 racial
Craft (Cook)       : 9=c 2(Int)+ 4 Ranks
Diplomancy         : 4=c 1(Cha)+ 1 Ranks
Disable Device     :12=c 5(Dex)+ 4 Ranks
Disguise           :  =c 1(Cha)+ 0 Ranks
Escape artist      :12=c 5(Dex)+ 4 Ranks
Handle Animal      :  =  1(Cha)+ 0 Ranks  
Heal               :  = -1(Wis)+ 0 Ranks
Intimidate         :  =c 1(Cha)+ 0 Ranks
Knowlege(Geo)      :  =  2(Int)+ 0 Ranks
Knowlege(lockal)   :  =  2(Int)+ 0 Ranks
Knowlege(Natur)    :  =  2(Int)+ 0 Ranks
Linguistics        :  =  2(Int)+ 0 Ranks
Perception         : 8=c-1(Wis)+ 4 Ranks +2 racial
Perform            :  =c 1(Cha)+ 0 Ranks
Profession         :  =c-1(Wis)+ 0 Ranks
Ride               :  =  5(Dex)+ 0 Ranks
Sense Motive       :  =c-1(Wis)+ 0 Ranks 
Spellcraft         :  =  2(Int)+ 0 Ranks 
Sleight of Hand    :  =c 5(Dex)+ 4 Ranks +2 racial
Stealth            :15=c 5(Dex)+ 4 Ranks +2 racial +4 size (-4 size = 7)
Survival           :  = -1(Wis)+ 0 Ranks 
Swim               :  =c 1(Str)+ 0 Ranks
Use Magic Device   :  =c 1(Cha)+ 0 Ranks


Two Weapon Fighting
Weapon focus (Handaxe)
Combat Reflexes
Spezial Attacks
Sneak Attack 3d6

Spell like abilitys (CL:4 Concentration +4
At will:
flare (DC 10), 
scare (DC 12),
shatter (DC 12)


Saves : total = class + Ability + misc
Fort Save :  4= 1+0 +3
Ref Save  : 10= 3+2 +5  
Will Save :  0= 1+0 -1
Speed:  30ft.        

Armor Class: 16 = 10 +3 Dex +3 Armor 
      Touch: 13 = 10 +3 dex
Flat-footed: 13 = 10 +3 armor
BAB: 4
Meele-AB:  5=  4 +1    
Ranged-AB: 7=  4 +3

Handaxe +5(1d6x3) and Lightpick +5 (1d4 x4)
Handaxe +7(1d6x3)
Lightpick +7 (1d4x4)

Mwk Composite Longbow (str +1) +8 (1d8+1x3)
Mwk Composite Longbow (str +1) (PB) +9 (1d8+2x3) 

Armor: Mwk Studded Leather
Armor Bonus: 3  
Max Dex Bonus:  
Check penalty:  0
Spell Failure:  0%


Mwk Composite Longbow (str +1)
Mwk Studded Leather
Snowshous of northern pursuit
Adventuring gear Northern style

Spezial Abilitys

Size Alteration (Su)

At will as a standard action, a spriggan can change his size between Small and Large. Weapons, armor, and other objects on the spriggan’s person grow proportionally when he changes size (objects revert to normal size 1 round after a spriggan releases them). When a spriggan becomes Large, his speed increases to 30 feet, he gains +12 Strength, –2 Dexterity, and +6 Constitution, and he takes a –2 size penalty to his AC. While Large, a spriggan cannot use his sneak attack or his racial spell-like abilities (although if he possesses either from class levels or templates, he retains their use in both sizes).

Spriggan Magic (Ex)

A spriggan gains a +1 racial bonus on concentration checks and to save DCs for all of its racial spell-like abilities.

Spriggan Skills (Ex)

Climb, Disable Device, Perception, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth are class skills for spriggans.