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'''Band 1: (Attribute&Skills)'''
'''Band 1: (Attribute&Skills)'''
Survival 1 auf 3 (10 Exp)
Brawl 3 auf 5 (18 Exp)
Strärke 3 auf 4 (20 Exp)
'''Band 2: (Merrits)'''
'''Band 2: (Merrits)'''
Natural Immunity 1 (2 Exp)
Fast Reflexes 2 (6 Exp)
Tolerance for Biology 1 (2 Exp)
Spirit Companion 3 (12 ExP)
'''Band 3: (Powers)'''
'''Band 3: (Powers)'''
Gross Eater 2 (10 Exp)
Wings 4 (28 Exp)
Aquatic 2 (10 Exp)
'''Band 4: (Retainer)'''
'''Band 4: (Retainer)'''

Revision as of 12:36, 26 April 2010


Wochen Exp: 51



Band 1: (Attribute&Skills)

Survival 1 auf 3 (10 Exp)

Brawl 3 auf 5 (18 Exp)

Strärke 3 auf 4 (20 Exp)

Band 2: (Merrits)

Natural Immunity 1 (2 Exp)

Fast Reflexes 2 (6 Exp)

Tolerance for Biology 1 (2 Exp)

Spirit Companion 3 (12 ExP)

Band 3: (Powers)

Gross Eater 2 (10 Exp)

Wings 4 (28 Exp)

Aquatic 2 (10 Exp)

Band 4: (Retainer)


  • Charaktererschaffung:

Giant 4

Profesional Trainig (Söldner) 4 (Firearms, Survival, Brawl)

Toxin Resistance 3

Morality -2 (+4 Merit Punkte)

  • Supernatural:

FS: Tooth and Claw 5

Territory 2


Virtue: Hofnung Vice: Zorn
Accord: Heart-Ripper

Str:3       Pre:2        Int:2     
Dex:2       Man:1        Wit:2    
Sta:3       Com:3        Res:3     

Skills: Academics, Athletics 3(Jagen), Animal Ken 2, Brawl 3(Natural Attacks,FS,Fight to Kill), Computer, Cafts , Drive , 
Empathy , Expression , Firearms 1(MP), Intimidation 3 (Erscheinung), Investigation 1, Larceny , 
Medicine 1, Occult 2, Persuasion , Politics , Science , Socialize , Streetwise 2, 
Stealth 3, Subterfuge , Survival 1(Untergrund), Weaponry 

Ini Mod:         Size:         Speed:     
Combat 1:         
Combat 2:         
Defense: 2       Armor:(4/3) 



Health (10): 
Willpower (6):

Power Stat: 1
Power Pool Essence(10): 

Tell (-1)
Extraordinary Specimen 1
Hybrid Forms 4
Spirit Secrets (Terrify) 3

Breed Favors: 
Fang and Claw (bite) 3 (L)/(rake) 1 (L)
Natural Armor 4/3
Musk 3 (Dragonbreath nur in Dire Beast)
Wings 4 (nur in Dire Beast) (28 Exp)
Ferocity 3