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Vor einigen Jahren wurden mehrer Männer einer militärischen Spezialeinheit wegen eines Verbrechens verurteilt, das sie begangen hatten. Sie brachen aus dem Commonwealth aus und tauchten in New Los Angeles unter. Seitdem werden sie von der Militärpolizei gejagt, aber sie helfen anderen, die in Not sind. Sie wollen nicht so ganz ernst genommen werden, aber ihre Gegner müssen sie ernst nehmen. Also wenn Sie mal ein Problem haben und nicht mehr weiter wissen, suchen Sie doch das Ankh-Team!
[[:Category:CDW|Charles Dexter Ward]] - humans first roboter  
*[[:Category:CDW|Charles Dexter Ward]] - humans first roboter  
ossama bin nomad?? - interstellar gesuchter top terrorist der human first bewegung ankh
*[[Wilfried Spartakus Adorno]] - interstellar gesuchter Topterrorist der Human First Bewegung Ankh
Sorry ratte ich hab den namen vergessen - die raumwerft die sich selbst replizieren kann
*[[86317]] - die Raumwerft, die sich selbst replizieren kann
DanEaze - Königlicher Holoschneider
*[[Elim Cotto]] - Königlicher Venuanischer Holoschneider
SCI Colonel Dekker - Das Einzige SCI schiff das nach der langen flucht aus den kernwelten immer noch dem ankh folgt und ihn zurstrecke bringen will.
CSS Colonel Dekker - Das einzige SCI Schiff, das nach der langen Flucht aus den Kernwelten immer noch dem Ankh folgt und es zur Strecke bringen will.
The Neo-Shinean (Pseudo Asiatisch) subculture is widespread in Commonality Space, and candidates for Neo-Shinean culture worlds are still being rediscovered. They match the most ardent corporacy worlds in toughness and dedication.
Scale: Interstellar (+8)
Reach: Galactic (+9)
Tech Index: T9
Consequences: 3 mild + 1 moderate
True to Our Roots, Ours Is the Light, Inscrutable Conformists,
Self-Denying so Humankind Can  Transcend
Capability Memes: Just One World Among Millions,
Science! We’re Losing Touch With the Old Ways, What Is Human Anyway?
Fantastic (+6) Structure, Will;
Superb (+5) Bureaucracy, Resources;
Great (+4) Deceive, Stealth
 Culture Worlds: Three Average (+1), one Fair (+2)
and one Average (+1), or one Good (+3) culture world
as a minor NPC.
 Hunter-Killer Sentinels: +1 bonus to remove
situation aspects as long as you have Mindscape access.
 Propaganda Campaign: +2 bonus to Provoke
attack, defend, and create an advantage actions.
 Traditionalist: Armour:3 rating against mental and
physical attacks.
===An Fang===
===An Fang===
An-Fang is the gateway to the Sentient Alliance and the Successor States
An-Fang is the gateway to the Sentient Alliance and the Successor States beyond, and a formidable cultural bastion. A T9 civilisation and the main
beyond, and a formidable cultural bastion. A T9 civilisation and the main
Commonality world in the Heritage Contestation octant, it dates back to the Great Western Flourishing era of the Shine Commonality, which spread many
Commonality world in the Heritage Contestation octant, it dates back to
populations from eastern Yarp and the Shinean Hinterlands to the stars. Its slowship left Old Earth in approximately 500FA, early even for the Flourishing;
the Great Western Flourishing era of the Shine Commonality, which spread many
An-Fang was founded before longevity and xenomorphs ever took hold. It’s an arid world, with an eccentric orbit and extreme seasonality; its civilisations
populations from eastern Yarp and the Shinean Hinterlands to the stars. Its
were unable to achieve equilibrium until the Great Processional Plurality three thousand years ago. Since then, An-Fang’s people have been adapted
slowship left Old Earth in approximately 500FA, early even for the Flourishing;
to its conditions, its culture has been stable, and its history and archives have remained unbroken. Even now, however, it’s difficult for offworlders to adapt, and
An-Fang was founded before longevity and xenomorphs ever took hold. It’s an
many need respirators. An-Fang is an aqueous world, but originally had only a simple biosphere; today’s ecosystems are terrestrial
arid world, with an eccentric orbit and extreme seasonality; its civilisations
transplants, adjusted to local conditions. It has pleasant summers with a huge sun in a bright blue sky, but a ferociously cold winter, when the sun shrinks to
were unable to achieve equilibrium until the Great Processional Plurality
half its size, a mini-Ice Age lasting four months, when the temperate zones freeze over, atmospheric moisture precipitates out to be locked into the ice
three thousand years ago. Since then, An-Fang’s people have been adapted
caps, and all but the equatorial regions experience huge climate change. An-Fang’s society is highly controlled, and the population seems to like it.
to its conditions, its culture has been stable, and its history and archives have
Their lives are on full display, with little privacy; population pressures and cultural history have created a communal culture, facilitated by
remained unbroken. Even now, however, it’s difficult for offworlders to adapt, and
hyperintelligent sentience oversight. The solar system has been extensively developed, and three quarters of the population live offworld.
many need respirators. An-Fang is an aqueous world, but
originally had only a simple biosphere; today’s ecosystems are terrestrial
High Concept:Marginal Garden World Commonality Hub.
transplants, adjusted to local conditions. It has pleasant summers with a huge
Aspects: G-class Main Sequence Star; Transplant Biosphere; Plentiful Metals, Calcium, and Organics; Highly-Controlled Neo-Shinean Culture World;Ferocious Winters; No Privacy; Highly-Developed Solar System.
sun in a bright blue sky, but a ferociously cold winter, when the sun shrinks to
half its size, a mini-Ice Age lasting four months, when the temperate zones
freeze over, atmospheric moisture precipitates out to be locked into the ice
Planetary Age: Mature (+0).
caps, and all but the equatorial regions experience huge climate change.
Orbit: Highly Eccentric (-4): Inner Habitable Zone (0.7AU) to Outer Habitable Zone (1.5AU).
An-Fang’s society is highly controlled, and the population seems to like it.
Year Length: 438 standard days.
Their lives are on full display, with little privacy; population pressures
Size: Small (-2): 3840km.
and cultural history have created a communal culture, facilitated by
Density: Standard (+0).
hyperintelligent sentience oversight. The solar system has been extensively
Surface Gravity: Low (-2): 0.5G.
developed, and three quarters of the population live offworld.
Day Length: Slow (-2): 10 standard days.
Atmospheric Pressure: Low (-2): 0.7atm.
Surface Temperature: Standard (+0): 14°C to Cool (-1): 10°C.
Surface Liquid: Low (-1): 45% water.
Seasonality: Extreme Seasonality (+6).
Satellites: 1 Planetesimal.
Planetary Bodies: 6.
Habitability: Marginal (+0).
''High Concept:'' Marginal Garden World Commonality Hub.
''Aspects:'' G-class Main Sequence Star; Transplant Biosphere; Plentiful Metals, Calcium, and Organics; Highly-Controlled Neo-Shinean Culture World;Ferocious Winters; No Privacy; Highly-Developed Solar System.
Civilisation Designation: Culture World (+1).
Population: High (+2): Billions.
Government Type: Commonalitycontrolled(+4).
Planetary Age: Mature (+0).
Societal Development: Sentience
Orbit: Highly Eccentric (-4): Inner
Coordinated Collective (+5).
Habitable Zone (0.7AU) to Outer
Economic System: Resource Allocation.
Habitable Zone (1.5AU).
Openness: Guarded (+0).
Year Length: 438 standard days.
Control Index: Total (+5).
Size: Small (-2): 3840km.
Trade Index: Low Moderate (-1).
Density: Standard (+0).
Embargo: n/a.
Surface Gravity: Low (-2): 0.5G.
Tech Index: T9 (+4): Second Age of Space.
Day Length: Slow (-2): 10 standard days.
Starport: A-class Octant Hub (+5).
Atmospheric Pressure: Low (-2):
Mindscape: Mindscape Hub (+2).
Culture: Yarpeen/Shinean Culture World
Surface Temperature: Standard (+0):
in Stage 4 Cultural Integrity.
14°C to Cool (-1): 10°C.
Surface Liquid: Low (-1): 45% water.
Seasonality: Extreme Seasonality (+6).
Satellites: 1 Planetesimal.
Planetary Bodies: 6.
Habitability: Marginal (+0).
Civilisation Designation: Culture
World (+1).
Population: High (+2): Billions.
Government Type: Commonalitycontrolled
Societal Development: Sentience
Coordinated Collective (+5).
Economic System: Resource Allocation.
Openness: Guarded (+0).
Control Index: Total (+5).
Trade Index: Low Moderate (-1).
Embargo: n/a.
Tech Index: T9 (+4): Second Age of
Starport: A-class Octant Hub (+5).
Mindscape: Mindscape Hub (+2).
Culture: Yarpeen/Shinean Culture World
in Stage 4 Cultural Integrity.
Line 87: Line 102:
====Die Wiederauferstehung des Charles Dexter Ward====
====Die Wiederauferstehung des Charles Dexter Ward====
===Was dann geschah===
===Was dann geschah===
====einkaufen mit hindernissen====
====Einkaufen mit Hindernissen====
====Die Extraktion und Ankunft im Orbit von Olkennedy====

Latest revision as of 01:52, 12 April 2018


Vor einigen Jahren wurden mehrer Männer einer militärischen Spezialeinheit wegen eines Verbrechens verurteilt, das sie begangen hatten. Sie brachen aus dem Commonwealth aus und tauchten in New Los Angeles unter. Seitdem werden sie von der Militärpolizei gejagt, aber sie helfen anderen, die in Not sind. Sie wollen nicht so ganz ernst genommen werden, aber ihre Gegner müssen sie ernst nehmen. Also wenn Sie mal ein Problem haben und nicht mehr weiter wissen, suchen Sie doch das Ankh-Team!



CSS Colonel Dekker - Das einzige SCI Schiff, das nach der langen Flucht aus den Kernwelten immer noch dem Ankh folgt und es zur Strecke bringen will.



The Neo-Shinean (Pseudo Asiatisch) subculture is widespread in Commonality Space, and candidates for Neo-Shinean culture worlds are still being rediscovered. They match the most ardent corporacy worlds in toughness and dedication.

Scale: Interstellar (+8) 
Reach: Galactic (+9) 
Tech Index: T9
Consequences: 3 mild + 1 moderate
True to Our Roots, Ours Is the Light, Inscrutable Conformists,
Self-Denying so Humankind Can  Transcend
Capability Memes: Just One World Among Millions,
Science! We’re Losing Touch With the Old Ways, What Is Human Anyway?
Fantastic (+6) Structure, Will;
Superb (+5) Bureaucracy, Resources;
Great (+4) Deceive, Stealth
 Culture Worlds: Three Average (+1), one Fair (+2)
and one Average (+1), or one Good (+3) culture world
as a minor NPC.
 Hunter-Killer Sentinels: +1 bonus to remove
situation aspects as long as you have Mindscape access.
 Propaganda Campaign: +2 bonus to Provoke
attack, defend, and create an advantage actions.
 Traditionalist: Armour:3 rating against mental and
physical attacks.


An Fang[edit]

An-Fang is the gateway to the Sentient Alliance and the Successor States beyond, and a formidable cultural bastion. A T9 civilisation and the main Commonality world in the Heritage Contestation octant, it dates back to the Great Western Flourishing era of the Shine Commonality, which spread many populations from eastern Yarp and the Shinean Hinterlands to the stars. Its slowship left Old Earth in approximately 500FA, early even for the Flourishing; An-Fang was founded before longevity and xenomorphs ever took hold. It’s an arid world, with an eccentric orbit and extreme seasonality; its civilisations were unable to achieve equilibrium until the Great Processional Plurality three thousand years ago. Since then, An-Fang’s people have been adapted to its conditions, its culture has been stable, and its history and archives have remained unbroken. Even now, however, it’s difficult for offworlders to adapt, and many need respirators. An-Fang is an aqueous world, but originally had only a simple biosphere; today’s ecosystems are terrestrial transplants, adjusted to local conditions. It has pleasant summers with a huge sun in a bright blue sky, but a ferociously cold winter, when the sun shrinks to half its size, a mini-Ice Age lasting four months, when the temperate zones freeze over, atmospheric moisture precipitates out to be locked into the ice caps, and all but the equatorial regions experience huge climate change. An-Fang’s society is highly controlled, and the population seems to like it. Their lives are on full display, with little privacy; population pressures and cultural history have created a communal culture, facilitated by hyperintelligent sentience oversight. The solar system has been extensively developed, and three quarters of the population live offworld.

High Concept:Marginal Garden World Commonality Hub.
Aspects: G-class Main Sequence Star; Transplant Biosphere; Plentiful Metals, Calcium, and Organics; Highly-Controlled Neo-Shinean Culture World;Ferocious Winters; No Privacy; Highly-Developed Solar System.
Planetary Age: Mature (+0).
Orbit: Highly Eccentric (-4): Inner Habitable Zone (0.7AU) to Outer Habitable Zone (1.5AU).
Year Length: 438 standard days.
Size: Small (-2): 3840km.
Density: Standard (+0).
Surface Gravity: Low (-2): 0.5G.
Day Length: Slow (-2): 10 standard days.
Atmospheric Pressure: Low (-2): 0.7atm.
Surface Temperature: Standard (+0): 14°C to Cool (-1): 10°C.
Surface Liquid: Low (-1): 45% water.
Seasonality: Extreme Seasonality (+6).
Satellites: 1 Planetesimal.
Planetary Bodies: 6.
Habitability: Marginal (+0).
Civilisation Designation: Culture World (+1).
Population: High (+2): Billions.
Government Type: Commonalitycontrolled(+4).
Societal Development: Sentience
Coordinated Collective (+5).
Economic System: Resource Allocation.
Openness: Guarded (+0).
Control Index: Total (+5).
Trade Index: Low Moderate (-1).
Embargo: n/a.
Tech Index: T9 (+4): Second Age of Space.
Starport: A-class Octant Hub (+5).
Mindscape: Mindscape Hub (+2).
Culture: Yarpeen/Shinean Culture World
in Stage 4 Cultural Integrity.



Das erwachen der KI[edit]

Der anschlag[edit]

Die Wiederauferstehung des Charles Dexter Ward[edit]

Was dann geschah[edit]

Einkaufen mit Hindernissen[edit]

Die Extraktion und Ankunft im Orbit von Olkennedy[edit]


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Pages in category "Ankh"

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