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Calling Defining Merit Benefits Prerequisites Example
<table width=90% border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
Adventurer / Rouge Calling (• to •••••) (•) one add. dot in Contacts Merit.
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Calling</b></td><td><b>Defining Merit</b></td><td><b>Benefits</b></td><td><b>Prerequisites</b></td><td><b>Example</b></td></tr>
(•••) 1/session spend 1WP to gain 9-again on any one non-power related roll.
<tr><td>'''Adventurer / Rouge'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) one add. dot in Contacts Merit.</td><td>Streetwise ••••+</td><td>Nomad, Prowler</td></tr>
(•••••) , Streetwise •••+ Nomad, Prowler
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) 1/session spend 1WP to gain 9-again on any one non-power related roll.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Absorber / Leech Calling (• to •••••) (•) one add dot Cypher Merit.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) character gains Enlivening Pathos merit.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) three free Specialties appropriate to power
<tr><td>'''Absorber / Leech'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) one add dot Cypher Merit.</td><td>Com or Sta •••+, any shape- and/ or power-mimicking Power</td><td>The Absorber, Mimic, Mystique, Taskmaster, Peter Petrelli, Sylar</td></tr>
(•••••) shape- and/ or power-mimicking Power gains Ext. Duration Extra Com or Sta ••••+, Mimic, Power Vampire, Skinchanger, or any shape- and/ or power-mimicking Power The Absorber, Mimic, Mystique, Taskmaster, Peter Petrelli, Sylar
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) three free Specialties appropriate to Power</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Brick / Brute Calling (to •••••) (•) 0/1 Armor against Bashing damage only.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) shape- and/ or power-mimicking Power gains Ext. Duration Extra</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) character gains one add Health Level.
<tr><td>'''Brick / Brute'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>() 0/1 Armor against Bashing damage only.</td><td>Str or Sta •••••+, Brawl •••+</td><td>Colossus, The Thing, Juggernaut</td></tr>
(•••••) Str or Sta •••••+, Brawl •••+ Colossus, The Thing, Juggernaut,
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) character gains two add. dots Durability Power.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Detective / Stalker Calling (• to •••••) (•) Free rote action for Investigation Skill.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) character gains 9-again on all Strength-related rolls (including attacks).</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) character gains Investigative Sense Merit.
<tr><td>'''Detective / Stalker'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) Free rote action for Investigation Skill.</td><td>Wit or Com ••••+, Investigation ••••+</td><td>Batman, Phantom Reporter</td></tr>
(•••••) Wit or Com ••••+, Investigation ••••+ Batman, Phantom Reporter
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) character gains Investigative Sense Merit.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Energy Proj. / Blaster Calling (• to •••••) (•) Verve Pool one box greater than normal.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) character gains three additional dots in Contacts, Ally or Sidekick</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) three free Specialties appropriate to energy or element
<tr><td>'''Energy Projector / Blaster'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) Verve Pool one box greater than normal.</td><td>Any Energy- or Elemental based Power</td><td>Cyclops, Devastator, Starfire</td></tr>
(•••••) Any Energy- or Elemental based Power Cyclops, Devastator, Starfire
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) three free Specialties appropriate to energy or element.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Elemental / Forcemaster Calling (• to •••••) (•) two free specialties “Shape [element]”.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) Blast power (or Elemental Blast) gains one free additional Extra (does not raise power's level)</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) 1/scene character may consume instance of element, min siz 1, to regain 1 Verve.
<tr><td>'''Elemental / Forcemaster'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) two free specialties “Shape [element]”.</td><td>Any Nature, Elemental- or Gravity based power</td><td>Iceman, Gravity, Human Torch, Magneto, Plantman</td></tr>
(•••••) Any Nature, Elemental- or Gravity based power Iceman, Gravity, Human Torch, Magneto, Plantman
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) 1/scene character may consume instance of element, min siz 1, to regain 1 Verve.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Feral / Bestial Calling (• to •••••) (•) two free specialties appr. to chosen animal
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) character gains Elemental Mastery power (does not count against limit of Elemental Anima powers)</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) Feral Feature; either one +2, or two +1 boni appropriate to features of chosen animal.
<tr><td>'''Feral / Bestial'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>() two free specialties appr. to chosen animal.</td><td>Dex or Wit ••••+, Animal Ken •••+</td><td>Sabretooth, Tigra, Kraven, Vulture</td></tr>
(•••••) Dex or Wit ••••+, Animal Ken •••+ Sabretooth, Tigra, Kraven Vulture
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) Feral Feature; either one +2, or two +1 boni appropriate to features of chosen animal.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Gadgeteer / Mad Scient. Calling (• to •••••) () one add dot in any one Property-Merit.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) character gains one additional dot Mega-Survival including the Stacking extra.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) all new equipment gets +2 Durability.
<tr><td>'''Gadgeteer / Mad Scientist'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) one additional dot in any Property-Merit.</td><td>Craft ••••+, three pieces of equipment rated ••+, or object-bound powers rated ••+</td><td>Hank Pym, Forge, Brainiac 5</td></tr>
(•••••) Craft ••••+, five pieces of equipment rated ••+ Hank Pym, Forge, Brainiac 5
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) three free Specialties "Custom Equipment"</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Ghost / Spectre Calling (• to •••••) (•) two free specialties “Surprise” on any Skill.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) all new equipment may be Themed Equipment (adds two dots to equipment rating and +1 equipment bonus) for free.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) 9-again quality to Stealth rolls.
<tr><td>'''Gamma'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) gains immunity to Radiation equal to rating.</td><td>Radiation-related Origin (Accident, Mutant or Tech)</td><td>Hulk, Powersurge, Radioactive Man, Starlight</td></tr>
(•••••) Stealth ••••+, Any Invisibility- or Phasing based Power Invisible Woman, Kitty Pryde,
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) may convert Radiation up to rating into Verve once per scene.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Martial Artist / Ninja Calling (• to •••••) (•) one add. dot in unarmed combat style.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) may convert Radiation up to rating into Mega-Attribute.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) character gains Heavy Hands Merit.
<tr><td>'''Ghost / Spectre'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) two free specialties “Surprise” on any Skill.</td><td>Stealth ••••+, Any Invisibility- or Phasing based Power</td><td>Ghost Girl, Invisible Woman, Kitty Pryde</td></tr>
(•••••) Athletics ••••+, unarmed Combat Style •••+ Iron Fist, Electra, Shang Chi,  
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) 9-again quality to Stealth rolls.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Mentalist / Mastermind Calling (• to •••••) () character gains Area of Expertise Merit.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) Invisibility- or Phasing based Power gains Reduced Verve Cost extra (does not raise power's level)</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) 9-again in any one chosen Mental Skill.
<tr><td>'''God-Spawn / Titan-Spawn'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) character gains two-dot mystic Property merit</td><td>Mystic Origin, Godforce as mystic power source</td><td>Hercules, St. Elmo, Thor, Wonder Woman</td></tr>
(•••••) Any Mental Attribute •••••+, 11+ dots on Mental Skills Professsor Xavier, Jean Grey,  
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) Character mystically stops aging</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Metal Man / Armorborg Calling (to •••••) (•) character gains Armored Fighting 2 Merit.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) Mega-Attribute Power counts one rank lower than normal</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) two add. dot in Power Armor equipment.
<tr><td>'''Martial Artist / Ninja'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) one add. dot in unarmed combat style.</td><td>Athletics ••••+, unarmed Combat Style •••+</td><td>Iron Fist, Electra, Shang Chi</td></tr>
(•••••) Craft •••••+, Power Armor equipment •••+ Iron Man, Iron Monger, Crimson Dynamo, John Henry Irons,
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) character gains Heavy Hands merit.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Metamorph / Chimera Calling (to •••••) (•) May end shifting powers, before scene ends at will; Must expend Verve if shifted forcefully.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) character gains Lightning Dodge merit</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) three free specialties appropriate to shifting
<tr><td>'''Mentalist / Mastermind'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>() character gains Area of Expertise Merit.</td><td>Any Mental Attribute •••••+, 11+ dots on Mental Skills</td><td>Professsor Xavier, Jean Grey</td></tr>
(•••••) shifting power gains Ext. Duration Extra Resolve •••+, Shapeshifting-related Power (Bodymorph, Plasticity, Shapeshift, Skinchanger) ••+ Mister Fantastic, Reptil, Plastic Man
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) 9-again in any one chosen Mental Skill.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Patriot / Extremist Calling (• to •••••) (•) add dot in Sworn Officer or Status Merit.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) extra mental action for each point of Int >3; each extra action is made at cumulative -3 modifier</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) two add dots Sidekick or Henchmen Merit.
<tr><td>'''Iron Knight / Armorborg'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) character gains Armored Fighting 2 Merit.</td><td>Craft •••••+, Power Armor equipment •••+</td><td>Iron Man, Iron Monger, Crimson Dynamo, John Henry Irons</td></tr>
(•••••) character gains Inspiring Merit and one add dot Decorated or Fame Merit. Resolve ••••+,, Sworn Officer or Status [appropriate organisation] •••+ Captain America, Flag Smasher, Red Skull, Union Jack, Vindicator, Vormund
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) two add. dot in Power Armor equipment.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Prodigy / Abuser Calling (• to •••••) (•) two free specialties in any Skill with Mega-Skill.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) one add. dot Verve Recovery power</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) 9-again quality on chosen Skill.
<tr><td>'''Metamorph / Chimera'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) May end shifting powers, before scene ends at will; Must expend Verve if shifted forcefully.</td><td>Resolve •••+, Shapeshifting-related Power (Bodymorph, Plasticity, Shapeshift, Skinchanger) ••+</td><td>Mister Fantastic, Reptil, Plastic Man</td></tr>
(•••••) one Mega-Skill gets Stacking Extra. Any Skill ••••+, any Mega-Skill Power Key, Sportsmaster,  
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) three free specialties appropriate to shifting.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Rider / Slider Calling (• to •••••) (•) one add dot Vehicle Merit.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) shifting power gains Ext. Duration Extra.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) three free specialties appropriate to chosen Vehicle
<tr><td>'''Paragon / Exemplar'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) two free specialties "Cosmic" on any Skill</td><td>Cosmic Origin</td><td> </td></tr>
(•••••) Drive •••••+, Vehicle equipment •••+ Silver Surfer, Ghost Rider,  
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) Unstoppable ••• Merit</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Speedster / Speed Demon Calling (• to •••••) (•) Speed +1; stacks with Fleet of Foot Merit.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) Mega Attribute(s) gains the Stacking extra</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) three free specialties “Speed” in any Skill.
<tr><td>'''Patriot / Extremist'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) add dot in Sworn Officer or Status Merit.</td><td>Resolve ••••+,, Sworn Officer or Status [appropriate organisation] •••+</td><td>Captain America, Flag Smasher, Red Skull, Union Jack, Vindicator, Vormund</td></tr>
(•••••) Speed 12+, any Superspeed-related Power (Alacrity, Hypermovement, Rapidity) Makkkari, Northstar, Quicksilver, The Flash
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) two add dots Sidekick or Henchmen Merit.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Thaumaturge / Warlock Calling (• to •••••) (•) May spend box from any pool to see Auras.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) character gains Inspiring Merit and one add dot Decorated or Fame Merit.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) two add. dots in Library Merit
<tr><td>'''Prodigy / Abuser'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) two free specialties in any Skill with Mega-Skill.</td><td>Any Skill ••••+, any Mega-Skill Power</td><td>Key, Sportsmaster</td></tr>
(•••••) choose two: Astral Travel, Bless, Curse, Divination, Familiar, Geomancy, Scrying, Ward. Occult ••••+, any Pluripotence Power Doctor Strange, Zatanna,  
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) 9-again quality on chosen Skill.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Vigilante / Shadow Calling (to •••••) (•) character gains Danger Sense Merit.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) one Mega-Skill gets Stacking Extra.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) two add. dots in Cypher Merit
<tr><td>'''Rider / Jacker'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) one add dot Vehicle or Mount merit</td><td>Drive or Athletics •••••+, Vehicle or Mount rated •••+</td><td>Silver Surfer, Ghost Rider</td></tr>
(•••••) , Cypher •••+ Daredevil, Mockingbird, The Phantom
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) three free specialties appropriate to chosen Vehicle or Mount</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
Weapon Master / Assassin Calling (• to •••••) (•) one add. dot in armed combat style.
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) chosen Vehicle or Mount gains two dots in any Superspeed power</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
(•••) chosen weapon type gains 9-again quality.
<tr><td>'''Speedster / Speed Demon'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) Speed +1; stacks with Fleet of Foot Merit.</td><td>Speed 12+, any Superspeed-related Power (Alacrity, Hypermovement, Rapidity)</td><td>Makkkari, Northstar, Quicksilver, The Flash</td></tr>
(•••••) Weaponry ••••+, armed Combat Style •••+ Hawkeye, Green Arrow
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) three free specialties “Speed” in any Skill.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) Hyperspeed gains Hyperspeed Attack extra  (does not raise power's level)</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>'''Thaumaturge / Warlock'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) May spend box from any pool to see Auras.</td><td>Occult ••••+, any Pluripotence Power</td><td>Doctor Strange, Zatanna</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) two add. dots in Library Merit.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) choose two: Astral Travel, Bless, Curse, Divination, Familiar, Geomancy, Scrying, Ward.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>'''Vigilante / Shadow'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) character gains Danger Sense Merit.</td><td>Cypher •••+</td><td>Daredevil, Mockingbird, The Phantom</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) two add. dots in Cypher Merit.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) character gains one add dot Fame merit and may use bonus on Intimidation rolls</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>'''Vampire'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) Character gains Vampiric Boon and Flaw, and may select only vampiric powers</td><td>Energy Leech Power, Mentor [vampiric creator] ••+</td><td>Baron Blood, Dracula</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) Whenever character uses Energy Leech Power, it drains one additional energy point per use.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) Character may choose other power that is added to his list of vampiric powers.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>'''Weapon Master / Assassin'''</td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•) one add. dot in armed combat style.</td><td>Firearms, or Weaponry ••••+, armed Combat Style •••+</td><td>Hawkeye, Green Arrow</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••) chosen weapon type gains 9-again quality.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••) chosen personalized weapon gains +2 additional equipment bonus.</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Calling (• to •••••)</td><td>(•)</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••)</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>(•••••)</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>

Latest revision as of 17:26, 10 May 2012


CallingDefining MeritBenefitsPrerequisitesExample
Adventurer / RougeCalling (• to •••••)(•) one add. dot in Contacts Merit.Streetwise ••••+Nomad, Prowler
(•••) 1/session spend 1WP to gain 9-again on any one non-power related roll.
(•••••) character gains Enlivening Pathos merit.
Absorber / LeechCalling (• to •••••)(•) one add dot Cypher Merit.Com or Sta •••+, any shape- and/ or power-mimicking PowerThe Absorber, Mimic, Mystique, Taskmaster, Peter Petrelli, Sylar
(•••) three free Specialties appropriate to Power
(•••••) shape- and/ or power-mimicking Power gains Ext. Duration Extra
Brick / BruteCalling (• to •••••)(•) 0/1 Armor against Bashing damage only.Str or Sta •••••+, Brawl •••+Colossus, The Thing, Juggernaut
(•••) character gains two add. dots Durability Power.
(•••••) character gains 9-again on all Strength-related rolls (including attacks).
Detective / StalkerCalling (• to •••••)(•) Free rote action for Investigation Skill.Wit or Com ••••+, Investigation ••••+Batman, Phantom Reporter
(•••) character gains Investigative Sense Merit.
(•••••) character gains three additional dots in Contacts, Ally or Sidekick
Energy Projector / BlasterCalling (• to •••••)(•) Verve Pool one box greater than normal.Any Energy- or Elemental based PowerCyclops, Devastator, Starfire
(•••) three free Specialties appropriate to energy or element.
(•••••) Blast power (or Elemental Blast) gains one free additional Extra (does not raise power's level)
Elemental / ForcemasterCalling (• to •••••)(•) two free specialties “Shape [element]”.Any Nature, Elemental- or Gravity based powerIceman, Gravity, Human Torch, Magneto, Plantman
(•••) 1/scene character may consume instance of element, min siz 1, to regain 1 Verve.
(•••••) character gains Elemental Mastery power (does not count against limit of Elemental Anima powers)
Feral / BestialCalling (• to •••••)(•) two free specialties appr. to chosen animal.Dex or Wit ••••+, Animal Ken •••+Sabretooth, Tigra, Kraven, Vulture
(•••) Feral Feature; either one +2, or two +1 boni appropriate to features of chosen animal.
(•••••) character gains one additional dot Mega-Survival including the Stacking extra.
Gadgeteer / Mad ScientistCalling (• to •••••)(•) one additional dot in any Property-Merit.Craft ••••+, three pieces of equipment rated ••+, or object-bound powers rated ••+Hank Pym, Forge, Brainiac 5
(•••) three free Specialties "Custom Equipment"
(•••••) all new equipment may be Themed Equipment (adds two dots to equipment rating and +1 equipment bonus) for free.
GammaCalling (• to •••••)(•) gains immunity to Radiation equal to rating.Radiation-related Origin (Accident, Mutant or Tech)Hulk, Powersurge, Radioactive Man, Starlight
(•••) may convert Radiation up to rating into Verve once per scene.
(•••••) may convert Radiation up to rating into Mega-Attribute.
Ghost / SpectreCalling (• to •••••)(•) two free specialties “Surprise” on any Skill.Stealth ••••+, Any Invisibility- or Phasing based PowerGhost Girl, Invisible Woman, Kitty Pryde
(•••) 9-again quality to Stealth rolls.
(•••••) Invisibility- or Phasing based Power gains Reduced Verve Cost extra (does not raise power's level)
God-Spawn / Titan-SpawnCalling (• to •••••)(•) character gains two-dot mystic Property meritMystic Origin, Godforce as mystic power sourceHercules, St. Elmo, Thor, Wonder Woman
(•••) Character mystically stops aging
(•••••) Mega-Attribute Power counts one rank lower than normal
Martial Artist / NinjaCalling (• to •••••)(•) one add. dot in unarmed combat style.Athletics ••••+, unarmed Combat Style •••+Iron Fist, Electra, Shang Chi
(•••) character gains Heavy Hands merit.
(•••••) character gains Lightning Dodge merit
Mentalist / MastermindCalling (• to •••••)(•) character gains Area of Expertise Merit.Any Mental Attribute •••••+, 11+ dots on Mental SkillsProfesssor Xavier, Jean Grey
(•••) 9-again in any one chosen Mental Skill.
(•••••) extra mental action for each point of Int >3; each extra action is made at cumulative -3 modifier
Iron Knight / ArmorborgCalling (• to •••••)(•) character gains Armored Fighting 2 Merit.Craft •••••+, Power Armor equipment •••+Iron Man, Iron Monger, Crimson Dynamo, John Henry Irons
(•••) two add. dot in Power Armor equipment.
(•••••) one add. dot Verve Recovery power
Metamorph / ChimeraCalling (• to •••••)(•) May end shifting powers, before scene ends at will; Must expend Verve if shifted forcefully.Resolve •••+, Shapeshifting-related Power (Bodymorph, Plasticity, Shapeshift, Skinchanger) ••+Mister Fantastic, Reptil, Plastic Man
(•••) three free specialties appropriate to shifting.
(•••••) shifting power gains Ext. Duration Extra.
Paragon / ExemplarCalling (• to •••••)(•) two free specialties "Cosmic" on any SkillCosmic Origin
(•••) Unstoppable ••• Merit
(•••••) Mega Attribute(s) gains the Stacking extra
Patriot / ExtremistCalling (• to •••••)(•) add dot in Sworn Officer or Status Merit.Resolve ••••+,, Sworn Officer or Status [appropriate organisation] •••+Captain America, Flag Smasher, Red Skull, Union Jack, Vindicator, Vormund
(•••) two add dots Sidekick or Henchmen Merit.
(•••••) character gains Inspiring Merit and one add dot Decorated or Fame Merit.
Prodigy / AbuserCalling (• to •••••)(•) two free specialties in any Skill with Mega-Skill.Any Skill ••••+, any Mega-Skill PowerKey, Sportsmaster
(•••) 9-again quality on chosen Skill.
(•••••) one Mega-Skill gets Stacking Extra.
Rider / JackerCalling (• to •••••)(•) one add dot Vehicle or Mount meritDrive or Athletics •••••+, Vehicle or Mount rated •••+Silver Surfer, Ghost Rider
(•••) three free specialties appropriate to chosen Vehicle or Mount
(•••••) chosen Vehicle or Mount gains two dots in any Superspeed power
Speedster / Speed DemonCalling (• to •••••)(•) Speed +1; stacks with Fleet of Foot Merit.Speed 12+, any Superspeed-related Power (Alacrity, Hypermovement, Rapidity)Makkkari, Northstar, Quicksilver, The Flash
(•••) three free specialties “Speed” in any Skill.
(•••••) Hyperspeed gains Hyperspeed Attack extra (does not raise power's level)
Thaumaturge / WarlockCalling (• to •••••)(•) May spend box from any pool to see Auras.Occult ••••+, any Pluripotence PowerDoctor Strange, Zatanna
(•••) two add. dots in Library Merit.
(•••••) choose two: Astral Travel, Bless, Curse, Divination, Familiar, Geomancy, Scrying, Ward.
Vigilante / ShadowCalling (• to •••••)(•) character gains Danger Sense Merit.Cypher •••+Daredevil, Mockingbird, The Phantom
(•••) two add. dots in Cypher Merit.
(•••••) character gains one add dot Fame merit and may use bonus on Intimidation rolls
VampireCalling (• to •••••)(•) Character gains Vampiric Boon and Flaw, and may select only vampiric powersEnergy Leech Power, Mentor [vampiric creator] ••+Baron Blood, Dracula
(•••) Whenever character uses Energy Leech Power, it drains one additional energy point per use.
(•••••) Character may choose other power that is added to his list of vampiric powers.
Weapon Master / AssassinCalling (• to •••••)(•) one add. dot in armed combat style.Firearms, or Weaponry ••••+, armed Combat Style •••+Hawkeye, Green Arrow
(•••) chosen weapon type gains 9-again quality.
(•••••) chosen personalized weapon gains +2 additional equipment bonus.
Calling (• to •••••)(•)