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* Quadraped: A unicorn pony may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.
* Quadraped: A unicorn pony may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.
* Magical Horn: Unicorn Ponies with Intelligence or Charisma scores of 10 or higher can cast cantrips as a racial ability. They may choose two 0-level spells and cast that spells as at-will spell-like abilities with caster level = character level.
* Magical Horn: Unicorn Ponies with Intelligence or Charisma scores of 10 or higher can cast cantrips as a racial ability. They may choose two 0-level spells and cast that spells as at-will spell-like abilities with caster level = character level.
===Sea Ponies===
===Sea Ponies===
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* Quadraped: A unicorn pony may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.
* Quadraped: A unicorn pony may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.
* Adaptive Breathing:
* Adaptive Breathing:
* Fins to Hooves:  
* Fins to Hooves:
====Race Description====
* Stat Adjustments:
* Medium: A griffon gains no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
* Humanoid: For the purposes of D&D rules, an griffon is considered to be a humanoid.
* Speed: 30 feet (land),
* Quadraped: A griffon may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.
====Race Description====
* Stat Adjustments:
* Medium: A zebra gains no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
* Humanoid: For the purposes of D&D rules, an zebra is considered to be a humanoid.
* Speed: 30 feet (land)
* Quadraped: A zebra may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.

Revision as of 19:06, 4 November 2011

Earth Ponies

While Earth ponies are anatomically unremarkable, they are the sturdiest and strongest of the three pony races. Unlike the ostentatiously magical unicorns, Earth Ponies prefer their own brand of practical "magic", which can be surprisingly effective. Earth ponies boast a natural affinity for the land and its inhabitants.

Race Description

  • 4 additional creation points.
  • Stat Adjustments: +2 Str, -2 Dex
  • Medium: An earth pony gains no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Humanoid: For the purposes of D&D rules, an Earth Pony is considered to be a humanoid.
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Quadraped: An earth pony may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.
  • Stability: An Earth Pony gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
  • Able Learner: An Earth pony gains +1 skill point per level and 1 extra feat at first level.

Pegasus Ponies

Pegasus ponies are distinguished at a glance from other ponies by their feathery wings, which enable them to fly. Additionally, even infant pegasus ponies are able to walk on clouds. Despite their ability to fly and walk on clouds, Pegasus ponies are the least mystical of all the ponies, having the least magical aptitude and a more scientific approach to their world. Pegasi are known more for their speed than their sturdiness.

Race Description

  • Stat Adjustments: +2 Dex, -2 Con
  • Medium: A pegasus pony gains no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Humanoid: For the purposes of D&D rules, a pegasus pony is considered to be a humanoid.
  • Speed: 30 feet (land), special fly speed.
  • Quadraped: A pegasus pony may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.
  • Gliding: A Pegasus Pony can use her wings to glide, negating damage from a fall of any height and allowing 20 feet of forward travel for every 5 feet of descent. Pegasus Ponies glide at a speed of 30 feet (average maneuverability). Even if her maneuverability improves, she can't hover while gliding. A Pegasus Pony can't glide while carrying a medium or heavy load. If a Pegasus Pony becomes unconscious or helpless while in midair, her wings naturally unfurl and powerful ligaments stiffen the wings. The Pegasus Pony descends in a tight corkscrew and takes only 1d6 points of falling damage, no matter what the actual distance of the fall.
  • Flight: When a Pegasus Pony reaches 4 Hit Dice, she becomes able to fly at a speed of 30 feet (average maneuverability). A Pegasus Pony can't fly while carrying a medium or heavy load or while fatigued or exhausted. Pegasus Ponies can safely fly for a number of rounds equal to double their Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round). They can exert themselves to fly for up to twice as long, but then they're fatigued at the end of the flight. They are likewise fatigued after spending a total of more than 10 minutes per day flying. Because Pegasus Ponies can glide before, after, and between rounds of actual flight, they can remain aloft for extended periods (even if they can only use flight for 1 round at a time without becoming fatigued). When they reach 10 Hit Dice, Pegasus Ponies have enough stamina and prowess to fly for longer periods. They can fly at a speed of 60 feet (average maneuverability), and flying requires no more exertion than walking or running. A Pegasus Pony with flight can make a dive attack. A dive attack works like a charge, but the creature must move a minimum of 30 feet and descend at least 10 feet. A Pegasus Pony can make a dive attack only when wielding a piercing weapon; if the attack hits, it deals double damage. A Pegasus Pony with flight can use the run action while flying, provided she flies in a straight line.
  • Cloud Manipulation: Pegasus ponies are adept at manipulating clouds. Pegasi treat clouds as solid, yet fragile objects. Clouds may be moved, manipulated into various forms, destroyed, and tread upon. For more details see the "Curious physical phenomena of Equestria" article.

Unicorn Ponies

The obvious distinctive feature of a unicorn pony is their horn, which protrudes approximately six inches from the forehead. Unicorns, unlike the other two pony races, are defined by their magical abilities. While all unicorns exhibit magical aptitude, they generally fall into two camps: those who focus on and study magic, and those who simply use it intuitively. The former are known as high unicorns, the latter as common unicorns.

Race Description

  • Stat Adjustments: +2 in one mental attribute, -2 in one physical attribute
  • Medium: A unicorn pony gains no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Humanoid: For the purposes of D&D rules, an unicorn is considered to be a humanoid.
  • Speed: 30 feet (land)
  • Quadraped: A unicorn pony may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.
  • Magical Horn: Unicorn Ponies with Intelligence or Charisma scores of 10 or higher can cast cantrips as a racial ability. They may choose two 0-level spells and cast that spells as at-will spell-like abilities with caster level = character level.

Sea Ponies

Race Description

  • Stat Adjustments:
  • Medium: A sea pony gains no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Humanoid: For the purposes of D&D rules, an sea pony is considered to be a humanoid.
  • Speed: 30 feet (land), 30 feet (water)
  • Quadraped: A unicorn pony may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.
  • Adaptive Breathing:
  • Fins to Hooves: