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  Race: Human
  Race: Human
  Allignment :  
  Allignment : ENZJ
  Class: Fighter/Sorccer/Dragondeciple
  Class: Fighter/Sorccer/Dragondeciple

Revision as of 16:17, 15 April 2014


Race: Human
Allignment :  ENZJ
Class: Fighter/Sorccer/Dragondeciple

Lv: 2/3/1

Str: 12
Dex: 17
Con: 14
Int: 14
Wis: 8
Cha: 14


8 Ranks per Fighter  lvl = 32
8 Ranks per Sorcerer lvl = 32
8 Ranks per Dragon Diciple lvl = 32

Acrobatics         : 4=  3(Dex)+ 1 Ranks 
Appraise           :  =  2(Int)+ 0 Ranks 
Bluff              :  =  2(Cha)+ 0 Ranks
Climb              : 5=c 1(Str)+ 1 Ranks
Craft (Traps)      : 6=c 2(Int)+ 1 Ranks
Diplomancy         :  =  2(Cha)+ 0 Ranks
Disable Device     :  =  3(Dex)+ 0 Ranks
Disguise           :  =  2(Cha)+ 0 Ranks
Escape artist      :  =  3(Dex)+ 0 Ranks
Handle Animal      : 9=c 2(Cha)+ 4 Ranks  
Heal               : 6=c-1(Wis)+ 4 Ranks
Intimidate         :  =c 2(Cha)+ 0 Ranks
Knowlege(Geo)      : 8=c 2(Int)+ 3 Ranks
Knowlege(lockal)   : 3=  2(Int)+ 1 Ranks
Knowlege(Natur)    : 8=c 2(Int)+ 3 Ranks
Perception         : 6=c-1(Wis)+ 4 Ranks
Perform            :  =  2(Cha)+ 0 Ranks
Profession         :  =c-1(Wis)+ 0 Ranks
Ride               : 9=c 3(Dex)+ 3 Ranks
Sense Motive       :  = -1(Wis)+ 0 Ranks 
Spellcraft         :  =c 2(Int)+ 0 Ranks 
Sleight of Hand    : 3=  3(Dex)+ 0 Ranks
Stealth            : 9=c 3(Dex)+ 3 Ranks 
Survival           : 9=c-1(Wis)+ 4 Ranks + 3 Skillfocus
Swim               :  =c 1(Str)+ 0 Ranks
Use Magic Device   :  =  2(Cha)+ 0 Ranks


Lvl 1 : Skill Focus Survival
Human : Weapon finess
Combat Style Archery: Point Blank Shot
Lvl 3 : Two weapon fighting
Bonus feat: Endurance 

Favored Enemys:
Animals +2

Favored Terrains:
Cold +2

Track +2 (lvl/2)
Wild-Empathy +6 (lvl+cha)


Saves : total = class + Ability + misc
Fort Save :  6= 4 +2
Ref Save  :  7= 4 +3  
Will Save :  0= 1 -1
Speed:  30ft.        

Armor Class: 16 = 10 +3 Dex +3 Armor 
      Touch: 13 = 10 +3 dex
Flat-footed: 13 = 10 +3 armor
BAB: 4
Meele-AB:  5=  4 +1    
Ranged-AB: 7=  4 +3

Handaxe +5(1d6x3) and Lightpick +5 (1d4 x4)
Handaxe +7(1d6x3)
Lightpick +7 (1d4x4)

Mwk Composite Longbow (str +1) +8 (1d8+1x3)
Mwk Composite Longbow (str +1) (PB) +9 (1d8+2x3) 

Armor: Mwk Studded Leather
Armor Bonus: 3  
Max Dex Bonus:  
Check penalty:  0
Spell Failure:  0%


Mwk Greatsword
Cloak of resistence +1