Komprimiertes Regelwerk zum schnellen Nachschlagen von irgendwas.
- 1 Combat Summary
- 2 Concealment & Cover
- 3 Damage
- 4 Healing Times
- 5 Physical Sample Rolls
- 6 Vehicles
- 7 Craft + Repair
- 8 Computers
- 9 Security Systems
- 10 Traps
- 11 Interrogation + Brainwashing
- 12 Strongholds
- 13 Spirits
- 14 Supernatural Nexi
- 15 Abjurations + Exorcisms
- 16 Aura Reading + Signifiers
- 17 Meditation + Trance
- 18 Dreams + Astral Quests
Combat Summary[edit]
Stage One: Initiative 1D10 + Initiative Mod. (Dex+Com). The character with the highest Initiative performs her action first. Or you may yield your character's action until later in the Initiative queue or into the next turn.
Stage Two: Attack - Unarmed close combat: Strength + Brawl, minus target's Defense and armor - Armed close combat: Str+ Weaponry, minus target's Defense and armor - Ranged combat (guns and bows): Dexterity + Firearms, minus target's armor - Ranged combat (thrown weapons): Dexterity + Athletics, minus target's Defense and armor
Add bonus dice based on weapon used or effect performed, and then subtract penalties for circumstance conditions. Roll your remaining pool. Each success equates to a Health point of damage inflicted, the type of which is determined by the nature of the attack.
Stage Three: The Storyteller describes the attack and wounds.
Possible Modifiers o Aiming: +1 per turn to a +3 maximum o All-Out Attack: +2 with Brawl or Weaponry attack; lose Defense o Armor Piercing: Ignores amount of target's armor equal to item's own rating o Autofire Long Burst: 20 or so bullets at as many targets as the shooter wants, pending Storyteller approval. A +3 bonus is applied to each attack roll; -1 per roll for each target if there's more than one o Autofire Medium Burst: 10 or so bullets at one to three targets, with a +2 bonus to each attack roll; -1 per roll for each target if there's more than one o Autofire Short Burst: Three bullets at a single target with a +1 bonus to the roll o Concealment: Barely -1; partially -2; substantially -3; fully, see "Cover" o Dodge: Double target's Defense o Drawing a Weapon: Requires one action (one turn) without a Merit, and could negate Defense o Firing from Concealment: Shooter's own concealment quality (-1, -2 or -3) reduced by one as a penaltyto fire back (so, no modifier, -1 or -2) o Offhand Attack: -2 penalty o Prone Target: -2 penalty to hit in ranged combat; +2 bonus to hit when attacker is within close-combat o Range: -2 at medium range, -4 at long range o Shooting into Close Combat: -2 per combatant avoided in a single shot (not applicable to autofire) o Specified Target: Torso -1, leg or arm -2, head -3, hand -4, eye -5 o Surprised or Immobilized Target: Defense doesn't apply o Touching a Target: Dex + Brawl or Dex + Weaponry;armor may or may not apply, Defense does apply o Willpower: Add three dice or +2 to a Resistance trait (Sta, Res, Com or Defense) in one roll
Concealment & Cover[edit]
- Barely concealed: -1 (Example: crouching behind a chair)
- Partially concealed: -2 (hiding behind the hood of a car, but with upper body exposed)
- Substantially concealed: -3 (crouching fully behind a car, or poking up out of a foxhole)
- Completely covered: Completely protected by an intervening barrier (all shots hit the cover automatically; see "Cover" below.)
Deal damage normally to the full cover. (according to objects' traits.)
If successes achieved in a single ranged attack exceed the cover's Durability, the ranged attack passes through the cover and hits the first target behind it. Any successes rolled in excess of the cover's durability are also taken by the object as Structure damage. Damage that exceeds the cover's Durability is then rolled as a new dice pool against the target, but any armor worn by the target is subtracted from the pool. It is possible that the new damage pool might thus be reduced to a chance roll. Once cover's Structure has been exhausted, the object provides no more protection.
Fire Size of Fire Damage Torch 1 Bonfire 2 Inferno 3
Heat of Fire Damage Mod Candle (first-degree burns) . Torch (second-degree burns) +1 Bunsen burner (third-degree burns) +2 Chemical fire/molten metal +3
Electric Damage Source Damage Minor; wall socket 4 (B) Major; protective fence 6 (B) Severe; junction box 8 (B) Fatal; main line feed/subway rail 10 (B)
Worn armor provides no protection against electrocution. A magical kind conjured up by supernatural beings might at the Storyteller's discretion.
Explosives Chart Type Throwing Blast Dmg Size
Example Mod. Area
Incendiary -1 2 2 1 Molotov Cocktail Concussion** +2 3 4 1 Concussion Grenade ² Shredding +2 3 4 1 Shrapnel Grenade ² Single Destructive+1 4 4+ 1 Stick of Dynamite High Explosive*** n/a 20+ 6+ 1-3 Plastique
Throwing Modifier: The attack-roll bonus to throw an explosive at a chosen target. Blast Area: The diameter in yards in which an explosion occurs.
- Incendiary devices ignite the target (see "Fire"). Damage delivered by the explosion is bashing, while damage caused by the fire is lethal.
- Concussion explosives deliver bashing damage and knock the target down (see "Knockdown," p. 168).
- Timed or triggered bombs that hold a variable amount of dynamite, plastique or other explosive cause damage to surrounding structures and ignite flammable materials, which complicates damage. The figures listed are suggestions only.
- Concussion explosives deliver bashing damage and knock the target down (see "Knockdown," p. 168).
² Explosives that are aerodynamic when thrown.
Poison or Toxines Toxicity Ammonia (inhalation) 3 Bleach (ingestion) 4 Cyanide (ingestion or inhalation) 7 Drug/Alcohol Abuse 3 to 7 (ingestion, inhalation, injection) Salmonella (ingestion) 2 Venom (injection or ingestion) 3 to 8
It could be possible to resist the effects of such substances by rolling Sta+Res in a reflexive and contested action. "Toxin Resistance" Merit grants +2 Modifier
Healing Times[edit]
- Bashing 1 level / 15min. - Lethal 1 level / 2 days - Aggravated 1 level / 1 week
"Quick Healer" Merit halves base times. "Natural Immunity" Merit grants +2 modifier to resist infection and disease.
Healing Wounds: Dexterity or Intelligence + Medicine + equipment; extended action (one success is required per Health point of damage suffered; each roll represents one minute of work (first aid) or one hour of work (hospital treatment))
Fatigue: Stamina + Resolve rolls to remain awake; reflexive action
Vampiric Blood Healing:
- 2 Bashing 1 BP / instant - 1 Lethal 1 BP / instant - 1 Aggravated 5 BP / 2 nights
Physical Sample Rolls[edit]
Feats of Strength: Str Feat Lift (+Sta) 1 Lift a chair 40 lbs. 2 Lift a large dog 100 lbs. 3 Lift a public mailbox 250 lbs. 4 Lift a wooden crate 400 lbs. 5 Lift a coffin 650 lbs. 6 Lift a refrigerator 800 lbs. 7 Overturn a small car 900 lbs. 8 Lift a motorcycle 1000 lbs. 9 Overturn a mid-sized car 1200 lbs. 10 Lift a large tree trunk 1500 lbs. 11 Overturn a full-sized car 2000 lbs. 12 Lift a wrecking ball 3000 lbs. 13 Overturn a station wagon 4000 lbs. 14 Overturn a van 5000 lbs. 15 Overturn a truck 6000 lbs.
Perception: Wit + Com or a relevant Skill in place of Composure; reflexive action
Catching Objects: Dex + Athletics; instant action if item is thrown to receiver, contested if it's thrown at receiver and Defense doesn't apply.
Climbing: Str + Athletics + equipment; instant or extended action (one success is required per 10 feet of height; each roll represents one minute of climbing)
Foot Chase: Sta + Athletics + equipment versus Sta + Athletics + equipment; extended and contested action
Jumping: Str + Athletics + equipment; instant action
Holding Breath: Dice Pool: Stamina Action: Reflexive A character can hold her breath for a number of turns based on her Stamina dots, as follows: Stamina Time* ¥ 30 seconds ¥¥ One minute ¥¥¥ Two minutes ¥¥¥¥ Four minutes ¥¥¥¥¥ Eight minutes ¥¥¥¥¥ ¥ 15 minutes ¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥ 30 minutes
- If your character is in combat, she can hold her breath for one turn per Stamina dot.
Vehicle Control: Dex + Drive + Handling; instant action
Vehicle Pursuit: Dex + Drive + vehicle Handling versus Dex + Drive + vehicle Handling; extended and contested action (each roll represents one turn of driving)
Vehicle Ramming: Dex + Drive + Handling to hit; instant action. Vehicle's Size rating as a pool of its own, with a +1 bonus for each full 10 mph traveled to determine damage Vehicle Tailing: Wit + Drive + vehicle Handling (tail) versus Wit + Composure + equipment (subject); contested action
Craft + Repair[edit]
Repair Item: Roll: Dex + Crafts + equipment Action: Extended (4-10 suc), one roll equals 30 minutes of work
Craft Item: Roll: Int + Craft (+ Equipment, etc.) Action: Extended (succ = Res Rating * Object Size), 1 day/1 week/1 month per roll
Special: Time per roll is dependent of the complexity of the object to be crafted in relation to the accessable means. A simple object can be crafted in a matter of days with all neccessary tools ready, without them it would be a matter of weeks to construct appropriate improvisations to do the same job. To build an object of minor complexity would be a matter of weeks to start with, again given all necessary tools. Using anything less than a fully outfitted workshop with the appropriate specialty would sretch the process into a task that takes month to finish. On the other side a character with access to a higher grade of manufacturing equipment could speed the process up to get his task finished within a few days. To create objects of major complexity the character often needs the most professional equipment he can get to do the job within a time frame of several weeks. Any object to be crafted that is bigger than size 10 is also considered a huge object, which needs to be constructed with the help of assistants to be finished within the regular time frame for its complexity.
Roll Modifiers: Suggested Equipment: appropriate tools +1 to +3, appropriate Workshop +3, appropriate Factory +1 to +3 (Factory bonus), appropriate Staff +3 (Assistant bonus) Possible Penalties: every dot less in prerequisited Skills -1, lack of appropriate tools -3
Prerequisites for specific Craft tasks: - Equipment/Workshop/Factory, (Assistants) (according to complexity) - Craft Specialty - Secondary Skills
Example Prerequisites:
- Pottery
- Complexity: simple
- Craft Specialy:
- Secondary Skills:
- Finery
- Complexity: minor
- Craft Specialy:
- Secondary Skills:
- Firearm Customization
- Complexity: minor
- Craft Specialy:
- Secondary Skills:
- Electronics Design
- Complexity: major
- Craft Specialy:
- Secondary Skills:
- Construction Work
- Complexity: minor, large
- Craft Specialy:
- Secondary Skills:
- Vehicle Engineering
- Complexity: major, large
- Craft Specialy:
- Secondary Skills:
- Dice Pool: Int + Computer + equipment vs (System Security or Int + Computer + equipment)
- Action: Extended and contested (5-10+ successes; each roll represents 30 min)
The hacker needs to accumulate a number of successes equal to the network's basic security setup. The sysadmin (if any) needs to accumulate a number of successes equal to the hacker's Int + Computer to kick him out of the system.
Roll Results:
- Dramatic Failure: kicked out of the network and can't access again for 24 hours. If sysadmin contests task, make another Int + Computer roll to determine if admin manages to trace hacker / hacker brushes aside admins efforts and penetrates network.
- Exceptional Success: Your character has found vulnerability he can exploit; one-dice (cumulative) bonus to subsequent rolls.
- Dice Pool: Wit + Computer + equipment (- Proxy Servers)
- Action: Extended (Intruders Int + Computer; each roll represents 10 min)
The Admin may only take a maximum of rolls equal to the number of the intruder's rolls.
Roll Results:
- Dramatic Failure: Admin gets wrong location.
- Exceptional Success: Admin gets region of log-in; when intruder comes online again and scores and exceptional sucess Admin gets to know exact location.
Encrypting or Decrypting Data[edit]
- Dice Pool: Int + Investigation or Computer
- Action: Extended (5+ successes dependent on volume of information, each roll represents 30 min.)
Ciphers act as a kind of “information armor” when it comes to uncovering the underlying message. A simple homespun code such as a Caesar cipher (no Cost) subtracts one success from attempts to uncover the information, standard computer cryptography programs (Res ••) substract two, and top-of-the-line military technology (Res ••••) substracts three successes from the attacker’s attempt — and can’t be cracked without time and powerful computers.
Roll Results:
- Dramatic Failure:
- Exceptional Success:
Possible Penalties: Bureaucratic Communication (-1), Military Code (-2), Obscure Information (-4)
Coding Programs[edit]
- Dice Pool: Int + Computer + equipment
- Action: Extended (5+ successes, each roll represents 30 min.)
Basic Program Setup: Pow: 1, Fin: 1, Res: 1; Rank 1; Influence [] ••, Size 2; distribute 5 points between Pow, Fin and Res, choose Influence and a funtional effect for the Program (see Generic Programs for examples).
Additional Successes can be used for increases in Pow, Fin and Res on a one by one basis, three successes can imbue additional Special Functions (Numina), five additional successes can increase the Programs Rank by one.
Roll Results:
- Dramatic Failure:
- Exceptional Success:
Suggested Equipment: High-performance computer (+1 to +3), broadband Internet access (+1), disk of scripts (+2), system passwords (+3) Possible Penalties: Outdated computer system (-2), slow Internet connection (-3)
Security Systems[edit]
Scrutinize security system: Roll: Int + Larceny Action: Instant
Bypass Security System: Roll: Dex + Larceny + equipment Action; extended (5-15 suc) Each roll represents a turn of work.
Lockpicking: Roll: Dex + Larceny + equipment Action: instant or extended (2-12+ suc) One roll represents one turn of work.
Sneaking past a security feature: Roll: Dex + Stealth Action: Instant Penalties: –2 for motion sensors, –4 for automated cameras Equipment: +1 or more for black clothing, soft shoes, a blueprint of the location or alarm schematics An invading character must roll every time she enters a secure room and wishes to pass by unnoticed. Every camera and motion sensor must be overcome individually.
Sample Security Systems:
Security System, Dummy Cost • Difficulty: 0 Location: Anywhere Deactivation Window: none Alarm Response: none Features: none
Security System, Basic Cost •• Difficulty: 5 Location: Apartments, town homes or small houses. Deactivation Window: 60-seconds (20 turns) Alarm Response: Alarm goes off and the security company will contact the police, who are expected to show up within 15 to 30 minutes. Features: - Motion Sensor Light - Two Windows, Two Doors - Lights and Siren - Touchpad
Security System, Intermediate Cost ••• Difficulty: 10 Location: Middle-class homes in both cities and suburbs. Deactivation Window: 45-seconds (15 turns) Alarm Response: Silent alarm goes off and alerts the security company, which then calls the home or business owner (by mainline or cell phone) and asks for a password. If the owner provides the correct password in 30 seconds, the alarm is shut down. If not, the system contacts the police. Unless otherwise prevented from doing so, they show within five to 10 minutes. Features: Touchscreen All Doors, All Windows Off-Site Access Zones Panic Button
Security System, Advanced Cost •••• Difficulty: 15 at -2 penalty Location: large office buildings, labs, some lower-level government buildings and high-cost homes (mansions, estates, elaborate condominiums) Deactivation Window: 20 seconds (6 turns) Alarm Response: Cameras focus in where the breach is occurring even before those 20 seconds are completed. Once the time is up, the system alerts police or building security. They show as fast as possible. A character can disable or modify the security system parameters (such as closing down elevator security or modifying password or keycard restrictions) from afar via computer. Doing so requires 15 successes on the Hacking roll. This roll is also made at –2 due to the sophistication of the system. Features: Video Surveillance Key-Card Changing Codes Fingerprint Biometrics Access Tracking
Security System, Bleeding Edge Cost ••••• Difficulty: 20 at -3 penalty Location: Museums such as the Louvre or the MOMA, the sensitive substations of the intelligence community or in the homes of paranoid billionaires Deactivation Window: 10 seconds (meaning that an attempt must be successful within three turns, as the alarm will sound on the fourth). Alarm Response: Sreongly dependent on the owner of the system, eventually calls in-house security with very fast response time. Features: Full-Body Biometrics Pressure Pads Gates Safe Room
Rigging Traps Dice Pool: Dex + Crafts/Survival + equipment Action: Extended (5–15 suc) One roll is equal to 30 minutes of work Dramatic Failure: The character suffers two points of damage (bashing or lethal, depending upon severity of trap) Failure: The character makes no progress. Success: The item comes off as designed. Exceptional Success: The character completes the trap with alarming speed. She can add +1 to either the roll to conceal the trap, or can add +1 to the trap’s Damage rating. Suggested Equipment: Appropriate tools such as hammer, saw or shovel (+1 per item) Possible Penalties: Distractions (–1), Dangerous environment (–2)
Sample Traps:
Caltrops (Tire Spikes) Damage 1(L), Rigging 3, Durability 3, Size 1, Structure 4, Cost •• Rigging difficulty: 5 Against vehicle tires, a horse’s hooves or anything with a Size of 8 or greater, the Damage trait of caltrops is 2(L); they do two automatic lethal damage, and two dice are rolled for additional damage. Caltrops are easy to rig, as they require little more than strategic placement on the road or walkway.
Deadfall Damage variable, Rigging variable, Durability 3, Size 5, Structure 8, Cost n/a Rigging difficulty: 10 Assume that for every 100 pounds of weight put into the deadfall, it will do one point of bashing damage. For every 100 pounds put into the deadfall, the Rigging modifier goes down by one to a maximum of –5. So, any object equal to or heavier than 500 pounds confers the full –5 penalty to the Rigging Traps roll. A character can make the damage of a deadfall trap lethal. Adding in sharp objects (broken glass, nails, metal edges) will make the damage lethal, but also makes the deadfall trap harder to handle and rig. Making the item lethal confers a –1 penalty to the Rigging Traps roll in addition to any modifiers that exist already (maximum –5 penalty).
Jaw Trap Damage 2 (B/L), Rigging 2, Durability 3, Size 2, Structure 5, Cost • Rigging difficulty: 5 This trap can do bashing or lethal damage. Jaw traps that do lethal damage have metal jaws with sharp, serrated edges. Characters trapped in one of these can take a turn to escape. Doing so requires a successful Str + Athletics roll made with a –1 penalty due to the distracting pain. A character can find his arm caught in a jaw trap by clever trappers who place “bait” in the concealed center of the trap. Characters attempting to escape this manner of trap make the Str + Athletics roll at a –3 because of the ensnared arm. Animals without opposing thumbs cannot free themselves.
Pit Trap Damage variable, Rigging 2, Durability n/a, Size variable, Structure n/a, Cost n/a Rigging difficulty: variable Digging a 10x10 foot pit requires five successes on the Rigging Traps roll. For every additional five square feet added to the pit, another success is required on this roll. A pit’s Damage rating is counted by the pit’s depth. A pit does one point of Damage per 10 feet down. A character can add other modifications to a pit trap to make it more dangerous. Lining the bottom of the pit with sharp objects makes the damage lethal. Making the walls of the pit slick, smooth or poorly angled confers a –3 penalty to any rolls made in an effort to escape the pit. Each such modification subtracts a die from the character’s Rigging Traps roll.
Projectile Trap Damage variable, Rigging –3, Durability 3, Size 3, Structure 6, Cost n/a Rigging difficulty: 15 The Damage is the Damage of the firearm used, halved (rounded up). The trap’s damage is lethal and automatic. A number of dice equal to this rating must also be rolled (per all traps). Successes on this roll are taken as additional damage, but the target of the trap can apply her Defense, potentially lessening or obviating this additional harm.
Snare Damage 1(B), Rigging 1, Durability 1, Size 5, Structure 6, Cost n/a Rigging difficulty: 7 The snare made with this roll can hoist a creature weighing up to 200 pounds. For every 50 pounds of weight above 200 she must gain one additional success.
Interrogation + Brainwashing[edit]
Interrogation Dice Pool: Wit + Intimidation + equipment Action: Contested and extended Resistance: Sta + Res; each roll represents 1 h of interrogation
The task demands a number of successes equal to the subject's Willpower.
Brainwashing Dice Pool: Pre + Intimidation, or Persuasion Action: Contested and extended Resistance: Sta + Res
Roll Results: Dramatic Failure: Target resists completely. Failure: No successes gained at this time. Success: Successes are accumulated. Exceptional Success: Major progress is made. If the overall effort is completed with an exept. succ. the victim looses 1 WP.
Modifiers: Suggested Equipment: Training Manuals (+1), or Videos (+2), Subliminals (+1 to +3) Possible Penalties: - For Brainwasher: Target is atheist/nihilist (-1 to -3), Target already resisted another Brainwashing attempt (-2) - For Target: Brainwasher is a friend (-1), or family member (-2), involves physical deprivation or abuse (-1 to -3)
Extent of Brainwashing: Suc Extent
5 Variation of previously held believes. 10 Accetion of Set of believes, but no drastic change in lifestyle. 15 Target will leave his life behind and join the cult full time. 20 Target will follow blindly and kill or die for his masters.
Deprograming Dice Pool: Action:
Roll Results: Dramatic Failure: Failure: Success: Exceptional Success:
Modifiers: Suggested Equipment: Possible Penalties:
(Aka. Sanctum, Haven, Lair, Den, Temle, etc) Characters can spend up to 25 dots into the Stronghold Merit. Every Stronghold Factor has a maximum of 5 spendable dots, except Facilities, which can be bought multiple times up to 5 dots, and Materials which the character can spend a non-limited ammount for.
Stronghold Factors: Size: Dots Type Rooms
1 Small appt., underg. chamber 1-2 2 Large appt., family home 3-4 3 Warehouse, large home 5-8 4 Mansion, tunnel network 9-15 5 Estate, vast tunnel net 16+
Each Stronghold has an Encounter Rating according to the number of its Rooms. Every time a intruding Character steps into a room for the first time, the Storyteller rolls the Strongholds Security system rating + Staff - the intruding characters Stealth. If the Roll comes up with a success, somebody in the room has spotted the character, or he has triggered the Strongholds Security system, if any.
Intrusion O Wall Doors Locks Window
Dots / Ini Mod Dur Dur Dur Dur
0 - 3 2 4 1 1 -/+ 1 4 3 5 2 2 -/+ 2 5 4 6 3 3 -/+ 3 6 5 7 3/5 4 -/+ 4 7 6 8 3/6 5 -/+ 5 8 7 9 3/7
Extra Security Options: - Security Systems - Traps (see WoD: Armory)
Hunting Tracking
Dots Bonus Penalty
1 +1 -1 2 +2 -2 3 +3 -3 4 +4 -3 5 +5 -3
Materials: Interior Walls Dots Substance Durability
0 Wood 2 1 Reinforced wood, or stone 3 2 Metal, or reinf. wood or -stone 4 3 Reinforced metal, -wood or -stone 5 4 Reinforced metal, or -stone 6 5 Reinforced metal 7
1 dot for each additional door per room 1 dot for size +1 for one doors, or +3 for all 1 dot for size +1 for one locks, or +3 for all 1 dot for each 2 add. windows per room 1 dot for size +1 to one windows, or +3 to all 1 dot for each add. Dur for bulletproof glass (up to +3)
Facilities: Facility Skill based Roll
Dots bonus/penalty 1-2 +/-1 3-4 +/-2 5 +/-3
Every installed Facility occupies at least one Room in the Stronghold and provides its bonus or penalty only within its confines. A Stronghold cannot have more Facilities than rooms, according to its Size dots. The Facility bonus is counted like a normal equipment bonus and does not stack with other equipment boni to more than a +5 bonus on the specific roll. Facility Options: Computer Network (Computer, or Inv. bonus) Workshop (Specialized Craft bonus) Laboratory (Science, or Medicine bonus) Altar (Occult Rituals bonus) Bureau (Politics,Academics, or Pers. bonus ) Salon (Socialize bonus) Torture Chamber (Intimidation bonus) Creature Habitat (Animal Ken bonus) Arsenal (Firearms, or Weaponry bonus) Gym (Athletics, or Training bonus) Holding cells, Vault (Larceny penalty) Open-Spaced (Stealth penalty)
Library: Librarys are specialized research facilities within the Stronghold. Each dot in this Factor represents one point of Knowledge Specialty in a specific field that the Character has access to, up to a +3 bonus in any specific field. The knowledge can be in the form of any possible recorded media, even supernatural knowledge, if the character is able to decipher it. The time increment of the Research roll (Int + Knowledge + Library Specialty) is reduced from 30 to 10 minutes. With a successful specialized research task, the character may gain a +1 bonus on a Ritual he is performing thereafter and even a +2 bonus if he scores an exceptional success on the research roll.
Staff: The number of dots assigned to this factor reflects the size and complexity of the workforce available within the Stronghold. The Players of the Characters owning the Stronghold may assign a category to each dot, reflecting the separate tasks, that can be delegated at any given time. The Stronghold may not have more dots in Staff than its owner has in the Resources Merit. Staff Options: Employees Maids and/or Valets Kitchen Personel Gardening Personel Chauffeurs Security Guards (Cost 2 dots, will not flee)
Spirit Ranks Rank Representative Spirits Trait Limits 1 Lesser Gafflings 5 dots 2 Greater Gafflings 7 dots 3 Lesser Jagglings 9 dots 4 Greater Jagglings 12 dots 5 Minor gods/Incarnae 15 dots 6 Lesser gods/Incarnae - 7 Greater gods/Incarnae - 8 Lesser Celestines (Luna, Helios) - 9 Greater Celestines (Gaia, Helios) - 10 Beyond manifest conception (Gaia?) -
Rank Att. Dots Max. Essence 1 5-8 10 2 9-14 15 3 15-25 20 4 26-35 25 5 36-45 50
Each dot in Rank levies a –1 modifier on attempts to forcibly bind that spirit.
Influences: • Strengthen The spirit can enhance its sphere of influence: make an emotion stronger, an animal or plant healthier or an object more robust (gaining an extra point of Health or Structure per Rank of the spirit, for example). These changes last for one minute per success. The cost is one Essence. •• Manipulate The spirit can make minor changes within its sphere of influence: slightly change the nature or target of an emotion, or make minor changes to an animal’s actions, a plant’s growth or an object’s functioning. These changes last for up to 10 minutes per success. The cost is two Essence. ••• Control The spirit can make dramatic changes within its sphere of influence: twisting emotions or dictating an animal’s actions, a plant’s growth or an object’s functioning. The changes last for up to 10 minutes per success. The cost is three Essence. •••• Create The spirit can create a new example of its sphere of influence: create an emotion, create a new sapling or young plant, create a young animal or brand new object. The cost is fourEssence. ••••• Mass Create The spirit can create multiple examples of its sphere of influence: it can trigger its emotion in multiple people, create new copses of trees, small groups of animals or multiple identical items. The cost is five Essence. A number of items, or people affected, equal to the spirit’s Rank come into existence. Alternatively, it may create one instance of its sphere of influence permanently (although a spirit cannot permanently alter themindset of a sentient being).
Level Duration 0 One minute per success. No additional Essence cost. • Ten minutes per success. No additional Essence cost. •• One hour per success. The cost is one additional Essence. ••• One day per success. The cost is two additional Essence. •••• Permanent. The cost is two additional Essence.
Spirit Negotiations: Werewolf Renown Honorary Rank 0-7 Two 8-15 Three 16-23 Four 24+ Five
Simple information: A small gift of Essence (1 or 2 points) or a minor task (discorporate a Gaffling, small physical changes to the material world)
Secret information: A large gift of Essence (3 to 5 points) or a major task (create a specific emotion or act in the physical world, discorporating several of the spirit’s enemies)
Giving directions: A small gift of Essence, or a minor favor to be repaid on the werewolf’s return.
Guiding to a nearby destination: A small gift of Essence and a minor act of the spirit’s choice
Guiding to a distant destination: A major act of benefit to the spirit and a regular gift of 2 or 3 Essence per day during the journey
Asking the spirit to relocate: Major reshaping of the physical world or regular work to generate appropriate Essence for the spirit for a period of not less than one month per level of the spirit’s Rank.
Asking the spirit to join in an attack: A major gift of Essence (at least 2 points per Rank of the spirit to be attacked). Sworn promise of a service of the spirit’s choice after the fight, to be carried out at a time of the spirit’s choosing.
Supernatural Nexi[edit]
Geomantic/Magical Nexus Nexus Attribute Maintainance
Dots Bonus per Month 1 +1 1 h per Room 2 +2 2 h per Room 3 +3 3 h per Room
The mystic allignment of the whole Stronghold must be correct. There is no bonus for single maintained rooms. Major damage to the Stronghold disrupts the alignment.
- Stronghold Gauntlet - Hallow - Locus - Holy Ground
Abjurations + Exorcisms[edit]
Abjurations Abjurations are prayers or rites meant to banish a ghost from the presence of the faithful and keeping it at bay for a short time. Roll: Resolve + Composure roll versus the ghost's Power + Resistance.
Characters can acquire the specifics of an abjuration prayer or rite with a little time and research. To perform an abjuration without suffering any penalties, a character must have a minimum Morality of 8 and a minimum Occult or Academics (Religion) of 3. For every dot of Morality below 8 or Skill below 3, the abjuration roll suffers a -1 penalty. By the same token, every dot of Morality above 8 or Skill above 3 offers a +1 modifier.
Dramatic Failure: Your character is utterly overwhelmed by the sheer force of the ghost's drive and determination. He loses one point of Willpower and can perform no further abjurations for the rest of the day. Failure: Your character's faith or capability is found wanting, and the ghost is unmoved by the prayer. Your character can attempt the abjuration again if he wishes. Success: Your character's faith or capability drives the ghost from his vicinity. The ghost is forced to de-manifest and cannot manifest again within the character's line of sight until the following day. Exceptional Success: The ghost is completely overawed by your characterÕs faith or capability. The ghost is forced to de-manifest and cannot manifest again anywhere until the following day.
Exorcism Exorcisms are special rites of sanctification that popular myth has relegated to cases of demonic possession, but they in fact can be used to uproot and banish any form of spirit from the physical world. Roll: Resolve + Composure for the character performing the exorcism, and the ghost's Power + Resistance. Action: contested and extended (each roll representing five minutes of incantation and prayer.)
A character who performs an exorcism wants a minimum Morality of 8 and a minimum Occult or Academics (Religion) of 3 to avoid incurring penalties on the exorcism roll. For every dot of Morality below 8 or Skill below 3, a -1 penalty is suffered. For every dot of Morality above 8 or Skill above 3, a +1 bonus is gained.
On each roll, the side with the most successes (regardless of total successes achieved) causes the other to lose one point of Willpower. The exorcism rolls continue until the character voluntarily abandons the attempt or one side runs out of Willpower. If the character runs out of Willpower, he falls into a catatonic state, ravaged both physically and emotionally. If the ghost runs out of Willpower, it is unable to maintain its hold on its anchor(s) and is banished from the physical realm, never to return. If neither side gets any successes or both sides get the same number of successes in a roll, the battle continues for another five minutes with no one losing Willpower. If multiple people participate in an exorcism, treat the effort like teamwork. One participant is the primary, and all secondaries may or may not contribute bonuses to the primary's roll in each stage of the rite. The primary loses all Willpower for his side.
Dramatic Failure: Your character (or the ghost) suffers a terrible shock that reverberates to the core of his being. A -2 penalty is imposed on his next roll. Failure: Your character (or the ghost) comes up short in the battle of wills. Success: Your character (or the ghost) has energy and determination. The opponent loses one Willpower point if you get the most successes. Exceptional Success: Your character (or the ghost) likely inflicts a crippling blow against the opposition's faith or conviction. If you get the most successes, the opponent loses two Willpower points instead of one.
Aura Reading + Signifiers[edit]
Condition Color Afraid Orange Aggressive Purple Angry Bright Red Bitter Brown Calm Light Blue Compassionate Pink Conservative Lavender Depressed Gray Desirous/Lustful Deep Red Distrustful Light Green Envious Dark Green Excited Violet Generous Rose Happy Vermilion Hateful Black Idealistic Yellow Innocent White Lovestruck Bright Blue Obsessed Bright Green Sad Silver Spiritual Gold Suspicious Dark Blue Confused Mottled, shifting colors
Daydreaming Sharp, flickering colors Psychotic Hypnotic, swirling colors Frenzied Rapidly rippling colors Dominated Controlled, weak, muted Diablerist Black veins in aura Under Fate Geas Dark bands criss-crossing Owing Soulstone Missing Fragment in aura Lacking a soul Empty void
Sleeper Weak, muted aura Sleepwalker Muted with faint glimmers Awakened Myriad sparkles in aura Wolf Blooded Slightly vibrant aura Shapeshifter Intensely vibrant aura Ghoul Colors are slightly pale Vampire Colors are pale Ridden Vibrant splotches in aura Ghost Splotchy, intermittent aura Promethean "Burning" radiant aura Pandoran
Aura Reading Powers - Aura Reading Merit •• Dice Pool: Action: Duration: Cost:
- Auspex •• Dice Pool: Action: Duration: Cost:
- Mind •• Dice Pool: Action: Duration: Cost:
Meditation + Trance[edit]
Meditation: Dice Pool: Composure + Wits + equipment Action: Extended (4 successes; one roll represents 30 minutes)
Meditation has a powerful effect on maintaining emotional balance and bolstering one's moral resolve in the face of potential degeneration (the decline of one's Morality). 4 successes are required for a rewarding effort. If successful, your character gains a +1 bonus on her next degeneration roll. This bonus lasts until that degeneration roll is made or until the character sleeps, whichever comes first
Suggested Equipment: Yoga mat (+1), prayer beads (+1), meditative music or relaxation tapes (+2), meditation room (+3) Possible Penalties: Loud noises (-1), nearby children (-1), uncomfortable environment (-1), lack of sleep (-1 to -2), lack of food (-1 to -3)
Dreams + Astral Quests[edit]
Dreams: Dream Intensity: Wit + Res (/3 standard suc)
Dream Knacks: (Random Dream roll 1d10) - 1-2 Nightmare (can inhibit WP regain if Intensity higher than dreamers Willpower) - 3-4 Memory (9 again on Intensity rolls) - 5-6 Recurring (9 again on Intensity rolls; roll again or reexpierience recent dream) - 7-8 Wishfulfillment - 9-10 Prophetic (if fulfilled gain 1 WP)
Dream-Riding: (Wit + Empathy + Wyrd - Intensity) - Analyze Dream - Analyze Dreamer - Psychotherapy - Implant Suggestion (bank add. Social dice) - Scour Intensity
Dreamscaping: (Wit + Empaty + Wyrd vs. Wit + Res) - Healing Sleep (counts as full day of healing) - Stress Relief (gain additional WP) - Sleep Teaching (counts as full day of learning)
Dreamweaving: (Wit + Empaty + Wyrd)
Astral Quests Mage charcaters have only soulbound Items (Foci, Soulstones, Familliars, etc.)
Action: Extended Time per roll: 30 min
- Waking Meditation (4) - Dream Meditation (8) Threshold - Overcome Yourself (1 Mana) feeling of direction changes and reverses - Oneiros - feeling of being near things you don't know and don't want to know more (12) - Temenos - feeling of being ignored by mass of people (16) - Dreamtime - feeling of being very small and infantile (20)
At Gnosis 3, a mage can learn a Legacy and acquire its first attainment. At Gnosis 5 and again at 7, he can further develop that Legacy (there are three stages of attainment for each Legacy). At Gnosis 4, he can instead create his own Legacy, as long as he has not begun to learn another. He learns this unique Legacy’s extra stages at Gnosis 6 and 8. (The legendary 4th Attainment may be acchieved at Gnosis 9, or created by Gnosis 10
• Attainments are not spells, but supernatural abilities. Mages do not need to check for Paradox when using a Legacy attainment, no matter how improbable its use, and attainments do not invoke Disbelief in Sleeper witnesses. Also, attainments do not count against the total spells a mage can have active, or against the mage’s Spell Tolerance limit. • Most attainments do not require dice rolls to activate. Spending an instant action is usually enough. See the attainment descriptions for possible exceptions. • Attainments do not cost Mana, even if they simulate a spell that normally requires Mana. • Attainments cannot be dispelled or countered, although the Prime 2 “Magic Shield” spell is still effective against them, as it is against any supernatural power. • Some Legacies have attainments that utilize a primary Arcanum other than the parent Path’s Ruling Arcana. The Legacy’s primary Arcanum can be learned as if it were a Ruling Arcanum for the character. He can learn it at the same experience-point cost as a Ruling Arcanum — new dots x5 — and learn it up to the fifth dot without needing a teacher from a different Path.
Otherwise, all other factors (Potency, Target, Duration) apply as per normal spellcasting rules. Note that an attainment that simulates an instant-action spell cannot be performed as an extended action.
Soulstones Creation: Invest 1 Mana and 1 dot of Willpower; determine Shape with Oneiros Meditation, or Crafted Phylactery (+1 Mana). After creation Wisdom degeneration roll (2 dice +modifier) must be made.
- Siz 1, Dur (owners Gnosis), dmg imm. B/L
- Aura Sigil-Mark
(Mystic Sigil, may be scrutinized. Owner may learn ruling Sphere, or basic Legacy Attainment of creator, if contained, as if creator was a Mentor. Counts against favors. Anchor if Mage dies. Summons ghost, if existent, when used.)
- Full Sympathetic Link
(+1 Targeting Bonus, Aquintant to Intimate Space and Time sympathy; Thrall, Borrowed Power, Borrowed Mana, etc. +1 bonus to attune as Focus, or further enchantment.)
- Creates 1 Level Demesne or Annulity
(all Spells of one Arcanum +/- 1 and never vulgar/always vulgar)
- Vulgarity mitigating once per day
("burns out" Soulstone for rest of day)
- Dispell Bonus +1 on Inferior Arcanum
(or +3 against owners magic)
- Alchemical Properties
(Counts as 1 manifested dot of Azoth, is registered by Pandorans as source of nourishment by Demesnes Size. Three-dot Merit emulation, 3 dice bonus, 9again on single Skill or other property like Redeemed Boons of Promethean Athanors, or 1st Attainm. effect of Legacy if Mana or WP is channeled through it for 1 Scene once per day. "Burns out" Soulstone for rest of day)