Occult Tomes[edit]
- Tobin's Spirit Guide (Tome •••••)
- Prerequisites: Language [English],
- Format: 13 paperback books or rare and expensive digital version
- Content:
- Spates Catalog of Nameless Horrors (Tome •••)
- Prerequisites: Language [English], Academics 3, Occult 1
- Format:
- Content: A little Knowledge Merit 1, Animal Ken and Occult Specialty [Cryptozoology]
- Malleus Maleficarum (Tome ••••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Latin], Occult 3
- Format: Heavy Leatherbound Codex
- Content: Rituals for Abjurations, Exorcisms and Blessing of Items and Places.
- The Magic of Solomon the King (Tome •••••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Arameic], Occult 4
- Format: Textile Codex
- Content: Watered down versions of the Keys of Solomon; Goetia/Theurgia; Thaumaturge Merit Invocation (•• or ••••), Thaumaturge Merit Evocation (•• or ••••)
Ancient Tomes[edit]
- Nomina Omnibus Dei (Tome •)
- Prerequisites: Language [Latin], Academics, occult or Religion 2
- Format: Pergament Scrolls
- Content: Genealogic Lists and identifications of the gods of the antique pagan panthea of roman, egyptian, greek, celtic and germanic cultures; Occult or Religion Specialty [Pagan], Academics or Religion Specialty [Comperative Theology]
- Tractates Nasnarkus (Tome •)
- Prerequisites: Language [Latin/Etruscan],
- Format: Codex from driven silver plates
- Content: Original title: Sparsa Nashnarka; records of the etruscan Fulmimant (lightning-seer) Nashnark; Language [Etruscan]
- Prospectis Geologica (Tome •)
- Prerequisites: Language [Latin],
- Format: Marble tablet
- Content: Manual for ancient roma prospectors, contains instructions for dowsing; Merit Dowsing (•)
- Apotheosis Euphorikles (Tome ••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Greek],
- Format: Fleece Scroll
- Content: Manual to lucid dreaming, report of possible encounters with fae, Lucid Dreamer Merit (••)
- Ventura Talimnasius (Tome •••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Latin],
- Format: Clay Tablets
- Content: Reports of the Journeys of the romanized persian trader Talimnas, also a linguistic tractate and early semitic mythoogy; Language [Persian], Language [Arameic], Language [Babylonic]
- Traktates Geomantes (Tome ••••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Latin],
- Format: Marble tablets
- Content: The antique standard-issue of geomancy; Geomacy Merit (••••)
- The Asklepian Tractate (Tome ••••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Greek], Medicine 2
- Format:
- Content: Medicine Specialty [Herbalism], Medicine Specialty [Rote], Merit Holistic Awareness (•••)
Miscelaneous Tomes[edit]
- How to Become a Team Player (Tome ••)
- Prerequisites: Language [English, French, German, or Spanish], Empathy 2
- Format: Softcover Pocketbook
- Content: Merit Team Player (••)
- "Secret Messages" by Jason Singh (Tome •)
- Prerequisites: Language [English], Academics 2
- Format: Hardcover Book
- Content: Computer or Investigation Specialty (Ciphers), +1 bonus to decrypt coded messages when used as reference
- The CIA-Guide to Concealed Objects (Tome •)
- Prerequisites: Language [English], Larceny 1
- Format: Softcover Book or E-Book
- Content: Larceny Specialty (Conceal Object), +1 bonus to hide objecs when used as reference.
- MUFON Field Guide (Tome •••)
- Prerequisites: Language [English],
- Format: Plastic-Covered Ringbook
- Content: Investigation Specialty [Strange Encounters], Merit Trained Observer (••)
Relic Tomes[edit]
- Unpublished Sherlock Holmes Novel "Seeker in the Mist" (Relic/Tome •••)
- Prerequisites: Language [English], Investigation 3
- Format: Handbound Manuscript
- Content: Unpublished Sherlock Holmes story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Relic Powers: Knowledge Seeker (1), Investigatory Charm (3), Never Surprised (1), Danger Magnet (-2)
- Channelings and Prophecies of Marita Hoffman (Relic/Tome )
- Prerequisites: Language [Spirit Tounge], Investigation 3
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers: Ephemeral Revelation (1)
- St. Michaels Altar-bible (Relic/Tome )
- Prerequisites: Language [Latin], Occult [Christianity] 2
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers: Defend (3), Reward Temptation (2)
- Selected Quran Verses by Mullah Sahim (Relic/Tome )
- Prerequisites: Language [Arabic], Occult [Islam] 2
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers: Protection Charm (x)
- Every Now and Zen (Relic/Tome )
- Prerequisites: Language [],
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers: Bullwark of Sanity (2)
- The Lost Story (Relic/Tome )
- Prerequisites: Language [],
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers: Facade (1); can look like any other book, Social Lubrication (1)
- John Doe's Adressbook (Relic/Tome )
- Prerequisites: Language [],
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers: Forgettable (2), lets all people noted with full name forget owner, or makes specific noted people forget specific adresses, telephone numbers, dates, etc.
- Wonderland-Board (Relic/Tome • to •••••)
- Prerequisites: Multilingual [English, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Indian], Computer 2, Craft 2, Science 2; protected by obscurity and passwords
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers: Voice of Relic (X) (Vision X to built a device that emulates the effects of Machine Bond (4); Vision Rating rises with every known Language)
- Coding Tunes V2.193 (Relic/Tome ••• to •••••)
- Prerequisites: none
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers: Confer Equipment Bonus (1-3, dependant on completeness or version number of the archive) to Computer Rolls
- John Colt's Manufacturing Journal (Relic/Tome )
- Prerequisites: Language [English], Craft [Firearms] 3
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers: Reduces prerequisites of Prototype Firearm creation to Craft 3 and a Workshop with appropriate descriptor.
- The Edda of Snorri Ingalfson (Relic/Tome )
- Prerequisites: Language [Skald Cant], Occult [Asatru] 1
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers:
- Mayan Codex Nurembergiensis (Relic/Tome )
- Prerequisites: Language [Mayan],
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers:
- Sepher Yezirah of Rabbi Abram Ginsterberg (Relic/Tome )
- Prerequisites: Language [Hebrew], Occult 3
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers:
Cursed Relic Tomes[edit]
- The Kitab al Azif or Necronomicon by Abdul Alhazred (Relic/Tome )
The original Arabic title of this manuscript was Al Azif, being a reference to the nocturnal sound of insects believed to be the howling of demons. Alhazred lived in Damascus, where the Necronomicon was written. In 738 A.D., he was set upon by an invisible monster who devoured him publicily in broad daylight. The Al Azif was translated into Greek by Theodorus Philetas of Constantinople, who gave it the name Necronomicon. Olaus Wormius then made a Latin translation in 1228. In 1232, shortly after Wormius’ translation, Pope Gregory IX banned both the Greek and Latin versions of the volume. Wormius indicates that the original Arabic text was lost by this time. Dr. John Dee made a translation into English, but only fragments of that version remain. At present, a 15th century Latin translation exists in the British Museum, and 17th century editions exist at the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris, the Widener Library at Harvard, the University of Buenos Aires, and the Miskatonic University at Arkham. Understandably, all these copies remain under lock and key.
- Prerequisites: Language [Ancient Greek], Occult 3
- Format: Leatherbound and metalframed parchment Codex held by multiple locks (Security 1 to 3)
- Content: Okkult Skill up to 5,
- Relic Powers: Voice of Relic (2) (Merit Whispers •, Merit Dream •), Soul Inheritance (5), Touch of Madness (3), Multiple Continuing Derangements (-12) (fixation/obsession [mild/severe], phobia/hysteria [mild/severe], vocalization/schizophrenia [mild/severe], suspicion/paranoia [mild/severe])
- Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten by Friedrich Wilhelm von Junzt (Relic/Tome )
The text contains information on cults that worship pre-human deities and includes hieroglyphs relating to the latter. There is also information on more recent cults including that of Bran, The Dark Man. It is from this work that the tale of the doomed heretic T'yog is most commonly sourced. The principal obscurity of the book is von Junzt's use of the word keys - a phrase used many times by him, in various relations - in connection with certain items and locations, such as the Black Stone and the Temple of the Toad in Honduras.
- Prerequisites: Language [German],
- Format: Heavy Leatherbound Codex, often with metallic edges
- Content:
- Relic Powers:
- Liber Ibonis, Livre d'Eibon, or Book of Eibon, (Relic/Grimoire )
A primordial manual of sorcery, written by the wizard Eibon, containig dark and baleful myths, liturgies, rituals, and incantations. It is said to have come down through a series of translations from an original written in a lost language. The successive versions include a Greek translation, and a later medieval French translation from the Greek. In medieval Averoigne, Azedarac the Bishop of Ximes owned a copy written in the original script. It had blood-drawn illuminations, and was bound in aboriginal, sub-human skin. Azedarac was still alive in Averoigne centuries later, by which point he had the book rebound in sheep-leather to look like a Christian missal. In 1175 AD, the book was stolen from Azedarac by the Christian Banisher Ambrose, who did not destroy it out of whatever reasons he might have had.
- Prerequisites: Language [Ancient Greek or medieval French, (High Speech)], Occult 3
- Format: Leatherbound parchment Codex written in exotic inks, illustrated in blood
- Content:
- Relic Powers: Longevity Merit
- Cultes des Goules by the Comte d’Erlette (Relic/Tome )
A volume of occult lore, referred to variously as "terrible" or "ghastly", describing the rites of a cannibalistic cult of syrian Ghouls and their Sexual practices . The nightmare arcana of Cultes des Ghoules are not conducive to a healthy state of a mortal mind. There were at least two published editions, of which at least one was expurgated. Henricus Vanning had a copy of the original edition, with the covers protected by thin strips of glass; whereas the Grinning Ghoul narrator consulted the expurgated edition. Only a handful of copies are in existence. One known exemplar is kept in an arcane library of the Church of Starry Wisdom in Providence, Rhode Island.
- Prerequisites: Language [medieval French],
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers:
- De Vermis Mysteriis by Ludvig Prinn (Relic/Tome )
De Vermis Mysteriis was written by the Flemish sorceror Ludvig Prinn while he was imprisoned, awaiting trial for witchcraft. It is not known how the manuscript was ever smuggled out of the prison. A year after Prinn's death, the book was printed in Cologne. This original version was in Latin. The book was immediately suppressed, but a few copies survived, which were transcribed and circulated further. The book has remained rare and generally known only to initiates, who discourage its wider distribution. The book includes cold, deliberate instructions for traffic with alien evil. It includes the formula for a certain drug, which enables the user to recall memories of past lives. The book gives a list of precautions to be taken before using the drug, including the cabalistic signs of protection. The book warns that omitting these protections can make one a prey to the dwellers in the Hidden World.
- Prerequisites: Language [],
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers:
- The King in Yellow (Relic/Tome )
The King in Yellow is a widely-censored play. Its author is unknown and is believed to have committed suicide after publishing it in 1889. The play is named after a mysterious supernatural figure featured in it, who is connected to a peculiar alien symbol, usually wrought in gold, called the Yellow Sign. Though the first act is said to be "innocent", all who read the play's second act either go mad or suffer another terrible fate.
- Prerequisites: Language [],
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers:
- The Index (Relic/Tome •••••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Dragon Tounge], Academics 3, Occult 3
- Format: Leatherbound Book
- Content: special, see Relic Powers
- Relic Powers: Contains the complete Index of any Library it is taken into, as well as all references to a certain book the owner might have and the content overwievs or indices of that books.
Ancient Grimoire Tomes[edit]
- Technica Comedianis (Tome/Grimoire ••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Latin],
- Format: Papyrus Codex
- Content: Expression Specialty [Comedy], Fate Rote "The Perfect Moment"
- Linguae Populi Barbarii (Tome/Grimoire •••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Latin],
- Format: Pergament Codex
- Content: Linguistic study; Language [Gallic], Language [Germanic], Language [Phoenician], Rote "Reveal the Tounge" (Mind •, Knowing, Instant, Concentration, Covert, none) Caster knows what language a text is recorded in. (Int + Academics + Mind)
- Platon's Timaeus (Tome/Grimoire •••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Greek],
- Format:
- Content:
- Rethorica in Forum (Tome/Grimoire ••••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Latin], Expression 2
- Format: Pergament Scroll
- Content: Rhetoric and gestures of the Roman public announcers; Psychic Protection Merit (•), Mind Rote "Thought Wall" (Mind ••, Shielding, Instant, Prolonged [1 Scene], Covert, none/1 Mana) (Res + Com + Mind), Mind Rote "Lend me Your ears" (Mind •••, Ruling, Instant, Prolonged [1 Scene], Covert, none) (Pre + Expression + Mind) Mass Compulsion
- Dythyrambos of the Maenad Melanippe (Tome/Grimoire ••••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Greek (Symnian)],
- Format:
- Content: Revelations about Primal Nature; early manifest of the cult of Dyonisos.
- Lesser Key of Solomon (Tome/Grimoire ••••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Arameic],
- Format:
- Content: Goetia; Rote Soul Jar (Spirit ••)
- Platon's Critias (Tome/Grimoire ••••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Greek],
- Format:
- Content:
- Greater Key of Solomon (Tome/Grimoire •••••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Arameic],
- Format:
- Content: Theurgia;
- Platon's Hermokrates (Tome/Grimoire •••••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Greek],
- Format:
- Content:
- The Egyptian Book of Dead "Step into the Light" of Pharao Unas (Tome/Grimoire •••••+)
- Prerequisites: Language [Egyptian (Hieratic)], Occult 3
- Format: Stone inscription or 42 copper tablets
- Content: The Egyptian Book of the Dead, Largest collection of antique magical knowledge; copy of Tabula Smaragdina.
Supernatural Tomes[edit]
- The Magic of Ishtar (Tome/Grimoire •)
- Prerequisites: Language [Persian],
- Format:
- Content: Demiurge notes; Promethean creation Judgement roll +1, Rote "Create Homunculus"
- Traktates of Pygmalion (Tome ••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Greek],
- Format:
- Content: Galatean Lineage Demiurge notes; Promethean creation Judgement roll +2
- The Wisdom of Isis (Tome •••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Egyptian (Hieroglyphs)],
- Format: Clay Tablets
- Content: Osirian Lineage Demiurge notes; Promethean creation Judgement roll +3
- Dr. Victor Frankenstein's Journal (Relic/Tome •••••)
- Prerequisites: Language [German], Medicine 3
- Format:
- Content: Frankenstein Lineage Demiurge notes; Promethean creation Judgement roll +2
- Relic Powers: Voice of Relic (•••) (Vision Merit (•••))
- De Haruspicia (Tome ••••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Latin],
- Format: Bloodwritten Pergament Codex
- Content: Latin translation of an earlier etruscan text with massive additions made by roman Augurs; Sacrifice Merit (•), Visionary Trances Merit (••), Venficia Ritual "Appolonian Sight" (•)
- Tome of the Dragon Mind (Tome •••••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Etruscan],
- Format: Long scaled ebony Scroll
- Content: Occult mnemetic techniques only available by Kindred; Mind of the Devouring Worm (•••), Mind of the Unblinking Serpent (••), Mind of the Inscrutable Hydra (••)
- The Coils of the Dragon (Relic/Tome •••••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Rumanian], Status [Ordo Dracul] 2, Occult 3
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers:
- ' (Relic/Tome •••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Latin], Status [Lancea Sanctum] 1, Occult 2
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers:
- The Saga of the Firstborn (Relic/Tome )
- Prerequisites: Language [First Tounge], Occult 3
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers:
- ' (Relic/Tome )
- Prerequisites: Language [],
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers: Feral Blessing (3)
- ' (Relic/Tome )
- Prerequisites: Language [],
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers: Locus ()
- First-Issue (Relic/Tome •••)
- Prerequisites: Language [varies]
- Format: any
- Content: varies
- Relic Powers: Platonic Exemplar
- Lex Ancientis (Relic/Tome ••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Latin]
- Format: Copper tablet
- Content: Ancient transript of law texts that contain the Five Great Rights and their atlantean Glyphs
- Relic Powers: Voice of Relic (••) (Language [High Speech])
- The Hornbook (Relic/Grimoire •••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Latin], Language [Greek], Language [Hebrew], Language [English]; Language [High Speech] for access to Grimoire effecf
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers:
- ' (Relic/Grimoire ••••)
- Prerequisites: Language [],
- Format:
- Content:
- Relic Powers: Potent Success
- Metachronologica of Xian Wu (Relic/Grimoire •••)
- Prerequisites: Language [Ancient Chinese], Occult 3
- Format: Codex from preserved Wooden-Disks
- Content: Time-atlas, Wood contains temporal information (ca. 700 BC to 50 BC; temporal sympathy links); Time Rotes "Tempus Fugit" (Time •; Compelling, Instant, Prolonged [1 Scene], Covert, none) Influence targets subjective experience of time (5 min/succ wake; category/succ dream/astral) and "Postcognition" (Time ••; Unveiling, Instant, Concentration, Covert, none).
- Relic Powers: Glimpse (•••); requires Taoist prayer (concealed in book; Int + Academics 4 succ to find) and 2 Mana or WP to activate