All Cost: Res (Procedure Rating) Prerequisites: appropriate Laboratory (+3 equipment bonus)
- Sympathetic Sample Analysis (•••) {Time ••, Life ••}
Action: Wit + Science (+ Vision) Means: Hair-, or body-fluid sample
- Advanced Bionic Prosthetic (••••) {Life •••, Matter ••}
Action: Wit + Medicine (+ Vision); extended, 3 succ per point of Prosthetic Res value Means: Custom made Prosthetic (Res Cost = Size of replaced limb, +1 for hand, +2 for organ replacement)
- Advanced Implantation (••••) {Life •••, Matter ••}
Action: Wit + Medicine (+ Vision); extended, 3 succ per point of Device Res value Means: Custom made Device to be implanted (Res Cost +1)
- Grow Synthskin (••••) {}
Action: Int + Medicine (+ Vision); extended, 2 succ per point of size, every roll represents 1 day of cell culture growth Means: Fresh skin sample, Azothic catalyst
- Chimeric Gene-Therapy (•••••) {}
Action: Int + Medicine (+ Vision) Means: Creates Mutant specimen
- Grow Clone (•••••) {}
Action: Int + Medicine (+ Vision); extended, 10 succ per clone, every roll represents 1 month of cell culture growth Means: Spinal fluid sample, stemcell colony, Azothic catalyst