Territorial Markers

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  • Natural Scent Markings
Cost: None
Notes: Are very cheap and easy to come by, but also quite primitive and sometimes dangerous. Although you give your Territory a very "personal" marking, it gives away your personal scent quite freely, meaning tracking the Territories inhabitant will be a lot more easy. Scent markings also have to be refreshed frequently, which can be quite a lot of work (and beer) to be done in larger Territories. Creatures able to track by smell can probably also read how old the last marking is and how frequent the spot has been marked before (on an exceptional succ.). On the upside, scent markers work vey well with wild animals and even spirits. If placed in the fallen world by an Uratha, the marking will also appear in the roughly corresponding place in the Shadow.
  • Paint Markers, "Gang" Colours
Cost: Res 1 per Mark
  • Glyphs, Symbols
Cost: None
  • Territorial Runes
Cost: 1 Essence per mark
Notes: with the appropriate "Rune of Marking" (Lvl x Rite) a Uratha can tag its Territory in a very sophisticated way. Percieveable by all kinds of beings on both sides of the Gauntlet the marking Runes
  • Custodian Spirits
Cost: Special (Gifts of Essence, Bans to uphold, etc.)
Notes: Spirits that are supernaturaly aware of the borders of the Territory of the Pack they are working for. They can either report Intruders to their Pack, inform the Intruder that they are tresspassing a certain Territory, or engage Intruders from within the Shadow. Very often Wolf-Brothers, lesser Acestor Spirits, or other deeply trusted spirit companions are given charge of custodial duty.