Spirits have a minimum number of Charms of each type of Virtue equal to their rating in that Virtue, so a god with a Temperance of 4 and a Valor of 1 will have at least four Temperance spirit Charms and one Valor spirit Charm.
General Charms[edit]
Ox-Body Technique[edit]
- Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Permanent
- Keywords: Stackable
- Duration: Permanent
- Prerequisite Charms: none
Like the Exalted, the spirits and their children may also exhibit superhuman resilience. Each time this charm is purchased, the character gains two additional -2 health levels. Spirits cannot purchase this Charm more times than their Conviction rating.
Essence Plethora[edit]
- Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
- Keywords: Stackable
- Duration: Permanent
- Prerequisite Charms: none
A spirit may increase its base Essence pool by 10 with this Charm. This Charm may be taken multiple times, and its effects stack. Spirits cannot purchase this Charm more times than their Conviction rating.
Reserve of Will[edit]
- Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
- Keywords: Stackable
- Duration: Permanent
- Prerequisite Charms: none
This power allows a spirit to increase its temporary Willpower pool beyond its Willpower trait. Each instance of this Charm grants a spirit an additional temporary Willpower. Spirits cannot purchase this Charm more times than their Conviction rating.
Touch of Divinity[edit]
- Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
- Keywords: Obvious, Shaping, Touch
- Duration: Indefinite (see below)
- Prerequisite Charms: None
This Charm enables a spirit to commit three motes of its Essence to a favored mortal. The process can take many forms, such as a light kiss on the brow, a sigil branded on the mortal’s back, a chanted rite ending in a drink of strong wine or whatever suits the spirit’s fancy. Elemental versions emphasize the spirit’s chosen element. Demons favor cruelty, pain and degradation. Nephwracks or other powerful ghosts might place the subject in a bone-strewn coffin. The procedure involved can range from less than a minute to hours. Whatever form the Charm takes, the blessed recipient feels the unaccustomed power of Essence flood through her body in an unmistakable, electric surge. All her senses seem sharper, colors look brighter, and she feels transcendent joy—or terror. Touch of Divinity grants no measurable benefits beyond enabling its recipient to perceive Essence in use. The spirit can take back its committed Essence whenever it wants. A mortal can use his new sense for Essence to learn how to channel it himself, though. After each month the recipient carries the borrowed Essence, the recipient’s player rolls ([highest Mental Attribute] + Martial Arts) at difficulty 3. Once the roll succeeds, the mortal gains his own Essence pool, and the spirit can take back the committed motes. The mortal’s permanent Essence hasn’t changed (that requires bonus points or experience points to raise), but he has joined the supernatural world. The enlightened mortal character can now learn supernatural martial arts. The mortal gains an affinity for whatever divine force empowered her. A mortal empowered by a sacred cavern’s elemental, for instance, is aspected to the element earth. A mortal empowered by a demon would possess a demonic aspect, while a ghost’s use of this Charm would confer a necromantic aspect. This affinity of Essence does not affect how an enlightened mortal learns or practices supernatural martial arts, but it could become important in other circumstances. (For instance, any Exalt would feel justifiable suspicion of any mortal whose Essence carries a demonic taint.) Touch of Divinity offers little benefit to people who are already Exalted or otherwise able to use Essence. The spirit simply passes three motes to the recipient. If the recipient has a full Essence pool already, the three motes are wasted.
Compassion Charms[edit]
Compassion spirit Charms are healing powers, blessings that augment the traits of other beings or miracles that increase a spirit’s Mental Attributes and sensory perception. Compassion Charms can be used only while materialized or while Elsewhere.
Measure the Wind[edit]
- Cost: 1m; Mins: Compassion 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple
- Keywords: None
- Duration: Instant
- Prerequisite Charms: None
This simple Charm allows a spirit to assess its surroundings and measure the amount of Essence near it. When a spirit spends one mote to activate this Charm, it can see the natural flow of Essence around it and immediately knows the Essence trait of all visible living things within a number of yards equal to its Willpower. The Storyteller must still make a successful reflexive (Wits + Perception) roll for the spirit to find any hidden beings, but the difficulty to find hidden creatures decreases by two when used with this Charm. Any being noticed through the use of this power is also instantly recognized as whatever type of being it is—whether it is a mortal, Exalt, god, ghost or some other thing.
Measure the Blood[edit]
- Cost: 1m; Mins: Compassion 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple
- Keywords: None
- Duration: Instant
- Prerequisite Charms: None
This Charm works much like its counterpart Measure the Wind. It allows the spirit or Ghost to assess the Essence flow of a single living creature, within a number of yards equal to its Willpower. Any being targeted by this charm is instantly recognized as whatever type of being it is, the score of its permanent Essence, its permanent and temporary Willpower rating, its Virtues, and eventual Abilities that have a score of three dots or higher.
- Cost: 5m; Mins: Compassion 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple (Speed 6)
- Keywords: Combo-Ok
- Duration: One scene
- Prerequisite Charms: None
The spirit can track someone or something with a successful (Perception + Compassion) check. The difficulty of the check is equal to the Essence of the creature being tracked (or 1 in the case of a quarry without an Essence trait), modified by any supernatural evasive techniques the quarry can bring to bear.
Sense Domain[edit]
- Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Compassion 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
- Keywords:
- Duration: Instant
- Prerequisite Charms: Measure the Wind
The spirit may spend five motes and one temporary Willpower to discern the status of its sphere of influence. The Storyteller makes a (Perception + Awareness) roll for the spirit activating this Charm, adding a number of automatic successes equal to its Compassion. One success alerts the spirit to any direct danger to itself or its sphere of influence. Two successes grant the spirit a catalogue of all events in the area at that given moment. Three or more successes will reveal to the spirit all beings not magically hidden by sorcery or Charms.
Intrusion Sensing Method[edit]
- Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Compassion 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Combo Basic
- Duration: Special
- Prerequisite Charms: Sense Domain
Many guardian spirits use this Charm to ward against intrusion by other spirits and powerful enemies. The spirit spends a temporary Willpower and commits five motes of Essence, and whenever a being with an Essence greater than 1 enters its domain or sphere of influence, the Storyteller will be able to make a reflexive (Perception + Awareness) roll, adding a number of automatic successes equal to the dog’s Compassion, for the dog to note the character’s presence. Almost all dogs of the unbroken earth commit the Essence necessary to maintain this Charm continuously.
Wyld Armor[edit]
- Cost: 3m +2m per add. target; Mins: Compassion 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple
- Keywords:
- Duration: One day
- Prerequisite Charms: Sense Domain
With this Charm, the spirit protects itself against the ravages of the Wyld. Few gods need to enter the Wyld, but occasionally some feel a motivation to do so. Others have the Wyld thrust upon them, as it erodes Creation. For three motes, the spirit adds (Essence) dice to its resistance against the Wyld for a full day. For every two motes committed to the Charm, the god can extend this protection to one other person.
Wyld Shield[edit]
- Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Compassion 3, Essence 3; Type: Simple
- Keywords:
- Duration: One day
- Prerequisite Charms: Wyld Armor
This stronger version of Wyld Armor protects a large number of people, but to a lesser degree. The group of people must be defined in some readily understood and limited fashion, such as “all the people who live in this village” or “that war party there.” Every recipient must have prayed to the god, and the Magnitude of the protected group cannot exceed the god’s permanent Essence. On the other hand, the recipients gain bonus dice equal to only half the god’s permanent Essence (round up) to all rolls to resist Wyld addiction and mutation. The spirit must commit five motes and one point of Willpower to extend this protection for one day.
Wyld Barrier[edit]
- Cost: 10m, 2wp; Mins: Compassion 3, Essence 4; Type: Simple
- Keywords:
- Duration: Special
- Prerequisite Charms: Wyld Shield
Another improvement on Wyld Armor offers greater protection to a small number of people. By committing 10 motes and two points of Willpower, the spirit can protect a number of people equal to twice her permanent Essence for a week. The Wyld Barrier adds (spirit’s Essence x 2) dice to all rolls to resist the effects of the Wyld. This bonus does not apply to vision-questing, but can apply to power-questing. Fortress of Creation—Only gods with Essence 5 or higher, or gods of borders and protection, are likely to possess this exceptionally powerful Charm. The god commits Essence and Willpower to bar the Wyld from an area around its sanctum. The more intense the Wyld’s influence, however, the smaller the area the spirit can protect—and the Fortress of Creation does not reverse any taint already wrought by the Wyld. For 10 motes and two points of Willpower, a god can purge the Wyld from an area of Bordermarches (Essence) miles in radius. In the Middlemarches, the god can protect an area (Essence x 300) yards in radius, costing 20 motes and four points of Willpower. For 30 motes and six points of Willpower, the spirit forces an area of the Deep Wyld (Essence x 50) yards in radius to remain as solid Creation. The Charm has no effect on Pure Chaos; a spirit needs some trace of Creation to reinforce.
Virtuous Guard[edit]
- Cost: 2m/target; Mins: Compassion 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
- Keywords:
- Duration: Special
- Prerequisite Charms:
Without sources of sustenance, some Fair Folk see no reason to invade the spirit’s territory. For every two motes committed to this Charm, a god can protect a single person against being emotionally ravaged. To all Fair Folk senses, the person is completely without thought, dream or emotion and cannot be supped upon at all.
Summon Food[edit]
- Cost: 5m, or 10m; Mins: Compassion 3, Essence 1; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Obvious
- Duration: Instant
- Prerequisite Charms: none
By spending five motes, the field god may create wholesome but simple food appropriate to its purview, in quantities sufficient to feed up to five people. By spending 10 motes, this is food of exquisite quality.
Touching Strands[edit]
- Cost: 5m; Mins: Compassion 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple
- Keywords:
- Duration: Instant
- Prerequisite Charms: none
By spending five motes—and the Storyteller making a successful (Compassion + Investigation) roll—the spirit can glimpse the connections inherent between people and events. It might note that two individuals are lovers, or that they should be lovers, or that a boy is deeply tied with a recent war. The difficulty of the roll is based on how obscure or tangled the connections are. This Charm does not perceive the future or the past. It will not reveal that two people once hated one another or that they will eventually, only that they currently do.
- Cost: 5m; Mins: Compassion 1, Essence 2; Type: Simple
- Keywords:
- Duration: One scene
- Prerequisite Charms: None
This Charm allows a spirit to speak with the target in his dreams. The target must be asleep, and the spirit must know approximately where he is, although the spirit need not be present there. Roll the spirit’s Intelligence + Compassion. The more successes the spirit gets, the more easily it converses with the dreamer. Four or more successes indicates that not only can the spirit appear in the dream, but it will seem to be of extreme significance to the dreamer.
- Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Compassion 1, Essence 4; Type: Simple
- Keywords:
- Duration: One scene
- Prerequisite Charms: Dreamspeak
This Charm allows a spirit to govern the dream of a sleeping mortal. It may shape that dream in whatever way it wishes, appearing or not appearing in the dream as it pleases. Roll the spirit’s Manipulation + Compassion. The more successes, the more the spirit can manipulate. The spirit must know either the approximate location of the dreamer or his identity. While the spirit may harm the dreamer inside of the dream, no damage carries over to the real world.
Conviction Charms[edit]
Conviction spirit Charms can increase Social Attributes, can increase and alter a spirit’s movement, and represent powers that have global or area effects. Unless otherwise stated, Conviction Charms are useable either while materialized or dematerialized.
Landscape Travel[edit]
- Cost: 4m; Mins: Conviction 1, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
- Keywords:
- Duration: One Scene
- Prerequisite Charms: none
For four motes, the spirit doubles her movement rate for the duration of a scene and adds two dice to all moving maneuvers performed while moving in its respective area of influence.
Landscape Camouflage[edit]
- Cost: 5m; Mins: Conviction 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Illusion
- Duration: One Scene
- Prerequisite Charms: Landscape Travel
The spirit may spend three motes of Essence to change its skin, or fur coloration to match the surrounding natural wilderness. This adds three dice to their pool when making Stealth checks.
Landscape Hide[edit]
- Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Conviction 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple
- Keywords:
- Duration: One Scene
- Prerequisite Charms: Landscape Camouflage
The spirit may pay six motes and one temporary Willpower to merge its tangible body with any natural feature in its domain, such as the trunk of a tree or a rock outcropping.
Face-Craft Mastery[edit]
- Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: ; Type:
- Keywords:
- Duration:
- Prerequisite Charms:
For 15 motes and one Willpower, the spirit can craft a talismanic mask permanently imbued with minor powers. These masks often appear as exotic exaggerations of their effects. (A mask that elicits fear, for example, may be grotesque, while a mask that makes the wearer stealthy may be a simplistic half-white, half-black, featureless mask.) Crafting the mask takes an hour and a successful (Conviction + Craft) roll. Success creates a mask that grants the wearer two bonus dice to a specific task, usually as specific as a specialty. “Fighting” is too general, but “Swordsmanship” is not.
Supervisor’s Prerogative[edit]
- Cost: varies, 1wp; Mins: Conviction 4, Essence 4; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Obvious, Servitude
- Duration: Instant
- Prerequisite Charms:
While in Heaven, the spirit may summon any single one of her subordinates in its respective Bureau to her side immediately. She does so only in times of danger or other emergency. She must spend a point of Willpower and a number of motes equal to the (Essence + Willpower) of the subordinate she is summoning.
- Cost: 1m per day, 2wp; Mins: Conviction 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Compulsion, Servitude
- Duration: 1 to 28 days
- Prerequisite Charms:
The spirit may lay a geas upon another spirit, Exalt or mortal for the purpose of fulfilling her duties under Heaven or her Motivation. This is considered unnatural mental influence. The spirit’s player rolls her (Manipulation + Conviction) against the target’s Mental DV. This Charm costs two Willpower points and requires the investment of a number of motes equal to the number of days she wishes the target to be bound by the geas, to a maximum of 28 days.
Temperance Charms[edit]
Temperance spirit Charms are powers of the mind and illusion, used to directly affect or control the minds and souls of other beings. Unless otherwise stated, Temperance Charms can be used either while materialized or dematerialized.
Donning Spiritual Armor[edit]
- Cost: 5m; Mins: Temperance 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 6)
- Keywords: Combo-Ok
- Duration: One scene
- Prerequisite Charms: None
Through the expenditure of five motes, the spirit may add her (Temperance + Essence) to her bashing and lethal soaks. By spending one point of Willpower, she may also add her Essence to her aggravated soak.
Hurry Home[edit]
- Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Temperance 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
- Keywords: None
- Duration: Instant
- Prerequisite Charms: None
Spirits are always in tune with their sphere of influence, and should something go horribly wrong, then the spirit needs to be able to get to its sphere of influence in time to do something about it. This power allows a spirit to return to its home instantaneously. This power costs 10 motes of Essence and one temporary Willpower. The spirit must be dematerialized when it uses this Charm, or it automatically dematerializes when the Charm is activated. The Charm cannot take the spirit beyond Creation. Hurry Home will return a spirit to anywhere in the region of Creation considered its sphere of influence, to the point where its sanctum is located (if it has a sanctum), to the nearest Celestial Gate into Yu-Shan or to the point from which it entered Creation.
- Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Temperance 3, Essence 3; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Obvious
- Duration: One turn
- Prerequisite Charms: Hurry Home
A successful Intelligence + Temperance check allows the spirit to open up a portal large enough for it to step through. The portal lasts for one turn; during that time, anyone else may step through it as long as they can fit through the opening. With one success, the portal takes the travelers to a random (though not immediately harmful) location. With two successes, the spirit may loosely direct the exit point (“Southern deserts, please”) or go directly to its home. Five or more successes allow the spirit to direct the portal wherever it pleases. Extra successes beyond the successes required for pinpointing the portal’s exit point allow the spirit to triple the radius of the portal.
- Cost: 20m, 1wp; Mins: Temperance 4, Essence 4; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Obvious
- Duration: Instant
- Prerequisite Charms: Portal
A successful Dexterity + Temperance check allows the spirit to transport itself wherever it chooses. For each success, it may transport one passenger (willing or unwilling) as well, though it costs one additional Willpower point if there are passengers involved. All passengers must be within the line of sight of the spirit. The spirit must have been to the destination before.
- Cost: 10m, 1wp per target; Mins: Temperance 4, Essence 4; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Obvious
- Duration: Instant
- Prerequisite Charms: Transport
With this Charm, a spirit may banish any targets within line of site to a random habitable location up to one mile distant (i.e., a human would not be banished to an underwater location or dumped in a lava flow). Roll the spirit’s Perception + Temperance. Each success allows one target to be banished in this manner. The more successes, the farther away the target is likely to be sent. This Charm must be used within the bounds of the spirit’s home territory.
- Cost: 1m, 1wp; Mins: Temperance 5, Essence 6; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Obvious
- Duration: Instant
- Prerequisite Charms: Banish
The spirit may spend 15 motes and one temporary Willpower to move any single creature within its sight into a confined area of its choice, that belongs to its domain. The Storyteller must succeed at a contested (Temperance + Essence) roll against the victim’s (Stamina + Integrity) when the spirit activates this Charm.
Harrow the Mind[edit]
- Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Temperance 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Illusion
- Duration: One Scene
- Prerequisite Charms:
A nymph may create illusions in the minds of a single target, which distract and confuse her victim. The spirit must pay 10 motes of Essence and one temporary Willpower to activate this ability for a scene. The Storyteller then makes a (Manipulation + Performance) roll for the nymph against the target’s Mental DV, adding a number of automatic successes equal to its Temperance. Only one success is necessary to create the illusion, but each additional success adds to the difficulty of any roll made to break free of the illusion.
Gentle Touch[edit]
- Cost: Mins: Type:
- Keywords:
- Duration:
- Prerequisite Charms: none
The spirits slim, cool fingers inflict little harm on its foes, but its touch can drain their will to fight. If its damage roll comes up with any successes, it may instantly spend three motes after striking a foe, and drain a single point of Willpower instead of dealing damage. The spirit does not gain this Willpower.
Mind-Draining Touch[edit]
- Cost: Mins: Type:
- Keywords:
- Duration:
- Prerequisite Charms: Gentle Touch
If the spirit strikes someone in combat, it may spend 10 motes and one Willpower to reflexively activate this Charm and tear away the targets personality. Roll damage for the attack normally, but each success, rather than inflicting health levels of damage, eliminates one point of temporary Willpower instead. If all of a character’s Willpower is drained in this manner, he becomes a husk without mind, without personality, free to be filled with a new mind at the spirits leisure. The spirit may not target anyone with this Charm who has an Essence equal to or higher than her own.
Valor Charms[edit]
Valor spirit Charms are powers used to increase a spirit’s Physical Attributes and combat Abilities and to deal physical damage to an opponent. Valor Charms can be used only while materialized or while Elsewhere.
- Cost: varies; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Obvious
- Duration: Indefinite
- Prerequisite Charms: None
All spirits have the ability to materialize via the Materialize Charm. Materializing is an instantaneous action that requires a spirit to pay a variable amount of Essence to create a temporary corporeal body. Spirits of greater power must make a larger, stronger body to contain their splendor, so the cost to materialize is equal to five times the sum of its Essence and Willpower ([Essence + Willpower] x 5) motes. This corporeal body has all of the same Attributes and Abilities of the incorporeal spirit, including health levels and Essence pool, so any damage taken by the spirit while immaterial remains on the material spirit, and the remaining motes of Essence in its Essence pool remains unchanged. A spirit generally has one shape and form that its corporeal body takes, and this shape is identical or very similar to its form while intangible. Some spirits have additional Charms that give them multiple corporeal forms, and more powerful spirits may have advanced forms of the Materialize Charm that give them corporeal bodies with enhanced Attributes and Abilities, as well as attack modes, natural weapons and armor, for a greater cost. A spirit may dismiss its corporeal form as a reflexive action, but it does not regain any of the Essence spent for materialization by doing so. A corporeal body lasts for a number of days equal to the number of motes spent to materialize, unless it is destroyed. For example, a demon with an Essence trait of 3 and a Willpower of 5 pays 40 motes to materialize and, therefore, can remain materialized in Creation for 40 days. Materialized spirits regain Essence at the same rate as when immaterial, so many spirits who plan on materializing in Creation for a time do so in a private location and spend enough time there to replenish their Essence pool before continuing on their business. Elementals and demons who are summoned via sorcery or other magic are compelled to pay the cost of materialization at the moment they appear, unless otherwise stated by the rules of the specific spell. Spirits may also use a lesser form of Materialize to become visible, though they remain intangible while in Creation. This does not allow them to interact with Creation without the use of Charms, but it does let their presence be known. This power costs only one mote of Essence and lasts for one scene.
Principle of Motion[edit]
- Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 2;Type: Extra Action
- Keywords: Combo-OK
- Duration: Special
- Prerequisite Charms: None
Next to Materialize, this Charm is the most powerful magic to which a spirit has access. When five motes of Essence and one temporary Willpower is spent, the spirit gains a number of extra actions equal to its Willpower. This pool of extra actions remains active until all of the extra actions are used up. This Charm can be used only when a spirit has no pool of extra actions, so it cannot be stacked with itself. Extra actions can be used at any time the spirit can act and can be used like regular actions: to attack, dodge, parry or use nonreflexive charms. Every extra action is performed at the spirit’s full dice pool, and a spirit may split its dice pools for multiple actions in an extra action (see pp. 124-125 for more information on splitting die pools).
- Cost: 5m; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Illusion
- Duration: One Scene
- Prerequisite Charms: None
Many spirits have the ability to change their appearance at will. Gods often use this power to make themselves appear more fearful or impressive. This Charm does not change the spirit’s traits in any way, but it can be used in combination with stunts to give a multiple-die bonus to the spirit’s actions. Shapechange lasts for one scene.
Bane Weapon[edit]
- Cost: 5m; Mins: Valor 3; Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
- Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Poison
- Duration: Instant
- Prerequisite Charms:
For five motes of Essence, a dog of the unbroken earth may make its teeth or claws drip with an unnatural green venom. One physical attack deals aggravated damage to a mortal, causing a wound to fester and be untreatable by normal medicine. This power works only against mortals.
Essence Bite[edit]
- Cost: 3m; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Combo Basic, Touch
- Duration: One Scene
- Prerequisite Charms:
The spirit may pay three motes of Essence, and for a scene, any being that touches or is touched by the spirit takes 1L damage, ignoring armor and soaked only by Stamina. The spirit must make an appropriate attack against any being able to dodge its touch.
- Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 4; Type: Simple
- Keywords: Obvious, Sickness
- Duration: One Week
- Prerequisite Charms:
The spirit can invoke a terrible curse on any one being with an Essence rating less than hers. For 15 motes and 1temporary Willpower, the target suffers from terrible arthritis and grows boils all over its body. These physical afflictions last for one week and force the victim’s player to roll one less die for every action the character takes.
Weather Control[edit]
- Cost: 10m; Mins: Valor 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple
- Keywords:
- Duration: Instant
- Prerequisite Charms:
For 10 motes, the spitrit can create a storm of varying intensity and size that lasts for three hours. She can make a mild storm that has a radius of three square miles, which blocks out the sun and adds one to the difficulty of Sail checks. Alternately, she may form a heavy rainstorm with a radius of two miles that adds three to the difficulty of Sail checks and one to the difficulty of all other actions. Finally, the spirit may create a small storm of near-hurricane force that adds five to the difficulty of Sail checks—which will sink most ships—and three to all other actions. The radius of these storms is doubled within the spirit’s sphere of influence.
Martial Power[edit]
- Cost: Mins: Type:
- Keywords:
- Duration:
Prerequisite Charms: The Spirit is capable of spending three motes to harden his limbs, allowing his punches and kicks to inflict lethal damage.
- Cost: Mins: Type:
- Keywords:
- Duration:
- Prerequisite Charms:
One of the spirit’s attacks becomes charged with supernatural energy, temporarily stunning its foe. This power costs six motes to activate, and when the attack is made, instead of dealing damage, the target’s player must make a (Stamina + Resistance) roll with a difficulty equal to the spirits Valor. Failure leaves the victim at -2 dice to all non-reflexive rolls until the tick when the spirit next acts. This power has no effect on beings with an Essence higher than the spirits.
Spirit Cutting Technique[edit]
- Cost: 1m; Mins: Valor 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
- Keywords: Combo-Ok
- Duration: Instant
- Prerequisite Charms: None
The spirit may attack a physical opponent when he is dematerialized, or he may attack a dematerialized one when he is material. Doing so costs one mote per attack.
Uncanny Prowess[edit]
- Cost: 2m; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
- Keywords: Combo-Ok
- Duration: Special
- Prerequisite Charms: None
By expending two motes, the spirit may add his Valor to any Dexterity-based roll that has to do with his areas of his godly influence, such as combat, crafts, performances, etc.
Words of Power[edit]
- Cost: Mins: Type:
- Keywords:
- Duration:
- Prerequisite Charms:
The spirirt may spend five motes of Essence to activate this Charm for a scene. It begins to chatter in an endless stream of nonsense words and may make attacks against its victim rolling its (Manipulation + Valor). This attack deals two levels of bashing damage plus extra successes, soaked only by Stamina. For each health level of damage taken, the victim receives a one-die penalty to all its actions for nine ticks.