Sifus Hand Style
The Sifu's hand style is a style of unknown providence that focuses on precision, focus, and total control, while emphasizing economy of motion and style. It is inimical to weapons and armor; none of its charms function in armor, and all of its attacks feature the Touch keyword. What makes the style odd is the manner in which it may be learned. While being taught any style, the student may instead learn one of these charms from their sifu - in effect, learning different lessons then those intended by their master. Once the form charm is learned, this no longer functions. Charms higher in this tree may be learned while the student teaches another a charm he does not yet know- in effect, tutoring oneself through the act of tutoring another. It can, of course, also be learned the boring way from a master of this style; there are some to be found in unexpected places, given the possiblity of self-training. Form Weapons and Armor: This form is incompatible with all armor. The form weapons are technically short swords, sabres, and hook swords and their artifact equivalents, but only for purposes of the form charm - charms in this tree usually reject them due to their imprecision and weakness compared to the perfected body of a true martial arts master.
Name | Cost | Mins | Type | Keywords | Duration | Prerequisite |
STUDENT’S UNDERSTANDING | 3m | Martial Arts 2, Essence 1 | Supplemental | Combo-OK | Instant | None |
Guard mit DV + E | ||||||
The student forces himself, through obedience and through patience, to accept the teachings of the master who is his greater, that one day he will be the master. This charm supplements a guard action; add essence to both DVs for the duration of the action. | ||||||
MOVING THE SPIRIT EVASION | 3m | Martial Arts 3, Essence 2 | Supplemental | Combo-OK | Instant | Student's Understanding |
Parry/Dodge ohne Bewegung mit DV + E | ||||||
The student of the Sifu's Hand style understands that less movement, not more, is always preferable. By seeming to shift slightly, to put oneself out of the expected place, the student avoids blows with uncanny precision. The character may dodge or parry lethal attacks and may do so without movement, adding essence in dice to the attempt. | ||||||
ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT POINTS STRIKE | 3m | Martial Arts 3, Essence 2 | Supplemental | Combo-OK, Touch | Instant | Moving the Spirit Evasion |
On Hit Roll (E+suc) diff opponent E: 1 Limb Str = 0 | ||||||
The exalt strikes precisely and perfectly, striking one of the 108 points on a target where their essence flows, crippling the site of the strike. On a successful strike, roll essence with bonus dice equal to extra sucesses on the attack, against a difficulty equal to the target's essence. Reduce the strength of one selected limb by successes on that roll to a minimum of 0, leaving it limp and lifeless for the duration of the scene. This affects strength requirements for weapons and other equipment, athletics, and any other purpose other than charm minimums. Note that good stunting can avoid this problem until more than one or two limbs is incapacitated. Crippling a leg halves movement rates for the duration of the injury. | ||||||
SIFU’S HANDS FORM | 7m | Martial Arts 4, Essence 2 | Simple (Speed 5, DV -0) | Form-Type, Obvious | One Scene | One Hundred and Eight Points Strike |
Attack Spped -1 (min 3), 1m: ignore hardness, Moving the Spirit Evasion=1m, parry lethal | ||||||
The martial artist now understands the basic principles of form and style, moving with efficiency and grace. Reduce the speed of the martial artist's unarmed attacks by 1, to a minimum of 3. The martial artist may ignore hardness at a cost of 1m per attack, and may parry lethal attacks unarmed. In addition, the cost of Moving the Spirit Evasion is lowered to 1m while this charm is active. | ||||||
CRUTCH DISREGARDING MOVEMENT | 6m, 1wp | 4, Essence 3 | Reflexive | Combo-OK, Obvious | One Scene | Sifu's Hand Form |
All Atttacks lose Weapon/Shield Acc/Def Boni | ||||||
The exalt moves with the elegant grace of a true master, stepping manipulating the battlefield at his whim. It is only a hint of a challenge to avoid the tools and crutches that cripple lesser fighters, and in the process the fighter eschews such crutches himself. For the duration of the charm, attacks and defenses made by and against the martial artist lose weapon accuracy and defense bonuses, as well as shield bonuses. | ||||||
SPIRIT CRIPPLING STRIKE | 3m, 1wp | Martial Arts 5, Essence 3 | Supplemental | Combo-OK, Obvious, Crippling, Touch | Varies | Crutch-Disregarding Movement |
On Hit opponent pay's 1wp more for combos | ||||||
The martial artist strikes with all his cunning at the points through which essence flows, disfiguring not the flesh but the spirit. If the attack strikes, regardless of whether damage is inflicted, increase the cost of combo activation by 1 willpower for the target's next five actions. | ||||||
TALENT SWALLOWING ADMONITION | 3m, 1wp | Martial Arts 5, Essence 3 | Reflexive (step 10) | Combo-OK, Obvious, Crippling | One Scene | Spirit Crippling Strike |
Disable a Charm | ||||||
The martial artist laughs at the pitiful attempts of those who attack him, and as a rebuke to their insolence limits their power. The martial artist targets one instant duration reflexive, supplemental, or simple charm which enhanced the action he just defended against. The player has full knowledge of what charms the attacker used, even if the character does not. The target loses the use of that charm for the duration. They may activate combos containing that charm as if it were not there, and may use charms for which it is a prerequisite; they simply cannot activate the charm that they so impudently threatened the master with. | ||||||
CUNNING LITHE COUNTERSTRIKE | 6m | Martial Arts 5, Essence 3 | Reflexive (step 9) | Combo-OK, Touch, Counterattack | Instant | Crutch-Disregarding Movement |
Counter for the last Attack in a flurry only | ||||||
The martial artist feels the attacks of his opponents pass him by like a breeze, deflects them with a precisely placed push with one finger, and then counterattacks with a lightning quick strike.
This charm grants a single Martial-Arts based counterattack in step 9. The cost is reduced by 1 mote, to a minimum of 0, for each attack beyond the first if it is activated in response to a flurry; however, if used against a flurry, it may only be activated in response to the last attack of that flurry. An impudent student attacks Master Li; Li shifts ever so slightly to the side, causing the student's attack sail past him, and activates Cunning Lithe Counterstrike to smack the student in the back of the head for 6m. The student, irritated by Li's disrespect, attacks more fiercely, using his melee charms to make a total of six attacks. Li uses the student's lack of self-control to maneuver inside his defenses, and makes a quick jab in response. In step 9 of the last attack, Li spends 1 mote to activate Cunning Lithe Counterstrike. Li could not, for example, use it in response to the third attack of the six attack flurry; only the last. This charm gains the Flow keyword during a guard action. | ||||||
EXPLODING HEART TECHNIQUE | 4m | Martial Arts 5, Essence 3 | Simple (Speed 4, -1 DV) | Combo-OK, Obious, Touch | Instant | Cunning Lithe Counterstrike |
Instant Kill | ||||||
The exalt strikes a blow so deadly that it tears through the victim's body, shattering bones and rupturing organs. This attack does aggravated damage equal only to unsoakable essence ping, disregarding hardness. This damage cannot be increased by charms. Any mortal struck by it dies instantly if they take even a single level of damage. | ||||||
MASTER’S UNDERSTANDING | - | Martial Arts 5, Essence 4 | Permanent | none | Permanent | Exploding Heart Technique, Talent Swallowing Admonition |
+2 suc mit Touch Charms | ||||||
The master has at last perfected his wisdom as he has reached the peak of this tree; he now understands the meaning of all of his lessons and may apply new ones as he sees fit. The martial artist may now develop charms branching off of this tree at their own type's power level; be it solar, terrestrial, divine or anything else. Furthermore, the martial artist has attained a mastery beyond possibility with this style; whenever he uses a charm with the touch keyword that is in the charm cacade leading to this charm, add two automatic successes to the attack roll. |