Sailors Artifacts
Clawshell Hull (Artifact •)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
The hull of the ship is composed of one or more carapaces of the giant crustacean sea creatures, dwelling on the shores of the Western and South known as Clawshells. The carapace of one adult Clawashell can reach a length of up to 20 feet and has an ovoid form. Some tribes of Pelagic huntsmen construct boats out of these carapaces, either from hunted or from domesticated exemplaries. The material of the carapace is a very hard, but light horn-like substance, best cut and modelled with sturdy tools made from magical materials. The Pelagic Clawshell Boats are often covered in intricate tribal designs, everyone a unique piece of art. A hull constructed out of a single Clawshell carapace or plates made of the carapace provides a soak of 12L for the ship. The handling of the ship gains a 2 dice bonus if the ship is in sight the shore.
Jade Scallop Hull (Artifact ••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Actually not a Hull design, but a coating for the ship's hull, this Alchemichal recipe made from the ground dust of certain white corals, muscel shells and white Jade was very common in the First Age. If a ship's hull is painted with the mixture it gains the glorious white and smooth surface the ships of the long gone age were covered in. The paint removes all maintainance effort, the ship would normaly have for caulcing and scraping of the keel. Only seasonal maintainance, or maintainance after battle is necessary to keep the hull well coated with the Jade Scallop paint.
Reef Dragon Hull (Artifact •••••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Wavecleaver Keel (Artifact ••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Cloudreaver Keel (Artifact •••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
This Artifact keel permits a ship to literally sail upon the clouds, ascending from the ocean below to the mists above. The atrifact requires however that, at some point, the mists or clouds touch the sea itself. the ship will move up through the mists, as though rising from wave to wave, until it reaches the heights of the sky and sails atop the clouds there, as though they were merely the foam of heavenly waves. The ship can be steered as it would be normally, even to the extent of tacking against the wind, but is as vulnerable to a lack of wind as it would be on the seas below. When landing again, the ship descends gently to the ocean below, landing upon the waves as softly as a feather. The ship is not protected in any way from dragons or from other spirits or gods of the high air. (Artifact works as the "Keel cleaves the Clouds" Terrestrial Circle Spell)
Landraider Keel (Artifact ••••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Patronic Figurehead (Artifact •••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Into the Figurehead of the Ship an Elemental Spirit is bound, to give the Ship a portion of its own might. The Ship gains a bonus of two to its maneuverability (for an air or water Spirit) or +2L/+2B Soak (for an Air or Wood Spirit). In addition to this the ship may profit from one Spirit Charms of the bound Spirit. The Charm is rolled with the dice pool of the bound spirit, which normally has an Essence of 3. The spirit's order is to guide and guard the ship to the best of its ability, as long as the vessel is not destroyed, in which case the spirit is free.
Jade Maiden Figurehead (Artifact ••••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
This Artifact awakens the Spirit of the ship itsself and gives it a corporeal representation. After the installment and enchantment of the Figurehead, the ship will directly follow the command of its designated (and attuned) Captain, without the need for any crew. The ship's sails, rudder, tows and ancors will function in a ghostly way on command. The minimum crew to operate the ship is effectively reduced to one. Nevertheless, all installments on deck, such as weapons that are not directly part of the ship will still need crew to function. The attunement cost is 20 motes for the spirit to awaken. (This artifact works like the "Invocation of the Living Ship" Terrestrial Spell)
Fire Dragon Figurehead (Artifact ••••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
The figurehead of the ship is given the form of a proud and fierce Red Dragon with wide open jaw, from which it is able to spra a devastating fan of fire onto another ship. Used by some of the mighty warships of the Imperial Navy, the figurehead neds to be installed into the machinery of an Artifact Ship, or be powered by its own Hearthstones set into the eyes of the Dragon. In the mouth of the Dragon, a Fire Lance normally used on Warstriders is mounted, with the following stats: Acc. +3, Dam 12L (Fire); Rate 1 (area affecting; 20 feet diameter in 60 degree fan); Range 175 (no extended range). Each shot costs 8 motes from Heartstones or other Essence generators and cannot be paried, except by perfect charms, only dodged.
Zuzhiao's Boon (Artifact ••••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Horn of the Golden Whale (Artifact ••••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Megalodon Jaw Bow (Artifact •••••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Mast of the Six Bamboos (Artifact ••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Constructed of several intertwined rolls of Bamboo shafts, imbued with the power of the Elements Earth and Wood, this kind of Mast is a masterpiece of Shogunate artisans. The Mast provides a Soak of 8L. It can take up to 12 Health Levels of damage until it ceases function and takes 16 Health Level until it is destroyed. If the Ship equipped with this Mast should sink, the fast can be split up into fragments in a few turns, which can be used as improvised liveboats for up to four individuals of normal size. Agains Spells and Charms (like "Mast shattering Spell" Terrestrial Circle Sorcery), the Mast counts as magicaly protected with twice its artifact rating.
Living Mast (Artifact ••••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
A legendary Lunar Wyld-Construct, this mast is made out of a special species of Palm tree growing in the wyld infested Islands of the far west. When dug out at a certain age and carefully rerooted into the hull of a ship, the T shaped tree will grow to its full length of circa 18 feet within the following year, if attended to appropriately. The Living Mast has a Soak of 10L and regenerates one Health Level every ten turns. It can take up to 15 Health Levels of damage until it ceases function and regeneration and takes 20 Health Level until it is destroyed. The Living Mast treats fire damage as the rest of the ship. Agains Spells and Charms (like "Mast shattering Spell" Terrestrial Circle Sorcery), the Living Mast counts as magicaly protected with twice its artifact rating.
Moonsilver Silk Tows (Artifact ••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
These light but tight ropes, woven out of Spider Silk and finest strains of Moonsilver and then enchanted in a ritual held in seven nights of the changing moon, are one of the exotic specialties the Pelagothrope nations produce for the use of their sailors. The secret of production of Moonsilver Silk is closely held in the hands of one clan of Pelagotrope beastmen, shared with no outsider. Nevertheless this Clan, named Mobuntu is willing to sell a few feet of Moonsilver Silk Tow every now and then, if the price is right. Actually the gross of the clan has specialised on the production of the Tow in recent years, and the clan has gained much in status and influence in the Pelagothrope Nations recently, so more and more contact with outsiders and surface dwellers becomes possible... Moonsilver Silk Tows are incredibly hard to cut or sever and impossible to destroy. They have a soak of 10L and will reattach themselves to their approriate severed other end, if held together, within three turns. The Tows can only be destroyed finally, if they are burned.
Steelsilk Sails (Artifact ••) *
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Highly sought after by those who favor speed and agility in the wind and durability in battle, these rare sails were supposedly made out of the silk of wood spiders or other spider spirits. Steelsilk sails add +1 to all Sail rolls for keeping control of the ship in a storm or for gaining or losing speed, and they allow a ship to sail two points closer to the wind and are all but impenetrable to mundane weapons. Sails made of steelsilk have 15B/10L soak, take 20 health levels to damage and 40 to destroy. The sails take only half damage from wind, waves and fire.
Stygian Papyrus Sails (Artifact •••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
The Underworld equivalent to Steelsilk Sails, except that these Sails work in the ghostly winds of the Sea of the Dead unlike any other Sail made by the living. Stygian Papyrus Sails add +1 to all Sail rolls for keeping control of the ship in a ghost wind storm or for gaining or losing speed on the Seas of the Underworld., and they allow a ship to sail two points closer to the wind and are all but impenetrable to the weapons of the living. Sails made of Stygian Papyrus have 15B/10L soak, take 20 health levels to damage and 40 to destroy. The sails take only half damage from wind and waves, but double damage from fire.
Golden Essence Rig (Artifact •••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
The Golden Essence rig is an enhaced version of the Steelsilk Sails from the First Age. They provide all bonuses of Steelsilk Sails plus it enhances the Ship's Spee by one dot, up to a maximum of five dots, or doubles the speed of the ship for one scene, to outrun a Storm or Enemy Fleet, for one scene, if the designated Captain of the ship commits one Point of Willpower and gives the order to tighten the sails. (Artifact works like the "Storm Outrunning Technique" Dragon Blooded Sail Charm)
Moonsilver Silk Sails (Artifact ••••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Sails made of Moonsilver Silk are precious Artifacts in the Western Sea indeed. Nearly all existing sets of them are used by the Host Pwoona, the Beast Fleet, or other seafaring champions of Luna. They are produced by the Mobuntu Clan, a tribe of Pelagic Beastman, that jealously guard the secret of Moonsilver Silk. Even though they sell Moonsilver Silk in smaller quantities over Western tradeposts, most of the exquisite rolls of cloth are too precious to waste on Sails. The few sails made out of this cloth, come in sets of three round sheats. One is large, round Main Sail, the secound a smaller aft sail; the third is a scimitar shaped foresail. A set of Moonsilver sails would fit a ship of any size and construction, as long as it has got a mast. As Steelsilk Sails, Moonsilver Sails have 15B/10L soak, take 20 health levels to damage and 40 to destroy. The sails take only half damage from wind, waves and fire. In addition they regenerate one Health Level every three turns as long as they are not completely destroyed by fire.
Radiant Collector Sail (Atrifact ••••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Steelplates with a thin layer of Orichalkum on top that channes environmental Essence from the Sun itsself into an Essence Capacitator, which is in turn connected to the ships populsion systems, providing power like a lvl 4 Hearthstone.
Jade Compass (Artifact •) *
- Repair:
- Attunement:
The Jade Compasses are relatively common items in the Realm, easily reproduced and relatively inexpensive. The Jade Compass is a disc, usually made from gold or platinum, with a small jade needle attached at its center. This needle can be made from any of the elemental jades, or be made from slivers of all five. The needle of a Jade Compass is sensitive to even the smallest flows of elementally-aspected Essence. In the case of a needle made from a single type of jade, the needle will always point towards that type of jade’s Elemental Pole. If an Exalt does commit a single mote of Essence to the Compass, it will point towards the Exalt, rather than any Pole.
Five Star Compass (Artifact •)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
A special version of the former mentioned Jade compass is the Five Star-, or Fivefold Coiled Dragon Compass. A disc inset with five needles, each a sliver of one of the five elemental Jades. The slivers point toward their respective Elemental Pole. Between all five pointers, the exact location of the compass can be determined to within 1 mile with the gear inside the compass and a decent map.
Hearthstone Compass (Artifact •) *
- Repair:
- Attunement:
This three-inch-diameter sphere of jade and adamant has concentric rings that spin and move in three dimensions as if of their own volition. Attuning to this device requires the commitment of 2 motes of Essence. In their default state, they allow any attuned user with Essence sight to perceive a thread of light leading toward the central chamber of the nearest Manse. The thread ends at the exact spot where the Manse’s Hearthstone forms. Alternately, an attuned user can press the correct series of pressure plates on the compass, causing it to unfold and open. This requires an Intelligence + Lore roll at standard difficulty. Once opened, a Hearthstone may be placed inside and the device closed. The attuned user can now perceive the thread of Essence leading back to the Hearthstone’s own Manse.
Dawn-Light Compass (Artifact •)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Originally forged in the First Age, these devices work along different principles than modern white jade compasses, making them exceptionally useful for blue-water sailing. Each appears as a simple orichalcum needle. Once attuned and placed in water, the needle floats and points due east: not toward the Elemental Pole of Wood, but to absolute east, the direction from which the Sun takes its course each morning. The Dawn-Light Compass also responds to nearby Solar Demesnes; if it comes within a number of miles equal to the Demesne’s rating, the compass points to the Demesne. When inside a Solar Demesne, the compass glows and spins to vent excess Essence.
Unimetric Compass (Artifact •)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
This orb of notched, interlocking jade and starmetal wheels always guides its bearer towards the nearest metropolis or patropolis. It only functions within the confines of Autochthon.
Underworld Compass (Artifact •)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
The Underworld equivalent to the Jade Compass. The Soulsteel Needle always points towards the Underworld Pole of Jade. If the Abyssal using the compass does commit a single mote of Essence to the Compass, it will point towards the Exalt, rather than any Pole. To make Use of the compass, the navigator of the Ship must also have knowledge about the different configurations of Stars in the Underworld.
Compass of the Maidens (Artifact •)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
This small device, little more than an ornate trinket box mounted with a small starmetal compass needle, is the ally of anyone searching for someone. By placing a hair or some other physical object deeply linked to the target, such as a cherished wedding band or a child’s lost tooth, in the box and spending 5 motes a user can cause the needle to point in the direction of that person. The compass does not work on beings outside fate or Sidereal Exalted.
Compass of Immanent Srife (Artifact ••) *
- Repair:
- Attunement:
This compass is forged of orichalcum and starmetal and once installed in a ship’s helm, infallibility points to the largest current battle within 50 miles. Should there not be any ongoing Battle within that distance, then the starmetal needle hangs loosely in the compass, swaying idly with the waves.The size of the battle is gouged by the Power of participants and then by their number. A fight between a handful of Solars and Abyssals will trump a sea battle involving dozens of ships, though the needle will show notable hesitation in making up its mind. Should the Steersman sail towards that battle, following the compass’ direction, then he will benefit from a favouring wind, until he reaches the battle, giving the Ship an extra dot of Speed.
Compass of Storm Shelter (Artifact ••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
If a Heavy Storm is approaching, this much more seldom nautical Artifact can be used to guide the ship to the nearest save harbour or beach. The harbour or beach will be big enough to support safe rest for a ship of the appropriate size for a short time but not necessarily for the crew. There might be monsters in the immediate surroundings, or the natives don’t necessarily have a positive attitude toward the ship’s crew.
Compass of the Heart's True Desire (Artifact •••••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
The Compass of the Heart's True Desire was constructed by a First-Age Sidereal magus who, despite his great power and learning, found that true contentment consistently eluded him. It took him one hundred years to gather the components needed to construct the Compass, and another century to forge it. Once it was completed, he immediately set out alone, on a voyage into the uttermost North. He was never heard from again. Years later, a group of Solar adventurers found his derelict airship drifting among the flying icebergs of the Northern Wyld, from which they retrieved the Compass and many other potent artifacts. Once a character commits 4 motes to this elegant starmetal compass, its needle infallibly points toward the place, person, or thing which will lead to his or her complete happiness. If at any time the Compass becomes deattuned, the character can never again use it, in this life or any other.
Helm of Heart's Desire (Artifact •••••) *
- Repair:
- Attunement:
With this precious First Age artifact, a captain can steer his ship to any known harborage — or, better still, to the land of his dreams. The Helm of Heart’s Desire, as it is referred to in certain First Age scrolls, answers the spoken and unspoken desires of a steersman’s heart. It can guide a sailor to his deepest fantasy or lead him to the nightmare that he has never dared examine. The Helm is constructed of all five types of jade, with the wheel itself being orichalcum and the three compasses set beside the wheel made of moonsilver. Of the three compasses, it is said that the first points toward the Elemental Pole of Earth at the heart of the Realm, that the second points toward the helmsman’s desire and that the third points to his worst nightmare. To use it properly, the owner must have the Helm set properly into his ship and must attune the Helm to himself by committing 10 motes of temporary Essence to it. Once attuned, the Helm may be used as a normal helm with no restrictions or cost. To use it to seek out a desired image requires 5 motes of temporary Essence a day to operate. The Helm cannot magically transport the ship to a real location that has been deliberately focused upon. Such places must be reached under normal sail or with the aid of Charms or spells. The Helm deals with desires and fantasies, not real things.
Anchor of Elemental Stability (Artifact •••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Anchor of Dismanteling Fury (Artifact ••••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Anchor of Immaculate Harvest (Artifact •••••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Flag of the Direful Glowing Skull (Artifact •••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
The Flag generates a terrible visual Illusion arround the Ship. The Ship appears as a deadly Warship, packed with fierce Warrior on first sight. Enemys whishing to attack that ship must succeed on a Valor roll to take an action and see trough the illusion. The Crewmember raising the Flag must commit one point of Willpower, every time the Flag is set. (Artifact works like "Terrible Glow of Nautical Valor" Terrestrial Spell)
False Color Flying Flag (Artifact ••••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Creates a visual Illusion, that clothes the Ship into a disguise, as if it would be a Ship of the opposing Fleet. The Illusion ends, if the Ship engages in Battle, or in the moment an outsider, oder Sailor of the opposing Fleet sets foot on the disguised Ship. Attunement: 5 motes. (Artifact works like "False Color Flying Demonstration" Dragon Blooded Sail Charm from Outcaste)
Crew Amenities and Cargo Bay[edit]
Freshwater Pearls (Artifact •, or Artifact 0; Res 2) *
- Repair:
- Attunement:
If a pearl is placed in a barrel (or lesser quantity) of seawater or fouled water, it will instantly render the water as clear and fresh as that of a mountain spring. If thrown into a larger quantity of water, then it has no effect. Legends of certain Solar Exalted attempting to purify an inland sea in order to give the local inhabitants water have resulted in several diving expeditions to hunt for such pearls — and even a few successes.
Grog Automaton (Artifact •)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Cargo Preservation Spindles (Artifact ••) *
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Crew Equipment[edit]
Water Shoes (Artifact 0; Res ••) *
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Water shoes were developed to allow people to move freely over calm waters. They are made from yard-wide, dish-shaped pieces of zeelawood bark, coated with wax boiled from the flesh of the lion shark. Water shoes are useless in any but the calmest of seas and are most commonly used in inlets, in bays and in similar sheltered environs. Water shoes do not allow their wearer to move faster than a walk, and if the wearer falls, the shoes must be discarded and the wearer must instead swim — once lost, it is impossible to regain ones footing on water while wearing these shoes. Also, the shoes must be removed before the wearer attempts to walk on land.
Breathing Stone (Artifact •)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Ocean Grass Suit (Artifact •)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Wave Stepping Boots (Artifact ••) *
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Footwear of this sort has been seen in various different forms — elegant sandals, silk slippers, polished half-boots, thigh-high leather with high heels — but always sizes itself to fit its latest wearer perfectly. While wearing them, the Exalt may walk upon seawater as though it was solid ground. This protection extends to the whole of his body. He literally cannot sink into the water or be pulled into it, though he can certainly fire missiles into the water or plunge a daiklave into it. Wave-stepping boots can occasionally be dangerous. Since the Exalt’s body will not sink into water, falling from a height onto the surface of the ocean risks damage as though the Exalt had fallen onto solid earth from a similar height.
Board of Kahooli (Artifact •••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Made from a simple plank of wood, encovered in a thin coat of mastercrafted Moonsilver covered in tribals, the legendary western No-Moon Lunar Kahooli built this device as a means of transportation. On his voyages through the seas and streams of Creation and the Wyld in search for the Flowers of Youth, this board can ride the waves of the Ocean or be outfitted with a small mast and Sail. The Board travels at a speed of up to 4, if the user commits 6 motes of essence for every hour of travel.
Crow's Nest Elevator (Artifact •)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
In the First Age thoe Outlook of the ship was not necessarily neede, for the most of the ancient ships had other means of surveiling their surroundings. If someone of the Crew had to get to the top of the mast fast, First Age ships could lower and raise the Crow's Nest cabin by a chain elevator mechanism. Use of this device requires the expenditure of 2 motes or one Willpower. The cabin elevator will lift or lower up to two individuals at a rate of ten feet per turn (on most medium sized ships it will take two turns to reach the top of the mast).
Cord of Winds (Artifact •) *
- Repair:
- Attunement:
A relatively common artifact, produced by even mortal sorcerers. The cord of winds is normally a silken cord, usually light blue but possibly of any color, adorned with a number of knots. Each knot holds a minor air elemental bound up in it. If released, an elemental will serve for a day and a night, raising wind when asked. After its service is up, the elemental is free to depart. Most cords will have 20 knots in them when first created, of different sizes and complexities. The smaller, simpler knots hold elementals that are little more than breezes, while the elementals bound in the larger, more complex knots are more powerful. Unraveling a knot in a hurry is an extended Wits + Sail task. The difficulty of the task depends on the power of the air elemental bound up in the knot. A simple breeze’s knot has a difficulty of 4, while the knot securing a powerful zephyr or gale might have a difficulty of 10, although such powerful elementals and spirits are only rarely bound up in a cord of winds. Most elementals or spirits bound will have a permanent Essence less than 4.
The Plank (Artifact ••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Whenever a Plank is set on a ship, a powerfull summoning to lesser Sharks, the holy predator animals of the Western War God Siakal radiate in concentrical waves from the ship as a center out into the ocean. If someone is tossed over the Plank as a tribute to the Sharks and their Master Siakal, the ship or its crew will gain a +1 bonus to their next fight on sea. The Lintha have their own Versions of Planks, worshipping their own dark gods.
Clockwork Jade Torpedo (Artifact •••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Storm Sapphire (Artifact ••• for lesser Stones or •••• for Black Stones) *
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Storm sapphires are giant sapphires, most the size of a man’s fist or larger. The most powerful storm sapphires are black, but they come in all colors, with green sapphires (the least powerful) being the most common. Storm sapphires have the power to quell storms, calming the sea and sky under even the most savage conditions. This power does not come without a cost, however. To stop a storm, an Exalt must power the sapphire with her own life force. Each use of a sapphire costs the user motes of Essence, Willpower and health levels as shown on the chart.
Alchemical Conch (Artifact •••••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
Two Legends tell from the wonderous abilities of the Alchemichal Conches. The first, and most likely the older in origin is of a Lunar No Moon, whose name is long forgotten, who found those curious muscels on one of his voyages trough the wild. The second story tells of a glorious Solar Artificer, who invented the Conch as an automated means to manufacture Magical Materials. If an Alchemichal Conch is fed with a certain ammount of base material (Res. 3 in Jade Ore, Silver, or Gold) , fed with Essence (10 motes) and placed into the Water (sunny strips of coast for Orichalkum, moonlit lagunes for Moonsilver and coral encrusted reefs for Jade) the Conch will produce a pearl of pure Magical Material, worthy of two artifact one or one artifact two, within one month.