Spontaneous Prayer[edit]
Prayer Roll:
- Cha + Performance (diff 7 - Res Value of Sacrifice, or Essence Rating of Sacrifice)
- Grants the full attention of the small God (not Inkarna) for one Scene. Priests (Eclipse, No Moons, all Sidereals, Immaculate Monks, others with Merit) get dif -1 on Prayer rolls. Praying in places holy to that particular deity conveys an additional dice bonus.
Premade Prayer Papers Res 1 Burning Incense Sticks Res 1 Special Prayer Papers Res 2 Small Animal Sacrifice Res 2 Large Animal Sacrifice Res 3 Burning rare raw Incense Res 4
Holy Places:
Honden, House Shrine +1 dice Graveyard, Lesser Shrine +2 dice Major Shrine, Temple +3 dice
Prayer Formulas[edit]
Assumption of the Dragons Blessing[edit]
The following two sets of formulas, are rituals that bestow upon the target a blessing associated with the pentade of Elemental Dragons. They give their targets minor boni associated with their element. The blessings from the list of General thaumaturgy target a character and last for one day. The Geomantic formulas may only target households and hold their potency for up to a year. All the following rituals require expendable materials costing Resources ••. These rituals are in fact prayers to the Dragons themselves and often considered blasphemous when used by non-enlightened mortals, or even non-Immaculates within the boundaries of the Blessed-Isle.
Blessing of the Air Dragon (2, Intelligence, 4, 1 hour): A home blessed by the Dragon of Air relays its inhabitant one additional die to resist the effect of harsh climates, may it be extremely hot or cold.
Calling the Air Dragon's Benefice (2, Intelligence, 1, one scene): A character blessed by the Dragon of Air may reduce the falling distance asigned for damage calculation by (his Essence +1) yards.
Blessing of the Earth Dragon (2, Intelligence, 4, 1 hour): A home blessed by the Dragon of Earth is more stable and resistant than others. It will not suffer damage from anything but the most severe natural disasters, Warmachines, or the powers of the mighty Exalted themselves.
Calling the Earth Dragon's Benefice (2, Intelligence, 1, one scene): Characters subject to the Earth Dragons Blessing recieve one extra die to resist knockback, or knockdown.
Blessing of the Fire Dragon (2, Intelligence, 4, 1 hour): A building blessed by the Dragon of Fire is less vulnerable to damage caused by uncontrolled fires. Its fireplaces are always safe and even if made completely from wood the house will survive a burndown relatively intact.
Calling the Fire Dragon's Benefice (2, Intelligence, 1, one scene): Characters in benefit of the blessing of the Dragon of Fire are especialy hard to burn. They recieve an additional Hardness of 5 against fire dmg.
Blessing of the Water Dragon (2, Intelligence, 4, 1 hour):
Calling the Water Dragon's Benefice (2, Intelligence, 1, one scene): The recipient of the Water Dragons Blessing may hold his breath for up to a minute longer and gains +1 yard / tick bonus to his movement in the water.
Blessing of the Wood Dragon (2, Intelligence, 4, 1 hour):
Calling the Wood Dragon's Benefice (2, Intelligence, 1, one scene): The last of the five Dragons Blessings grants the target an additional die to resist the effects of plant-based poisons and to resist infection.
Blasphemic Prayers[edit]
Kimberley's Lament (2, Intelligence, 1, one scene): Corrupted Lintha version of the "Water Dragon's Prayer" that lasts for one month, but requires a human sacrifice drowned in the ocean.