Power Instruments
Drum of the Living Heart 1 0 n/a Tracks heartbeat of living target bone.59 Horn of the Ways 2 5 MS Aids Survival and Larceny rolls for travelling botc.92 ocdx.159 Whistle of Ghost Summoning 2 0 n/a Summons ghosts to the user cb_t.79 ocdx.33 Tongue of 11 Demon Howl 3 5 n/a Implanted tongue, grants arcanos and howling ability abys.259
The Shepherd's Whistle (Artifact •)
- Repair:
- Attunement: None
- Activation: 3m or 1wp per use
This bifurcated wooden flute is adorned with 3 blue jade rings and 3 white jade rings. It can be used as an exceptionally sweet sounding instrument to while away endless days watching over herds of animals, but it has a more useful property to those who know of it. By expending 3m (if an essence user) or 1wp (if mortal) this instrument sings out to all animals branded with the shepherd's mark and calls them all to gather, in calm docility,in a location indicated by the piper within sight. The animals must be marked somehow (a brand of some sort is traditional), and will remain calm for the duration of the music, often even if under attack. A number of guild slavers use this artifact to great extent. Mechanically, treat this as a 4 success Social Attack to gather with others marked with the same brand, and add 1 to the difficulty of all virtue rolls whilst able to hear the melodious tune.
Music Caster (Artifact •)
- Repair: 2
- Attunement: 1m
- Activation:
Musical Instrument Artifact - May be made out of any magical metal; Music Range unlimited indoors (within a single room), 100 yards outdoors, +2 Performance; Requires Performance 2 A music caster, or simply 'caster', is the magical version of string instruments such as guitars, lutes, harps, violins, cello, etc. Most of the known casters are designed so that even a mortal may play it. All known casters have the ability to project clearly the music played on them, the power is such that a room of any size may be filled with the soft tones of the instrument as well as the voice of the singer (if he sings), however the enchantment laid on the caster is such that the music is never loud enough to disturb the audience if they need to speak. This ability is available to even mortal players, although the player may adjust the music range to something less so as not to disturb other people while he's practicing. Casters are fairly common in the Realm and elsewhere as entertainment devices. It is a mark of good breeding amongst the Dynast to have some skill at playing a caster. It would cost a fair bit to have a decent caster crafted in any major city in the Realm. Inns as well as restaurants have been known to have had casters handed down amongst their entertainers for generations. Each caster is a unique work of art and can be identified by their appearance and the way they play. In times of extreme personal danger, the character may use his caster as an impact weapon with his brawl or melee skills. If the caster is made out of any of the five magical metals, the metal give the same bonus as a daiklave would to the attuned Exalted when it's used as an improvised weapon. The typical caster typically has no commitment costs due to the fact that it taps on ambient essence. It is possible for a -gifted- mortal craftsman with the aid of a wise savant or occultist to craft the non-magical metal version of music caster at a great cost of time and effort. It is said that there are exceptional music casters that can enhance the playing skills of a gifted musician with phantasimal imagery that illustrate the song being played or sung. (This would be the artifact 2 version, and would give a bonus of 4 dice to the performance pool, and has an attunement cost of 5 motes OR 2 willpower. This version is almost always made of a magical metal.) It is also whispered by sages and savants that there are some music casters with horrifying powers and abilities crafted by the various anathema with powers that mere mortal men and Dragon-Blooded dare only dream about in their darkest nightmares. If the dematerialized least god of a music caster is seen via charms, artifacts, spells or even drugs, she would appear as a 'talented' female with silvery metal hair, wearing translucent clothes (that matches the music caster) and would typically be seen hovering near the caster or caressing the musician before a performance or after a masterful performance. See page 47 in 'Games of Divinity' for average stats of such a being.
War Horns (Artifact •)
- Repair: -
- Attunement: 3m
- Activation:
War horns were used in the first age and are still used today to rally troops and announce the beginning of battle. Many war horns were crafted to the specification of exalts of many different types in the war, and others were created in the First Age. Most war horns were buried with their owners, but a few are still in circulation. Some ancient war horns have specific powers that exceed the ones listed here, but they are almost always family heirlooms or grave goods. All war horns have one ability in common. When their attuned bearer lifts them to his lips and blows, the tone they produce can be heard for miles around; at least one mile per point of the bearer’s essence, perhaps more if he gains many succeesses on a Stamina + Performance roll. In addition, minor magic ensures that all who hear the tone and have a basic context – knowledge of the bearer’s name or commonly used titles and the fact that he carries a horn – will know that it is the bearer’s horn that sounds. In addition, most of those who hear the horn’s tone will be able to easily follow it to the bearer’s location. This ability effects friends and foes alike. War horns have other abilities based on the magical material used in their construction. All war horns must be attuned to function, at a cost of 3 motes.
- Orichalcum: Orichalcum war horns are usually made from the horns of bulls, rams, and other animals associated with strength and power and are decorated with solar imagery and scenes of battle and victory. All the bearer’s servants and soldiers – those who can be honsetly said to fight for and beneath the bearer and in his name, not the bearer’s allies, friends, or equals – are filled with hope at the horn’s clear tone and gain an extra dot of valor until the end of the battle.
- Moonsilver: Moonsilver horns are made from curving ram’s horns or the straight, ribbed horns of the gazelle. Unlike other war horns, which are often heavily worked, moonsilver horns are usually left in as unchanged a state as possible, with moonsilver filagree flowing over its surface in ways that accent, rather than submerge, the horn’s natural patterns. All the bearer’s servants and soldiers are filled with the strength and cunning of wild beasts at the horn’s warbling tone, and gain an extra dot to their highest combat skill for the duration of the battle.
- Jade: Jade horns are the most heavily worked; some are made entierly of jade and contain no actual horn at all! All the bearer’s servants and soldiers who hear the horn’s simple, braying note are pushed to run faster to do their master’s bidding, adding one to their initiatives until the end of the battle.
- Starmetal: Starmetal horns are made from the horns of mystical and elusive animals, like unicorns, re’em, and white bulls, and they contain as little starmetal as possible, owing to the material’s rarity. All the bearer’s servants and soldiers who hear the horn’s high, piercing tone become fearless in the face of death, knowing that their ends will come at its appointed time and not a moment sooner, and gain a point of conviction until the end of the battle.
- Soulsteel: Soulsteel horns are most often made out of stark white bone and decorated with scenes of death and suffering. Their deep, reverberating tone fills all mortals and god-bloods with less essence than the bearer with terror, subracting one from their valor for the duration
of the battle. The bearer's servants and soldiers are unaffected by this power.
Horn of Summons (Artifact •)
- Repair: -
- Attunement: -
- Activation:
These ornate horns, usually carved from great ram’s horns or elk antler, are one of the tools that help hold the Silver Pact together. By committing a single mote to the horn, any number of beings may attune to the horn, allowing them all to hear the horn sound, no matter how far away they are at the time. The horns are often used by Lunar packs separated by vast distances to call on allies in times of need. To sound the horn requires the Exalt to spend 5 motes and blow the horn for a full three turns. All the motes previously committed to the horn immediately flee to their originators, carrying the sound of the horn in their wake.
The Huntsman's Horn (Artifact ••)
- Repair:
- Attunement: None
- Activation: 5 motes per use
Sometimes, you don't have time to go chasing your prey all over Creation; you need to make your prey come to you. The Huntsman's Horn is a Moonsilver horn studded with all five colors of jade in small animal head shapes. The user blows the horn and concentrates and the nearest herd of mundane animals of whatever kind he chooses will begin coming towards him. He can then do whatever he wants with them on arrival--hunt them, charm them with charms or spells, or whatever, by whatever means he has at his disposal. If he chooses to slaughter some for food, his hunt is facilitated by their urge to approach the horn, reducing the difficulty of any hunting task by his Essence.
Oathbinding Harp (Artifact •••)
- Repair: 3
- Attunement: 5m
- Activation:
A cowrie shaped harp of black and white jade, with strings of green brass drawn from a demon's head, the Oathbinding Harp sings songs perfect in their tone, where no string can be plucked wrong. All songs played on the harp can do no wrong; ones on performance rolls made are converted to successes. It's second power is the one it was made for; as long as it is on hand and used in the ritual, the harp converts ones on demon-summoning and banishing rolls into successes as well.
World-Affirming Melody Box (Artifact ••••)
- Repair: 5
- Attunement: varies (Jade, out-of-type does not pay extra)
- Activation:
This music box is made of white jade taken from the Imperial Mountain, black jade, and the vocal cords of herbivores whose family groups can't have left sight of the Imperial Mountain for five generations (as well as the normal materials needed for construction of a music box). It must be forged during daylight, never during Calibration, and on the Blessed Isle. The vocal cords form the box's musical strings-- the white jade forms the exterior and the black jade is contained in the heart of the music box, touching yet not interfering with any of the vocal cords. The simple melody the music box plays is soothing to Earth Aspects and elementals. It stifles all manner of magics within earshot, firming the world to a specified shape and denying essence the power to reshape it. What is not natural to Creation finds itself drawn into the natural tapestry of things. To activate the music box for one day, the user must commit 15 motes to it. Everyone within the user's (Essence times 10) yards of the music box is affected by the tune-- sound-stifling magics serve to cancel this effect, though being deaf does not. Any and all expenditures of essence within the affected radius cost an extra number of motes equal to the Essence of the music box's activator. This surcharge must be paid BEFORE the essence cost for any other effects can be paid. Also, the Wyld (up to the Middlemarches) retreats back from the affected area, revealing safe, stable Creation beneath. This does not prevent beings of the Wyld from entering the affected area. Finally, any creatures outside of Fate who enter the affected area roll Essence every turn. On any turn in which they fail, they are treated as being within Fate. On a botch, they take the box's activator's Essence in dice of bashing damage that ignores armor. Any essence spent within the radius perverts the song, throwing it temporarily off key and tempo, making essence use obvious to listeners. The box, though an artifact, is quite fragile-- any strong jolt (read: a successful attack doing any dice of any type of damage after the box's soak of 3L/6B) ruins the alignment of the vocal cords, breaking the music box. The jade remains intact-- new vocal cords can be gathered and the box thus easily repaired, though this takes a clockwork-shop and 2 hours.