From Anu Anu RPG
The most common beastman breeds roaming Creation include the following:
- Chiropterans: (7-9 Bonus Points) Poxes: Claws, Enhanced Hearing, Fur, Night Vision. Abomination: Wings. Deficiency: Ugly (their bat-like features make them unattractive to most mortals). Southeastern vampire-bat chiropterans have the debility Diet (the blood of mammals or birds).
- Dolphinmen and Whalemen: (3 Bonus Points) Poxes: Elemental Adaptation: Water, Enhanced Hearing, Large.
- Elkmen: (10 Bonus Points; or 6 Bonus Points for Exalted) Poxes: Enhanced Smell, Fur, Hooves, Large; Affliction: Antlers (as Horns); Blight: Enlightened Essence.
- Gazellemen: (7 Bonus Points) Poxes: Enhanced Smell, Enhanced Hearing, Fur; Afflictions: Gazelle Stride, Horns.
- Hawkmen: (10 Bonus Points) Poxes: Claws, Enhanced Sight, Feathers, Tail; Abomination: Wings.
- Hyenamen: (3 Bonus Points) Poxes: Enhanced Smell, Enhanced Hearing, Fangs, Fur; Deficiency: Ugly.
- Owlmen: (10 Bonus Points) Poxes: Claws, Night Vision, Feathers, Tail; Abomination: Wings.
- Sharkmen: (2 Bonus Points; 3 Bonus Points for Exalted) Poxes: Elemental Adaptation: Water, Enhanced Smell, Fangs, Shark Hide (as Fish Scales), Large; Afflictions: Gills (no lung atrophy), Wyld Assimilation; Deficiencies: Atrophy (Intelligence), Ugly; Debility: Diet (Raw Meat); Deformity: Short Life.
- Snakemen: (4 or 6 Bonus Points; 3 or 5 Bonus Points for Exalted) Poxes: Elemental Adaptation (East, South or West), Enhanced Smell, Fangs, Increased Longevity, Night Vision, Snake Scales (as Fur); Deficiencies: Temperature Sensitivity (cold), Ugly; some have the affliction Toxin.
- Snakemen-dyson style: (8 BP) Poxes: Elemental Adaptation South , Enhanced Smell, Fangs, Snake Scales (as Fur);Abomination: Snakes Body; Deficiencies: Temperature Sensitivity (cold), Ugly
- Spidermen: (11 Bonus Points) Poxes: Fangs, Fur, Enhanced Vision (Four Eyes); Affliction: Toxin; Blight: Wall-Walking; Abomination: Multiple Limbs (Arms); Deficiency: Ugly; Debility: Diet (Raw Flesh).
- Wolfmen: (5 Bonus Points) Poxes: Enhanced Smell, Night Vision, Fangs, Fur, Large.
Relic Races[edit]
- People of the Air: (8 Bonus Points; 7 Bonus Points for Exalted) Poxes: Enhanced Sight, Increased Longevity; Abomination: Flight.
- People of the Sea: (6 Bonus Points; 5 Bonus Points for Exalted) Poxes: Elemental Adaptation (Water), Increased Longevity; Blight: Gills.
- The Tree Folk: (3 Bonus Points): Pox: Elemental Adaptation: Wood; Unique Affliction: The tree folk are fully ambidextrous, and all have fully prehensile toes. They never suffer an offhand penalty for any task and can hold weapons and tools with their feet as readily as their hands.
- The Dune People: (0 Bonus Points): Poxes: Night Vision and Enhanced Sense (Smell). The dune people have eyes with red irises and unusually large pupils, however, their noses appear normal. Unique Debility: The dune people are total albinos whose skins burn under bright sunlight and have difficulty seeing in bright sunlight. Dune people are at -1 on all dice pools in direct sunlight and suffers one die of unsoakable bashing damage for each hour of sun exposure. Characters bundled in heavy clothes or otherwise limiting their direct exposure, such as under an overcast sky or darting from shadow to shadow double the interval necessary to inflict damage.
- Verdant Warriors, or "Pineys": (6 Bonus Points, 5 for Exaltwd): Poxes: Elemental Adaptation: Wood; Enhanced Sense (Smell); Fur (Leaves or Needles); Longevity. Unique Pox: Pineys cannot eat normal food, although the need to drink as normal humans do. Instead they subside on small clumps of earth, or mud and photosynthesis. Deficiencies: Wits Atropy. Unique Affliction: Pineys are able to shoot the leaves or needles theih outer "skin" is made of. Such a shot has a range of 10 yards and is rolled with Dex + Athletics to hit. Every shot costs a portion of the characters body though and inflicts 1L unsoakable damage. If his last -4 Health Level is used for a shot, the Piney is not able to provide nourishment by photosynthesis for himself anymore and will die within the next month.