- 1 Marvel Heroic Roleplaying – Magic
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying – Magic[edit]
Fundamental Concepts of Magic[edit]
Magic in the Marvel Universe is different from magic in other comic book universes. Magical power in the Marvel Universe is divided into three different types: personal energies, universal energies and dimensional energies. All magic power is built on common ground, that of reshaping existing power, found in either yourself, your universe, or summoned from other dimensions, to form that you desire. What is important to Marvel Magicians, is the reference to the ultimate power coming from the sun, which is our own star. This may explain why the forces of light, usually referred to as the forces of Order or good, can hold sway over the forces of Chaos or evil. It is what gives the Doctor Stranges and Shamans of this world their advantage.
Note that though Order is usually associated with good and Chaos with evil, these terms are not always equivalent. An entity devoted to order may commit oppressive acts that a human would perceive as evil to maintain Order, for example. Conversely, a Chaotic entity might work to overthrow an oppressive regime, which most humans would see as a good act.
There are a number of different schools of magic (discussed in Chapter 2) but there are only three types of magical energies in the Marvel Universe: Personal Energy, Universal Energy, and Dimensional Energy.
Personal Energies are those derived from the life force of the Sorcerer. Continual use of such energy would rapidly deplete a normal being, consuming his life energy and thus leaving him dead. Sorcerers learn, through meditation techniques and trained willpower, how to activate these latent human abilities and use them for their own needs without seriously depleting their life forces. Personal Energies can only be used to power abilities developed through mental studies and are thus mainly limited (and represented by) to Mental Powers (Chaotic mages often use them for physical alterations as well). Examples include (but are not limited to) Hypnotism, Mind Control, Astral Projection, and Telepathy. All Personal abilities must be Mystic-Linked to differentiate them from actual powers. Personal Energy Spells can be increased in power through meditation and constant use (i.e. XP expenditure).
Sorcerers can tap into the Universal Energies of their home dimension and draw forth magical energy for their spells — this is the Sorcery Power in game terms. This can be a tiring task (represented by Sorcery’s effect on the SPIRIT of the mage). The soul of the sorcerer is represented by his Mystical Attributes, and it is these that focus his Sorcery. Universal energies are typically used for teleportation, conjurations, dimensional traveling, illusion-casting, energy projection, energy shields and so forth. Basically, any spell cast that requires no verbal entreaty and is not Personal in nature is a Sorcery spell (examples: Mystic Blast, Mystic Senses, Mystic Shield, etc.).
Universal Spells usually require gestures and words to be activated. Some Universal Energies can be used by Astral Forms if they possess a dimensional anchor in the form of an artifact or familiar. For example, Doctor Strange has the Amulet of Agamotto as his dimensional anchor and is able to use it to affect others within the Earth Dimension even when he himself is traveling astrally. In a similar way, a familiar can be used as a living dimensional anchor, but the mage can only affect things on the plane where his familiar currently exists. Universal Energy Spells cannot be easily increased in power (the character uses Plot Points to increase the Sorcery Power).
Dimensional Energies are those bestowed upon a sorcerer from an other-dimensional Entity. These Entities must be entreated by the sorcerer using ritual spells and possibly sacrifices or promises. Once entreated, an Entity then bestows the power to work the spell upon the sorcerer and the spell is completed. In essence, any spell in which an Entity is called upon to cast it, is a Dimensional Ritual, whether it is a Power, use of Sorcery, or a Ritual. Also, any Power mimicked with the addition of Limitations and Bonuses modifying the Power require it to be Dimensional in nature. For more details on entities and the benefits they provide, see Chapter 4.
- Mages
Sorcerers in the Marvel Universe are rare at best. Most dabblers in magic never learn to wield true magic, which is reserved only for those with the gift of sorcery. Magic is a learned skill that can develop into a mighty power. Through magic all things are possible, yet even magic has its rules and limitations.
The Magicians of the Marvel Universe have some inherent Advantages and Drawbacks built into that Genre. Most importantly, each magic user or sorcerer is ranked among his peers. For more information on Magic Ranks and other genre rules, see Chapter 3.
- Schools of magic
There exists several schools of magic theory in the universe. By far, the most established is that of the Ancient Order to which Dr. Strange, the Ancient One, and once even Baron Mordo belonged. These are the true sorcerers taught the ways of the multiverse and primed to continue the tradition of magic. There have been Alchemists (Diablo), Witches (Agatha Harkness), Faeries (Margali of the Winding Road), and others.
Each magic user has specialized in magic according to their beliefs, which is described as having a Magic School. The “graduates” of such schools have a Magic School (Specific School) Advantage that helps them in their specialized pursuits ; this grants a -2CS to the OV/RV when casting a ritual that mimics the listed powers.
Schools denoted with a + are considered to be order (“good”) schools and a - indicates chaos (“evil”) schools. All other schools are considered neutral. Many of these equate to existing DC Universe (or MEGS) Schools of Magic, which are listed after the Marvel Universe schools. The MU magic schools include:
Atlantean Magic (+/-): As Immortality, Soothsaying, or Theology/Divine Magic Known Practitioners: Dakimh the Enchanter, Jennifer Kale, Zhered-Na
Chaotic Magic (-): As Darkness, Demonolgy, or Necromancy Known Practitioners: Adria, Baron Mordo, Demonicus, Doctor Doom, Dormammu, Ebora, Kaecilius, Kaluu, Magik, Sir Anthony Baskerville of England, Sorcerer, Umar
Druidic Magic: As Elementalism or Necromancy Known Practitioners: Doctor Druid
Eclectic Magic: Select six Powers, excluding those that duplicate/mimic other powers. Known Practitioners: Silver Dagger
Faerie Magic: Unknown Known Practitioners: Morgan Le Fey, Amanda Sefton, Margali Szardos
Nature Magic (+): As Elementalism Known Practitioners: Arcanna, Shaman, Talisman
Order Magic (+): As Theology/Divine Magic Known Practitioners: Aged Genghis, Ancient One, Count Carezzi of Italy, Dr. Strange, Rama Kaliph of Arabia, Rinthrah, Turham Barim of the Near East
Pantheon Magic (varies): Choose a deity, then select six thematically-related Powers Known Practitioners: None
Scientific Magic: As Alchemy or Technomagic Known Practitioners: Diablo
Voodoo Magic: As Voodoo Known Practitioners: Black Talon, Brother Voodoo, Calypso, Marie Laveau
Common Spells to Marvel Magicians[edit]
- Bolt of Bedevilment (Magic Blast or Energy Blast)
- Spell of Invisibility (Invisibility)
- Entrance Spell (Neutralize vs Force and Magic Field powers that block entryways)
- Spell of Repulsion (Force Field when placed on buildings)
- Weaving spell (Chameleon)
- Weave spell (Snare)
- Dimensional Aperture (Dimension Travel (Travelling, Banishing))
- Astral Projection (Spirit Travel)
- Magic Detection (Magic Sense)
- Shield - Individual (Force Shield or Magic Shield)
- Shield - Great (Force Field or Magic Field)
- Shield - Aura (Skin Armour)
- Spell of Annihilation (Disintegration)
- Conjure spell (Dimension Travel (Summoning))
- Eldritch Beam/Blast/Bolt (Magic Blast or Energy Blast)
- Eldritch Flames (Flame Project)
- Eldritch Crystals (Projectile Weapons)
- Link spell (Mystic Gestalt)
- Net spell (Snare)
- Spell of Revival (Iron Will)
- Mystic Seal (Alert)
- Invokation Spells (name of entity included in the spell names):
- Bromagdon’s Ruby Rain (Acid and Mind Blast, rare)
- Bolts of Balthakk (Energy or Magic Blast)
- Winds of Watoomb (Dimension Travel (all) and Teleportation)
- Scarlet Screen/Sphere of Cyttorak (Force Manipulation)
- Faltine Fires (Energy Blast)
- Roving Rings of Raggador (Snare)
- Ribbons of Raggador (Snare)
- Seven Rings of Raggador (Sound Nullify or Snare)
- Seraphim’s Bright Shield (Magic Shield)
- Reversion Spell (Physical and Mystical Reflection/Deflection)
- Crimson Bands of Cyttorak (Glue)
- Crimson Circle of Cyttorak (Glue)
- Crimson Rings of Cyttorak (Glue)
- Seven Suns (or Light) of Cinnibus (Energy Blast or Magic Blast)
- Crystals of Cyndriarr (Projectile Weapons)
- Daggers of Daveroth (Projectile Weapons)
- Disks of Denak (Projectile Weapons)
- Scarlet Night of Draggus (Resurrection)
- Dyzakk’s Cage (Glue)
- Flames of Falroth (Dimension Travel (Summoning))
- Flames of the Faltine (Energy Blast, Energy Absorption, Iron Will or Neutralize (vs. various Animation powers and any entrapment power) or Truesight)
- Fearsome Fangs of Farraloh (Dimension Travel (Summoning): Farraloh)
- Hook/Hand of Hoggoth (Claws)
- Hosts of Hoggoth (Neutralize, any)
- Hoary hosts of Hoggoth (Dimension Travel (Banishing))
- Images of Ikonn (Mind Blast)
- Illusions of Ikonn (Illusion)
- Icy Tendrils of Ikthalon (Snare)
- Chains of Krakkan (Snare)
- Summonings of Mabdhara (Dimension Travel (Summoning))
- Mystic Moons of Munnopor (Neutralize (any Field or Shield power))
- Munnopor’s Mystic Maze (Sensory Block or Flash)
- Mists of Munnopor (Fog and Knockout Gas)
- Nirvalonic Sphere (Mind Shield or Skin Armour)
- Oshtur’s Mighty Hands (Neutralize)
- Spells of Omnipotent Oshtur (Mystic Freeze, Crystal Production or Telekinesis)
- Planes of Pohldahk (Two-Dimensional)
- Rains of Raggador (Systemic Antidote)
- Storms of Satannish (Obscure)
- Swirling Storms of Satannish (Weather Control or Lightning)
Powerful Rituals[edit]
Fearsome Fangs of Farraloh Effect: Dimension Travel (Summoning): 8 (Fangs only) Casting Time: 3 APs Necessary Components: None Invokable through Farraloh, upkeep of the spell costs 1 automatic action per turn, the creature dissappears when the appointed target has been destroyed or concentration ceases. Fangs (DEX 05 STR 06 INF: 06 SPI: 06, Note: Has no BODY and cannot be attacked physically, although it can itself attack physically, mystic attacks easily erases its’ existence)
Conjurer’s Sphere Effect: Power Drain: 20, Force Field: 10, Energy Absorption: 10, Magic Field: 10 Casting Time: 10 APs Necessary Components: None Bonuses: Power Drain can drain Mystic-Linked and Mystic Powers. The sphere constanty grows and is 5 APs in diameter at the end of the casting time. Limitations: If casting this spell fails the caster permanently loses 1 AP of Spirit. When successfully casting the spell the caster himself suffers a 10 AP Mystical attack ; any RAPs that goes through (LDD not allowed) lead to possible instant death through shock — roll a successfull Mystic action check vs. 10/10 to avoid dying.
Ethereal Magnetic Vortex Effect: Iron Will: 14 Casting Time: 3 APs Necessary Components: None Spell is also Usable on Others.
Exorcism of Transferral Effect: Power Drain: 12 Casting Time: 12 APs Necessary Components: None Bonus: Power Drain can drain any Mystic-Linked and/or Mystic Power as well as the Occultist Skill. Any drains are permanently added (AP-wise) to the caster’s own values.
Montesi Formula Effect: Exorcism: 45 Casting Time: 9 APs Necessary Components: Pentagram circle and the formula itself written in a tome. Exorcism only works against vampires and effectively ends their existence permanently in any one dimension where the ritual is cast.
Psychic Seal of Permanence Effect: Makes the spell duration of whichever spell it is cast in conjuction with permanent. Casting Time: +1 AP normal spell Necessary Components: The scroll on which the spell is written. The scroll automatically dissappears after usage. Scroll may not be memorized.
The term “Entity” refers to any being of power able to grant a portion of self-produced magical energy to perform an extra-dimensional effect when entreated. All such Dimensional Energy spells in the Marvel Universe use the name or names of these entities in the wording of the spell in order to gain the attention of the Entity in question.
Entities usually are beings made of magical energies. As such, they have no true forms; even if they once did, they no longer bother with them. Their power is so great that they hold sway over entire dimensions, thus generating their own Universal Energies. In effect, they become one with their dimension’s Universal Magical Energies. Such an Entity is Dormammu. By merging with the Flames of the Faltine, Dormammu gained the power of the Dark Dimension which turned him into living magical energy. The price for his power was that he could no longer leave the dimension without being summoned. Such Entities seek to draw power from other dimensions through minions. Mordo is such a minion in the Earth Dimension. Should Mordo ever succeed in killing Doctor Strange, he would likely inherit the title of Sorcerer Supreme and open the way for Dormammu to make the Earth Dimension an adjunct to the Dark Dimension, thus merging with the Universal Energies of yet another dimension.
Whether or not the power is granted to the spell-caster is up to the Entity. For Sorcerors with a Connection to the entity, this is an Automatic Action with no chance of failure. For those without such a Connection, this is determined by a Persuasion Check modified by Attitude for each invocation. If the sorceror has a Connection to an entity of opposite orientation (Order vs. Chaos), the entreaty is automatically considered hostile. A success of 1 or more RAPs is treated like a Low Connection, and RAPs equal to 1/2 or more of the Power/Ritual’s APs are treated like a High Connection. A Team Attack Persuasion Attempt can be made on the entity in the case of a group of spellcasters working together.
The benefits of invoking entities fall into two categories. The first is an AP boost for Powers. If a Power is used while invoking the appropriate entity, a Low Connection garners a +1AP to the Power, while a High Connection gets + 2APs. If Sorcery is being used to mimic the Power in question, calculate any Mystical Bashing Damage by the APs of the Power BEFORE the boost. For example, a sorceror with a High Connection to Agamotto who invoked him before mimicking an Energy Blast with Sorcery could use a 10 AP Blast but only take MBD as if an 8 AP Blast were used. The second benefit applies to rituals. Any Ritual that invokes an entity decreases the OV/RV for Ritual Casting by 1CS for a Low Connection and 2CS by a High Connection.
Successful entreaties may obligate the character to undertake various tasks at the entity’s request in the future, particularly if the character has a High Connection to said entity. Failure to act at the entity’s behest may result in a loss of the Connection.
Note: Characters with the Magic School Advantage gain similar bonuses to Ritual Casting as they get with a Mystical Entity Connection. If a character has both, he only gets the benefit of one or the other at any given time, though the character can freely choose which Advantage he is using at the moment.
Use of Dimensional Magic is most often used by experienced sorcerers as it is the least draining. It does have its risks, however. If the ritual is interrupted or not performed properly, the entity may cause an occult catastrophe to occur or the spell may completely backfire on the sorcerer. Most mages therefore keep their entity Connections satisfied and hone their Occultist Skills to perfection. Most powerful sorcerers have several established Connections that they call upon when using Dimensional Energies.
The cost of a Mystic Entity Connection is the same as for a Powerful Connection, with an additional +5 to cost for every two Powers the Entity affects.
Deities denoted with a (+) are magic entities for Order (“good”) and those with a (-) are entities for Chaos (“evil”). All others are unknown or neutral. The spells listed for each entity are the ones that benefit from invoking said entity. Entities described as “Unknown” can grant their followers with various new powers, information or increase in power; since they have not had sufficient appearances to codify them in this regard, they serve as a resource for GMs looking to build new types of entities.
- Agamotto (+): Energy Blast, Exorcism, Flash, Hypnotism, Iron Will, Neutralize (vs. chaotic creatures only), Mind Probe, Telepathy, Truesight
- All-Freeing (+): Thief (Escape Artist, Locks and Safes, Security Systems)
- Amtor the Unspeakable: Suspension
- Ancient One (+): Awareness, Broadcast Empathy, Damage Transference, Exorcism, Regeneration, Truesight
- Avanahm: Unknown
- Balthakk: Energy Blast, Magic Blast
- Bromagdon: Acid, Mind Blast, Mystic Freeze
- Chthon (-): Unknown
- Cinnibus: Energy Blast, Magic Blast
- Cyndriarr: Projectile Weapons
- Cyttorak: Force Manipulation, Glue, Magic Shield, Projectile Weapons, Snare
- Daronthon: Unknown
- Darkhold (-): Animate Dead, Animate Shadows, Aura of Fear, Cell Rot, Darkness, Dimension Travel (Banishment, Summoning), Enchantment, Exorcism, Spirit Drain, Vampirism.
- Daveroth: Projectile Weapons
- Death: Death, Mind Drain, Spirit Drain, Vampirism
- Demons/Chaos (-): Dimension Travel (Banishment, Summoning), Enchantment, Exorcism, Flame Animation, Personality Transfer
- Denak: Dimension Travel (Summoning), Projectile Weapons
- Dormammu (-): Unknown
- Draggus: Animate Dead, Resurrection
- Dyzakk: Glue, Snare
- Eternity (+): Awareness
- Falroth: Dimension Travel (Summoning), Flame Project, Resurrection
- Faltine: Energy Absorption, Energy Blast, Exorcism, Iron Will, Neutralize (vs. animation and entrapment powers only), Truesight
- Faralloh (-): Dimension Travel (Summoning): Farralohs only
- Hoggoth (+): Claws, Cold Immunity, Dimension Travel, Ice Production, Neutralize, Omni-Arms
- Ikonn (-): Hypnotism, Illusion, Mind Blast
- Ikthalon (-): Frostbite, Ice Production, Icing, Snare
- In-Betweener: Neutralize, Omni-Power (Only for Powers opposite to another Power in use — Flame Project vs. Ice Production for example)
- Krakkan: Snare
- Living Tribunal: Awareness, Detect, Dimension Travel (Travel), Teleportation, Truesight
- Mabdhara (-): Dimension Travel (Summoning)
- Mephisto (-): Dimension Travel (Banishment, Summoning), Enchantment, Exorcism, Flame Animation, Illusion, Spirit Drain
- Munnopor (+): Flash, Fog, Knockout Gas, Neutralize (any Field/Shield power), Sensory Block
- Mytorr: Unknown
- Nirvalon (+): Exorcism (Emotion Control only), Mind Shield, Skin Armor
- Oshtur (+): Crystal Production, Mystic Freeze, Neutralize, Telekinesis
- Pohldahk: Two-Dimensional
- Raggadorr: Control, Snare, Sound Nullify, Systemic Antidote
- Rangsabb: Unknown
- Satannish (-): Life Sense, Lightning, Obscure, Weather Control
- Seraphim: Detect (Evil), Dimension Travel (Travelling), Extended Hearing, Eye of the Cat, Flight, Force Field/Shield, Magic Field/Shield, Mind Field/Shield, Neutralize (vs. Glue/Snare only), Postcognition, Precognition, Reflection/Deflection, Remote Sensing, Skin Armor
- Set (-): Animal Control (Reptiles), Hypnosis, Personality Transfer, Poison Touch
- Shuma-Gorath (-): Control (vs. Demons only), Energy Blast, Magic Blast
- Sligguth (-): Dimension Travel (Summoning): Sligguth only
- Suzygy: Fabricate, Matter Manipulation, Transmutation
- Valtorr: Air Control, Fog, Friction Control, Glue, Hypnotism (sleep only), Lightning, Mystic Freeze, Snare
- Vishanti (+): See separate entitities of Agamotto, Hoggoth and Oshtur.
- Watoomb: Dimension Travel, Luck Manipulation, Super Breath, Teleportation
- Zom (-): Dimension Travel, Flight, Snare
The multiverse is nearly limitless in extent. Each dimension is separated from another by a dimensional barrier that must be breached in some manner before travel to the other dimension can be accomplished. Most dimensions can be travelled among by means of science or magic. Astral forms traversing dimensions can do so easier than physical or quasi-physical forms. Thus, Astral forms use the Dimension Travel power without any modifiers, while Physical bodies suffer +1 CS to the OV/RV.
Many other-dimensional entities are unable to enter another dimension unless specifically summoned there by a native of that dimension. Banishments from a particular dimension further complicate the matter and some entities, once banished, are unable to re-enter that dimension unless specific rituals are performed and conditions met. Chthon, an Elder Demon banished from Earth in the beginning of time, is one such case. He is an Entity of enormous evil power, but only specific conditions and exacting rituals can release him back onto Earth, and even then only a minor portion of his essence may be able to manifest.
Dimensions in the Marvel Multiverse include:
- Asgard (contains Asgard, Valhalla, Vanaheim, Nidavellir, Alfheim, Jotunheim, Svartalfheim, Hel, Niffleheim and Muspelheim)
- Astral Plane
- Avalon
- Dark Dimension (aka Nether Dimension, Dimension of Doom, Dread Dimension)
- Dimension of Demons
- Dimension of Dreams
- Dimension of Eternity
- Dimension of Sattanish
- Dimension of the Shadowqueen
- Dimension of Time
- Dweller’s Dimension
- Earth Dimension
- Forbidden Dimensions
- Heliopolis
- Hyperspace
- K’ai
- Katharta
- Kobar
- K‘un-Lun
- Limbo
- Lonely Dimension of Tazza
- Magik’s Limbo
- Negative Zone
- n’Garai Dimension
- Olympus
- Orb Dimension
- Phaseworld
- Pohldahk
- Polemachus
- Pseudo-Hades
- Purple Dimension
- Quadriverse
- Raggadorr
- Realm of the Beast
- Realm Unrevealed
- Shadow Dimension
- Sixth Dimension
- Therea
- Void
- Watoomb
Marvel’s mystical community:[edit]
Marvel-Earth has quite a lot of magic users of various schools. Many heroic mages have a Connection to the Mystical Community (the villains don’t cooperate enough to be considered a community in any real sense). A mage connected to the Mystic Community has that level of Connection to all other characters of a heroic alignment — they may not truly like one another, but they will work together toward the common good. Those of an evil alignment are not likely to be used as contacts, but will be known and recognizable to the heroes.
The following heroes are currently part of the Marvel-Earth Mystic Community: Agatha Harkness, Blade, Brother Voodoo, Dr. Druid, Dr. Strange, Frank Drake, Ghost Rider, Hannibal King, Johnny Blaze, Morbius, Scarlet Witch, Shaman, Talisman
This list is by no means all-inclusive, but does list most of the active mystically-connected characters on Marvel-Earth
There are also a number of active villainous cults. These include: Circle of Decay, Cult of Sligguth, Darkholders, Dark Cabal and Sons of Satannish.
Mystical Artifacts[edit]
Certain items in the Marvel Universe are known as artifacts. These items are magically attuned and can sometimes increase the powers of the wielder. Such items include the Black Knight’s sword, and Doctor Strange’s Eye of Agamotto or Cloak of Levitation. Such items sustain themselves with their magical energies, but can be affected by any spell that drains or re-channels magical energies. Such items cannot be easily destroyed, however, unless the destroyer has an Aura greater than the highest AP attribute of the artifact.
- Belt of Ikonn
- Black Mirror
- Black Sea Scrolls
- Book of Enchantments
- Book of Vishanti
- Cloak of Levitation (see the Doctor Strange write-up)
- Crown of Blindness
- Crystal of Kadavus
- Crystals of Conquest
- Darkhold
- Ebony Sword (see Black Knight III write-up)
- Eye of Agamotto (see the Doctor Strange write-up)
- Grandfather’s Skull
- Great Key
- Grimoires
- Inter-dimensional Scanner
- Iris of the All-Seeing Oracle
- Lamp of Lucifer
- Legendary Amphora
- Links of Living Bondage
- Medicine Pouches
- Mystical Crosses
- Nightmare’s Wand
- Orb of Agamotto (see the Doctor Strange write-up)
- Pincers of Power
- Purple Gem
- Ruby of Domination
- Satan-Sphere
- Sceptre of Shadow
- Screaming Idol
- Secrets of Light and Shadow
- Serpent Crown
- Serum of the Seraphim
- Silver Dagger
- Soulsword
- Staff of Polar Power
- Starstone
- Sword of Kamuu
- Thanatosian Tomes
- Transhypnotic Jewel
- Von Junzt’s Unausprechlichen Kulten
- Wand of Watoomb
- Wand of Satannish
- Wand of Tiboro
- Wangal
- Warp-Cloak
Mystical Locations[edit]
- Atlantis:
This is the fabled land of old, now lost, that once was filled with magic. Many relics and much magic still exists from that era.
- Citrusville, Florida:
This is a point of power (of multiple crossed Ley-lines, if you prefer). It’s actually on the edge of the “Nexus of all Realities”, which is a dimensional crossroad that is charged with some of the greatest energies on Earth. Because of the dimensional nexus, many displaced dimensional travellers entering the Earth dimension appear in this location. Any ritual or magic power used at the location has its effect increased by two column shifts.
- Crypts of Kaa-U:
These crypts contain the bodies of the Earth’s former Sorcerer Supremes and are located in the lost city of Shuma-Gorath. This subterranean city hosts the Shadowmen and their leader, the Living Buddha, who worships Dagoth, a servant of Shuma-Gorath.
- Dr. Strange’s Mansion:
Located on 177A Bleecker Street is the Sanctum Sanctorum of Dr. Strange. It contains all of Strange’s artifacts (the Orb of Agamotto, the Book of Vishanti, the Darkhold etc). It is protected by powerful spells, has dimension-expanding spells active on the inside (making it larger inside than it is outside) and serves as Strange’s home.
- The Eye of the World:
A huge crater in northern Canada, said to be older than the world. It is a magically evil place (sensible through Magic Sense). The crater is actually an entrance to the dimension known as the “Realm of the Great Beasts”, but it is extremely heavily guarded by various spells. Entry into the Great Beasts’ Realm requires the artifact known as the “Great Key” as well as the proper spells to access to the gate.
- Miscellaneous Nexuses:
Other known nexus points (that all increase mystical powers and rituals at these location by one column shift) are Mount Gaurus in Rome, Stonehenge in England, and the caves of T’si-Nen, China.
- Starkesboro:
This town in New England is resided by the Serpent-Folk that form the “Cult of Sligguth.”
- Temple of Man:
This massive temple in China is dedicated to the preservation of magical knowledge. It serves as an incredible library for Books of Knowledge and basically contains nearly any spell in existence. It is guarded by at least 20 guards of a Magic School for Good.