Lunar Artifacts
Sweating Tent/Hut (Res •••)
- Activation: Sta Roll dif 1
Aides in Vision Questing with two extra dice, Healing Attempts and recovery from Wyld Addiction or Mutations with one die.
Three-Moon Needle (Artifact •)
- Repair: -
- Commitment: 1m
- Activation:
The absolute Multi-Tool of the Silver Pact. Often seen as one of the most exemplaric expressions of their exoteric, barbaric philosopy. A tiny curved pice of moonsilver, whose point is always sharp, with a hook on the other end. The shape resembles all three Auspices of the godess. It can be put to a multitude of different purposes. Stitching Wounds, weaving the strands of moonlight into Moonsilver, freeing onesself of a trap; never leave your lair without it. Most older No Moons have incorporate the tip of their first Moonsilver Needle in their Tattoo-Sets or recycle them otherwise in Artifacts of their magical work.
Heartprobe (Artifact •)
- Repair: 2
- Attunement: 1m
- Activation:
This delicate, tubular shaped Instrument, made from a tightly coiled, hair-thin string of Moonsilver can be used by a clever Lunar hunter to reveal the qualties of his prey before he attempts to hunt it down finaly. After a successfull touch attack the user may take a Int and Craft [Genesis] or Medicine roll with a dificulty of the targets Essence. If successfull the Lunar knows, if its prey is infected by the Wyld, which natural and mutated qualities it has and its permanent Essence rating. If used imediately before a sacred hunt the instrument provides one automatic success to the ritual roll.
Totem Armor (Artifact •, Talisman)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
- Activation:
(Enchanment 3rd; dif. 3, 20 succ., 1 day per roll) Materials: Hide and Skeleton of one or more Animals of the appropriate Type, Yasal Crystal, or Token of the Animal Spirit's appreciation. Some of the Beastmen Tribes Elders remember the secrets that their Lunar Patrons once passed over to their Ancestors. The techniques of crafting miraculous Armors from the hides of hunted Animals, both Predator and Prey. These Armors were reserved for the champions of the tribe, that had proven a strong connection to the animal represented by the individual suit of armor. The ratings and Powers of these armors depend on the animal the armor is made from and whose spirit it is devoted to and the skills of the Craftmen builting it. The basic profile is XB/3L, Mob. -2, Fat. 2 for each armor. The L Soak is modified by one for each full tree dots of Stamina the animal from which it is created, has in its profile; the B Soak is the same as the animals. For every dot of Dexterity the animal has above three substract one point of Mobility Penalty, for every dot below three add one. The armor also grants its wearer a one dice bonus to rolls involving the animals highest attribute (must be <3). If the animal has two or more attributes of the same rank in its profile, pick one. Additional the Armor grants the wearer in tune with his totem a special power common for it. All sorts of special senses, low light vision, hightened smell and even the ability to percieve the flows of Essence are possible options at Storytellers discretion. This bonus comes in the Form of a two dot Awareness Specialty of the appropriate Type. Alternatively the Player creating the Totem armor may choose the animals special mode of movement, represented by a two dot Athletics Specialty of appropriate Type, or the ability to breathe underwater, if the Totem Spirits is of an underwater species. Un-Exalted characters may profit from the Armors special gift only after a successfull Prayer roll. Beast armors are at least of exceptional quality. If the armorer creating it rolls the needed successes at a difficulty of 5 instead of 3, he gains the additional bonuses for perfect quality equipment for the ratings of the armor on top. Totem Armor always counts as a Talisman rather than an Artifact and its effects can be dispelled with Terrestrial Circle Countermagic. The bonuses provided by the armor are lost until a certain ritual is performed, which reconnects the Armor to the Totem Spirit, that was dwelling in it preferably performed by the shaman or armorer that created the Totem Armor. Legend also speaks of more sophisticated Totem Armors made not only of hide and bone, but also of Moonsilver and compounds of other magical materials, and even gigantic armored titans known as Warstriders devoted to Totem Spirits, but these were clearly reserved for the Gods and their celestial Children the noble Exalted.
Totem Idol (Artifact ••)
- Repair: -
- Attunement: none
Activation: 3m or 1 WP Aides Vision Questing with one automatic Success, if the Roll isn't a Botch. Can also provide a minor Bonus once per Game for one Scene, as "Tiny Gift" Spirit charm after a successfull Prayer Roll.
Totemic Icon (Artifact ••)
- Repair: -
- Attunement: 1 mote
- Activation:
After activation with 3m or 1 WP and a successfull prayer roll, the icon either aides Vision Questing with one automatic success, if the roll isn't a botch, provides a minor bonus once per game for the duration of one Scene, as the "Tiny Gift" Spirit charm, or replicates an effect similar to Art of Husbandry thaumathurgy formulas. The Figurine has the following stats: Str 1, Dex 3, Sta 2, Per 3, Int 3, Wit 3; Athletics 3, Awareness: 3, Essence Pool: 5(mut be refilled by attuned owner)
Medicine Bag (Artifact ••)
- Repair: -
- Attunement: (own E) motes
- Activation: 2m per use
Combines the effect of a small Cache Egg Artifact with the benefits of the Lunars innate Ability to "remember" Animal Forms. The attuned Owner of this Artifact may pull certain objects and Materials from it, that are components of the Animals the Lunar has taken Heartblood of, like Feathers of Birds, smalc Hides or Scales of Lizards, or Claws or Fangs of other animals, within reasonable quantities (no more than Res 1).
Heardex Bracer, or -Tattoo (Artifact ••)
- Repair: 3
- Attunement: 2m
- Activation:
This device was quite common with Lunars during the late First Age to keep track of the hundreds of shapes they had assimilated into their own Heartblood, or to simulate a specific configuration of bestial traits on its small display made from crystal and Moonsilver. Both bracer and tattoo include a Hearthstone Setting.
Heartblood Canope (Artifact ••)
- Repair: 3
- Attunement: 3m
- Activation:
This Jar made of green Jade, or black coral from the depth of the Skullstone Archipelago, engraved with intricate sacred patterns and held tightly closed by a lid made of pure Moonsilver is capable of storing the living Heartblood of a single creature, either collected directly at the culmination of a sacred hunt instead of being consumed, or taken (and removed) from the Heartblood library of a willing Lunar donator. The canope is sealed and the motes for its activation must be commited at that moment. The stored Heartblood remains alive and consumable by any Lunar for up to one year and day. If the Lunar that commited the motes for sealing the canope wishes it can be opened only after a succesfull Per or Int and Lore or Investigationroll with a maximum dif of 5, chosen by the character that sealed it. The roll represents a riddle or puzzle in allegory to the sacred hunt of the contained creature.
Flickering Needlebone (Artifact ••)
- Repair: -
- Attunement:
- Activation:
First Age Tattooing Set. The Needlebone reduces difficulties of Tatto-Rolls, even Charm supplemented ones, by one. It also generates one automatic success, if the difficulty of the roll drops to 0. The Flickering Needlebone has small capacities for up to three tattooing-inks at once and counts as perfected equipment.
Ritual Sickle (Artifact ••, ••• for Moonsilver)
- Repair:
- Attunement: 3m
- Activation: 3m or 1wp per use
Spe 4, Acc 3, Dmg 5L, Def +1, Rate 2
Dreamcatcher (Artifact •••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
- Activation:
When the attuned Owner awakes every morning, instead of the usual automatic, or by Conviction roll regained Willpower, he may regain one point of Willpower for every two motes spent in a one hour long Ritual, up to a maximum of the Characters Conviction Score.
Silverskin Belt (Artifact •••)
- Repair: 4
- Attunement: 6m
- Activation:
A broad Belt made from Moonsilver that improves Soaks derived from natural armor. The wearer may soak L dmg with his full Sta and B dmg with his Sta + Resistance. The belt is able to resize to fit any creatue due to its protean nature. The attuned owner of the belt can also pay the required commitment cost and then designate a wearer other than himself, often a famillar or capable follower. The Silverskin Belt does not count as armor for the purpose of Martial Arts.
Totem Pole (Artifact •••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
- Activation:
Like "Wyld Barrier" Spirit Charm. Targets Totem's Essence x3 people
The Herdsman's Crook (Artifact •••)
- Repair:
- Attunement: 6m
- Activation:
Carried by Celestial leaders of nomadic peoples in the First Age who sought to protect and lead their charges, this artifact appears to be a simple wooden crook decorated with runes of inlaid orichalcum. The power of the Herdsman's Crook is only truly evident when it is used by one who is the leader of a group. On a successful Perception+Socialize roll with a difficulty equal to a target's Essence, a user attuned to the crook can determine whether the target has as an intimacy either to the user of the crook or to the social group which the crook's user leads. If the crook's user seeks to create an intimacy focused upon one of these two things in another, he gains two dice on all of his attempts to do so.
Markstone (Artifact •••)
- Repair:
- Attunement: (Essence Rating) motes
- Activation: 1m per use
These Large Stone Pillars covered with all sorts of markings, from Lunar Claw Sign Language to more primitive means like smell marks, fulfill the Function of transmitting Information throughout the wandering Lunar Society. They also serve as territorial borderstones as well as geomantic devices reinforcing the boarders of Demesnes against the warping influences of the Wyld. The No Moon attending to the Markstone may imprint instinctive telepathic messages into the Essence pattern, or may tap into the messages imprinted into the monolith, as long as he is attuned to it and commits the neccesary motes. He may also tap into a small Essence reservoir of maximum 15 motes, that is filled if other Lunars touch the monolith and spend one mote to read, or transmit a similar telepathic message into the monolith. The No Moon attending to the Markstone may only acces these motes, if he has direct contact to the monolith and may delete unwanted messages left by Lunars with lower Essence. Markstones often play central roles in Silver Pact initiation rituals. Some ancient Markstones with higher Artifact ratings may even contain powerful and ancient Lunar lore like the techniques needed to learn Charms or Spells. Attuning to a Marstone reqires a Rituals passed on to No Moon adepts of the Silver Pact only.
Whomb Egg (Artifact •••)
- Repair: 4
- Attunement: 6m
- Activation:
An enormous Egg, made out of Moonsilver, or sometimes green Jade. If a character is attuned to the Whomb Egg when she is impregnated, she may choose to carry the offspring in the egg instead, which functions just like her own womb. The mother has the same connection as if she was carrying the child herself, but she remains in normal physical condition until the pregnancy has run its full course. She will instinctively know the time of birth a week in advance. When the time comes, the child is either transferred back to the mother’s body over a full day, after which it is born naturally, or it may hatch from the egg, which opens in the resemblence of natural patterns at the top. The birth can be delayed at will for up to a lunar month, but any longer will kill the unborn. During the pregnancy, the mother must be constantly attuned to the Artifact, or the embryo dies. The egg has soak of 5L/10B with a hardness of 3. The mother may transfer the child to her own body over the course of a day at any time, by voluntarily releasing attunement. Furthermore, feeding on pure Essence increases the likelihood that the child will be of special blood. It decrease the difficulty to breed Beastmen or Ata animals, increases the chance of siring a child that will later Exalt, or is of stronger god-blood. At the very least, the child is almost guaranteed to become an exceptional individual of its species. The Silver Whomb Egg counts as a basic workshop for Craft (Genesis) with a +3 specialty in breeding.
Rookery of Gaia (Artifact ••••)
- Repair:
- Attunement:
- Activation:
The Rookery is a perfect nest for breeding eggs. The design includes all optimized features and tricks animals use to increase their chances for strong and healty offsping. The eggs rest on a soft bed of synthetic straw made from Orichalkum wire intermixed with baubles of red Jade on top of a s The Rookery counts as a master's workshop for Craft (Genesis) with a +3 specialty in breeding. Together with Whomb Eggs they improve into a flawless workshop.