From Anu Anu RPG
Leonid DeMien (Stats)[edit]
- Level: 4 XP: 8000
- Alignement: Chaotic Good
- Race: Human
- Class: Gunmage Lvl 4
STR 10 0 INT 16 +3 DEX 15 +2 WIS 10 0 CON 8 -1 CHA 18 +4
Skills (4+Int):
Appraise *(Int) 3 + 1 + = 4 Balance *(Dex) 2 + + = 2 x Bluff *(Cha) 4 + 1 + = 5 x Climb *(Str) 0 + + = x Concentration *(Con) -1 + 3 + = 2 x Craft [Small Arms] *(Int) 3 + 7 + 2 + 2 = 14 x Craft [Gunsmith] *(Int) 3 + 7 + 2 = 12 x Craft [Alchemy] *(Int) 3 + 7 + = 10 x Craft [Clockwork] *(Int) 3 + 5 + = 6 x Craft [Mechanika] *(Int) 3 + 1 + = 4 x Diplomacy *(Cha) 4 + 1 + = 5 Disguise *(Cha) 4 + + = 4 Escape Artist *(Dex) 2 + + = 2 Forgery *(Int) 3 + + = 3 Gather Information *(Cha) 4 + + = 4 Hide *(Dex) 3 + + = 3 x Intimidate *(Cha) 4 + + = 4 x Jump *(Str) 0 + + = x Knowledge [Arcana] (Int) 3 + 4 + = 8 x Knowledge [Firearms] (Int) 3 + 4 + = 7 x Knowledge [Mechan.] (Int) 3 + 2 + = 5 x Knowledge [Etiquete] (Int) 3 + 1 + 2 = 6 x Listen *(Wis) 0 + 1 + 2 = 3 Move Silent *(Dex) 2 + + = 2 x Perform *(Cha) 4 + + = 4 x Profession (Wis) 0 + + = Ride *(Dex) 2 + 1 + = 2 Search *(Int) 3 + 1 + = 4 x Sense Motive *(Wis) 0 + 1 + 2 = 3 x Spellcraft (Int) 3 + 4 + = 7 x Spot *(Wis) 0 + 1 + 2 = 3 Survival *(Wis) 0 + + = x Swim *(Str) 0 + + = Tumble (Dex) 2 + + = 2 Use Rope *(Dex) 2 + + = 2
Leonid DeMien (Pools)[edit]
- Hit Points (19): 19
Armor Class:
Armor Dex Size Misc Armor Class: 15 = 10 + 3 + 2 + 0 +
Fort Save: 0 = 1 + (Sta) -1 + Ref Save: 6 = 4 + (Dex) 2 + Will Save: 1 = 1 + (Wis) 0 +
Attack Bonus:
Base Attack: +2 Speed: 30 Initiative: 2 Melee Att: 3 = (Str) 3 + 0 + Ranged Att: 7 = (Dex) 3 + 2 + 1 + 1 Grapple Att: 3 = (Str) 3 + 0 +
Magelock Small Pistol
Attack: +1 Base Dmg: 2d4 Crit: 19-20 Rng: 40 Hardness: 12 HP (12): Size: small Weight: 4 Type: Piercing Reload: 1S/DC 6 Ammo: 8 standard (2d4+1) [max. 24] 6 incendiary (2d4+1d6+1 fire) 5 rune bullets (2d4+2+SLd6) 2 silver Foe-Killer (2d4+1 holy) 1 rubber round (2d4+1 subdual) Abilities: Alertness, Spell Link, Ranged Touch, Notes:
High Explosive Grenades
Attack: +0 Base Dmg: 2d10 Crit: 19-20 Rng: Notes:
Leonid DeMien (Feats)[edit]
- Proficiency Simple Weapons
- Proficiency Exotic Weapons [Small Arms]
- Proficiency Light Armor
- Quick Draw
- Combat Casting
- Arcane Focus [Magelock Pistol]
- Bond with Magelock Pistol
- Reinforcing Runes
- Cast Rune Bullet
- Craft Wonderous Item
- Alertness (Magelock Ability)
- Spell Link (Magelock Ability)
- Ranged Touch (Magelock Ability)
Leonid DeMien (Spells)[edit]
Spells per Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 3 1 - - - -
Spells Known 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 3 2 - - - -
Lvl 0[edit]
- Arcane Mark (Uni) Inscribes a personal rune (visible or not).
- Detect Magic (Div) Detects spells and magic items in 60 ft.
- Read Magic (Div) Read scrolls and spellbooks.
- Ray of Frost (Evo) Deals 1d3 cold dmg.
- Disrupt Undead (Nec) Deals 1d6 dmg to single undead.
- Gun Craft (Tra) Small Arms checks +5 bonus.
Lvl 1[edit]
- True Strike (Div) +20 to next attack
- Energy Ray (Evo) 1d6 dmg [+1d/2CL] + descriptor acid, cold, elec, fire, force, or sonic.
- Shield (Abj) Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles.
Lvl 2[edit]
- Suggestion (Enc) Simple compulsion effect on target.
- Mirror Images (Ill) 1d4 (+1/3CL) Decoys