Jerry o Connel
From Anu Anu RPG
Name: Jerry o'Connel
- SOLO: d6
- BUDDY: d10
- TEAM: d8
- Ewiger Sidekick
- Gentleman und Musketier
- Zwerg auf Reisen
Begleiter von Helden[edit]
- Pychic resistance : d8
- Stamina : d10
- Dwarven Senses : d6
- SFX: Best Side kick :In a roll including team or buddy step up that die . If that roll fails lose 1pp.
- SFX: Helping hand : In a Support aktion, add a d6 and step up the effekt die.
- SFX: Expert Supporter : Step up the efeckt die of an aktion you supported if that aktion Fails lose 1pp.
- SFX: Immunity Spend 1pp to ignore Stress or Trauma from extremes of temperatur or Fire.
- SFX: Dark Vision : 1pp to Reroll a Roll including Dwaven Senses
- SFX: Ewiger Sidekick : you remember all your lifes the futur ons and the past . State that you remember the outcome of a scene or point out a spoiler ,if you roll a opportunity add only a d4 to the doompool. if the watcher rolls a oportunity step down a d6 in the doom pool ,spend 1pp if you do so.
- Limit: Step up Emotional stress based on the fact that Jerry is not a hero.
Adventuring Gear[edit]
- Dwarven Armor
- Durability (G) : d10
- Waffe Gladius (G) : d8
- Infinity Musket (G) : d8
- Nimmer voller Beutel (G): d8
- SFX: Invulnerable. Step down Dwarfen Armor to ignore physical stress or trauma results. Recover in a Transition Scene.
- SFX: Rune Carge : Take a opportunity to charge a Rune . Use up all Charged Runes to step up the effeckt die of an Attack. Lose all Charged Runes at the end of the Action Scene.
- Limit: Gear. Shutdown a Power marked with (G) and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the
doom pool to recover gear or in a Transition Scene.
- Psych Expert: d8
- Combat Expert: d8
- Mystic Expert: d8
- Wilderness Expert:d8
Not a Hero
1 XP :the first time you support the hero in a Szene (once per hero) 3 XP :Telling storys about the adventures with a hero in a transition szene, or meeting a new hero. 10 XP :if Jerry sacrifices himself so the hero may finisch the quest or the hero sacrifices himself so that jerry becomes the hero
Rune Musketier
1 xp :every time you make a action against doom or use a opportunity to reactivate a shutdowned power. 3 xp :the first time you fire the infinity musket with 3 or more active runes in a scene 10 xp :if the infiny musket is destroyed or lost an jerry embarks on a journey to recover/recreate the musket or chooses an other way to support the heroes in the future
Event Milestone[edit]
1 xp : if you spend a transition scene with natives of a realm 3 xp : if you leave a realm with a meaningful souvenier 10 xp : if you are wanted in 5 or more realms or build contacts in 5 or mor realms.
4d6 bier Ressource 1d8 mystic eschen holz 1d8 mystic sehne des 8 beinigen hirsches