Ghostbusters Prototypes
From Anu Anu RPG
- Kyrilianic Polygraph (••)
- Dur: 2, Siz: 3, SL: 5
- Notes: This device looks quite like an ordinary polygraph on the first look, except that the wiring that connects the person to be examined is slightly diferent. It consists of a monitor, which displays the data computed by the control unit, which in turn is connected to the subject via wired electrodes and other sensors. If properly set up with a successful Wit + Science - subjects Res (+PS) roll the Kyrilianic Polygraph displays the Aura of the examined subject. Rolls for interpreting the subjects aura colours or if the subject is lying are made as normal (Wit + Occult or Investigation - subjects Res), butbwith a +3 equipment bonus. A few Kyrilianic Polygraphs have been made as portable suitcase versions. They work as good as their stationary counterparts, only hooking them up to the person to be examined is slightly more difficult. The Kyrilianic Suitcase Polygraphs have the same merit rating, but come with a -2 penalty to the set-up roll.
- PKE-Meter (•••)
- Dur: 2, Siz: 1, SL: 3
- Notes: The Psychokinetic Energy Measurement Device or simply PKE-Meter measures the presence and power of entities or mystic energy sources in the immaterial state of Twilight. The PKE-Meter is activated and used with a Wit + Science roll. Success only reveals if there is any presence in Twilight or not, or switches between different modes. Further interpretation of the devices different scalas and graphs requires another Int + Science or Occult roll. Every success reveals one piece of information about the measured phenomenon, like the resonance or rating of a Locus, Power, Finesse or Resistance traits of a Ghost or the Influence or Rank of a Spirit. The PKE-Meter has four different modes, of which each one is calibrated for the detection and measurement of a specific kind of Thwilight phenomenon. These modes are: 1. Verges or Loci, 2. Ghosts or Spirits, 3. Numina, 4. Posession
- Psychomagnotheric Slime Distributor Unit (•••)
- Dur: 3, Siz: 3, SL: 6
- Notes: Psychomagnotheric Slime Distributor Unit more simply called Slime Blower is a device that pumps an exotic mood-influencing substance to cover near targets or small areas. The Slime Blower has only short and medium Ranges of 10/20/-. Due to the unusual design of the Slime Blower outlet pipes the device is normaly fired with a Dex + Wit roll, although at a -2 penalty due to the jury-rigged design and bad aerodynamic properties of the gooy substance propelled from of the devices outlet. Every success on the attack roll covers one point of the targets size in sticky pink goo. The Psychomagnotheric Slime that covers the target deals no damange but acts as a powerful emotional catalyst instead and strongly influences the targets emotions. Without an external stimulus the target completely covered in Psychomagnotheric Slime immediately has to act on his or her Vice until the end of scene without regaining the usual point of Willpower. Targets under the inflience of Psychomagnotheric Slime are not able to spend Willpower except to reflexively improve Resistance traits until the scene is over or the slime is cleaned of at least half of the size the character. An external stimulus to provoke a specific emotional reaction may be provided with a contested Pre + Expression, Intimidation, or Persuason roll against the Targets Res (+ PS). Music or other emotional media may provide a bonus to that roll. The Slime Blower tornister is quite heavy and prerequisites a Strength of 3 to carry with a -2 penalty to Speed and Def. A modified version of the Slime Blower exists, where the tornister is replaced with a wheel-mounted container and high preassure system (Dur 3, Siz 4, SL 7) with increased Range of 20/40/80 that may be handled like a heavy weapon.
- Ectokinetic Attractor (••••)
- Dur: 2, Siz: 2, SL: 4
- Notes: The Ectokinetic Attractor, or Ghost Beacon sends a signal trought Twilight that summons Ghosts
- Ghost Trap (••••)
- Dur: 4, Siz: 2, SL: 6
- Notes: The Moun Trap or Ghost Trap is a mechanic receptacle for the capture of Twilight entities. A Ghost, Spirit, or other Spectral creature, once trapped is not able to flee from the thaumatechnological confinement fields of this device. Previous to activation of the device the entity to be trapped must normaly be held above the conical confinement field emitted by an opened trap. To successfuly place and activate the Trap roll Wit + Athletics (versus the entity' Pow + Fin if not already confined) in two subsequent turns. The first roll is to place the Trap, the scound is to activate the Trigger. If the entity moves more than 5y in either direction after a successful placement, the trapping is still failed. An open Muon Trap emits a very bright beam of light that may be damaging to one's eyesight if looking directly into it. A character looking towards an open Trap is blinded temporarily if the player does not succeed on a reflexive Wit + Sta roll. A single Trap may hold up to 10 Size points of ephemeral entities for up to 4 hours without an external energy source. A Trap is normally emptied into an Ectoplasmic Containment Unit which is then able to hold the captured entity nearly indefinitely.
- Proton Accelerator Pack (••••)
- Dur: 3, Siz: 3, SL: 6
- Notes: The Proton Accelerator Pack comes with two settings. The Boson Dart setting simply deals damage to twilight entities. Its Range is 25/50/100. The Confinement Beam setting deals 1 automatic Damage to a Twilight entity and catches it in a ranged grapple on a successful attack roll. The entity may try to break free reflexively rolling Power - (successes of the attack roll - 1 per previous turns in confinement). The Confinement Beam's Range is 10/20/40. Due to the unusual design of the Pack's emitter wands the device is normaly fired with a Dex + Wit (- Def) roll. A handfull of modified Packs exist, where the emitter wand is replaced with a gun-shaped emitter complete with shoulder pad and handle. These versions can be used with a Dex + Firearms pool, although with a -2 penalty, due to the unusual properties of the emited non-coherent beam. The Proton Pack tornister is quite heavy and prerequisites a Strength of 3 to carry with a -1 penalty to Speed and Def. Another drawback of the device are the dangerous sideeffects that come with the Accelerators energy source and exotic energy emissions. Should the tornister be destroyed or the streams of two Proton Accelerators be crossed the result is a catastrophic explosion dealing 5L automatic, armor ignoring damage and 5 dice of Lethal damage to every living and ephemeral being within 10 yards diameter.
- Composite Particle Accelerator (••••)
- Dur: 3, Siz: 3, SL: 6
- Notes: A successful attack with the Composite Particle Accelerator strips the ephemeral entity of one point of Essence and Corpus per success. Other supernatural creatures using Essence, Glamour, Mana, or Vitae may also be targeted with the device and loose one point of their respective Power Pool per success on the attack roll. Range of the Composite Particle Accelerator is 10/20/40. Due to the unusual design of the devices emitter wands the device is normaly fired with a Dex + Wit (- Def) roll, although at a -1 penalty, due to the unusual properties of the emited non-coherent beam. The Composite Particle Accelerator tornister is quite heavy and prerequisites a Strength of 3 to carry with a -2 penalty to Speed and Def. As with the Proton Accelerator Pack the Composite Particle Accelerators energy source and emissions have dangerous sideeffects. Should the tornister be destroyed or the streams of two Composite Particle Accelerators be crossed the result is a catastrophic explosion dealing 5L automatic, armor ignoring damage and 5 dice of Lethal damage to every living and ephemeral being within 10 yards diameter.
- Exotic Matter Generator (•••••)
- Dur: 3, Siz: 7, SL: 10
- Notes:
- Ectoplasmic Containment Unit (••••• •)
- Dur: 5, Siz: 15, SL: 20
- Notes: