Elias, Frankenstein?s Monster
From Anu Anu RPG
- Affiliations: Solo D10, Buddy D8, Team D6
- Distinctions: Grotesque Appearance, Monstrous Rage, Restless Wanderer
- Power Sets:
REANIMATED CREATION Godlike Stamina D12, Leaping D6, Superhuman Durability D10, Superhuman Strength D10 SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for every additional target add a D6 and keep an additional effect die. SFX: Grappling. When inflicting a restraining- or immobilization- type complication on a target, add a D6 and step up the effect die. SFX: Healing Factor. Spend 1 PP to recover your physical stress and step back your physical trauma. SFX: Immortal. Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications caused by aging, disease, fatigue, poison, radiation, or vacuum. SFX: Outraged. Add a die equal to your emotional stress to the doom pool to step up or double Superhuman Strength for your next action. Limit: World-weary. Step up emotional stress taken from betrayal, guilt, loss, tragedy, or the suffering of those you have sworn to protect to gain 1 PP.
- Specialties: Combat Master D10, Menace Master D10, Mystic Expert D8, Wilderness Expert D8
- Milestones:
AM I A MONSTER ? 1 XP - When you spend a transition scene pondering your artificial existence. 3 XP - When you forge a true bond with a human, despite your grotesque appearance. 10 XP - When you find solace in living a human life, or decide that you are nothing but a monster and try to end your existence.
FRANKENSTEIN'S LEGACY 1 XP - When you inquire information about the Frankenstein family. 3 XP - When you encounter a member of the Frankenstein family. 10 XP - When you kill a member of the Frankenstein family, or spare his life and convince him to ease your tormented existence.