Dunbar the Hutt
From Anu Anu RPG
- Dunbar the Hutt
- Crime Lord CL 10
Large Hutt Noble 4, Scoundrel 3, Crime Lord 3 Force Points: 10 Init: +7; Perception: +10
Languages: Basic, Binary (understand only), Bocce, Gamorean (understand only), Gand (understand only), Huttese, Java Trade-Language (understand only), , , ,
Defenses: Ref 13 (-1; flat-footed ), Fort 19, Will 18 (23 against Force manipulation) Hp: 89; Threshold 24 (+5)
Speed 2 squares Melee: unarmed +7 Ranged: +2 (d+) Base Atk: +5; Grp: +5 Atk Options: Comand Cover, Disruptive, Presence,
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 4, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 16
Talents: Disruptive, Connections, Presence, Wealth, Attract Minions x2, Comand Cover (max +5 to Ref), Inspire Fear I
Feats: Force Resistance (+5 to Will) Supreme Stability, Linguist, Skill Focus (Deception), Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple weapons), Improved Defenses, Toughness, , , Kajidic Patron
Skills: Deception +18, Gather Information +13, Initiative +7, Knowledge (Galactic lore) +14, Knowledge (bureacracy) +14, Perception +10, Persuasion +13 (may reroll), Pilot +7, Stealth +2 (-5)
Possessions: (48.200 credits): EV-Series Supervisor Droid (14.130 credits), Personalized Hoversled (1.800 credits; Speed 6 squares)