Das Ewige Opfer
From Anu Anu RPG
- DAS EWIGE OPFER (Lynn [public])
- Affiliations: Solo D6, Buddy D10, Team D8
- Distinctions: Curse of Odin, Lost Memory of Lifetimes, Toughen Up
- Power Sets:
DEATHSHIFTER Enhanced Reflexes D8, Enhanced Stamina D8, Mystic Senses D6, Teleport D8 SFX: Die For You. When a nearby character takes physical trauma, you may step up that trauma to take it yourself instead. During the next round convert all physical trauma into emotional stress. SFX: Reactive Power. Spend 1 PP to add a Deathshifter power to another character’s dice pool before they roll a reaction. If that character takes physical stress, take D6 mental stress. SFX: Unleashed. Step up or double any Deathshifter power for one action. If that action fails, add a die to the doom pool equal to the normal rating of that power die. Limit: Die for an Innocent. Teleport can only be used as a reaction to switch places with characters, that receive physical trauma. Limit: Exhausted. Shut down a Deathshifter power other than Teleport to gain 1PP. Activate an opportunity or participate in a Transition Scene to recover that power.
- Specialties: Acrobatic Expert D8, Combat Expert D8, Medical Expert D8, Mystic Expert D8
- Milestones:
SET1 1 XP - 3 XP - 10 XP -
SET2 1 XP - 3 XP - 10 XP -