From Anu Anu RPG
Named NPCs[edit]
- Pestarzt (Thyrsus Nephandus)
Virtue: Fortitude Vice: Envy Str: 2 Pre: 1 Int: 3 Dex: 3 Man: 3 Wit: 3 Sta: 2 Com: 3 Res: 3 Skills: Academics 2, Brawl 3 (Nat. Weapons, Rokean Features, Bite), Athletics 2, Animal Ken 2 (Rodents, Rats), Crafts 2, Investigation 2, Medicine 3 (Sickness), Occult 3 (Shifters), Persuasion 3 (Manipulative, x), Streetwise 1 (Sewers), Stealth 2 (Underground), Subterfuge 1, Survival 1 Ini Mod: 7 Size: 5 Speed: 12 (F7) Bite: 10L Claws: 12L (+3 Life) Defense: 4 Armor: 4/4 (+3 Life) Merits: Abyssal Scriptorium (Life/Spirit/Death, Depth 3) 5, Allies [Beshilu] 3, Altar Stone 5 (10 Essence), Brawling Dodge 1, Brawling Finesse 2, Fast Reflexes 1, Fetish [Rokean Skull Mask] 3, Friend of Beasts 2, 2x Imbued Item [Soul Jar] 3, Iron Stamina 3, Iron Stomach 2, Rote Specialty 3, Tolerance for Biology 1, Vird 2, Void Scourged 2 Arcana: Life •••, Spirit •••, Death ••• Rotes: Shape Lock (Life 3, Spirit 3; Weaving, Instant, Transitory, Covert, 1 Mana; prevents Shapeshifting for [succ] turns), Sever the Sleeping Soul (Death 3; Fraying, Extended and Contested vs Res [WP], Lasting, Vulgar, 1 Mana; extracts Soul), Transform Self (Life 3; Weaving, Instant, Prolonged, Vulgar, 1 Mana; transform one feature per succ), Self Healing (Life 2; Ruling, Instant, Lasting, Covert, 1 Mana; heal 1HL per succ), Ephemeral Shield (Spirit 2; Shielding, Instant, Prolonged, Covert, 1 Mana; Mage Armor against physical dmg and ephemeral entities; vulnerability against grapple) Morality: 3 Derangements: Megalomania, Abyss Marked Gnosis: 3 Health (10): Willpower (6): Mana (13/1): 6 Inventory: - 2x Soulstone (einer im Magen von Nadelzahn) - Rokean Skull Mask (+1L Bite Attack, +1 Def, +2 Athletics) - 2x Soul Jar (Tupperbehälter mit Beshilu Soul Shards; Giftmüllbehälter mit gefangener Lune)
- Nadelzahn (Minjur Rat Feral)
Virtue: Fortitude Vice: Greed Str: 2/3/2 Pre: 1 Int: 2 Dex: 3/5/6 Man: 2 Wit: 3 Sta: 3/4/2 Com: 3 Res: 2 Alternate Forms: War-Form +1/+2/+1, Man -5, Siz 5, HL +1, Speed +2 (F5), +2 perception; Primal Beast 2/+3/2, Man -5, Siz 3, HL 5, Speed +15 (F10), +4 perception Skills: Academics 1, Athletics 2 (+2 in Alternate Forms), Animal Ken 2 (Rodents, Rats), Brawl 3 (Nat. Weapons, Claws, ), Crafts 1, Expression 3 (Leadership), Intimidation 2, Investigation 1, Larceny 2, Occult 1, Streetwise 2, Stealth 4 (Profession, Ambush, Darkness), Subterfuge 2, Survival 2, Weaponry 4 (Profession, Blades, Daggers) Ini Mod: 8/10/11 Size: 5/5/3 Speed: 10/12/25 Bite: -/11L/12L Claw: -/12L/- Zahndolche: 2x 12L/14L/- Armor Piercing 3, Tox 5 Stealth: 12/14/15 (+3) Defense: 3/6/7 Armor: 1/1 Merits: Allies [Beshilu] 3, Brawling Finesse 2, Direction Sense 1, Fast Reflexes 2, Fetish [Zahndolche] 3, Fighting Finesse 2, FS [Two Weapons] 4, FS [Swarm Tactics] 2, Iron Stamina 3, Iron Stomach 2, Pack [Rat Swarm] 2, Profession [Hitman] 4, Scout 2 Favors: Darksight, Fang + Claw (Bite +1L), Needleteeth Aspects (15): Breach the Gauntlet •• (1E, cross Gauntlet at Locus), Spirit Sight ••, Glowing Eyes • (Tell; see in darkness; -2 to opponents pools in close combat), Lashing Tail •• (+1 Def, +2 balance), Toxic Blood •• (10% infection chance in combat, Tox 8, -1 Sta for 10-Sta days), Nine Lives (2 already lost) ••••, Toss the Scent •• Morality: 3 Derangements: Obsesive Compulsion Feral Heart: 2 Health (8/9/5): Willpower (5): Essence (12/1): Inventory: - Zahndolche (+2L, Armor Piercing 3, Tox 5)
- Kanalkönig (Mutated Beshilu Rokean)
Str: 5 Pre: 2 Int: 2 Dex: 5 Man: 2 Wit: 5 Sta: 6 Com: 3 Res: 4 Skills: Animal Ken 2 (Rodents, Rats, Horde), Athletics 2, Brawl 3 (Nat. Weapons, Multiple Heads, Bite), Expression 2 (Leadership, Beshilu, Horde), Intimidation 3 (Non-Beshilu), Investigation 2, Occult 2, Stealth 2, Streetwise (Underground, Sewer, Territory) 2, Subterfuge (Distractions) 2, Survival (Urban, Sewer, Territory) 3 Ini Mod: 12 Size: 6 Speed: 13 (F5) Bite: 3x 11L (1E +1 Str) Claw: 9L Defense: 6 Armor: 1/1 Merits: Allies (Horde) 5, Danger Sense 2, Den 2, Fast Reflexes 2, Iron Stamina 3, Iron Stomach 3, Territory [Sewer] 3 (Tunnels, Secret Pathes, Utilities), Toxin Resistance 3, Ban: must try to flee unfavorable confrontation; may not abbandon Territory Evolution: 15 Aspects: Breach the Gauntlet - (1E, cross Gauntlet at Locus), Gnaw Gauntlet - (1E/h, hollow out 10 square-yard area by 1 point to min 1), Rodent Fur -, Swarm Discorporation - (if host dies 1 Swarm of Rats per Essence leaves body), Rokhan Joining •, Demonic Strength •••, Mutated (Multiple Heads) •••, Spirit Sight •, Poison Tumors •••, Burrowing Claws •• (L dmg, +2 climbing or digging), Lashing Tail •• (+1 Def, +2 balance) Health (12): Willpower (7): Essence (30):
- Grauer Prophet (Beshilu Rokean)
Str: 2 Pre: 2 Int: 3 Dex: 5 Man: 3 Wit: 5 Sta: 3 Com: 4 Res: 3 Skills: Academics 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 3 (Nat. Weapons, Clinch), Expression 2 (Leadership, Visions), Investigation 3, Medicine 3 (Diseases), Occult 3 (Beshilu, Divinations, Visions), Streetwise 2 (Underground), Stealth 2, Subterfuge 2, Survival 2 Ini Mod: 11 Size: 5 Speed: 10 (F5) Bite: 10L Clinch: 10 Defense: 6 Armor: 1/1 Merits: Brawling Finesse 2, Divination 3 (3 rerolls for members of Horde), Dream 2, Fast Reflexes 2, Iron Stamina 3, Iron Stomach 2, Toxin Resistance 3 Ban: may not fight in inescapable confrontation Evolution: 9 Aspects: Breach the Gauntlet - (1E, cross Gauntlet at Locus), Gnaw Gauntlet - (1E/h, hollow out 10 square-yard area by 1 point to min 1), Rodent Fur -, Swarm Discorporation - (if host dies 1 Swarm of Rats per Essence leaves body), Rokhan Joining •, Spirit Sight •, Poison Tumors •••, Burrowing Claws •• (L dmg, +2 climbing or digging), Lashing Tail •• (+1 Def, +2 balance) Health (8): Willpower (7): Essence (20):
Generic Beshilu[edit]
- Beshilu Gauntlet Gnawer (Rat Nihiluth)
Str: 2 Pre: 1 Int: 1 Dex: 5 Man: 1 Wit: 4 Sta: 2 Com: 2 Res: 1 Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 1, Larceny 1, Stealth 1, Survival 3 Ini Mod: 5 Size: 2 Speed: 10 (F6) Bite: 4 L Defense: 5 Merits: Toxin Resistance 3 Ban: must try to flee unfavorable confrontation Evolution: 2 Aspects: Breach the Gauntlet - (1E, cross Gauntlet at Locus), Gnaw Gauntlet - (1E/h, hollow out 10 square-yard area by 1 point to min 1), Heart Eater •, Hive Call • Health (4): Willpower (3): Essence (10): 4
- Beshilu Gutter Runner (Horde's Nest Nihiluth)
Str: 3 Pre: 2 Int: 1 Dex: 5 Man: 2 Wit: 5 Sta: 5 Com: 3 Res: 2 Skills: Animal Ken (Rats) 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Crafts 1, Intimidation 1, Investigation 2, Larceny 3, Medicine 1, Stealth 2, Streetwise (Homeless, Scavenging) 2, Subterfuge (Distractions) 2, Survival (Urban) 2 Ini Mod: 8 Size: 5 Speed: 13 (F5) Unarmed: 6B Defense: 5 Armor: 0/1 Merits: Iron Stomach 3, Toxin Resistance 3, Contacts (Homeless) 2 Ban: must try to flee unfavorable confrontation Evolution: 4 Aspects: Breach the Gauntlet - (1E, cross Gauntlet at Locus), Gnaw Gauntlet - (1E/h, hollow out 10 square-yard area by 1 point to min 1), Heart Eater •, Broodfather • (if host dies Swarm of Rats leaves body), Beastmaster •• (1E, Int+Animal Ken control 1 animal per succ) Health (10): Willpower (5): Essence (10):
- Beshilu Plague Monk (Rokean)
Str: 2 Pre: 2 Int: 2 Dex: 3 Man: 2 Wit: 3 Sta: 2 Com: 3 Res: 2 Skills: Academics 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 3 (Nat. Weapons, Clinch), Investigation 3, Medicine 3 (Diseases), Occult 3, Streetwise 2 (Underground), Stealth 2, Subterfuge 2, Survival 2 Ini Mod: 6 Size: 5 Speed: 10 (F5) Unarmed: 7L Defense: 4 Armor: 0/1 Merits: Toxin Resistance 3 Ban: may not fight in inescapable confrontation Evolution: 9 Aspects: Breach the Gauntlet - (1E, cross Gauntlet at Locus), Gnaw Gauntlet - (1E/h, hollow out 10 square-yard area by 1 point to min +2), Rodent Fur -, Swarm Discorporation - (if host dies 1 Swarm of Rats per Essence leaves body), Rokhan Joining •, Spirit Sight •, Poison Tumors •••, Burrowing Claws •• (L dmg, +2 climbing or digging), Lashing Tail •• (+1 Def, +2 balance) Health (7): Willpower (5): Essence (20):
- Beshilu Asassin (Rokean)
Str: 3 Pre: 1 Int: 2 Dex: 3 Man: 2 Wit: 3 Sta: 2 Com: 2 Res: 3 Skills: Athletics 3, Animal Ken 2 (Rats), Brawl 3 (Nat. Weapons, Style, Claws), Intimidation 2, Investigation 3, Larceny 3, Medicine 1, Streetwise 3, Stealth 3 (Profession, Ambush, Darkness), Survival 2 Ini Mod: 7 Size: 5 Speed: 12 (F6) Bite: 10 L Claw: 11 L Defense: 4 (10) Armor: 2/2 Merits: Brawling Dodge 1, Fast Reflexes 2, FS [Tooth & Claw] 4, Toxin Resistance 3 Ban: may not fight in inescapable confrontation Evolution: 13 Aspects: Breach the Gauntlet - (1E, cross Gauntlet at Locus), Gnaw Gauntlet - (1E/h, hollow out 10 square-yard area by 1 point to min 1), Rodent Fur -, Swarm Discorporation - (if host dies one Swarm of Rats per Essence leaves body), Rokhan Joining •, Spirit Sight •, Hive Call •, Scentless ••, Burrowing Claws •• (L dmg, +2 climbing or digging), Lashing Tail •• (+1 Def, +2 balance), Glowing Eyes •• (see in darkness; -2 to opponents pools in close combat), Toxic Blood •• (10% infection chance in combat, Tox 8, -1 Sta for 10-Sta days) Health (7): Willpower (5): Essence (20):
- Beshilu Pest-Ogre (Mutated Rokean)
Str: 9 Pre: 2 Int: 1 Dex: 6 Man: 1 Wit: 5 Sta: 7 Com: 3 Res: 3 Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 3 (Nat. Weaponry, Claws), Intimidation 4 (Horror), Stealth 2, Survival 3 Ini Mod: 8 Size: 6 Speed: 17 (F5) Bite: 13L Claw: 15L Defense: 6 Merits: Giant 4, Toxin Resistance 3, Ban: may not leave area of plagued Locus Evolution: 14 Aspects: Breach the Gauntlet - (1E to cross Gauntlet at Locus), Gnaw Gauntlet - (1E/h to hollow out 10 square-yard area by one point to minimum 1), Rodent Fur -, Swarm Discorporation - (if host dies one Swarm of Rats per Essence leaves body), Rokhan Joining •, Demonic Strength •••, Poison Tumors •••, Mutated •••, Burrowing Claws •• (L dmg, +2 climbing or digging), Lashing Tail •• (+1 Def, +2 balance) Health (13): Willpower (6): Essence (20):
Affiliated Animals and Spirits[edit]
- Ridden Swarm
Ini Mod: 5 Size: 5 Speed: 10 (F6) Swarm: 6L (ignore Armor) Defense: 3 Health (5): Willpower (-):
- Horde Rat
Str: 1 Pre: 1 Int: 1 Dex: 3 Man: 0 Wit: 3 Sta: 1 Com: 2 Res: 0 Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 1, Larceny 1, Stealth 1, Survival 3 Ini Mod: 5 Size: 1 Speed: 10 (F6) Bite: 3 L Defense: 3 Merits: Toxin Resistance Health (2): Willpower (2):
- Rat Spirit
Pow: 1 Fin: 4 Res: 2 Rank: • Influences: Rats • Ban: may not fight in inescapable confrontation Numina: Chorus (1E, send Message), Material Vision (1E, Pow+Fin-Gauntlet), Wilds Sense Ini Mod: 6 Size: 1 Speed: 11 (F6) Bite: 5 Defense: 4 Health (3): Willpower (3): Essence (10): 6
- Disease Spirit
Pow: 3 Fin: 6 Res: 3 Rank: •• Influences: Diseases •• Ban: Numina: Chorus (1E, send Message), Living Fetter (2E, Pow+Fin vs Res+Com) Ini Mod: 9 Size: 3 Speed: 13 (F6) Bite: 9 Defense: 6 Health (6): Willpower (5): Essence (15): 11