Allies (All)
Aides and friends, who help in tasks • single ally of moderate power (max E 2) •• 2 allies of moderate power, or 1 slightly more powerful ally (max E 3) ••• 3 allies of moderate power, or 1 quite powerful ally (max E 4) •••• 4 allies of moderate power, or 1 very powerful ally (maximum E 5) ••••• 5 allies of moderate power, or 1 really powerful ally (E 5+)
Artifact (All)
Magical devices at your disposal • 1 lvl 1 Artifact •• 1 lvl 2 Artifact ••• 1 lvl 3 Artifact •••• 1 lvl 4 Artifact ••••• 1 lvl 5 Artifact
Arsenal (Dragonblooded, Mountainfolk)
Magical devices at your disposal loaned out by superiors • 2 dots Artifacts (max lvl 1) •• 4 dots Artifacts (max lvl 2) ••• 6 dots Artifacts (max lvl 3) •••• 8 dots Artifacts (max lvl 4) ••••• 10 dots Artifacts (max lvl 5)
Backing (All)
Standing and rank in organization of influence • lower officer, or minor functionary •• mid-level officer, or head of small department ••• moderately powerful ppsition, many people working under character •••• extremely powerful position, typically only one or two rungs down from people in charge of organization ••••• character is one of the leaders of organization, general, admiral, or Guild factor
Breeding (Dragonblooded)
Your lineage, representing strong connection to element • +1 Personal, +2 Peripheral •• +2 Personal, +3 Peripheral ••• +3 Personal, +5 Peripheral •••• +4 Personal, +7 Peripheral ••••• +5 Personal, +9 Peripheral
Birth (Fair Folk, Feyblooded)
Powers deriving from fortunate birth • add Charm "Ravishing the Created Form" •• add Charm "Banquet of Crumbs" ••• add Charms "Essence Forging Art", "Awakened Dream Manufacture" •••• all five "Forging the (Grace) Grace" Charms ••••• add Charms "Gaping Virtue Mouth", "Ecstatic Reproduction Style"
Command (All)
Troops under your personal control, undead or raksha commoner servants • Mag 1 Warband, (5 Soldiers or Commoners, 15 Zombies, 1 Fang) •• Mag 2 Warband, (25 Soldiers or Commoners, 75 Zombies, 1 Scale) ••• Mag 3 Army, (125 Soldiers or Commoners, 300 Zombies, 1 Talon) •••• Mag 4 Army, (250 Soldiers or Commoners, 1500 Zombies, 1 Wing) ••••• Mag 5 Army, (500 Soldiers or Commoners, 3000 Zombies, 1 Dragon)
Contacts or Aquaintances (All)
Information sources and friends in helpful places, or people that remember your Sidereal • 1 major contact, +1 on rolls for minor contacts •• 2 major contacts, +2 on rolls for minor contacts ••• 3 major contacts, +3 on rolls for minor contacts •••• 4 major contacts, +4 on rolls for minor contacts ••••• 5 major contacts, +5 on rolls for minor contacts
Cult (All)
Mortals worshipping you • Small but devoted cult. Every morning you regain 1 add temp WP •• Large community or several small ones. regain 2m/h from worship ••• You are venerated in a large region. regain 3m/h •••• An entire nation honors you. Once every 12h, you may gain 1 temp WP, regain 4m/h ••••• Many people in one or more terrestrial directions worship you. Every 6h, you gain 1 temp WP, regain 6m/h
Experience (Mortals)
Your seasoned skill in non-magical talents • 8 add BP, max 5 points Flaws •• 14 add BP, max 10 points Flaws ••• 20 add BP, max 15 points Flaws •••• 26 add BP, max 15 points Flaws ••••• 32 add BP, max 20 points Flaws
Familiar (All)
Animal companion • small animal (max E1) •• animal of moderate power (max E1) ••• large or powerful animal, ability to share essence (max E1) •••• large and powerful, or supernatural animal, ability to share essence (max E2) ••••• large & powerful supernatural animal, ability to share essence (max E2)
Family (Mortals, God Blooded, Half Caste, Dragonblooded)
Notable kin • 1 notable family member •• 2 notable family members ••• 3 notable family members •••• 4 notable family members ••••• 5 notable family members
Followers (All)
Mortals, or other beings who look to you for Leadership • Up to 5 Followers •• Up to 20 Followers ••• Up to 100 Followers •••• Up to 1000 Followers ••••• Up to 10,000 Followers
Freehold (Fair Folk)
A place of Wyld power, to which you have access • permitted to reside in a lvl 1 or 2 Freehold. •• hold a pennant from a lvl 1 or 2 Freehold and have permission to enter one or two others. ••• hold a pennant from a Freehold of lvl 3 or more or share power over a lvl 1 or 2 Freehold and can negotiate for a Cyst. You are most likely permitted in most of the region's Freeholds. •••• hold pennants from two or more Freeholds, providing shelter from any single lord's disfavor, and might command a tiny (lvl 1 or 2) Freehold of your own. As an alternative, you share power over a significant Freehold and hold one of its Cysts ••••• command of a significant Freehold, or share power over Freehold and - in the event of an emergency - have a pennant from one or two others.
Gossamer (Fair Folk)
Income measured in Dreams • Poor: 1 gossamer per story. effective Res 3 in Creation. •• Comfortable: 3 gossamer per story. effective Res 4 in Creation and live in the style of the great potentates of the Realm. ••• Affluent: 6 gossamer per story. effective Res 5 in Creation. You can buy the services of nobles, support retinue and wield influence over large section of the Wyld. •••• Dominant: 10 gossamer per story. afford multiple Res 5 purchases in story and trade in the Heart Graces of your lesser kin. ••••• Vastly Rich: 20 gossamer per story. afford an unlimited quantity of mortal wealth and spend the dreams of mortals as if they were so much tin
Hearth's Blood (Lunars)
Number of Forms character starts with • 1 animal or human •• 5 animals, or 2 humans ••• 12 animals, or 4 humans •••• 24 animals, or 7 humans ••••• 36 animals, or 12 humans
Henchmen (All)
Agents who do your bidding • 1 companions •• 2 companions ••• 3 companions •••• 5 companions ••••• 8 companions
Influence (All)
Pull in the world around you • some local fame in your town or in one district of a metropolis. •• character is well-known in her home city-state or satrapy. ••• character's fame and power have spread to neighboring states. •••• character's words carry great weight throughout much of entire quarter of Creation, and she might rule town or small city. ••••• character rules an entire nation or has great pull in several.
Inheritance (God Blooded, Half Caste)
Potency of your magical birthright • 6 add BP, max 10 points Flaws •• 12 add BP, max 15 points Flaws ••• 18 add BP, max 15 points Flaws •••• 24 add BP, max 20 points Flaws ••••• 30 add BP, max 20 points Flaws
Knowledge (Mortals)
Seasoned magical training and skills • 8 add BP, max 5 points Flaws •• 14 add BP, max 10 points Flaws ••• 20 add BP, max 15 points Flaws •••• 26 add BP, max 15 points Flaws ••••• 32 add BP, max 20 points Flaws
Library (All)
Collection of thaumaturgical or sorcerous lore • +1 to Lore Rolls •• +1 to Lore Rolls ••• +2 to Lore Rolls •••• +2 to Lore Rolls ••••• +2 to Lore Rolls, Spells or Charms learned cost 1 XP less
Manse (All)
Access to a place of power and Essence • lvl 1 manse or lvl 2 demesne •• lvl 2 manse or lvl 3 demesne ••• lvl 3 manse or lvl 4 demesne •••• lvl 4 manse or lvl 5 demesne ••••• lvl 5 manse
Mentor or Sifu (All)
A teacher and instructor • Mentor is just a bit more worldly and wise than character; Sifu knows 1 Supernatural Martial Art •• Mentor is figure of some note or exceedingly important individual who has little time for character; Sifu knows 2 Martial Arts ••• Mentor is wise, influential and considerably more powerful than character; Sifu knows 3 Martial Arts •••• Mentor is important individual whose words and deeds can shape the course of nations; Sifu knows 5 Martial Arts ••••• Mentor is exceedingly powerful, takes great interest in character's welfare, but expects greatness from character, and likely has powerful enemies; Sifu knows up to 7 Martial Arts
Patron or Lige (All)
A guardian, tutor, master, or Deathlorf who looks over character • 3 add. Background Points •• 6 add. Background Points ••• 9 add. Background Points •••• 13 add. Background Points ••••• 17 add. Background Points
Renown (Lunars, God Blooded, Half Caste)
Your earned respect with the Lunars of the Silver Pact • 5 add. points of Renown •• 10 add. points of Renown ••• 15 add. points of Renown •••• 25 add. points of Renown ••••• 40 add. points of Renown
Reputation (All)
How society looks over you and your actions • You are well known in your set. •• Your name is bandied about in your part of the dynasty, or local region. ••• Everyone in the dynasty knows your legend. You are well known in your terrestrial direction. •••• Tales of your exploits have spread across the Realm, or adjacent terrestrial direction. ••••• Your Legend has preceded you even to the far corners of the Threshold. You are known in all of Creation
Resources (All)
Material goods and money • Goods or money worth 1 Ressource point •• Goods or money worth 10 Ressource points ••• Goods or money worth 100 Ressource points (10 Res 2) •••• Goods or money worth 1,000 Ressource points (10 Res 3; 100 Res 2) ••••• Goods or money worth 10,000 Ressource points (10 Res. 4; 100 Res 3)
Salary (Sidereals, God Blooded, Half Caste)
An allowance of Celestial income • Res 2 in Heaven, Res 3 in Creation •• Res 3 in Heaven, Res 4 in Creation ••• Res 4 in Heaven, Res 5 in Creation •••• Res 5 in Heaven, Res 6 in Creation ••••• Res 6 in Heaven, Res 7 in Creation
Savant (All)
Intuitive understanding of the secrets of the First Age • +1 to Craft, Lore, or Occult Rolls involving Magitech •• +2 to Craft, Lore, or Occult Rolls involving Magitech ••• +3 to Craft, Lore, or Occult Rolls involving Magitech •••• +4 to Craft, Lore, or Occult Rolls involving Magitech ••••• +5 to Craft, Lore, or Occult Rolls involving Magitech
Sorcery or Necromancy (Abyssals, Dragon Blooded, God Blooded)
Advanced magical training of Lookshy, Heptagram Elite Sorcerers, or training in the unique Magics of the Abyssals • 1 add Terrestrial- or Shadowland Circle Spell •• 2 add Terrestrial- or Shadowland Circle Spells ••• 3 add Terrestrial- or Shadowland Circle Spells •••• 4 add Terrestrial-, Shadowland- or Labyrinth Circle Spells ••••• 6 add Terrestrial-, Shadowland- or Labyrinth Circle Spells
Spies (All)
Access to espionage capabilities and personel • 5 spies •• 25 spies ••• 100 spies •••• 100 operators and several hundred additional casuals ••••• 100 elite agents and thousands of casuals
Style (Fair Folk)
Confidence with which to shape the Wyld and the world • Sword Stunts: gain stunt pool equal to your Sword in dice. •• Cup Stunts: gain a stunt pool equal to your Sword plus your Cup in dice. ••• Ring Stunts: recover your Ring in stunt dice each scene, in addition to the full refresh at the beginning of the story. •••• Heart Stunts: fully refresh your stunt pool whenever you enter bedlam. ••••• Staff Stunts: In Creation, you can perform a number of Wyld stunts per story equal to your Staff
Vats (Alchemichals)
Your access to Alchemical refits and additional modules • 1 Charm •• 2 Charms ••• 3 Charms •••• 4 Charms ••••• 5 Charms
Whispers (Abyssals, Mortals, Demon Blooded, Half Caste)
Your personal attunement with the Malfeans of Yozis; rating bonus to untrained skills • You have learned to hear the voices in your soul but still have difficulty understanding the wisdom they impart •• You have a strong insight into the will of the Malfeans or Yozis ••• The music of death sings in your soul •••• The quiet voices of your gods are your constant companion ••••• You are one with the Malfeans or Yozis, and your eyes shine with the light of divine insight