Architectural Magic
- Architects Eye
- Matter •
- Knowing, Instant, Concentration, Covert, none;
Reveals flaws in an architectual structure.
- Rote: Int + Craft + Matter
- Dowsing
- Space •, Matter •
- (Architects of the Monolith 1st Attainment)
- Knowing, Instant, Prolonged (1 Scene), Covert, none;
This spell enables the caster to find specific materials or substances in his vincinity. He is able to find a source of water in the ground, or natural occurences of oil, precius metals or other natural resources, if the mage only knows, what he is looking for. With the addition of Prime 1 the caster is also able to find and track Ley lines.
- Rote: WIt + Survival or Occult + Space
- Find the Cornerstone
- Matter ••, Space •
- Knowing, Instant or Extended, Concentration, Covert, none;
The Mage knows the central point, on which a structures integrity depends. (see Spell Compendium)
- Rote: Wit + Craft + Matter
- Green Light
- Space ••, Fate •
- Ruling, Instant or Extended, Prolonged, Covert, none;
Speeds up the travel of a target within the boundaries of a city by lucky coincidences, free roads, secret detours and favourable traffic lights. Every success cuts the travel time by 5% up to a maximum of 10% of the basic travel time. (See Gilded Cage Ritual)
- Rote: Wit + Streetwise + Space
- Red Light
- Space ••, Fate ••
- Ruling, Instant or Extended, Prolonged, Covert, none;
Slows the travel of a target within the boundaries of a city by turning the random functions of a city against him. Every success increases the base time the target needs to reach its destination by 10%. (See Gilded Cage Ritual)
- Rote: Int + Streetwise + Space
- Geomantic Blessing
- Matter ••, Fate ••
- Ruling, Instant or Extended, Special, Covert, 1 Mana;
Provides additional points for the Intrusion Modifier of the enchanted building, or conveys a luck bonus to the building against harm.
- Rote: Pre + Occult + Matter
- Monolithic Bond
- Matter ••, Space ••
- (Architects of the Monolith 2nd Attainment)
- Ruling, Instant, Lasting, Covert, 1 Mana;
Creates a lasting sympathetic link to an architectual structure.
- Rote: Com + Craft + Matter
- Eye of the Pyramid
- Matter ••, Space ••
- Unveiling, Instant, Concentration, Covert, none;
Opens a scrying window into a specific building. (see Gilded Cage ••• Ritual) The mage needs a material sympathetic connection to the building in question.
- Rote: Int + Occult + Space
- Ward Building
- Matter ••, Space ••
- Shielding, Extended, Prolonged, Covert, 1 Mana;
Creates a magic ward on a targeted architectual stucture. Success is determined by the Size of the structure. Successes on the spellcasting roll may also be invested into ward potency and duration like normal.
- Rote: Int + Craft + Space
- Eyes of the Building
- Space •••
- Unveiling, Instant or Extended, Concentration, Covert, 1 Mana;
Allows the Caster to view the inside of a whole architectual Struchture at once. Also duplicates the effect of Eye of the Pyramid without the need of a meterial connection, or the use of Matter magic. (see Spell Compendium)
- Rote: Int + Occult + Space
- Bundle Enhancements
- Matter •••
- Weaving, Instant, Lasting, Covert, 1 Mana;
Bundles separate enhancement spells into one pattern for conciderations of spell limits, relinquishing, or later dispell attempts. Valid enhancement Spells are Alter Integrity (Matter •••), Alter Efficiency (Matter •••), Alter Size (Matter •••).
- Rote: Int + Craft + Matter
- Eyes of the Overseer
- Matter •••, Space •••
- (Architects of the Monolith 3rd Attainment)
- Weaving, Instant, Prolonged (1 Scene), Covert, 1 Mana;
A Mage with this spell is able to track everything in his awareness within a defined area, most often a city block, township, or even a whole city. The viewed area is defined by architectual structures bonded to the mage.
- Rote:
- Lock the Gilded Cage
- Space •••, Fate •••, Matter ••; or Space ••••, Fate •••
- Weaving, Instant or Extended, Prolonged, Covert, 1 Mana
Prevents targets from exiting a predefined area, like a city block, township, or a whole city. The blocked area is defined by architectual structures bonded to the mage.
- Rote: