Agent Zero
From Anu Anu RPG
- AGENT ZERO (Christoph David Nord, secret)
- Affiliations: Solo D10, Buddy D6, Team D8
- Distinctions: Black Ops, Idealist, One Man Army
- Power Sets:
KINETIC ABSORBER Concussice Blast D8, Enhanced Strength D8, Superhuman Durability D10 SFX: Absorption. On a successful reaction to a kinetic-based attack, add your opponent's effect die to your next Kinetic Absorber or Weapon X Arsenal roll. SFX:' Corrosive Secretion. Spend 1 PP to shut down an opponent's Healing Factor SFX after a successful attack that inflicts physical stress. That opponent may recover its SFX after activating an opportunity. SFX: Focus. In a pool including a Feral Mutant die, replace two dice of equal steps with one die of +1 step. SFX: Regenerative Factor. Spend 1 PP to step back your physical stress or step back your physical trauma by –1. SFX: Scentless. Opponents cannot use scent-based assets or complications to track you. Limit: Mutant. Earn 1 PP when affected by mutant-specific Milestones and tech.
MAVERICK BATTLESUIT Weapon Systems D8 SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple targets, for every additional target add a D6 and keep an additional effect die. SFX: Booster Field. On a successful reaction against a kinetic-based attack action, convert opponent’s effect die into a Kinetic Absorber stunt or step up a Kinetic Absorber power until used in an action. If opponent’s action succeeds, spend 1 PP to use this SFX. SFX: Immunity. Spend 1 PP to ignore stress or trauma from cold, suffocation, or vacuum. Limit: Charged System. Shutdown highest-rated power to gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity to recover or during a Transition Scene.
WEAPON X ARSENAL Vibranium Stealth Suit D10, Weapon D8 SFX: Adamantium Bullets. Spend 1 PP to step up or double your Weapon die. SFX: Adamantium Knife. Against a single target, step up or double your Weapon die. Remove the highest rolling die and use three dice for your total. SFX: Anti-Metal Sniper-Rifle. Spend 1 PP to step back an opponent's metal-based Durability power for the reaction to your next attack action. Limit: Gear. Shutdown a Weapon X Arsenal power or SFX to gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover.
- Specialties: Acrobatics Expert D8, Combat Master D10, Covert Master D10, Tech Expert D8
- Milestones:
GOUVERNMENTAL ASSASSIN 1 XP - When you declare a character as your current target. 3 XP - When you first acquire new information about your target during a scene. 10 XP - When you either eliminate your target, or help the target disappear, and report mission success to your employer.
DEPOWERED 1 XP - When you help a depowered mutant during a transition scene. 3 XP - When you accept an assassination contract or covert mission despite being depowered. 10 XP - When you regain your mutant abilities, or finally choose to lead a normal civilian life.
REVENGE ON WEAPON X 1 XP - When you first encounter a character with an affiliation to the Weapon X Program. 3 XP - When you gain control over a Weapon X Program asset or resource. 10 XP - When you successfully disrupt a Weapon X Program operation, or get captured by the Program in the attempt.