From Anu Anu RPG
Anu Anu War 29,29
Sand 5 Keyboard 2 Laptop 1
Anu Anu Luck 26,49
Dumbbell 1 Boxing Glove 1 Sand 5
Anu Anu HQ 30,84
Large Shovel 1 Empty Water Bottle 6 Water Can 1 Sand 3 Camping gas Cocker 1 Keyboard 1 Books 2 Laptops 2
untere Karte
- 6/1 Interstate Bridge
- 9/2 Downtown Post Office
- 12/13 Container Docks
- 13/3 Gabi's Nail Salon
- 13/8 Wayne's Coffeeshop
- 16/1 Mainstreet Bakery
- 18/4 Florian Flowers
- 21/3 Stadium NW
- 21/4 Baseball Stadium
- 21/9 Religious Cult Headquater
- 22/3 Stadium NE
- 22/4 Stadium SE
- 23/1 Elwood's Handguns
- 23/20 "Hunting Gallery" Hunting Gear Shop
- 24/13 Pharmacy
- 25/24 Grocery
- 26/11 Grocery
- 26/15 Gas Station
- 28/7 Salon Sally
- 30/16 Closed Store
- 30/26 Backpacker Store
- 31/2 Fire Department 54
- 31/29 Hardy's Liquor Store
- 32/11 Springford Mall
- 32/18 City car Park
- 32/21 "Picture this!" Camera Store
- 32/24 "Good Looks" Cosmetic Store
- 34/8 Your Apartment Complex
mittlere Karte
- 30/84
- 32/82 Autum Leave
- 19/96 Shopping Mall
Brickhaufen im Umkreis:
- 26/83
- 28/84
- 28/85
- 29/80
- 29/86
- 29/88
- 30/81
- 30/82
- 30/87
- 30/88
- 31/83
- 32/83
- 32/84
- 32/85
- 32/87
- 32/88
- 33/80
- 33/86
- 34/81
- 34/84
- 42/73 Grindershouse
- 06/65 Harbor Master's Office
- 67/80 Junkyard quest shop
- 32/67 Autumn leaves HQ
- 21/987 Shinobi Action Arcade
- 22/999 Takoiyaki Japanese Restaurant
- 25/989 Abodaned CDC Field Laboratory Complex
- 26/995 Fat Nancy's Diner
- 27/993 Edison Theater
- 28/981 Giant Robots, Elfen Princesses and More!
- 29/998 AD Comics
- 30/991 Huxley Car Park
- 31/978 Barkly Avenue
- 31/996 Wendt Apartment Complex
- 33/979 Skateboard Park
- 33/981 Carpark
- 33/987 Metro Station
- 35/985 Mario's Restaurant
- 35/997 King's Veterinary Clinic
obere karte
- Savehouse
- 16/128 Prison
- 36/127 Heveanly Body
- 56/129 Lexignton Apparment Building
Laut Tag von RR:
- 11/986 Mil. Blockhouse
- 61/994 safe house at Karate's
- 19/18 Stocked shoe store
- 47/973 new Quests at Grind house
andere tags:
Safehouse at 11/986, Gun Stores at 49/970 and 53/963 "want training ? go to 17 75"
Someone tagged "Great weapon shops at 41,21 and 44,24 Abandoned Mil. 11/986 Grind-house @ 42/973 - RR Gunstore: 49x970, future quests: 69x980 " on the walls.
Hint: You can get new missions on map 2 by visiting special locations such as the Grindershouse (10042,9973), Harbor Master's Office (10006,9965), Junkyard quest shop (10067,9980) and the Autumn leaves HQ (10032,9967).