Planetary Spirits
- Helions (Creatures of Sunlight of all Kinds, both Genders; Ancient, Phoenix or Benu, etc) [Influences: Force, Authority, Wisdom, Light, Anger, Care, Heat] Associations: Gold, Yellow
- Warmlings (Sun Caretakers; Light, Heat)
- Searings (Sun Warriors; Heat, Anger)
- Illuminators (Sun Sholars; Light, Wisdom)
- Protuberants (Sun Diplomats; Power, Anger)
- Majests (Sun Leaders; Power, Wisdom)
- Firelings
- Warmling
Pow: 3 Fin: 2 Res: 3 Rank: 1 Influences: Care 1 Numina: Chorus, Healing, Material Vision Ban: may never deny request for aid Ini Mod: 5 Size: 2 Speed: 15 Unarmed: 5 Defense: 3 Armor: Corpus (5): Willpower (6): Essence (10):
- Protuberant
Pow: 6 Fin: 4 Res: 4 Rank: 2 Influences: Force 2, Authority 1 Numina: Blast, Gauntlet Breach, Material Vision, Reaching, Wilds Sense Ban: Ini Mod: 10 Size: 4 Speed: 20 Unarmed: 10 Blast: 10 Defense: 4 Armor: Corpus (8): Willpower (8): Essence (15):
- Fireling
Pow: 5 Fin: 3 Res: 5 Rank: 2 Influences: Heat 2, Light 1 Numina: Blast, Discorporation, Material Vision, Materialoze, Command Fire* Ban: Ini Mod: 8 Size: 3 Speed: 18 Unarmed: 8 Blast: 8 Defense: 5 Armor: Corpus (10): Willpower (10): Essence (15):
- Illuminator
Pow: 9 Fin: 7 Res: 9 Rank: 3 Influences: Wisdom 3, Light 2, Force 1 Numina: Ban of Power, Chorus, Discorporation, Gauntlet Breach, Material Vision, Revelation, Fearstruck*, Omen Gazing*, Auctoritas Force* Ban: may never decieve someone explicitly or implicitly; unable to withold information from true seeker, but may demand price. Ini Mod: 16 Size: 5 Speed: 26 Unarmed: 16 Defense: 9 Armor: Corpus (14): Willpower (18): Essence (20):
- Searing
Pow: 12 Fin: 10 Res: 12 Rank: 4 Influences: Heat 4, Anger 3, Authority 2, Light 1 Numina: Blast, Gauntlet Breach, Living Fetter, Material Vision, Materialize, Wilds Sense, Call Fire*, Command Fire*, Sense Weakness* Ban: incapable of granting mercy; sight of person treating an enemy kindly drives them away. Ini Mod: 22 Size: 6 Speed: 32 Unarmed: 22 Blast: 22 Defense: 10 Armor: Corpus (18): Willpower (24): Essence (25):
- Majest
Pow: 10 Fin: 10 Res: 10 Rank: 4 Influences: Authority 4, Force 3, Wisdom 2, Light 1 Numina: Ban of Power, Chorus, Discorporation, Phantasmal Form, Material Vision, Posession, Reaching, Spirit Minions (lesser Sun spirits), Trial, Command*, Command Animals*, Auctoritas Force* Ban: Ini Mod: 20 Size: 7 Speed: 30 Unarmed: 20 Social: 20 Defense: 10 Armor: Corpus (17): Willpower (20): Essence (25):
- Hyperion, Aion of Helios
Pow: 15 Fin: 15 Res: 15 Rank: 5 Influences: Force 5, Authority 4, Wisdom 3, Light 2, Anger 1 Numina: Ban of Power x2, Blast, Chorus, Discorporation, Gauntlet Breach, Healing, Material Vision, Materialize, Phantasmal Form, Reaching, Revelation, Spirit Minions (lesser Sun spirits), Fearstruck*, Call Fire*, Command Fire*, Command*, Auctoritas Force Ban: Apppinted to reign wisely an allmighty in the celestial realm of the sun. Ini Mod: 30 Size: 8 Speed: 40 Unarmed: 30 Blast: 30 Social: 30 Defense: 15 Armor: Corpus (23): Willpower (30): Essence (50):
- Trismegisti (Grey-Skinned creatures, Hermaphrodites of all kinds) [Influences: Illusions, Magic, Exchange, Trickery, Language, Trade, Lore] Associations: Mercury, Grey
- Caduceans (Wizards College, Magic, Arcana, Occult)
- Thotians (Scribes College, Scripture, Cleverness, Academics)
- Merceres (Merchants College, Trade, Profit, Persuasion)
- Hermaphrodites (Tricksters College, Thievery, Cunning, Larceny)
- Heralds (Travelers College, Journeys, Communication, Streetwise)
- Quicksilvers
- Quicksilver
Pow: 3 Fin: 3 Res: 2 Rank: 1 Influences: Illusion 1 Numina: Wilds Sense, Morphic Form, Speed Ban: Ini Mod: 6 Size: 2 Speed: 16 Unarmed: 6 Defense: 3 Armor: - Corpus (4): Willpower (4): Essence (10):
- Herald
Pow: 3 Fin: 6 Res: 3 Rank: 2 Influences: Exchange 2, Language 1 Numina: Material Vision, Reaching, Pathfinder, Speed, Revelation Ban: Ini Mod: 9 Size: 3 Speed: 19 Unarmed: 9 Defense: 6 Armor: - Corpus (6): Willpower (6): Essence (15):
- Hermaphrodite
Pow: 4 Fin: 5 Res: 4 Rank: 2 Influences: Trickery 2, Illusion 1 Numina: Wilds Sense, Morphic Form, Thieve, Fetter, Hallucination Ban: Ini Mod: 9 Size: 5 Speed: 14 Unarmed: 9 Defense: 5 Armor: - Corpus (9): Willpower (8): Essence (15):
- Thotian
Pow: 8 Fin: 9 Res: 7 Rank: 3 Influences: Lore 3, Language 2, Magic 1 Numina: Sense Influence, Material Vision, Grant Influence, Savant [Astral Sojourn], Revelation, Astral Sojourn, Platonic Element Ban: Ini Mod: 17 Size: 5 Speed: 22 Unarmed: 17 Revelation: 17 Defense: 9 Armor: - Corpus (11): Willpower (12): Essence (20):
- Mercere
Pow: 7 Fin: 7 Res: 7 Rank: 3 Influences: Trade 3, Exchange 2, Trickery 1 Numina: Sense Influence, Material Vision, Essence Conversion, Versatile Energies (Essence and WP), Fetter, Grant Influence, Materialize Ban: Ini Mod: 14 Size: 5 Speed: 19 Unarmed: 14 Defense: 7 Armor: - Corpus (12): Willpower (14): Essence (20):
- Caduceus
Pow: 10 Fin: 12 Res: 8 Rank: 4 Influences: Magic 4, Lore 3, Illusions 2, Language 1 Numina: Pathfinder, Material Vision, Mortal Mask, Grant Influence, Healing, Omen Trance, Threshold, Savant [Auctoritas], Auctoritas [Prime] Ban: Ini Mod: 22 Size: 5 Speed: 29 Unarmed: 22 Celestial Fire: 14 Defense: 12 Armor: - Corpus (13): Willpower (16): Essence (25):
- Mitanu, Aion of Mercury
Pow: 12 Fin: 15 Res: 9 Rank: 5 Influences: Illusions 5, Magic 4, Exchange 3, Trickery 2, Language 1 Numina: Pathfinder, Material Vision, Mortal Mask, Thieve, Fetter, Hallucinations, Speed, Astral Sojourn, Threshold, Ban of Power, Versatile Energies [all], Savant [Auctoritas], Auctoritas [Prime] Ban: Ini Mod: 27 Size: 6 Speed: 32 Unarmed: 27 Social: 27 Defense: 15 Armor: - Corpus (15): Willpower (18): Essence (50):
- Maidens (Green-Skinned creatures, all female) [Influences: Love, Beauty, Serenity, Passion, Purity, Fertility] Associations: Copper, Green
- Amazons (Clad Maidens; )
- Aphrodines (Unveiled Maidens; )
- Astaras (Bright Maidens; )
- Hesperas (Maidens; )
- (Maidens; )
- Cupids
- Cupid
Pow: 2 Fin: 3 Res: 3 Rank: 1 Influences: Love 1 Numina: Wilds Sense, Emotional Urge, Blast Ban: Ini Mod: 5 Size: 3 Speed: 15 Blast: 5 Defense: 3 Armor: - Corpus (6): Willpower (6): Essence (10):
- Amazon
Pow: 4 Fin: 4 Res: 4 Rank: 2 Influences: Passion 2, Purity 1 Numina: Commune with the Shadow,Gauntlet Breach, Spirit Crown, Blast, Living Fetter Ban: may never subjugate to a male Ini Mod: 8 Size: 5 Speed: 13 Unarmed: 8 Blast: 8 Defense: 4 Armor: - Corpus (9): Willpower (8): Essence (15):
- Aphrodine
Pow: 6 Fin: 6 Res: 6 Rank: 3 Influences: Beauty 3, Love 2, Passion 1 Numina: Sense Influence, Material Vision, Mortal Mask, Fictive Form, Grant Influence Ban: Ini Mod: 12 Size: 5 Speed: 17 Unarmed: 12 Defense: 6 Armor: - Corpus (11): Willpower (12): Essence (20):
- Hespera
Pow: 7 Fin: 7 Res: 4 Rank: 3 Influences: Numina: Ban: Ini Mod: 14 Size: 6 Speed: 19 Unarmed: 14 Social: 14 Defense: 4 Armor: - Corpus (10): Willpower (8): Essence (20):
- Astara
Pow: Fin: Res: Rank: Influences: Numina: Ban: Ini Mod: Size: Speed: Combat 1: Combat 2: Defense: Armor: Corpus (): Willpower (): Essence ():
Pow: Fin: Res: Rank: Influences: Numina: Ban: Ini Mod: Size: Speed: Combat 1: Combat 2: Defense: Armor: Corpus (): Willpower (): Essence ():
- Tambiya the Veiled Mother, Aion of Venus
Pow: Fin: Res: Rank: Influences: Numina: Ban: Ini Mod: Size: Speed: Combat 1: Combat 2: Defense: Armor: Corpus (): Willpower (): Essence ():
- Lunes (Creatures of Moonlight of all kinds and genders) [Influences: Madness, Glory, Honor, Cunning, Wisdom, Purity] Associations: Silver, White
- Cahalunim (Fertile Choir; Glory)
- Elunim (Cloven Choir; Honor)
- Irralunim (Silent Choir; Cunning)
- Ithalunim (Oracle Choir; Wisdom)
- Ralunim (Fury Choir; Purity)
- Glimmerings
- Martials (Red-skinned creatures, all male) [Influences: Battle, Ferocity, Honor, ] Associations: Iron, Red
- Cold-Warriors (; )
- (; )
- (; )
- (; )
- (; )
- Hierarchs (Blue-Skinned creatures, both genders) [Influences: Secrets, Loyalty, Wisdom, Leadership, Wealth] Associations: Tin, Blue
- Preceptors (Choir; Loyalty, Leadership)
- Hierophants (Choir; Leadership, Wisdom)
- (Choir; )
- (Choir; )
- (Choir; )
- Trabants
- (Black-Skinned creatures, genderless) [Influences: Endings, Insight, Glory, ] Associations: Lead, Black
- (Choir; )
- (Choir; )
- (Choir; )
- (Choir; )
- (Choir; )
- Circularies
Hermetic Spirit Allies
- Iynx ()
- Synocheus ("Connector")
- Teletarch ("Initiation Master")