Niki Altenberg
Gespielt: 8 +6
- Der Untergang des Hauses Zimmermann - 2exp Story
- Halloween spez 1&2 + 4 ending
- Regen im November solo mit niki&Lain
- Zombie hatz in Tesperhude
- Es Lebt
- Ein ganz normaler Sommertag solo niki&lain
- Die Cabale des jüngsten Sturms
- ending exp: 6
- Netz exp: 1
- Band 1: Atribute,Skills
- Resolve 4 15xp (20xp -5 mentor)
- int 3 10xp (15xp -5 mentor)
- Wits 3 10xp (15xp -5 mentor)
- Wits 4 15xp (20xp -5 mentor)
- Weaponary 0-2 9xp
- Intimidate 0-2 9xp
- Stealth 1-2 6xp
- Subterfuge 1-2 6xp
- Band 2: Merits,Willpower 72
- Mentor 5 30xp
- Leagecy Arcana,Mind,Space,Matter,Mental Attributes
- Mentor 5 25xp (-1 xp von teritory)
- Iaido,Fencing,
- Iaido 11xp
- 0-1 1xp (2xp-5xp Mentor)
- 1-2 1xp (4xp-5xp Mentor)
- 2-3 1xp (6xp-5xp Mentor)
- 3-4 3xp (8xp-5xp Mentor)
- 4-5 5xp (10xp-5xp Mentor)
- Fencing 6xp
- 0-1 1xp (2xp-5xp Mentor)
- 1-2 1xp (4xp-5xp Mentor)
- 2-3 1xp (6xp-5xp Mentor)
- 3-4 3xp (8xp-5xp Mentor)
- Pferd 2xp
- Mentor 5 30xp
- Band 3: Powers,Supernatural-Merits 82 (78 +4 Freie)
- Barrier Jacket MKII 28
- Prime 3 13
- 2-3 13xp (18xp - 5xp Mentor)
- Space 3 27xp
- 0-1 2xp (7xp-5xp Mentor)
- 1-2 9xp (14xp-5xp Mentor)
- 2-3 16xp (21xp -5xp Mentor)
- Matter 2 11xp
- 0-1 2xp (7xp-5xp Mentor)
- 1-2 9xp (14xp-5xp Mentor)
- Rote's
- Space
- Ban 3xp (6xp -3xp cabalen scriptorium)
- Space
- Band 4: Retainer
- 78 xp gespendet Cabale des Jüngsten Sturms
- Band 5: Freie
14, Schülerin, lebt mit ihrer Mutter (34, freiberufliche Fotographin) , ihrer älteren Schwester (16) und ihrem jüngeren Halbbruder (4)in einem besseren Viertel [noch offen]. Die Eltern sind geschieden, ihre Mutter ist inzwischen neu verheiratet, kann ihren Mann jedoch nicht regelmäßig sehen, da er (noch) in England lebt. Wenn sie ihn besucht, besuchen die Mädchen ihren Vater. Hobbies: Voltigieren (2-mal in der Woche mit ihrer Schwester, seit sie 8 ist), Tanz (1-mal in der Woche), shoppen
Ihr My Space-Account (ihr müsst euch vorstellen, dass sie etwa 200 My Space-"Freunde" hat): (noch nicht ganz fertig)
Hat nen Groß-Onkel in Vegas der dort nen kleines Casino betreibt Dessen ex sie jetzt mentor't
- Der Regenschirm Relikt 3 +3 nahkampf,unzerstörbar
- Barrier Jacket MKII Imbued Item
Benutzte Rotes
- Space 2 Apportieren
- Life 2 Selfhealing
Virtue: Vice: Str: 2 Pre: 2 Int: 3 Dex: 3 Man: 2 Wit: 3 Sta: 2 Com: 3 Res: 5 Skills: Athletics :3 Brawl : Drive : Firearms : Larceny : Stealth :2 Survival : Weaponry :2 Animal Ken :2 Empathy :3 Expression :2 Intimidation :2 Persuasion :1 Socialize :2 Streetwise : Subterfuge :2 Academics :2 Computer :2 Crafts :1 Investigation :1 Medicine :1 Occult : Politics : Science : Spez: Athletics - Unter Druck Rotes: Athletics - Reiten Dex+Athletics 6w 9again Animal Ken _ Pferde Pflege Dex+Animal Ken 5w 9again Ini Mod:6 Size: 5 Speed: 10 Combat 1: 9w Combat 2: Defense: 2(7) Armor: 0(5) Merits: Kontakte * Resurces * Ambidexterity *** Quick Draw * Weaponary Dodge * High Speach Mentor 5 (Legacy Arcana,Space,Matter,Mind,Mentale Atribute ) Ghost Mentor 5 (Iaido,Fencing, , , ) FS:Iaido 5 FS:Fencing 4 Pferd * Morality: Derangements: Health (7): Willpower (8): Power Stat: 3 Power Pool (13/3): Arcana: Prime :3 Forces :2 Life :2 Space :3 Matter :2
Apportation (Space ••)
With the aid of another Arcanum, the mage can move something to a remotely viewed location or removesomething from it. (The “Scrying” spell, p. 235, allows a mage to remotely view a location.) She can, with the appropriate dots of Forces, Matter or Life (Matter 2 for a brick, for example, or Life 2 for a guinea pig), draw an item through a scrying window to her current location if the object, creature or energy source is small enough. If she wishes, she can also send such subjects from her location through the window to the other location. Naturally, this use of scrying (which either causes a disembodied hand to reach out of thin air and grab or deposit something, or makes that something appear or disappear without any plausible explanation) is quite vulgar. Practice: Ruling Action: Instant and contested; target rolls Composure reflexively Duration: Concentration Aspect: Vulgar Cost: None For each success (or additional Target factor prefigured into the casting), the mage can move one Size point. The maximum Size limit he can move is equal to his Space dots, regardless of successes. The type of thing that can be moved depends on the conjunctional Arcanum used: Matter for objects, Life for living creatures, and Forces for energy. This spell affects only base or median creatures (a “Portal” spell, p. 238, is required to teleport higher life forms), and they can contest this spell’s grasp. Free Council Rote: Nothing Up My Sleeve Dice Pool: Dexterity + Investigation + Space vs. Composure In addition to being an astounding magic trick, this rote allows a Council willworker to summon a much-needed resource to hand quickly, or to send something away just as quickly (definitely useful when an officer is about to pat one down for drugs or weapons). Adamantine Arrow mages who favor firearms typically use this rote to produce clips of ammunition or even entirely new firearms from “concealed inner pockets” in jackets and such when one gun runs dry.
Self-Healing (Life ••)
The mage can heal herself of injuries and wounds. Practice: Ruling Action: Instant Duration: Lasting Aspect: Covert Cost: 1 Mana Each success heals one point of bashing or lethal Health damage (the rightmost wound on the Health chart is healed first). This spell can be cast covertly, although Sleepers who witness it need some method of explaining its miraculous effects so the spell won’t seem Improbable; use of medical gear might be enough to convince them. With Life 3, the mage can heal aggravated wounds, but the spell must be cast with a vulgar aspect. Adamantine Arrow Rote: Salve the Wounds of Battle Dice Pool : Dexterity + Medicine + Life No warrior goes her entire life without a scratch. The mages of the Adamantine Arrow use this rote to mend flesh and bone when skill fails or luck takes a turn for the worse. Such willworkers are careful to grit their teeth through the pain, so that a cursory inspection (and casting) can reveal even grievous hurts (to the eyes of the unenlightened, at any rate) to have been merely “flesh wounds.” Guardians of the Veil who practice such arts often prefer slightly calmer surroundings for their healing magics (Intelligence + Medicine + Life) than the frantic circumstances in which Arrow mages often find themselves.
Invisibility to Machines (Forces ••)
The mage becomes undetectable to electronic devices of all kinds. Practice: Veiling Action: Instant Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Aspect: Covert (if the mage simply passes by the electronic sensor) or Vulgar (if the mage interacts with objects while within the sensor’s “vision”) Cost: None The effects of this spell are similar to those of Personal Invisibility combined with Sound Mastery (see Mage: The Awakening, pp. 160 and 170, respectively), except the mage is only undetectable with regard to electronic devices, such as video cameras, microphones, electric eye beams and so forth. So far as those machines are concerned, the mage simply isn’t there, although the results of the mage’s actions remain noticeable. Although inferior to true Personal Invisibility, this spell is useful in situations where the mage simply doesn’t want to leave traces behind. For example, someone under the veil of Invisibility to Machines could walk into a room monitored by a security camera, have an entire conversation with someone in that room (who would be unaware that the security camera cannot detect the mage) and depart, leaving no record behind. Someone watching the video footage (live or recorded) would be more likely to think the other person was lying or delusional than she would to believe there was an “invisible” person in the room with him, unless the mage did something else to give away his presence. Free Council Rote: Ghost to the Machines Dice Pool: Wits + Persuasion + Forces This Free Council rote quickly found its way into the repertoires of other orders, once they realized its usefulness. The Guardians of the Veil have a similar one called Blinding the Machine, which uses Stealth in place of Persuasion (a metaphor for the difference between the Guardians and the Free Council, if ever there was one). Libertines never let the Guardians forget that the Libertines thought of it first, though.
Ban (Space •••)
The mage can create a Ban to restrict something from passing through a Ward (see “Ward,” p. 236). Practice: Weaving Action: Instant Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Aspect: Covert Cost: None This spell is an exception to the normal spell-control rules (see “Spell Control,” p. 128), allowing the mage to add a Ban to a preexisting Ward. (Or he could combine this spell with Ward during casting; see “Combining Spells,” p. 128.) When combined with the appropriate dot of the Arcanum governing a given phenomenon (say, Forces 2 for fire or Forces 5 for nuclear radiation), the Ban can prevent that phenomenon from entering an area at all, by any means. Thus, a mage with the right Arcanum knowledge could prevent insects (Life), metal objects (Matter), spirits (Spirit) or even people (Life) — or all four if he desired — from intruding upon a given location. The subject of a Ban can be as general or specific as a mage wishes, ranging from “all energy” (meaning that the energy currently within the location remains there and no new energy can enter), to “thrown rocks” (meaning that rocks can be carried in, but those thrown at the space are repelled), to “Jerry’s albino boa constrictor, Lucifer” (which keeps that one snake, and only that snake, out). “All energy” might impose a –3 penalty (and require Forces), while “Jerry’s albino boa constrictor, Lucifer” might invoke no penalty. Silver Ladder Rote: Barring the Ways Dice Pool: Resolve + Occult + Space A Ladder mage’s sanctum is inviolate to him. By means of this rote, hecan render it thus to others, forbidding passage to inanimate objects, outside sources of energy, or even living things. Guardians of the Veil are known to use the same rote to cordon off potentially hazardous areas while they determine what to do about the sites.
If character begins combat with weapon sheathed, he adds Weaponry rating to Initiative modifier; Drawback: character must attack on first turn This Merit duplicates the effect of the Danger Sense Merit, and a character with both Merits gains a total +4 on rolls to avoid being surprised. character adds weapon bonus to Dodge value when taking fully defensive action; character may benefit from this Merit while utilizing the Weaponry Dodge Merit If character’s initiative roll results in tie with another character involved in combat, character automatically acts first; if both combatants have Merit, act at same time. If character’s weapon is sheathed, he can declare Dodge action at any point during turn, if not yet acted; make counterattacks against single specified opponent
character makes thrust attack with a +1 bonus fake attack intended to throw off an opponent; make normal attack roll penalized by opponent’s Def; if successful opponent looses Def for next attack after Dodge make sudden and quick attack at –1 penalty that ignores opponents Def; Drawback: no Def if character makes successful hit on adversary he may perform quick spiral cut with tip of weapon; cut deals Dex additional L Dmg; Cost 1WP before attack roll
1st Attainment: Blood of Silver Prerequisites: Gnosis 3, Life 2, Mind 1, Expression 2, Athletics 1
The mage learns to enhance his body and his health, giving him the benefits of the Life 2 spell “Body Control” (Mage: The Awakening, p. 182). Each dot the mage has in Life can be used to halve the amount of oxygen he requires, double the time he can go before suffering deprivation or fatigue, add 1 to his Initiative, double t h e time it takes for poisons or toxins to affect him or halve the healing time of bashing wounds. The mage must choose how the bonus from each of his dots in the Life Arcana is applied. All these effects are continuous and the mage can divide these bonuses as desired. The mage must take a reflexive action if he wishes to switch how these bonuses are applied. With 3 dots of Life, the mage could give himself +2 to Initiative in a fight and halve the time it takes bashing damage to heal. After the fight, the mage could switch the bonuses and cause all his bashing damage to heal four times as rapidly as normal and double the time before he suffers deprivation or fatigue. No rolls are required to use this ability. As a side benefit, the mage also learns to affect his own instinctual drives and emotions in exactly the same manner as if he were using the Mind 2 spell “Emotional Urgings” (Mage: The Awakening, pp. 207-208) or the Life 3 spell “Control Median Life” upon his own mind and body. By making a Resolve + Expression + Life roll, he can feel happiness, perfectly suppress rage or seem appropriately submissive to an authority figure in whom he actually has no trust or belief.
Optional Arcanum: Mind 2
By studying the Mind Arcanum, the mage also gains the ability to alter the workings of his own mind. The first step in doing so is learning to control it. By learning Mind 2, the mage is able to edit his memories in a manner similar to the “Memory Hole” Spell (Mage: The Awakening, p. 208). By making a Resolve + Expression + Mind roll, he can subtract the desired memories for up to 1 hour. In addition, while he does not know what he has forgotten, as long as the mage makes another roll every hour, he can keep from remembering the information as long as he remains awake.
2nd Attainment: Flesh of Gold Prerequisites: Gnosis 5, Life 3
The mage now heals more rapidly and ages more slowly. Each dot of the Life Arcana the mage possesses allows the mage to halve the time (round down) it takes to heal bashing, lethal and aggravated damage. Possessing 3 dots of Life allows a mage to heal 1 Lethal wound in 6 hours and one aggravated wound in around 18 hours. This healing is compatible with the Quick Healer Merit, but t the healing bonuses to bashing damage from the previous Attainment. Each dot in Life magic also acts as 1 automatic success on ill extended and instant rolls to resist diseases, poisons or drugs. Finally, the character’s lifespan is increased by 25 years for every dot of the Life Arcana he possesses.
Optional Arcanum: Mind 3
By learning Mind 3, the mage learns to greatly enhance his mind, enabling him to perform multiple mental actions, in a manner Smilar to the Mind 3 spell “Multi-Tasking” (Mage: The Awakening, pp. 211-212). The mage can use this effect as often as desired, for as long as desired without any effort or discomfort. No rolls are required to use this ability.
3rd Attainment: Incarnation of Diamond Prerequisites: Gnosis 7, Life 4
The mage gains an almost complete mastery of her physical form. She can reshape her body so as to look like any other person, own to precisely duplicating finger or retina prints or even vocal patterns. The character accomplishes this transformation sing an effect similar to the Life 4 spell “Doppelganger” (Mage: The Awakening, pp. 188-189). The character can maintain a new form as long as desired, even while sleeping. Changing her appearance requires the mage to roll Intelligence + Expression + Life. Impersonating someone else’s appearance sufficiently to fool individuals who know the person being impersonated well Imposes penalties upon this roll, depending upon how familiar the mage is with the person she is trying to imitate. These Penalties range from -0 for imitating a close friend or someone the mage has spent at least a week watching closely, to -5 for someone the mage has never seen in person and of whom all she has seen are a few video images and photographs.