Computer Spirits
- Computer (Ram-Eaters, Sithul Uddu)
Background: Startled awake by the wash of feeling surrounding the earliest punch-card computers, processing-Gafflings have been a part of the Shadow for more than 100 years in one form or another. However only in the past 50 years have these often solitary technology-spirits grown to a power level that has encouraged their growth past the Gaffling level. Following the exponential surge in technology in the past 20 years, computer-spirits are now found even at the greater Jaggling level, and rumors speak of silicon Incarnae and entities that take the form of a network of symbiotic Jagglings all serving a common purpose. Computer-spirits dislike dealing with anything but other highly technological spirits. They consider themselves superior to all but the most powerful spirits, but often they learn the hard way that they are powered by the same Essence that fuels the most primitive and elemental of spirits. Computer-spirits tend to gather near urban centers, though they also have the potential to exist wherever someone possesses and uses a computer. Description: Computer-spirits often appear as a manifestation of the particular computer they represent. Those dedicated to specific purposes may also take the form of a more symbolic version thereof. Computer-spirits rarely deign to take human form, considering humans to be a tool for them, rather than the other way around. Storytelling Hints: Computer-spirits know everything that was known by the spirits they feed off. Because of this, most develop a taste for dataspirits and other sources of knowledge-based Essence. The constant evolution of technology also has its effect on computer-spirits’ demeanors: they are voracious predators, constantly trying to consume and evolve to keep one step ahead of obsolescence. Werewolves may find that they are constantly attempting to prevent these curious spirits from tapping across the Gauntlet into the material world in their search for new technology and information.
Pow 9, Fin 9, Res 7 Rank: 3 Influences: Computers ••• Numina: Blast (electricity), Chorus, Drain*, Machine Possession*, Material Vision, Reaching, Revelation* Ban: Computer-spirits often carry a ban that makes them unable to avoid a properly worded command. Others can only communicate via binary code or other computer languages. Size: 3 Speed: 18 Ini: 16 Def: 9 WP: 16 HL: 10 Essence: 20
- Data (Binary Butterflies, Thismin Thimma)
Background: Data-spirits are weak knowledgespirits that exist primarily as fodder for more powerful spirits. Computer-spirits feed voraciously on these lesser Gafflings, though other spirits may find their modest pools of Essence “tasty” as well. Data-spiritsusually carry only one or two useful facts. They tend to gather near computer-spirits, as if cognizant of their probable fate and accepting of it. Description: Technology-linked data-spirits may appear as a blinking cursor, while those gathered near a school may resemble sheets of notebook paper. Regardless of their appearance, data-spirits emit an aura of knowledge and savvy. However, they are usually uninspiring conversationalists since their knowledge base is limited to only one or two topics, and, even in those areas, their knowledge on these subjects is specific and limited. Storytelling Hints: Uratha may attempt to glean information from data-spirits, although finding precisely the correct Gafflings carrying the information they seek may be more difficult than they expect. As well, werewolves may discover that the data-spirits they have relied on to store “facts” or “evidence” may become the victim of other, hungry spirits, resulting in corrupt or missing documents.
Pow 2, Fin 1, Res 2 Rank: 1 Influences: Data • Numina: Revelation*, Gauntlet Breach, Materialize Bans: Data-spirits are often unable to disobey commands given by computer or other technology-spirits. Size: 1 Speed: 5 Ini: 3 Def: 2 WP: 4 HL: 4 Essence: 10