Gespielt: 2
- Band 1: Attribute,Skills 46xp
- 3-5 occult 27xp
- 3-5 stealth 18xp
- Band 2: Merits,Willpower 50xp
- 0-1 Tolerance Biologie 2xp
- 0-1 Natural immunity 2xp
- 0-2 Dangersense 6xp
- 0-1 Direction sense 2xp
- 0-2 Fast Reflexes 6xp
- 0-1 fresh start 2xp
- 0-3 iron stamina 12xp
- 0-3 Fleet of foot 12xp
- 0-2 Anonymität 6xp
- Band 3: Powers,Supernatural-Merits 63xp (ich hatte mich verzählt deshalb keine geister beschwörungen)
- 0-1 Darkvision 5exp
- 0-3 Beast Magic Death 30exp
- Rotes
- Death armor 4xp
- Twilight gate 6xp
- Devouring the dead 6xp
- Summon Shadow 6xp
- Quicken corps 6xp
- Band 4: Retainer
Mimma Lemnua: The Hungry Darkness
There is crime, and there is punishment. When a now- forgotten king of old Akkad withheld his blessing from the crops, the people starved in droves. Children perished, and elders withered in the beds. Meanwhile, the king and his court gorged themselves on fine wines and honeyed wheat cakes. They never noticed the clicking and skittering of 10,000 little legs, or the hard eyes that gathered until the sun had passed. Nor did the king and his court note the serving girl with equally hard eyes noting each one of them as she fed them succulent dates. When two-score skeletons, stripped as clean as bleached reeds, awaited the morning servants, no one thought to search the darkest corners of the rooms, or find the hard-eyed serving girl whose name no one recalled. And if those servants had, the previous night, heard muffled coughs, as if a fat man or woman were choking on some thick morsel, the servants thought no more about such things. For there is crime, and there is punishment. And sometimes Justice crawls. Quiet and so very often cold, a Mimma Lemnu shapechanger moves with a certain stiffness in her joints. Her dark eyes miss little, and her fingers twitch and crackle as she moves. If you look closely (which few people do), you might notice bumps that seem to slide beneath her skin. When the time has come to act, however, she throws aside her clothes and spills into a scuttling mass of beetles, each governed by a single mind. Her Primal form con- sists of this surging mass of hungry arthropods. There is no War-Beast form for this breed, however — they don’t need one. In human guise, a feral of the Hungry Darkness looks lean and bitter. She’s never moved to emotional displays. If and when she’s angry enough, you’ll know. The scuttling of her tiny feet sounds elo- quent enough.
Breed Favors: Fang and Claw, Pack Bond,Swarm Form
Breed Bonus: In Primal form, this feral is smaller than Size 1, and can scatter in all directions yet stay connected through her hive-mind bond. The swarm cannot use human manual skills, but ignores Defense when attacking. To attack, the swarm must surge over the opponent and remain in place for at least one turn. Once in place, the shapechanger inflicts one lethal Health point per turn until the shapechanger retreats or is harmed by fire, electricity or some other attack that inflicts equal damage on the target.
Common Aspects: Catwalk, Clamber, Culling the Weak, Darksight, Exoskeleton, Gross Eater, Invisible Marking, Many- Legged, Nine Lives, Pack Bond, Resilient Form, Skin Double, Unspeakable, Venomous, Wallwalking
Form Adjustments Primal Beast (swarm form): Mental Attributes: Per character Physical Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4 Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 0, Composure per character Size 5 (of swarm itself), Health 8, Speed 9 (species factor 4 + Dexterity
Wind-Dancer: Flighty, inquisitive, uncanny. Wind-Dancer: Investigation, Occult, Stealth.
Virtue: Vice: Str: 2 Pre: 2 Int: 2 Dex: 3 Man: 1 Wit: 2 Sta: 3 Com: 3 Res: 3 Skills: 3 Athletics 3 Larceny Profession 5 Stealth Schatten,Primal,Profession 2 Survival Profession 1 Animal Ken 2 Intimidation 1 Streetwise 1 Academics 3 Investigation 5 Occult Brawl Computer Crafts Drive Empathy Expression Firearms Medicine Persuasion Politics Science Socialize Subterfuge Weaponry Rotes: Aspects (7) Swarmform (free) Fang and Claw 1 (free) Packbond (free) Nine Lives (5) Extra ordinary specimen (1) Gross eater (1) Darkvision Beast Magic Death 3 Merits: (18 start punkte 7 mortal 7 supernatural 4 low morality) APT:Assasine 4 (4 Startpunkte) contacts Agypticher untergrund Memories of the Hive (eidetic memory ) (2 start punkte) Multilingual (1 startpunkt) deutsch, englich Sprache: Arabisch 2 (freie sprache von akademics) Toxinresistenz 3 (3 start punkte) +2 gegen drogen gifte und Toxine Stiking Looks 4 +2 aussehens bonus in Menschen form (da illusionär als supernatural merit gekauft) SS:Spelunker 1 when moving through tight spaces, character can ignore penalties to Speed due to hazardous terrain up to [rating]; 9-again to rolls to retain balance in enclosed area Scout (2 start punkte) +1 to all Perception and Stealth attempts in rival shapechanger’s territory Toleranz bio +2 gegen Ekelfacktor Natural imunity +2 gegen Krankheiten Infectionen und Erkrankungen(fragt mich net steht so im buch) Danger sense +2 gegen überaschungen Direction sense interner compass +2 auf labyrinthe Fast reflexes 2 +2 ini Iron stamina 3 ignoriere 3 punkte an abzügen durch schmerz oder erschöpfung Fleet of foot 3 +3 speed Fresh start aktion auf wenden um ab nächster runde an anderer stelle in der ini reihe dran zu sein Morality: 5 Derangements: Health (8): Willpower (6): Power Stat: Feral Heart 1 Power Pool (10): Ini Mod: 7/10 Size: 5/6 Speed: 13/12 Defense: 2 Armor: 1/1 (4/4 mit magearmor)
Entropic Guard (Death ••) By stealing vigor from incoming attacks, a mage guards himself against harm. Effectively, the mage’s shield attacks the vitality of an incoming assault, eroding its forcefulness with a primal decay. Practice: Shielding Action: Instant Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Aspect: Covert Cost: 1 Mana (optional) The mage gains one point of armor per dot he possesses in the Death Arcanum. By spending one Mana, the Duration can be made one day. Most mages cast such a shielding spell at the beginning of the day, as part of their morning rituals. Successes are used to combat attempts to dispel the ward. Note that this magical armor does not apply against an opponent’s attempts to achieve a grappling hold on the mage (Fate, Mind, Space and Time Arcana provide shielding spells to accomplish that). This spell will, however, work to steal vigor from a grappler’s Strength + Brawl rolls to overpower the mage.
Devouring the Slain (Death •••) While any mage can commit a living sacrifice to gain Mana (see p. 78), this spell is an act of sorcerous cannibalism that allows a willworker to regain strength from the souls of the dying without necessarily killing them (although it certainly harms them). A mage can restore her resolve or “burn out” a living human Pattern for its Mana, drawing this energy directly into her own stores to use as she will. The spell does not work if cast upon an animal; if it is, nothing happens. If used on a vampire or other form of walking dead, the spell provides no benefit to the mage. In general, the spell is meant for use upon a normal human being, and any attempt to diverge from that procedure is not apt to go well for the caster. Practice: Fraying Action: Instant; subtract target’s Stamina Duration: Lasting Aspect: Vulgar Cost: 1 Mana The mage must first grab hold of the target, with a Strength + Brawl roll, subtracting the target’s Defense. If successful, he can cast this spell as an instant action in the following turn. (With Death 4, he can cast this spell at sensory range as an instant action. He needs Death 5 before he can add Space 2 for a sympathetic casting.) Each success allows the mage to replenish one of his spent Willpower points by harvesting it from a person who has suffered at least one aggravated wound during the current scene (including one who has lost all of his Health to lethal damage and now suffers aggravated damage as his body dies), up to a maximum of the victim’s remaining Willpower points. Alternatively, the mage may burn out a person’s Pattern for points of Mana, converting the ephemeral energies that make up his idealized form into raw power. Each success inflicts one lethal Health wound onto the victim and gives the caster one Mana point. If the victim is a mage, his own Mana points are unaffected; this spell steals energy directly from his Pattern. The caster must use the Prime 5 “Siphon Mana” spell (see p. 231) to directly tap an Awakened person’s Mana. Direct siphoning requires a separate casting from the Willpower-harvesting version of this spell, although both effects can be combined using the normal rules for combining spells (see “Combined Spells,” p. 128). Devouring the Slain can be used only on a given individual once, after which a new level of aggravated damage must be inflicted upon him before he can again be a target.
Ghost Gate (Death •••) The mage creates a gateway that transforms anyone who steps through it into a Twilight state of existence. They become Twilight beings until they exit the gateway. While Twilight, they can touch ghosts, pick up ghostly objects or read tomes hidden there. They can also engage in physical or magical combat with ghosts, damaging their Corpus. Conversely, wrathful shades might physically lash out at visitors, causing them harm. Death ••• Disciple of Death 15/228 Practice: Weaving Action: Extended (target number = local Gauntlet strength) Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Aspect: Vulgar Cost: None One person of Size 5 or less can pass through the gate per turn (larger people can spend two turns squeezing through). Each success on the casting allows the mage to widen the gate so that one additional person can pass through per turn. W i t h Death 4, the mage can cast this spell as an instant action and can also limit who can enter (or exit) the gate.
Summon Shadows (Death •••) As with “Shadow Sculpting,” p. 135, and “Animate Shadows,” p. 136, but the mage now creates darkness from nothing. In addition, he gives it a semi-substantial form so that it can touch things and even provide a weak barrier. Practice: Weaving Action: Instant Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Death ••• Disciple of Death Aspect: Vulgar Cost: None The mage creates a one-yard radius patch of darkness or fivecubic yard volume of darkness. Each success gives the shadow Strength 1 (used to lift objects) or Durability 1. It is not a material object, so it has no Structure. Attacks directed through it (if it is being used for cover) must deal with its Durability, but they don’t damage the shadow barrier.
Quicken Corpse (Death •••) Sometimes, it isn’t enough to have loyal and steadfast living servants. A normal human being, no matter how trustworthy, has the capacity for betrayal. Whether his lips are loosened by seemingly sincere companionship, mystic compulsion or even torture, he can be induced to fail his master’s trust. Where, then, does an enterprising necromancer turn for assistance? Quicken Corpse animates one or more corpses to serve as unfailing, devoted slaves. What such servants lack in wits and motivation, they more than make up for in dogged determination and sheer, tireless pursuit of the tasks they are set. Generally speaking, such ambulatory corpses possess a level of reasoning just above that of a rather intelligent dog. They understand certain visual cues (such as the opening of the door they are meant to guard) and auditory commands (“Defend me!”), but cannot perform feats requiring abstract intellect. They have a limited memory, but cannot make even basic correlations or inferences. (While they can, for example, dimly recall that their master has changed their clothes once a day, they cannot determine that he is likely to do so again tomorrow.) They have no individual initiative. These corpseslaves are not really any stronger than they were in life, but they are tireless and completely without the ability to sense or respond to pain. They need not eat or sleep and do whatever chore they are set to until told otherwise, even if it requires them to tear their own bodies apart in the attempt. They experience neither fear nor the desire for self-preservation and have no minds, per se, for others to control. They can, however, be wrested away from their master through the casting of this spell by another necromancer. Practice: Weaving Action: Instant Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Aspect: Vulgar Cost: None Only one success is required to animate a corpse. Additional successes determine the strength of the mage’s control. Someone attempting to wrest control of the walking dead with another casting of this spell must exceed the original caster’s successes. Additional success can instead be used to boost the corpse’s Physical (but not Mental or Social) traits, at a rate of one success per additional dot in any trait.