Power Vehicles

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Magitech driven Vehicles like the Swift Rider, Chariot of Infinite Heavens, or Warbird, only more uncommon even in the First Age. Except from the Automaton Steed, of which both the Realm and Looksy still keep a single prestigious cavalry-regiment and several more in civilie operation only a handfull or less of each type are still around. Most are kept in the Magitech vaults and hangars of the remainig political superpowers, some are the playthings of wealthy and/or excentric individuals and still others lie burried deep within ancient tombs of long forgotten celstial heroes that once commanded them.

Swift Rider (Artifact •••)

Repair: 2
Speed: 40/80mph
Maneuverability: +0R (Lore 1, Ride 2)
Endurance: Lvl 1+ Hearthstone, Attunement 5m, Maintenance 250 h/10 h
Crew: 1/1
Cargo: 2 riders, plus a pair of saddlebags; or 1 rider and 200 pounds of cargo.
Armor: 10L/10B
HL: Ux10/Mx5/Cx4/I/D
Weapons: None.
Other Notes: DDV ([Pilot's Dex + Ride + E] ÷ 2), pilot may use PDV as normal.

Automaton Steed (Artifact •••)

Repair: 2
A mechanical version of the most common riding-animal of creation. Except that it has no need for food, sleep or care, it only needs some maintainance every now and then.
Speed: 20/40 mph
Maneuverability: +2R (Ride 2)
Endurance: Lvl 1+ Hearthstone, Attunement 5m, Maintenance 250 h/10 h
Crew: 1/1
Cargo: 2 riders plus a pair of saddlebags, or one rider and up to 300 pounds of cargo
Armor: 10L/15B
HL: Ux10/Mx5/Cx4/Ix2/D
Weapons: Kick - Spe 5, Acc +2 (Rider's Dex + Ride), Dmg 12B, Rat 1; most Automaton Steeds have a mount for a Fire-Lance (Artifact 3, WotLA p.77) or Shock Pike (Artifact 2 or 3, WotLA p.76) integrated ito their front plating.
Other Notes: DDV ([Pilot's Dex + Ride + E] ÷ 2), pilot may use PDV as normal.

Stalker Walker (Artifact •••)

Repair: 3
Eight-legged walker based personal transport for extremely difficult terrain. Outfitted with three Force-Lashes and sometimes a web-thrower to provide multidirectional protection.
Speed: 10/20 mph
Maneuverability: +1R (Lore 1, Ride 2)
Endurance: Lvl 2+ Hearthstone, Attunement 5m, Maintenance 25 h/10 h
Crew: 1/1
Cargo: 1 passenger and 200 pounds of cargo.
Armor: 8L/10B (25%
HL: Ux10/Mx5/Cx4/I/D
Weapons: Force Lash - Spe 5, Acc +3 (Rider's Dex + Ride), Dmg 8L, Rat 3, Rng 10
Other Notes: Understanding the walker's crystal instrument panels requires knowledge of Old Realm, though characters who do not read this language can still attempt to pilot the craft at -2 Maneuverability.

Mountainhopper (Artifact •••)

Repair: 3
Shaped like a giant Grashopper, this vehicle is able to cross vast distances with long and powerful leaps. The 'saddle' accomodates a pilot and up to two more passengers riding uprear.
Speed: 50/100 mph
Maneuverability: +2R (Lore 1, Ride 2)
Endurance: Lvl 1+ Hearthstone, Attunement 5m, Maintenance 25 h/10 h
Crew: 1/1
Cargo: 2 riders, plus a pair of saddlebags; or 1 rider and 200 pounds of cargo.
Armor: 10L/15B
HL: Ux10/Mx5/Cx4/Ix2/D
Weapons: Usually none, but a weapon mount allows for the installation of a rear-facing weapon operated by a secound rider.
Other Notes: DDV ([Pilot's Dex + Ride + E] ÷ 2), pilot may use PDV as normal.

Tankshell Scarab (Artifact •••)

Repair: 3
A haviely armored land-based personal transport shaped much like the beetle it derives its name from. The scarab is propelled by six essence-driven wheels that may cross even difficult terrain without damage or discomfort to the driver, which lies safely protected within the full enclosing cockpit. If the driver wishes to exit the protecting shell, the scarab elegantly 'spreads its wings' to release him or her. The scarab is outfittet with two linked force dicharge lances like pincers on its frontside.
Speed: 20/40 mph
Maneuverability: +1R (Lore 1)
Endurance: Lvl 1+ Hearthstone, Attunement 5m, Maintenance 100 h/10 h
Crew: 1/1
Cargo: up to 300 pounds of cargo
Armor: 15L/20B (fu
HL: Ux10/Mx5/Cx4/Ix2/D
Weapons: Force Lance - Spe 5, Acc +1 (Pilot's Dex + Archery), Dmg 8L, Rat 2, Rng 50

Road Ripper (Artifact ••••)

Repair: 4
Two-Wheeled Personal Transport; While the front wheel is small and lies low in the frame, the propelling back wheel is of enormous size and width. The front wheel pulverizes small obstacles in the vehicles path while the large back wheel compresses the ground with magical induced preassure. For larger objects in its way the Road-Ripper is eqipped with a front-mounted light Implosion Bow. Where the Road-Ripper went it leaves a path broad and stable enough for more simple waggons to follow on the marked trail. Alternatively the elemental-compression engine may be switched to enable incredible speed (tripple normal speed at higher maintainance reqirements).
Speed: 20/40 mph
Maneuverability: +0R (Lore 1, Ride 2)
Endurance: Lvl 2+ Hearthstone, Attunement 5m, Maintenance 20 h/10 h
Crew: 1/1
Cargo: up to 200 pounds of cargo
Armor: 10L/15B (75% cover from behind, 25% cover from all other sides)
HL: Ux10/Mx5/Cx5/Ix2/D
Weapons: Front mounted Light Implosion Bow Spe: 6, Acc: +3, Dmg: 12L/15B, Rat: 1, Rng: 500

Chariot of the Infinite Heavens (Artifact ••••)

Repair: 4
Speed: 39/80mph
Maneuverability: +2R (Lore 1)
Endurance: Lvl 2+ Hearthstone, Attunement -, Maintenance 20 h/10 h
Crew: 1/1
Cargo: 2 passengers, plus their personal gear
Armor: 12L/18B (25% cover or 75% cover if attacked from below)
HL: Ux10/Mx5/Cx4/Ix2/D
Weapons: Usually none. Variant models mount a light implosion bow (see WotLA p. 130), but the weight of the weapon reduces Maneuverability to -2 and Speed to 29/60 mph.
Other Notes: Understanding a sky chariot's crystal instrument panels requires knowledge of Old Realm, though characters who do not read this language can still attempt to pilot the craft at -2 Maneuverability.

Shuriken Vimanna (Artifact ••••)

Repair: 4
A Disc-shaped hovering Personal Combat Vehicle. It is outfited with horizontally rotating blades to damage other flying machines or cut down any organic obstacles in its path.
Speed: 30/60 mph
Maneuverability: +1R (Lore 2)
Endurance: Lvl 2+ Hearthstone, Attunement 5m, Maintenance 20 h/10 h
Crew: 2/1
Cargo: personal equiment of crew only
Armor: 12L/16B (25% cover or 75% cover if attacked from below)
HL: Ux10/Mx5/Cx5/Ix2/D
Weapons: Rotating Blade - Spe: 3, Acc: +1 (Pilot's Dex + Ride), Dmg: 12L, Rat: 1
Other Notes: Understanding a vimanna's crystal instrument panels requires knowledge of Old Realm, though characters who do not read this language can still attempt to pilot the craft at -2 Maneuverability.

Warbird (Artifct •••• or •••••)

Repair: 3
Speed: 60/120mph (180/360mph in steep dive)
Maneuverability: +3R (Lore 1, Ride 2)
Endurance: Lvl 2+ Hearthstone, Attunement -, Maintenance 20 h/10 h
Crew: 1/1
Cargo: 2 passengers or equivalent weight in cargo.
Armor: 10L/15B
HL: Ux10/Mx5/Cx4/Ix2/D
Weapons: Claws - Spe 5, Acc +3 ([Dexterity +Ride] to hit), Dmg 12L (16L with dive), Def -, Rat 1); some mount First Age weaponry.
Other Notes: Riders have 75% cover from below and 50% cover from all other directions. First Age models have cannon weapons and do not need maintenance.

Wind-Fire Waggon (Artifact •••••)

Repair: 5
Heavy Landbased Transport outfitted with eight independent wheels that enable the vehicle to operate even in extremely difficult terrain. The Wind-Fire Waggon is propelled by a steam engine and an intricate clockwork mechanism invented by shogunate engineers trying to imitate Essence propelled First-Age vehicles that were able to pull Fortress Waggons or Mobile Repair Platforms.
Speed: 10/20 mph
Maneuverability: -1R (Lore 2)
Endurance: Lvl 1+ Air and Fire Hearthstones, Attunement -, Several gallons of Water, Maintenance 20 h/10 h
Crew: 4/2
Cargo: 10 passengers and 1t plus 1 connected Mobile Repair Platform, Fortress Waggon, or up to 6 Wall Waggons
Armor: 20L/20B
HL: Ux15/Mx10/Cx5/Ix2/D
Weapons: Arrow Slits (90% cover) and 2 mounts for an additonal weapons.
Other Notes: A Wind-Fire Waggon is able to pull a Fortress Waggon, or several Wall Waggons at full Speed.