Tattoo Artifacts

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Every set of these special tattoos is an artifact composed of moonsilver. A tattoo artifact has the advantage that no one can steal it from the character. On the other hand, the Lunar must permanently attune to tattoo artifact. Any Essence normally committed must stay committed forever. Unlike the rest of a Lunar’s moonsilver tattoos, a tattoo artifact cannot be hidden by shapechanging Knacks or Charms unless such powers explicitly allow the Lunar to hide her artifacts as well.

Tattoo Hearthstone Amulet (Artifact •)

Committment: -

This intrinsic pattern around the Characters neck imitates the function of a normal Hearthstone Amulet made of Moonsilver.

Bracer Band Tattoo (Artifact ••)


Cylindrical designs around the characters forearms and wrists form magical equivalents to Hearthstone Bracers. They imitate the function of a moonsilver Heartstone Bracer.

Tattoo of Totem's Favour (Artifact ••)

Committment: 3m

The tattoos bearer recieves a bonus of the score of one of his Virtues, appropriate to the Totem (Storyteller's discretion), to a Skill also appropriate to one of the abilities of the Totem.

Tattoo of Marital Congeniality (Artifact ••)


This tattoo is usually a carefully interwoven trio of lines that wind about the face of the Lunar. While three motes remain committed to this tattoo, any Lunar interacting with a Solar has a 2 die bonus to looking innocent and blameless - "Me? Why / I'd never cheat on you with the servant girl." - and a four die bonus to Dodges and Parries from Social attacks levelled by Solar Mates.

Tool Hand Tattoo (Artifact ••)


This tattoo allows the character to add a number of automatic successes equal to her Essence to all rolls involving fine manipulation. Such rolls include picking locks and surgery, as well as many Craft rolls, including most uses of Craft where precision matters more than strength.

Luna's Aegis (Artifact ••)


A mixture of moonsilver and powdered crystals is tattooed into the flesh of the recipient, usually in a design of dragon's wings covering his shoulders, scales, or something along that theme. So long as 2 motes remain committed to this tattoo, the wearer recieves a bonus soak of 4L/4B

Tattoo of Unrelentless Motion (Artifact •••)


When activated, the magic enwoven into the Tattoo gives the wearer a pool of extra actions equal to its Valor score. Activation of the tattoo costs 1 point of temporary Willpower, as long as the wearer commits 5 motes of Essence to the tattoo. Actions from this pool can be expended for extra actions like the Spirit Charm "Principle of Motion". The tattoo may be activated once per day only.

Tattoo of the Dragon's Scales (Artifact ••••)


This tattoo is a natural evolution of the Lunar's metamorphosing abilities and previous defensive tattoos. Tattood all over the body (usually as large dragon scales or turtle-shell pattern), this requires the investment of 15 motes of essence. The recipient has a permanent boon of 12L/12B soak. This is stackable with the tattoo of Luna's Aegis.

Tattoo of the Battery (Artifact X)

Committment: -

Tattoos of the Battery are, essentially, augmented Essence pools. The level of essence stored varies with the level of the battery:

• - 5m (count as peripheral for expendit.) 
•• - 5m (count as personal for expendit.) 
••• - 5m (personal) and 5m (peripheral) 
•••• - 5m (personal) and 10m (peripheral) 
••••• - 10m (personal) and 20m (peripheral) 

These are most often used to provide committed essence for other tattoos. However, they can be bought simply to augment the recipient's accessible Essence. In that case, any Essence expended from the pool is lost until a No-Moon restores the pool; this pool does not naturally regenerate, and it can not be refilled by the recipient unless the recipient is himself a No -Moon.