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  • GD16-series pilot droid
Seperatist Surviver

Victims of two opposites protocols.

Protocol 1: Serve your master
Protocol 2: The Republic is the Enemy

Fact: After the War the Imperium are the Legitimate successor of the seperatist and the republic.

  • Product Information:

The GD16-Series pilot droid was a very advanced droid from MerenData.

The GD16-Series came in the standard bipedal form, but it had four arms for more effective interaction with starship controls. It had telescopic arms and legs, and an extendable torso and neck to fit into any size cockpit. It had a 360 degree sensor on the crown of its head, which provided excellent vision in all directions, including straight up. It had additional forward sensors to keep track of the ship's readouts and other sensor displays. It could also pilot the ship directly through a computer link if it was installed. It cost 17430 credits new.

It was specifically designed for versatility and adaptability, and was able to pilot a much wider range of craft than the standard pilot droid. It could also perform extremely aerobatic maneuevers that were almost impossible to most beings.

  • Additional Information:

GD16 is in Fact no a Orginal GD16 Droid. He is an precursor model created as an Prototype in the End of the Clon War. After the War was lost he Lootet some Orginal GD16 Parts to create a disguise.

  • GD16-Data Sheet
Medium 4th Degre Droid Soldier 1/Scout 2
Force Points: 6
Init: +8; Perception: +11
Languages: Basic, Binary, Huttese 
Defenses: Ref 17 (flat-footed 15), Fort 15, Will 16
Hp: 39; Threshold 15
Speed: 6 squares
Ranged: +4 (Blaster Pistol(sport.) 3d4+1 Damage)
Base Atk: +2; Grp: +1
Spec. Qualities: Sensor Crown, Simultanious Operation, Vehicle Link
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 14, Con -, Int 14(16 Mod.), Wis 16, Cha 8
Talents: Deep Space Gambit(Kotor), Targeting Package(FU)
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light/medium/heavy). Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple weapons, rifle, heavy), Shake It Off,
Vehicular Combat, Starship Tactics, Skillfocus (Pilot)
Skills: Initiative +8, Perception +11, Knowlege(Planetary Systems) +9, Mechanic +9, Pilot +13, Use Computer +9
Megawat coprozessor (+1d4) (10*Avtivation), Heuristic Prozessor, Walking Lokomotion, Internal Comlink, Lock Acess,
Vocabulator, 4 Hand Apendages, Improved Sensor Package, Sensor Crown, Simultanious Operation, Vehicle Link, Upgrade Int+2
Sporting Blaster +4 (3d4+1)